Why doesn't compiler help us with type traits instead of resorting to language quirks? - c++

Type traits are cool and I've used them since they originated in boost a few years ago. However, when you look at their implementation (check out "How is_base_of works?" StackOverflow thread).
Why won't compiler help here? For example, if you want to check if some class is base of another, compiler already knows that, why can't it tell us? This would make things like concepts so much easier to implement and use. You could use language constructs right there.
I am not sure, but I am guessing that it would increase general performance. It is like asking compiler for help, instead of C++ language.
I suspect that the primary reason will sound something like "we need to maintain backwards compatibility" and I agree, but why won't the compiler be more active in generating generic templated code?

Actually... some do.
The thing is that if something can be implemented in pure C++ code, there is no reason, other than simplifying the code, to hard-wire them in the compiler. It is then a matter of trade-off, is the value brought by the code simplification worth the hard-wiring ?
This depends on several points:
correctness (some times software may only partially emulate the trait)
complexity of the code ~~ maintenance burden
Once all those points have been weighted, then you can determine whether it's more advantageous to put things in the library or the compiler; and the more likely situation is that you will end up with a mixed strategy: a couple intrinsics in the compiler used as building blocks to provide the required interface in the library.
Note that the maintenance burden is much more significant in a compiler: any C++ developer sufficiently acquainted with the language can delve into a library implementation, whereas the compiler code is a black-box. Therefore, it'll be much easier to debug and patch the library than the compiler, so there is incentive not to put things in the compiler unless you have a very good reason to.

It's hard to give an objective answer here, but I suspect the following.
The code using language quirks to find out this stuff has often already been written (Boost, etc).
The compiler does not have to be changed to implement this if it can be done with language quirks (which saves a lot of time in writing, compiling, debugging and testing).
It's basically a "don't fix what isn't broken" mentality.

Compiler help for type traits has always been a design goal. TR1 formally introduced type traits, and included a section that described acceptable incorrect results in some cases to enable writing the type traits in straight C++. When those type traits were added to C++11 (with some name changes that don't affect their implementation) the allowance for incorrect results was removed, effectively requiring compiler help to implement some of them. And even for those that can be implemented in straight C++, compiler writers prefer intrinsics to complicated templates so that you don't have to put a drip pan under your computer to catch the slag as the overworked compiler causes the computer to melt down.


Compiler optimizations on map/set in c++

Does compiler make optimzation on data structures when input size is small ?
Since since is small using hashing would be not required we can simply store this in 3variables. Do optimization like this happen ? If yes who is responsible for them ?
edit: Replaced set with unordered_set as former doesn't do hasing.
Possible in theory to totally replace whole data structures with a different implementation. (As long as escape analysis can show that a reference to it couldn't be passed to separately-compiled code).
But in practice what you've written is a call to a constructor, and then three calls to template functions which aren't simple. That's all the compiler sees, not the high-level semantics of a set.
Unless it's going to optimize stuff away, real compilers aren't going to use a different implementation which would have different object representations.
If you want to micro-optimize like this, in C++ you should do it yourself, e.g. with a std::bitset<32> and set bits to indicate set membership.
It's far too complex a problem for a compiler to reliably do a good job. And besides, there could be serious quality-of-implementation issues if the compiler starts inventing different data-structures that have different speed/space tradeoffs, and it guesses wrong and uses one that doesn't suit the use-case well.
Programmers have a reasonable expectation that their compiled code will work somewhat like what they wrote, at least on a large scale. Including calling those standard header template functions with their implementation of the functions.
Maybe there's some scope for a C++ implementation adapting to the use-case, but I that would need much debate and probably a special mechanism to allow it in practice. Perhaps name-recognition of std:: names could be enough, making those into builtins instead of header implementations, but currently the implementation strategy is to write those functions in C++ in .h headers. e.g. in libstdc++ or libc++.

In general, does using C++ templates produce larger executables than doing the same code with macros?

