I am filling a combobox:
while((pHPSet = pHPTable->GetNext()) != NULL)
CString str = pHPSet->GetName();
// I am normally using str but to proove that this is
// not the problem I am using "a"
Now I am trying to read the combobox:
if(m_comboBaseHP.GetCount() > 0)
CString csHPName = _T("");
m_comboBaseHP.GetLBText(0, csHPName);
// This is the ms way but ReleaseBuffer causes a crash
//CString str = _T("");
//int n = m_comboBaseHP.GetLBTextLen( 0 );
//m_comboBaseHP.GetLBText( 0, str.GetBuffer(n) );
// Do whatever with csHPName
The problem is that csHPName shows in the Debugger some Chinese signs. I am assuming this is memory garbage. This happens in the same Method. This happens pre draw. Post draw the same issue. This happens in Debug and Release. I don't understand how this can happen since I am not actually working with pointers.
Apparently it is necessary to set the property Has Strings of the combobox to True.
I'll just start off by saying that I'm by no means an expert in C++, so any pointers/tips are greatly appreciated.
I'm having some difficulties reading and writing from registry, while keeping variables, i.e. not expanding them.
I'm trying to append my executable path to the PATH environment variable (permanently), but I'm running into all sorts of problems.
I have a long PATH variable that makes it impossible to edit without using a program or regedit, so I opted to create an "OldPath" variable with my current PATH variable, and change my PATH variable to %OldPath%. This has worked great, but now when I try to write to it with C++, %OldPath% gets expanded into the old path variable and as a result, the variable gets truncated.
I tried first with normal strings, but I ended up with what looked like Chinese symbols in my PATH variable, so I changed it to wstring. Now I get normal strings, but the string gets truncated at 1172 characters.
My desired end result is that PATH is set to %OldPath;<current_path>
inline std::wstring get_path_env()
wchar_t* buf = nullptr;
size_t sz = 0;
if (_wdupenv_s(&buf, &sz, L"PATH") == 0 && buf != nullptr)
std::wstring path_env = buf;
return path_env;
return L"";
inline bool set_permanent_environment_variable()
const std::wstring path_env = get_path_env();
if (path_env == L"")
return false;
std::wstringstream wss;
wss << path_env;
if (path_env.back() != ';')
wss << L';';
wss << std::filesystem::current_path().wstring() << L'\0';
const std::wstring temp_data = wss.str();
HKEY h_key;
const auto key_path = TEXT(R"(System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment)");
if (const auto l_open_status = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &h_key); l_open_status == ERROR_SUCCESS)
const auto data = temp_data.c_str();
const DWORD data_size = static_cast<DWORD>(lstrlenW(data) + 1);
// ReSharper disable once CppCStyleCast
const auto l_set_status = RegSetValueExW(h_key, L"PATH", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)data, data_size);
if (l_set_status == ERROR_SUCCESS)
SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>("Environment"), SMTO_BLOCK, 100, nullptr);
return true;
return false;
In other words, I want to find the equivalent of the following in C#:
var assemblyPath = Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()!.Location).FullName;
var pathVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $"{pathVariable};{assemblyPath}", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine);
EDIT: I actually haven't tested if that code expands the value or not, but I want to do as the C# code states and if possible, not expand the variables in the path variable.
You are trying to change the PATH setting in the registry. So one would expect that you would get the current PATH setting from the registry, change it, and set the new PATH setting in the registry.
But you are not getting the PATH setting from the registry. You are getting the PATH variable from the environment instead. Why is that? The environment is controlled by the setting in the registry, but it's not that setting. In particular, you noticed that the environment variables set in the registry get expanded before they actually go into the environment.
It's like changing the wallpaper by taking a screenshot of the desktop, changing the screenshot, then setting it as the wallpaper, then asking how to remove the icons from the wallpaper.
The solution is to simply get the current unexpanded PATH setting from the registry instead of the expanded one from the environment.
I am deriving from CEdit, to make a custom control. It would be nice, if like the MFC Feature Pack controls (Mask, Browsable) that I could change GetWindowText to actually report back not what is normally displayed on the control (for example, convert the data between hex and decimal, then return back that string).
Is it this possible in a derived CEdit?
Add message map entries for WM_GETTEXT and WM_GETTEXTLENGTH to your derived CEdit class:
As we are overriding these messages we need a method of getting the original text of the edit control without going into endless recursion. For this we can directly call the default window procedure which is named DefWindowProc:
CStringW CMyEdit::GetTextInternal()
CStringW text;
LRESULT len = DefWindowProcW( WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 );
if( len > 0 )
// WPARAM = len + 1 because the length must include the null terminator.
len = DefWindowProcW( WM_GETTEXT, len + 1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>( text.GetBuffer( len ) ) );
text.ReleaseBuffer( len );
return text;
The following method gets the original window text and transforms it. Anything would be possible here, including the example of converting between hex and dec. For simplicity I just enclose the text in dashes.
