Affecting a QDialog From A QThread - c++

I would like to affect a QDialog from a separate thread, I have to do two things:
As far as I understand, these are events and thus MUST be done in the main thread event loop. I think I achieve this with QApplication::postEvent within in the QThread::run(). Could anyone confirm?
Second, I would like to display an image which was processed in that separate thread. I think I need to subclass my dialog class and write a thread safe setImage() function, which is then called by paintEvent()... However, this seems like it's impossible. I can't block the paintEvent with a QMutex::unlock()? Could anyone offer some suggestions?
QApplication::postEvent(dialog, new QShowEvent()); did not work.
This is the solution for calling slots (as functions) from a seperate thread:
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(dialog, "show", Qt::QueuedConnection);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(dialog, "raise", Qt::QueuedConnection);
... Still working on activateWindow() and QThread safe functions.
So for the QImage, it is a QPaintDevice. Supposedly it is thread safe. My approach would've been to have a class member QImage that is set within the thread. Then painted later.
Note, that the below approach is as good, if not better though.

I think this is a clearer way to do what you want:
class Dialog : public QDialog
public slots:
void showImage(QImage img);
void Dialog::showImage(QImage img);
class Thread : public QThread
void imageReady(QImage);
void Thread::run()
QImage img;
/// image processing stuff
emit imageReady(img);
Thread *thread = new Thread;
Dialog *dialog = new Dialog;
connect(thread, SIGNAL(imageReady(QImage)), dialog, SLOT(showImage(QImage)));


Qt C++ - How to pass data from a worker thread to main thread?

I am trying to perform interthread communication in Qt (C++). I have a worker thread which does some calculations and I want the workerthread to return its results to the main thread when done. I therefor use a connect, I know thanks to debugging, that the signal is successfully being emit but that it is the slot that isn t being executed and I don t understand why.
The relevant pieces of code:
webcamClass::webcamClass(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
workerThread = new QThread(this);
workerClassObj = new workerClass();
//connect for image
connect(workerClassObj, SIGNAL(mySignal(QPixmap)), this, SLOT(mySlot(QPixmap)));
//connect(&workerClassObj, workerClass::mySignal(QPixmap), this, webcamClass::mySlot(QPixmap));
connect( workerThread, SIGNAL(started()), workerClassObj, SLOT(getImage()) );
void webcamClass:: foo()
void workerClass::getImage()
qint64 successFailWrite;
QImage img;
QPixmap pixmap;
... do some stuff with pixmap...
qDebug()<<"going to emit result";
emit mySignal(pixmap);
void webcamClass::mySlot(QPixmap p)
{qDebug()<<"this message should be displayed"; }
The corresponding header files:
class workerClass : public QObject
explicit workerClass(QObject *parent = nullptr);
void mySignal(QPixmap);
webcamClass::webcamClass(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
explicit webcamClass(QObject *parent = nullptr);
public slots:
void mySlot(QPixmap p);
QThread *workerThread;
workerClass *workerClassObj;
The code above just outputs:
going to emit result
but unfortunately doesn t output this message should be displayed.
webcamClass belongs to the parent thread, while workerClass belngs to -you guessed it- the worker thread.
Could someone explain how to setup my connect so that mySlot() gets triggered?
In the code you pasted in you have a getVideoFrame method that uses while (1). If this method is called, it runs all the time and blocks the event loop from handling signals. You can solve it in many ways, I think the best practice will be to replace the while(1) with something else.
If possible, I highly encourage you to use the new Signal Slot syntax:
In your case, that could be:
connect( workerClassObj, &workerClass::mySignal, this, &webcamClass::mySlot );
Specificallyfor your case, if you want to pass Signals and Slots between threads, you have to be careful. First, check the connection type for the connect call, its acutally the last parameter.
connect( workerClassObj, &workerClass::mySignal, this, &webcamClass::mySlot, Qt::QueuedConnection );
For a detailed explanation look here:
If you want to pass custom types, you have to declare them as metatypes first.
Add e.G. this in your constructor:
Please make sure, that your custom datatype has a default constructor and be aware that afaik, references cannot be passed across threads.