In C, when you'd like to do generic programming, your only language-supported option is macros. They work great and are widely used, but are discouraged if you can get by with inline functions or regular functions instead. (If using gcc, you can also use gcc statement expressions, which avoid the double-evaluation "bug". Example.)
C++, however, has done away with the so-called "evils" of macros by creating templates. I'm still somewhat new to the full-blown gigantic behemoth of a language that is C++ (I assess it must have like 4 or 5x as many features and language constructs as C), and generally have favored macros or gcc statement expressions, but am being pressured more and more to use templates in their place. This begs the question: in general, when doing generic programming in C++, which will produce smaller executables: macros or templates?
If you say, "size doesn't matter, choose safety over size", I'm going to go ahead and stop you right there. For large computers and application programming, this may be true, but for microcontroller programming on an Arduino, ATTiny85 with 8KB Flash space for the program, or other small devices, that's hogwash. Size matters too, so tradeoffs must be made.
Which produces smaller executables for the same code when doing generic programming? Macros or templates? Any additional insight is welcome.
Do c++ templates make programs slow?
Side note:
Some things can only be done with macros, NOT templates. Take, for example, non-name-mangled stringizing/stringifying and X macros. More on X macros:
Real-world use of X-Macros
At this time of history, 2020, this is only the job of the optimizer. You can achieve better speed with assembly, the point is that it's not worth in both size and speed. With proper C++ programming your code will be fast enough and small enough. Getting faster or smaller by messing the readability of the code is not worth the trouble.
That said, macros replace stuff at the preprocessor level, templates do that at the compile level. You may get faster compilation time with macros, but a good compiler will optimize them more that macros. This means that you can have the same exe size, or possibly less with templates.
The vast, 99%, troubles of speed or size in an application comes from the programmers errors, not from the language. Very often I discover that some photo resources are PNG instead of proper JPG in my executable and voila, I have a bloat. Or that I accidentally forgot to use weak_ptr to break a reference and now I have two shared pointers that share 100MB of memory that will not be freed. It's almost always the human error.
... in general, when doing generic programming in C++, which will produce smaller executables: macros or templates?
Measure it. There shouldn't be a significant difference assuming you do a good job writing both versions (see the first point above), and your compiler is decent, and your code is equally sympathetic to both.
If you write something that is much bigger with templates - ask a specific question about that.
Note that the linked question's answer is talking about multiple non-mergeable instantiations. IME function templates are very often inlined, in which case they behave very much like type-safe macros, and there's no reason for the inlining site to be larger if it's otherwise the same code. If you start taking the addresses of function template instantiations, for example, that changes.
... C++ ... generally have favored macros ... being pressured more and more to use templates in their place.
You need to learn C++ properly. Perhaps you already have, but don't use templates much: that still leaves you badly-placed to write a good comparison.
This begs the question
No, it prompts the question.

Are the Optimization Keywords in C and C++ Reasonable?