CStringW CMyEdit::GetTransformedText()
CStringW text = GetTextInternal();
return L"--" + text + L"--";
Now comes the actual handler for WM_GETTEXT which copies the transformed text to the output buffer.
int CMyEdit::OnGetText( int cchDest, LPWSTR pDest )
// Sanity checks
if( cchDest <= 0 || ! pDest )
return 0;
CStringW text = GetTransformedText();
// Using StringCchCopyExW() to make sure that we don't write outside of the bounds of the pDest buffer.
// cchDest defines the maximum number of characters to be copied, including the terminating null character.
LPWSTR pDestEnd = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = StringCchCopyExW( pDest, cchDest, text.GetString(), &pDestEnd, nullptr, 0 );
// If our text is greater in length than cchDest - 1, the function will truncate the text and
// The return value is the number of characters copied, not including the terminating null character.
return pDestEnd - pDest;
return 0;
The handler for WM_GETTEXTLENGTH is self-explanatory:
UINT CMyEdit::OnGetTextLength()
return GetTransformedText().GetLength();
Thanks to everyone for pointing me in the right direction. I tried OnGetText, but the problem seemed to be I couldn't get the underlying string or it would crash when calling GetWindowText (or just called OnGetText again...and couldn't find the underlying string).
After seeing what they did on masked control, I did a simpler answer like this. Are there any drawbacks? It seemed to not cause any issues or side effects...
Derive directly from GetWindowText
void CConvertibleEdit::GetWindowText(CString& strString) const
ConvertibleDataType targetDataType;
if (currentDataType == inputType)
strString = ConvertEditType(strString, currentDataType, inputType);
I use the theApp.GetSectionString(lpszSubSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault) to read Values from the Registry.
The problem is that it does not return a default value if the target entry is missing in the Registry.
CString str = GetSectionString(_T("Settings"),_T("Gugus"),_T("default 123"));
I does always check str and if it is an empty string then it manually sets the default value to the str.
Is this a bug or default behavior of GetSectionString()?
CString str = theApp.GetSectionString (_T("Xenax"),_T("MechanicalLimit X-,X+,-Y-,Y+"), "-20999, 4799, 2699, -9999" );
if (str.empty()) // <- Needed, :((
str = "-20999, 4799, 2699, -9999" ;
I assume your code should read (IsEmpty() should be used instead of empty()):
CString str = theApp.GetSectionString (_T("Xenax"),_T("MechanicalLimit X-,X+,-Y-,Y+"), _T("-20999, 4799, 2699, -9999") );
if (str.IsEmpty()) // <- Needed, :((
str = _T("-20999, 4799, 2699, -9999");
There was a bug in CWinAppEx::GetSectionString(). This bug has been fixed in VS 2012. More info at: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/06/14/10320171.aspx
I have a problem a window handle (window class = WC_LISTVIEW) after calling
SendMessage(hListView_, LVM_INSERTITEM , 0, (LPARAM)&lvItem);
is a handle to a list view window and
is an LVITEM structure. The following code
std::cout << "Last error: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
SendMessage(hListView_, LVM_INSERTITEM , 0, (LPARAM)&lvItem);
std::cout << "Last error: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
Last error: 0
Last error: 6
According to Win32 System Error Codes code 6 means ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.
I create the LVITEM structure as follows:
// define a char-buffer
char szBuffer[256];
szBuffer[0] = '\0';
// create new list view item
LVITEM lvItem;
lvItem.cchTextMax = 256;
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvItem.iItem = 0;
lvItem.stateMask = 0;
lvItem.state = 0;
lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
snprintf(szBuffer, 256, "%s", myString.c_str());
lvItem.pszText = szBuffer;
This code is called from the same thread which created the window (list view).
Also note that I have
lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
which is required according to LVM_INSERTITEM. The list view is empty prior to this call. Moreover, I can actually see the value being inserted in the list view (i.e. I can see the item in the list view in the GUI).
However, when I try to use the window handle after this the application crashes (no exception, just crashes).
Greatful for any hints on what might cause this.
Thank you.
Thank you David Heffernan for your help. I did at last find the problem, which was (as you suggested) in a different place in the code.
I had missed the following line (in a different function which I call prior to the code I posted above)
lvItem.pszText = szBuffer;
char szBuffer[256]; // char-buffer
when doing the follwing call
SendMessage(hListView_, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM) i, (LPARAM) &lvItem);
Thanks a lot for your help!
