What does Boost Wave not do? - c++

Boost Wave provides a reusable C preprocessor. It's easy to obtain from the documentation the (extensive) list of the things it does do, standards it supports, features it includes etc.
What does it not do? Does it support all the nonstandard extensions of GCC and Microsoft C++? Or the various vendor compilers used for embedded systems? How does it fare on the various syntaxes for in-line assembly, or deprecated code from oddball legacy systems? Has anyone tried it on e.g. the full Linux kernel sources or Windows header sets?

Okay, got it compiled and ran a couple of experiments myself. Thus far it appears to not support this GCC extension:
and also barfs on the Microsoft header file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\vc\include\xkeycheck.h containing the following construct:
#if defined(auto) /* check C keywords */ \
|| defined(break) \

The easiest way to find out if it supports your favorite extension is to just, you know, try it. Is probably even way faster to ask here and wait for enough comments/answers to accumulate to be able to conclude something. Or check the documentation, if it doesn't talk about GCC/MSC extensions at all, it probably just doesn't know of them.


How can I compile Gnu C in windows

Too those who know how, this may be a stupid question, but I'll be asking it anyway because I need some pointers.
The library I'm trying to compile is the SPro toolkit for speech signal processing which is written in (for lack of a better description) Gnu C++
It's a library written for unix and I want to compile it in windows. As much as an object exercise in porting code from, as anything.
Toward that end I have installed code::blocks and a MinGW compiler. I read that I could also use cgywn and that this would be introducing a layer interpreting the gnu c before executing it natively, but let me leave that to the side for the moment.
The first issue I ran into was that the #includes need a little love - ok no problem with that.
But now I find that
scopy.c|462|error: 'SIZEOF_SHORT' undeclared (first use in this function)|
I also installed visual Studio C++ and get the same.
I gather that SIZEOF_CHAR, SIZEOF_SHORT, SIZEOF_LONG, SIZEOF_FLOAT and SIZEOF_DOUBLE would be declared, in a header or somewhere.
Unfortunalty I don't have any idea where, so have no idea what to include to have access to the definitions.
What should I include?
Do I need to define these constants myself as I am in a different environment?
Also I may be barking up the wrong tree, any help is appreciated.
#define SIZEOF_SHORT sizeof(short)
#define SIZEOF_CHAR sizeof(char)
Repeat for all other types.

C++ Windows to Linux - what do I need to know?

I'm a bit stuck on trying to port my code from Windows to Linux. I created a Bluetooth based program, which seems to work in Windows well, that I need to get working in Ubuntu.
Unfortunately the computer with Linux on isn't mine, so I can't have any easy hacks using Wine or other massive compiler altering methods, I really need some advice on porting my code across so it'll be recognised and work in the different OS.
The computer does have code::blocks installed, which from what I understand is fairly useful in converting some things for cross-OS compiling, but I'm not getting too far.
The original code was written in Visual Studio 2013 and understandably it doesn't play nice in code::blocks. I'm getting a lot of 'can't find header' errors, but I don't think simply finding all the missing headers and copying them across will work (will it?).
I need some suggestions on the easiest, stand alone solution for my situation. By standalone I mean I want to get as much of the needed changes and libraries in my project, rather than change/install lots of things on the Linux machine.
I don't really know where to start and searches online don't seem to be too helpful.
First of all, I suggest you examine your Windows code, and use the PIMPL idiom (also here, here, ...) in your classes to isolate all platform-dependent code to separate windows and linux class implementations. Your main platform-independent class then will simply delegate to each implementation at compile time using preprocessor macros to include the appropriate platform implementation header and cpp files.
Beyond this, many runtime functions, as implemented in Visual Studio as either Microsoft-specific, or have been 'modified' and are no longer compatible or even have the same names as the standard ones you will find in linux. For these, you'll need to use a platform.h and platform.cpp file, with separate sections for the two operating systems, containing the missing functions in either macro-defined form (i.e. windows: strnicmp(), linux: strncasecomp() ), or write the missing ones yourself. Example:
// Linux section ...
#ifdef LINUX
#define strnicmp strncasecmp
The final work involved depends on how many windows-specific calls you have in your code.

Intel (windows) c++ compiler and changing its library implementation to gcc. Is it possible?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but here goes
From a page on the Intel website, it states:
The Intel C++ Compiler for Windows uses the Microsoft Visual C++ header files, libraries and linker. Microsoft controls the header files that define the namespace. Contact Microsoft's technical support in reference to Microsoft's conformance to the C++ standard on this issue... link
Is there a guide by Intel (or otherwise) to change the libraries from the ones governed by visual studio to ones provided by gcc (Also on my windows machine). the reason I want to do this is to make use of some of the new C++11 features that are not supported in versions of visual studio (as is generally the case)
If this is not possible because my current knowledge of the above is not correct, can somebody explain to me why not.
This is not a practical possibility.
The intel compiler (icl) will do nothing but moan if it cannot find VC++ binaries on the PATH, so you know it needs the VC++ toolchain at least.
Then to see what you are up against, as far as using the gcc headers is concerned, you would do the following:
Make icl suppress its own predefined macros.
Make it use gcc's predefined macros.
Make it suppress its standard include search.
Make it use gcc's standard include search.
None of this is hard, and when you have done it all and attempted to build your HelloWorld.cpp, the errors
will show you that the gcc headers are replete with builtin keywords of the gcc compiler that are
unknown to icl: __builtin_va_list, __attribute__, __cdecl__, __nothrow__ and so on.
You might attempt to successfully delete or redefine all of these by way of preprocessor macros.
Or you might give up, and I would urge the latter.