So we've all heard the don't-use-register line, the reasoning being that trying to out-optimize a compiler is a fool's errand.
register, from what I know, doesn't actually state anything about CPU registers, just that a given variable can't be referenced indirectly. I'll hazard a guess that it's often referred to as obsolete because compilers can detect a lack of addressing automatically thus making such optimizations transparent.
But if we're firm on that argument, can't it be levelled at every optimization-driven keyword in C? Why do we use inline and C99's restrict for example?
I suppose that some things like aliasing make deducing some optimizations hard or even impossible, so where is the line drawn before we start venturing into Sufficiently Smart Compiler territory?
Where should the line should be drawn in C and C++ between spoon-feeding a compiler optimization information and assuming it knows what it's doing?
EDIT: Jens Gustedt pointed out that my conflating of C and C++ isn't right since two of the keywords have semantic differences and one doesn't exist in standard C++. I had a good link about register in C++ which I'll add if I find it...
I would agree that register and inline are somewhat similar in this respect. If the compiler can see the body of the callee while compiling a call site, it should be able to make a good decision on inlining. The use of the inline keyword in both C and C++ has more to do with the mechanics of making the body of the function visible than with anything else.
restrict, however, is different. When compiling a function, the compiler has no idea of what the call sites are going to be. Being able to assume no aliasing can enable optimizations that would otherwise be impossible.
inline is used in the scenario where you implement a non-templated function within the header then include it from multiple compilation units.
This ensures that the compiler should create just one instance of the function as though it were inlined, so you do not get a link error for multiply defined symbol. It does not however require the compiler to actually inline it.
There are GNU flags I think force-inline or similar but that is a language extension.
register doesn't even say that you can't reference the
variable indirectly (at least in C++). It said that in the
original C, but that has been dropped.
Whether trying to out-optimize the compiler is a fool's errand
depends on the optimization. Not many compilers, for example,
will convert sin(x) * sin(x) + cos(x) * cos(x) into 1.
Today, most compilers ignore register, and no one uses it,
because compilers have become good enough at register allocation
to do a better job than you can with register. In fact,
respecting register would typically make the generated code
slower. This is not the case for inline or restrict: in
both cases, there exist techniques, at least theoretically,
which could result in the compiler doing a better job than you
can. Such techniques are not widespread, however, and (as far
as I know, at least), have a very high compile time overhead,
with in some cases compile times which grow exponentially with
the size of the program (which makes them more or less unusable
on most real programs—compile times which are measured in
years really aren't acceptable).
As to where to draw the line... it changes in time. When
I first started programming in C, register made a significant
difference, and was widely used. Today, no. I imagine that in
time, the same may happen with inline or restrict—some
experimental compilers are very close with inline already.
This is a flame-bait question but I will dive in anyway.
Compilers are a lot better at optimising that your average programmer. There was a time I programmed on a 25MHz 68030 and I got some advantage from the use of register because the compiler's optimizer was so poor. But that was back in 1990.
I see inline as just as bad as register.
In general, measure first before you modify. If you find that you code performs so poorly you want to use register or inline, take a deep breath, stand back and look for a better algorithm first.
In recent times (i.e. the last 5 years) I have gone through code bases and removed inline functions galore with no perceptible change in performance being visible. Code size, however, always benefits from the removal of inline methods. That isn't a big issue for your standard x86-style monster multicore marvel of the modern age but it does matter if you work in the embedded space.
It is a moving target, because compiler technology is improving. (Well, sometimes it is more changing than improving, but that has some of the same effect of rendering your optimization attempts moot, or worse.)
Generally, you should not guess at whether an optimization keyword or other optimization technique is good or not. One has to learn quite a bit about how computers work, including the particular platform you are targeting, and how compilers work.