Is it possible to hide qt widget window from other thread?

Is it possible to hide qt widget window from other thread?
For example if using ptr->window->hide();
from other thread it crashes with error:
Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread...
Should signals and slots be used in this case or there are easier. alternatives?
Is it possible to hide Qt widget window from other thread?
Absolutely, all you need is to connect the signal on your worker thread with the slot on UI thread. And luckily QWidget::hide is a slot already (not even needed to wrap that in own slot).
// in WorkerQObject.h file:
class WorkerQObject : public QObject
void hideUI();
// in WorkerQObject.cpp file:
// thread initialization; move to thread etc.
connect(this, SIGNAL(hideUI()), pWidget, SLOT(hide()));
void WorkerQObject::methodOnWorkerThread()
emit hideUI();

Cannot send posted events for objects in another thread - Qt

I have created a QThread class to run a function that is in another class, but this another class has a pointer to a QWidget (QwtPlot), and I am receiving this message in the application output:
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents: Cannot send posted events for objects in another thread
I already read in another topics that QThreads doesn't work with QWidgets (the UI widgets must be in the main thread), but the output in my application seems to be correct.
Can anyone explain to me why this message appears? And what can happen if I let the code as is?
Note: sorry, I can't post the code.
Thanks in advance
I already read in another topics that QThreads doesn't work with QWidgets [...]
but the output in my application seems to be correct.
It's not correct, otherwise you wouldn't ask, right?
A QWidget must be in the main thread. And most likely it is. But you're invoking its methods from another thread, and the methods you invoke are not thread safe. Don't do that. There are other ways of invoking methods safely across threads. Use them instead. For example, assuming that you wish to call QWidget::resize, you could use postToThread from this answer:
QWidget* widget;
QSize size;
Q_ASSERT_X(widget->thread() == qApp->thread(), "widget",
"The widget must live in the main thread.");
postToThread([=]{ widget->resize(size); }, widget);
If you want to be more verbose, or have to maintain a Qt 4 code base, you could do this instead:
class TSWidgetAdapter : public QObject {
QWidget * widget() const { return qobject_cast<QWidget*>(parent()); }
Q_SLOT void resize_d(const QSize & size) { widget()->resize(size); }
explicit TSWidgetAdapter(QWidget * parent) : QObject(parent) {
Q_ASSERT_X(parent->thread() == qApp->thread(), "TSWidgetAdapter()",
"The widget must live in the main thread.");
connect(this, SIGNAL(resize(QSize)), this, SLOT(resize_d(QSize)));
Q_SIGNAL void resize(const QSize & size);
QWidget* widget;
QSize size;
TSWidgetAdapter widget_ts(widget);
The _d slots are called in the thread of the widget. That's the beauty of automatic connections: you can call the signal in any thread, and the slot will be called in the thread of the target object only. Since the adapter is a child of the widget, it is in the widget's thread - that's enforced by Qt.

How to use OpenMP with Qt so the application would be still clickable

Let's say I have a Qt application with GUI. And I have a button on it. When I click on the button the program computes something in a loop (with OpenMP) and then shows the result with some GUI element(textbox/label/e.t.c).
Is it possible to make the application clickable during these computations (avoid crushing)?
Use QThread (Qt documentation: class to create a thread, which will do your computations. The main thread will execute your GUI application and it will be clickable during computations.
You can find a simple example in documentation for creating your thread:
class WorkerThread : public QThread
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
QString result;
/* ... here is the expensive or blocking operation ... */
emit resultReady(result);
void resultReady(const QString &s);
void MyObject::startWorkInAThread()
WorkerThread *workerThread = new WorkerThread(this);
connect(workerThread, &WorkerThread::resultReady, this, &MyObject::handleResults);
connect(workerThread, &WorkerThread::finished, workerThread, &QObject::deleteLater);
You may also try QCoreApplication::processEvents
You can call this function occasionally when your program is busy performing a long operation (e.g. copying a file).