Edit: If I had done
lvItem.pszText = myString.c_str();
rather than the char-buffer this would probably not have happened, so thanks for that hint!
There's no reason for you to call GetLastError. The documentation for LVM_INSERTITEM doesn't say that you should do so. All it says is that SendMessage returns the index of the new item on success, and -1 on failure. So, check for errors by inspecting the value returned by SendMessage.
The other problem is that you are not initialising all the fields of LVITEM. That's always a mistake. You can use an initialising declaration like this:
LVITEM lvItem = { 0 };
There's no real need for a separate buffer for the text. You can do it all like this:
LVITEM lvItem = { 0 };
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvItem.cchTextMax = myString.length() + 1;
lvItem.pszText = myString.c_str();
int indexOfNewItem = SendMessage(hListView_, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvItem);
if (indexOfNewItem == -1)
// deal with failure
It's quite possible that your error lies elsewhere in fact. I don't see any particular reason for that SendMessage call to lead to an application crash. At least now you know how to check for errors when sending LVM_INSERTITEM. If that does not result in an error then the evidence would be that the crash is caused by some other code and you have mistakenly identified this code because you erroneously called GetLastError when its value was meaningless.
I have a custom string class that malloc/realloc/free's internally; For certain strings appending works fine, but on certain others it will always fail (small or large allocations). The same code worked fine on a different project, although it was an ANSI build.
I believe I'm implementing this correctly, but most likely I've overlooked something. The error occurs when I attempt to utilize the "szLog" buffer once the log has been opened. This simply contains the path to the program files directory (40 characters total). Using this same buffer without the "Log file '" prefix works fine, so it's an issue with the realloc section. And yes, the log does open properly.
I get 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00660063. only when realloc is used (but as previously stated, it doesn't always fail - in this situation, when szLog is input - but other variable strings/buffers do it too).
HeapReAlloc is the failing function inside realloc.c, errno being 22.
I've stripped the comments to try and keep the post as small as possible! Any help would be much appreciated.
gData.szLogStr is a UString, IsNull is a definition for "x == NULL" and unichar is simply a typedef for wchar_t
class UString : public Object
unichar* mpsz;
unichar* mpszPrev;
UINT muiAlloc;
UINT muiLen;
... other functions ...
UString& operator << (const unichar* pszAdd)
if ( IsNull(pszAdd) )
return (*this);
if ( IsNull(mpsz) )
muiAlloc = ((str_length(pszAdd)+1) * sizeof(unichar));
if ( IsNull((mpsz = static_cast<unichar*>(malloc(muiAlloc)))) )
muiAlloc = 0;
return (*this);
mpszPrev = mpsz;
muiLen = str_copy(mpsz, pszAdd, muiAlloc);
UINT uiNewAlloc = (muiAlloc + (str_length(pszAdd) * sizeof(unichar)));
if ( muiAlloc < uiNewAlloc )
uiNewAlloc *= 2;
/* Fails */
if ( IsNull((mpsz = static_cast<unichar*>(realloc(mpsz, uiNewAlloc)))) )
mpsz = mpszPrev;
return (*this);
mpszPrev = mpsz;
muiAlloc = uiNewAlloc;
muiLen = str_append(mpsz, pszAdd, muiAlloc);
return (*this);
and this being called from within main via:
UString szConf;
unichar szLog[MAX_LEN_GENERIC];
szConf << ppszCmdline[0];
szConf.replace(_T(".exe"), _T(".cfg"));
if ( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Application"), _T("LogFile"), NULL, szLog, sizeofbuf(szLog), szConf.str()) == 0 )
UINT uiLen = str_copy(szLog, szConf.str(), sizeofbuf(szLog));
szLog[uiLen-3] = 'l';
szLog[uiLen-2] = 'o';
szLog[uiLen-1] = 'g';
if ( ApplicationLog::Instance().Open(szLog, CREATE_ALWAYS) )
/* Erroring call */
gData.szLogStr << _T("Log file '") << szLog << _T("' opened");
APP_LOG(LL_WriteAlways, NULL, gData.szLogStr);
You are programming in c++, so use new and delete. To 'renew', allocate a new memory area large enough to hold the new string, initialize it with the correct values and then delete the old string.
What is str_length() returning when it fails? I'd trace the value of muiAlloc and see what you're actually trying to allocate. It may not be a sane number.
Are you certain that whatever's in szLog is null-terminated, and that the buffer has room for whatever you're copying into it? It's not clear if str_copy is safe or not. It may be a wrapper around strncpy(), which does not guarantee a null terminator, but some people mistakenly assume it does.