So a rule about using various optimization techniques is to ask do I know the compiler will not do the best job here? Am I willing to commit to that for a while—will the compiler remain stable while this code is in use, am I willing to rewrite the code when the compiler changes this situation? Typically, you have to be an experienced and knowledgeable software engineer to know when you can do better than the compiler. It also helps if you can talk to the compiler developers.
This means people cannot give you an answer here that has a definite guideline. It depends on what compiler you are using, what your project is, what your resources are, and what your goals are, and so on.
Although some people say not to try to out-optimize the compiler, there are various areas of software engineering where people do better than a compiler and in which it is worth the expense of paying people for this.
The difference is as follows:
register is very local optimization (i.e. inside one function). The register allocation is a relatively solved problem both by smarter compilers and by larger number of register (mostly the former but say x86-64 have more registers then x86 and both have larger number then say 8-bit processor)
inline is harder as it is inter-procedure optimization. However as it involves relatively small depth of recursion and small number of procedures (if inlined procedure is too big there is no sense of inlining it) it may be safely left to the compiler.
restrict is much harder. To fully know the that two pointers don't alias you would need to analyse whole program (including libraries, system, plug-ins etc.) - and even then run into problems. However the information is clearer for programmer AND it is part of specification.
Consider very simple code:
void my_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
((char *)dst)[i] = ((const char *)str)[i];
Is there a benefit to making this code efficient? Yes - memcpy tend to be very useful (say for copying GC). Can this code be vectorized (here - moved by words - say 128b instead of 8b)? Compiler would have to deduce that dst and src does not alias in any way and regions pointed by them are independent. size may depend on user input or runtime behaviour or other elements which makes the analysis practically impossible - similar problems to Halting Problem - in general we cannot analyse everything without running it. Or it might be part of C library (I assume shared libraries) and is called by program hence all call sites are not even known at compile time. Without such analysis the program would exhibit different behaviour with optimization on. On the other hand programmer might ensure that they are different objects simply by knowing the (even higher-level) design instead of need for bottom-up analysis.
restrict can also be part of documentation as it might be programmer who wrote the procedure in a way that it cannot handle 2 aliasing pointers. For example if we want to copy memory from aliasing locations the above code is incorrect.
So to sum up - Sufficiently Smart Compiler would not be able to deduce the restrict (unless we move to compilers understending the meaning of code) without knowing the whole program. Even then the it would be close to undecidability. However for local optimization the compilers are already sufficiently smart. My guess it that Sufficiently Smart Compiler with whole program analysis would be able to deduce in many interesting cases however.
PS. By local I mean single function. So local optimization cannot assume anything about arguments, global variables etc.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that many non-x86 compilers aren't nearly as good at optimizing as gcc and other "modern" C-compilers are.
For instance, the compilers for PIC are absolutely terrible at optimizing. Also, the optimizer for cicc (the CUDA compiler), though much better, still seems to miss a lot of fairly simple optimizations.
For these cases, I've found optimization hints like register, inline, and #pragma unroll to be extremely useful.
From what I have seen back in the days I was more involved with C/C++, these are merely orders directly given to the compiler. Compiler may try to inline a function even if it is not given the direct order to do so. That really depends on the compiler and may even raise some cross-compiler issues. As an example, visual studio provides different levels of optimization which correspond to the different intelligence levels of the compiler. I have read that all class functions are implicitly inline to give compiler a hint to minimize function call overhead. In any case, these directives are extremely helpful when you are using a less intelligent compiler while in intelligent cases, they may be very obvious for the compiler to do some optimization.
Also, be sure that these keywords are guaranteed to be safe. Some compiler optimizations may not work with some libraries such as OpenGL (as I have seen it myself). So in cases where you feel that compiler optimization may be harmful, you can use these keywords to make sure it is done the way you want it to.
The compilers such as g++ these days optimize the code very well. You might as well search for optimization elsewhere, maybe in the methods and algorithm you use or by using TBB or CUDA to make your code parallel.