Some things missing from gnu gcc compiler headers? (commctrl.h)

I have been using the gcc compiler with code::blocks ide, and have noticed there are some things missing in the commctrl.h which are:
PBS_MARQUEE and PBM_SETMARQUEE to set a progress bar to marquee animation style.
LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER for a double buffer on a list view...
there are probably a lot more missing, but these are the ones i've noticed, and i need them!
i have downloaded the latest mingw libraries and they are still not in, the only place i can find them is in visual studios headers, but i don't want to use that
is there any way i can get them in gcc?
GCC does not do a good job of supporting Windows. This is a prime example of why. It's an excellent compiler. and on Unix boxes there's nothing else I'd ever use, because it's an excellent compiler, but...
MinGW simply does not include a few of the Windows headers, and for those that they do, they aren't always as up to date as the ones in the Windows SDK.
Finally, in order to support some bits of COM, GCC would need to be able to parse IDL, is not typically used on non-Windows systems is not currently supported by GCC.
Visual C++ Express (as well as it's compiler included in the Windows SDK) is free. What is your aversion to it?
The best way would be to contact either mingw.org or mingw-w64, which is a fork also supporting x64 targets. The latter are known to respond quickly and friendly to "missing features" requests. you can contact them on either the mailing list or forums or IRC (see link).
.... Scratch that. It seems my copy of the mingw-w64 commctrl.h header include these macros. I don't know if they work as expected, but give it a try. Downloads are linked on the page I linked to above. I would recommend personal builds by Sezero for completeness and ease of use. You should be able to replace your mingw folder with the one from the archive (make sure the gcc.exe et al match up).
Do you have the correct _WIN32_WINNT macro defined? It looks like they all need _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501.

Platform C Preprocessor Definitions

I'm writing a small library in C++ that I need to be able to build on quite a few different platforms, including iPhone, Windows, Linux, Mac and Symbian S60. I've written most of the code so that it is platform-agnostic but there are some portions that must be written on a per-platform basis.
Currently I accomplish this by including a different header depending on the current platform but I'm having trouble fleshing this out because I'm not sure what preprocessor definitions are defined for all platforms. For windows I can generally rely on seeing WIN32 or _WIN32. For Linux I can rely on seeing _UNIX_ but I am less certain about the other platforms or their 64-bit variants. Does anyone have a list of the different definitions found on platforms or will I have to resort to a config file or gcc parameter?
I have this sourceforge pre-compiler page in my bookmarks.
The definitions are going to be purely up to your compiler vendor. If you are using the same compiler (say, gcc) on all your platforms then you will have a little bit easier time of it.
You might also want to try to instead organize your project such that most of the .h files are not platform dependent. Split your implementation (cpp files) into separate files; one for the nonspecific stuff and one for each platform. The platform specific ones can include 'private' headers that only make sense for that platform. You may have to make adapter functions to get something like this to work 100% (when the system libs take slightly differed arguments) but I have found it to be really helpful in the end, and bringing on a new platform is a whole lot easier in the future.
Neither the C nor the C++ standards define such symbols, so you are going to be at the mercy of specific C or C++ implementations. A list of commonly used symbols would be a useful thing to have, but unfortunately I haven't got one.
I don't think there exists a universal list of platform defines judging by the fact that every cross-platform library I have seen has an ad-hoc config.h full of these stuff. But you can consider looking at the ones used by fairly portable libraries like libpng, zlib etc.
Here's the one used by libpng
If you want to look through the default preprocessor symbols for a given system on which you have GCC (e.g. Mac OS X, iOS, Linux), you can get a complete list from the command-line thus:
echo 'main(){}' | cpp -dM
These are often of limited use however, as at the stage of the compilation at which the preprocessor operates, most of the symbols identify the operating system and CPU type of only the system hosting the compiler, rather than the system being targeted (e.g. when cross-compiling for iOS). On Mac OS X and iOS, the right way to determine the compile-time characteristics of the system being targeted is
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
This will pick up TargetConditionals.h from the Platform and SDK currently in use, and then you can determine (e.g.) endianness and some other characteristics from some of the Macros. (Look through TargetConditionals.h to see what kinds of info you can glean.)