Create Thread in QDialog and emit signals to QDialog in Qt

I created an application that has a mainwindow and from this window creates a QDialog. This QDialog should create a RenderThread that emits received images from the camera or in the example emits text. When i debug this it seems that the connection is never made as adding a breakpoint in the slot CameraWindow::debugSomething does not get caught. Whats wrong ?
I followed this example: but it seems that i've done something wrong.
qtDEVC::qtDEVC(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags)
: QMainWindow(parent, flags)
connect (ui.pushButton_startCam, SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( startCam() ) );
CameraWindow camWindow = new CameraWindow(this);
int qtDEVC::startCam()
CameraWindow Class:
CameraWindow::CameraWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent)
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(sendText(std::string)),
this, SLOT(debugSomething(std::string)));
void CameraWindow::debugSomething(std::string something){
QString somethings(something.c_str());
int CameraWindow::startCaptureThread(){
RenderThread *thread = new RenderThread(this, guid, CLEYE_COLOR_RAW, CLEYE_VGA, 50);
thread->StartCapture(); //starts thread in low priority and sets _running to true
CameraWindow header
class CameraWindow : public QDialog
CameraWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::CameraWindow ui;
public slots:
int startCaptureThread();
void debugSomething(QString);
RenderThread thread;
RenderThread Class
void RenderThread::run()
// image capturing loop
qDebug()<<("render while()"); //is printed with qdebug correctly
if (restart)
if (abort)
qDebug("it"); //is also printed with qdebug correctly
emit sendText(text);
RenderThread header
class RenderThread : public QThread
RenderThread(QObject *parent, GUID cameraGUID, CLEyeCameraColorMode mode, CLEyeCameraResolution resolution, float fps);
bool StartCapture();
void sendText(QString &text);
void run();
QMutex mutex;
QWaitCondition condition;
//some more private variables for construction
I think that this creation seems somehow wrong: RenderThread *thread = new RenderThread(this);
The first thing that's worrying about the question is the word "RenderThread". Note that Qt only allows rendering on the main thread. You can create separate threads for calculations of image data, but whenever you use a painter and draw objects, that must happen on the main thread. However, If you're just going to capture the image and pass that to the main thread, via signals and slots, then that should be ok.
Secondly, whilst you've not shown all your code, I'm assuming from the function called RenderThread::run() and from the Qt example that you may have inherited from QThread here. If this is the case, please note that this is not how to use QThread. Instead, you should have your class inherit from QObject and move that to a QThread. You can read about how to use QThread properly here.
I know it's a Qt example that you've followed, but even the guys at Qt think it's a bad idea. Here's an article of how to really use QThreads.
With that in mind, here's an outline of how I would use QThread for this: -
class CameraWindow : public QDialog
CameraObject* m_pCamObject;
class CameraObject : public QObject
private slots:
int CameraWindow::startCaptureThread()
m_pCamObject = new CameraObject;
QThread* pThread = new QThread;
this->moveToThread(pThread); // CameraObject will run on the new thread
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(started()), m_pCamObject, SLOT(startCaptureThread()));
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(deleteLater()); // clear up when
Note that here is a CameraObject, separated from the CameraWindow. The QThread is just a controller of the thread and keeps a clean separation from the CameraObject.
Another reason for handling threads this way is that you can move multiple QObject instances to the new thread, rather than always creating a new thread per object. If you've more threads than CPU cores, you're unlikely to gain by creating yet another thread.
In the constructor of CameraWindow class, you are connecting a RenderThread's signal but it is not the same object which is started in startCaptureThread. Change your startCaptureThread like this:
int CameraWindow::startCaptureThread()
thread.StartCapture(); //starts thread in low priority and sets _running to true
In this method, the thread member of CameraWindow is started.
P.S.: post the headers too, we can't see the members from this code.
In the mentioned example, CameraWindow class holds a RenderThread thread variable, not a RenderThread *thread.
You are connecting a pointer address in your connect call:
connect(&thread, SIGNAL(sendText(std::string)),
this, SLOT(debugSomething(std::string)));
Try to use a good address:
connect(thread, SIGNAL(sendText(std::string)),
this, SLOT(debugSomething(std::string)));
This is not a tested answer.