Concept Checking change in C++?

I'm porting over some code from one project to another within my company and I encountered a generic "sets_intersect" function that won't compile:
template<typename _InputIter1, typename _InputIter2, typename _Compare>
bool sets_intersect(_InputIter1 __first1, _InputIter1 __last1,
_InputIter2 __first2, _InputIter2 __last2,
_Compare __comp)
// Standard library concept requirements
// These statements confuse automatic indentation tools.
// concept requirements
typename iterator_traits<_InputIter1>::value_type,
typename iterator_traits<_InputIter2>::value_type>)
typename iterator_traits<_InputIter1>::value_type>)
typename iterator_traits<_InputIter1>::value_type,
typename iterator_traits<_InputIter2>::value_type>)
while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2)
if (__comp(*__first1, *__first2))
else if (__comp(*__first2, *__first1))
else {
return true;
return false;
I'm new to this concept of "concepts" (sorry for the pun), so I did some poking around in the c++ standard library and some googling and I can see that these __glibcpp_function_requires macros were changed to __glibcxx_function_requires. So that fixed my compiler error; however, since this is new to me, I'm curious about what this code is doing for me and I'm having trouble finding any documentation or decyphering the code in the library.
I'm assuming that the point of these macros is that when the compiler expands the templated function these will run some type checking at compile-time to see if the container being used is compatible with this algorithm. In other words, I'm assuming the first call is checking that _InputIter1 conforms to the _InputIteratorConcept. Am I just confused or am I on the right track? Also, why were the names of these macros changed in the c++ standard library?
"Concepts" were a proposed feature for the next version of C++, but they were (relatively) recently voted out of the standard so won't resurface for quote some time now.
They were designed to allow early checking of requirements for template parameters and, amongst other things, would have enabled much more succinct error messages when a type that didn't meet the required constrains was used to instantiate a template.
2nd Edit: (see comments from dribeas and Jerry Coffin) These g++ macros are an internal concept checking mechanism and are not directly related to the proposed new language feature of the same name. As they are internal to g++ you can (and perhaps should) safely remove them without any loss of functionality in your function template.
You are correct, the first call is checking that _InputIter1 implements "input iterator" concept.
These macros are internal GLIBC implementation details (starting with an underscore or a double underscore), therefore GLIBC implementers are allowed to change them at will. They are not supposed to be used by user's code.
Since "concepts" are no longer the part of C++0x draft, in order to have portable concept checking, you should use some third-party library, like Boost Concept Check Library.
There are two concept concepts (pun intended) around. The standard as it is being defined had a proposal for concepts as a standard language feature that would help in compilation and... there's quite a bit of literature around about C++0x concepts, discussions...
The other concept concept is the one you have just hit. The STL that is deployed with g++ implementations does have specific implementor checks that are also meant to aid in error detection. These are different to the previous concepts in that they are not a language feature and are not meant to be used by programmers, but rather they are used internally in the library. As the names are reserved (they begin with double underscore) the compiler/library implementor is free to add anything there as long as the behavior of the library does not differ from what the standard defines.
Going back to what you are doing: The code that you are trying to port to a newer compiler is a modified version of std::set_intersect as defined in the standard [lib.set.intersection] to return only whether they do intersect without having to parse the whole two ranges. I would either use the standard version and check that the output iterator was not modified, or if it is a performance issue, implement it without the concept checks, depending on non-standard hidden compiler defined symbols is asking for maintenance trouble when upgrading the compiler. But that you know already.
As Charles already pointed out, direct support for concepts as part of C++ 0x was removed from the language relatively recently, and they almost certainly won't even be reconsidered until the next round of standardization. Hopefully by then there will be greater agreement on what they should really be/do.
A fair number of libraries attempt to provide similar capabilities though. Boost Concept Check Library is probably the most obvious, and I believe most of the others are based on it, at least in concept (if you'll pardon the pun). As to why the g++ guys decided to change from '*cxx' to '*cpp', I can't even begin to guess -- other than that they seem to think breaking backward compatibility as often as possible is a good thing (though these are really only intended for internal use, so changing the name shouldn't break much but their own code).
This is also fairly similar to the basic idea of what Andrei Alexandrescu presented in §2.1 of Modern C++ Design. If you want some idea of how to write concept checking of your own, you might want to read that (as well as §2.7, where he applies similar techniques to testing for convertibility and inheritance). While the concepts being checked varied, those do a good job of explaining most of the basic techniques, so: You stand a decent chance of reading and understanding concept-checking templatesIf you ever decide to write some of your own, you have a starting point
Edit: It's probably worth noting that the standard libraries for most current C++ compilers include at least some sort of concept-checking templates. Obviously gnu does. So does Comeau. In fact, the only one I can think of that doesn't seem to include any such thing anymore is MS VC++ (which uses the Dinkumware library). They've concentrated primarily on some (rather expensive) run-time debugging instead. This is also somewhat useful, but in an entirely different direction, and the two aren't mutually exclusive at all.

C++ Developer Tools: The Dark Areas [closed]

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While C++ Standards Committee works hard to define its intricate but powerful features and maintain its backward compatibility with C, in my personal experience I've found many aspects of programming with C++ cumbersome due to lack of tools.
For example, I recently tried to refactor some C++ code, replacing many shared_ptr by T& to remove pointer usages where not needed within a large library. I had to perform almost the whole refactoring manually as none of the refactoring tools out there would help me do this safely.
Dealing with STL data structures using the debugger is like raking out the phone number of a stranger when she disagrees.
In your experience, what essential developer tools are lacking in C++?
My dream tool would be a compile-time template debugger. Something that'd let me interactively step through template instantiations and examine the types as they get instantiated, just like the regular debugger does at runtime.
In your experience, what essential developer tools are lacking in C++?
Code completion. Seriously. Refactoring is a nice-to-have feature but I think code completion is much more fundamental and more important for API discoverabilty and usabilty.
Basically, tools that require any undestanding of C++ code suck.
Code generation of class methods. When I type in the declaration you should be able to figure out the definition. And while I'm on the topic can we fix "goto declaration / goto definition" always going to the declaration?
Refactoring. Yes I know it's formally impossible because of the pre-processor - but the compiler could still do a better job of a search and replace on a variable name than I can maually. You could also syntax highlight local, members and paramaters while your at it.
Lint. So the variable I just defined shadows a higher one? C would have told me that in 1979, but c++ in 2009 apparently prefers me to find out on my own.
Some decent error messages. If I promise never to define a class with the same name inside the method of a class - do you promise to tell me about a missing "}". In fact can the compiler have some knowledge of history - so if I added an unbalanced "{" or "(" to a previously working file could we consider mentioning this in the message?
Can the STL error messages please (sorry to quote another comment) not look like you read "/dev/random", stuck "!/bin/perl" in front and then ran the tax code through the result?
How about some warnings for useful things? "Integer used as bool performance warning" is not useful, it doesn't make any performance difference, I don't have a choice - it's what the library does, and you have already told me 50 times.
But if I miss a ";" from the end of a class declaration or a "}" from the end of a method definition you don't warn me - you go out of your way to find the least likely (but theoretically) correct way to parse the result.
It's like the built in spell checker in this browser which happily accepts me misspelling wether (because that spelling is an archaic term for a castrated male goat! How many times do I write about soprano herbivores?)
How about spell checking? 40 years ago mainframe Fortran compilers had spell checking so if misspelled "WRITE" you didn't come back the next day to a pile of cards and a snotty error message. You got a warning that "WRIET" had been changed to WRITE in line X. Now the compiler happily continues and spends 10mins building some massive browse file and debugger output before telling you that you misspelled prinft 10,000 lines ago.
ps. Yes a lot of these only apply to Visual C++.
pps. Yes they are coming with my medication now.
If talking about MS Visual Studio C++, Visual Assist is a very handy tool for code completition, some refactorings - e.g. rename all/selected references, find/goto declaration, but I still miss the richness of Java IDEs like JBuilder or IntelliJ.
What I still miss, is a semantic diff tool - you know, one which does not compare the two files line-by-line, but statements/expressions. What I've found on the internet are only some abandoned tries - if you know one, please write in comment
The main problem with C++ is that it is hard to parse. That's why there are so very few tools out there that work on source code. (And that's also why we're stuck with some of the most horrific error messages in the history of compilers.) The result is, that, with very few exceptions (I only know doxygen and Visual Assist), it's down to the actual compiler to support everything needed to assist us writing and massaging the code. With compilers traditionally being rather streamlined command line tools, that's a very weak foundation to build rich editor support on.
For about ten years now, I'm working with VS. meanwhile, its code completion is almost usable. (Yes, I'm working on dual core machines. I wouldn't have said this otherwise, wouldn't I?) If you use Visual Assist, code completion is actually quite good. Both VS itself and VA come with some basic refactoring nowadays. That, too, is almost usable for the few things it aims for (even though it's still notably less so than code completion). Of course, >15 years of refactoring with search & replace being the only tool in the box, my demands are probably much too deteriorated compared to other languages, so this might not mean much.
However, what I am really lacking is still: Fully standard conforming compilers and standard library implementations on all platforms my code is ported to. And I'm saying this >10 years after the release of the last standard and about a year before the release of the next one! (Which just adds this: C++1x being widely adopted by 2011.)
Once these are solved, there's a few things that keep being mentioned now and then, but which vendors, still fighting with compliance to a >10 year old standard (or, as is actually the case with some features, having even given up on it), never got around to actually tackle:
usable, sensible, comprehensible compiler messages (como is actually pretty good, but that's only if you compare it to other C++ compilers); a linker that doesn't just throw up its hands and says "something's wrong, I can't continue" (if you have taught C++ as a first language, you'll know what I mean); concepts ('nuff said)
an IO stream implementation that doesn't throw away all the compile-time advantages which overloading operator<<() gives us by resorting to calling the run-time-parsing printf() under the hood (Dietmar Kühl once set out to do this, unfortunately his implementation died without the techniques becoming widespread)
STL implementations on all platforms that give rich debugging support (Dinkumware is already pretty good in that)
standard library implementations on all platforms that use every trick in the book to give us stricter checking at compile-time and run-time and more performance (wnhatever happened to yasli?)
the ability to debug template meta programs (yes, jalf already mentioned this, but it cannot be said too often)
a compiler that renders tools like lint useless (no need to fear, lint vendors, that's just wishful thinking)
If all these and a lot of others that I have forgotten to mention (feel free to add) are solved, it would be nice to get refactoring support that almost plays in the same league as, say, Java or C#. But only then.
A compiler which tries to optimize the compilation model.
Rather than naively include headers as needed, parsing them again in every compilation unit, why not parse the headers once first, build complete syntax trees for them (which would have to include preprocessor directives, since we don't yet know which macros are defined), and then simply run through that syntax tree whenever the header is included, applying the known #defines to prune it.
It could even be be used as a replacement for precompiled headers, so every header could be precompiled individually, just by dumping this syntax tree to the disk. We wouldn't need one single monolithic and error-prone precompiled header, and would get finer granularity on rebuilds, rebuilding as little as possible even if a header is modified.
Like my other suggestions, this would be a lot of work to implement, but I can't see any fundamental problems rendering it impossible.
It seems like it could dramatically speed up compile-times, pretty much rendering it linear in the number of header files, rather than in the number of #includes.
A fast and reliable indexer. Most of the fancy features come after this.
A common tool to enforce coding standards.
Take all the common standards and allow you to turn them on/off as appropriate for your project.
Currently just a bunch of perl scrips usullay has to supstitute.
I'm pretty happy with the state of C++ tools. The only thing I can think of is a default install of Boost in VS/gcc.
Refactoring, Refactoring, Refactoring. And compilation while typing. For refactorings I am missing at least half of what most modern Java IDEs can do. While Visual Assist X goes a long way, a lot of refactoring is missing. The task of writing C++ code is still pretty much that. Writing C++ code. The more the IDE supports high level refactoring the more it becomes construction, the more mallable the structure is the easier it will be to iterate over the structure and improve it. Pick up a demo version of Intellij and see what you are missing. These are just some that I remember from a couple of years ago.
Extract interface: taken a view classes with a common interface, move the common functions into an interface class (for C++ this would be an abstract base class) and derive the designated functions as abstract
Better extract method: mark a section of code and have the ide write a function that executes that code, constructing the correct parameters and return values
Know the type of each of the symbols that you are working with so that not only command completion can be correct for derived values e.g. symbol->... but also only offer functions that return the type that can be used in the current expression e.g. for
UiButton button = window->...
At the ... only insert functions that actually return a UiButton.
A tool all on it's own: Naming Conventions.
Intelligent Intellisense/Code Completion even for template-heavy code.
When you're inside a function template, of course the compiler can't say anything for sure about the template parameter (at least not without Concepts), but it should be able to make a lot of guesses and estimates. Depending on how the type is used in the function, it should be able to narrow the possible types down, in effect a kind of conservative ad-hoc Concepts. If one line in the function calls .Foo() on a template type, obviously a Foo member method must exist, and Intellisense should suggest it in the rest of the function as well.
It could even look at where the function is invoked from, and use that to determine at least one valid template parameter type, and simply offer Intellisense inside the function based on that.
If the function is called with a int as a template parameter, then obviously, use of int must be valid, and so the IDE could use that as a "sample type" inside the function and offer Intellisense suggestions based on that.
JavaScript just got Intellisense support in VS, which had to overcome a lot of similar problems, so it can be done. Of course, with C++'s level of complexity, it'd be a ridiculous amount of work. But it'd be a nice feature.