bool flag reset? - c++

bool flag;
if (conditions) {
In this case, is the flag reset to false condition after it exits the inner while loop? It seems from the display of the console that it is still in true condition.

No, there is no "reset". There is no magic whatsoever. In fact, flag will not even be magically initialized to false for you, you'll have to do it yourself.
I think you're thinking of classic examples of scope and shadowing:
int a = 4;
//a is 4 here
int a = 3;
//a is 3 here
//a is 4 here
But there is no magic here, either. There are two different variables a which happen to share a name. a in the inner block refers to the second integer. If you could refer to the first integer, you'd be reading a completely different integer.
Here is some magic:
SomeClass x; //x's constructor is called
SomeOtherClass y; //y's constructor is called
} //y's destructor is called
Since y is automatic, it gets destroyed at the end of its scope. (So did the second a, by the way, only there was no way to tell.) If it has a destructor, it will be called. If its destructor does something fancy such as "resetting some flag", you'll see the results. (Only not through y, which will be gone.)
The fact that the {} have no if/while/function/etc. attached to them is irrelevant.


C++ understanding RVO (as compared to returning local variable reference)

It's my first year of using C++ and learning on the way. I'm currently reading up on Return Value Optimizations (I use C++11 btw). E.g. here, and immediately these beginner examples with primitive types spring to mind:
int& func1()
int i = 1;
return i;
//error, 'i' was declared with automatic storage (in practice on the stack(?))
//and is undefined by the time function returns
...and this one:
int func1()
int i = 1;
return i;
//perfectly fine, 'i' is copied... (to previous stack frame... right?)
Now, I get to this and try to understand it in the light of the other two:
Simpleclass func1()
return Simpleclass();
What actually happens here? I know most compilers will optimise this, what I am asking is not 'if' but:
how the optimisation works (the accepted response)
does it interfere with storage duration: stack/heap (Old: Is it basically random whether I've copied from stack or created on heap and moved (passed the reference)? Does it depend on created object size?)
is it not better to use, say, explicit std::move?
You won't see any effect of RVO when returning ints.
However, when returning large objects like this:
struct Huge { ... };
Huge makeHuge() {
Huge h { x, y, x };
return h;
The following code...
auto h = makeHuge();
... after RVO would be implemented something like this (pseudo code) ...
h_storage = allocate_from_stack(sizeof(Huge));
auto& h = *properly_aligned(h_storage);
... and makeHuge would compile to something like this...
void makeHuge(Huge* h_storage) // in fact this address can be
// inferred from the stack pointer
// (or just 'known' when inlining).
phuge = operator (h_storage) new Huge(x, y, z);

Un-initialize a variable in C/C++

This is more a theoretical question than a practical one, but I was wondering whether is it possible to un-initialize a variable in C (or C++). So let's say we have the following code:
void some_fun()
int a; // <-- Here a is an un-initialized variable, it's value is the value
// found in the memory at the given location.
a = 7; // Now I have initialized it
// do something with a ...
// and here do something again with a that it
// will have the same state (ie: indeterministic) as before initialization
(No, I don't want to put a random value in a because that would be also an initialization, nor 0, because that's a very nice value, ... I just want it to be again in that "I don't know anything about it" stage it was before initializing it).
(Yes I am aware of: What happens to a declared, uninitialized variable in C? Does it have a value?)
You can use setjmp() and longjmp() to get the behavior you want, with some rearrangement of your code. The code below initializes a to 1 so that the print statements do not invoke undefined behavior.
jmp_buf jb;
void some_func (void)
int a = 1;
if (setjmp(jb) == 0) {
a = 7;
// do something
printf("a = %d (initialized)\n", a);
// use longjmp to make `a` not initialized
longjmp(jb, 1);
} else {
printf("a = %d (not initialized)\n", a);
The longjmp() call returns back to the saved context of setjmp(), and moving to the else case means that a had not been initialized.
When compiled with GCC with optimizations, the above function outputs:
a = 7 (initialized)
a = 1 (not initialized)
If you want this behavior without optimizations enabled, try adding the register storage class to a's declaration.
A demo.
A longer explanation
So, why did I think setjmp() and longjmp() would work? This is what C.11 §7.13 ¶1-2 has to say about it:
The header <setjmp.h> defines the macro setjmp, and declares one function and
one type, for bypassing the normal function call and return discipline.
The type declared is
which is an array type suitable for holding the information needed to restore a calling
environment. The environment of a call to the setjmp macro consists of information
sufficient for a call to the longjmp function to return execution to the correct block and
invocation of that block, were it called recursively. It does not include the state of the
floating-point status flags, of open files, or of any other component of the abstract
This explains that what is supposed to happen is that a longjmp back to the context saved in the jmp_buf by a call to setjmp will act as if the code that ran up until the longjmp call was a recursive function call, the the longjmp acts like a return from that recursive call back the setjmp. To me, this implies that the automatic variable would be "uninitialized".
int a;
// the following expression will be false if returning from `longjmp`
if (setjmp(jb) == 0) {
// this section of code can be treated like the `setjmp` call induced
// a recursive call on this function that led to the execution of the
// code in this body
a = 7;
// assuming not other code modified `jb`, the following call will
// jump back to the `if` check above, but will behave like a recursive
// function call had returned
longjmp(jb, 1);
} else {
// `a` expected to be uninitialized here
But, there seems to be a catch. From C.11 §7.13.2 ¶3:
All accessible objects have values, and all other components of the abstract machine
have state, as of the time the longjmp function was called, except that the values of
objects of automatic storage duration that are local to the function containing the
invocation of the corresponding setjmp macro that do not have volatile-qualified type
and have been changed between the setjmp invocation and longjmp call are
Since a is local, is not volatile-qualified, and has been changed between setjmp and longjmp calls, its value is indeterminate, even if it was properly initialized before calling setjmp!
So, using longjmp back to a local setjmp after an automatic non-volatile variable has been modified will always result in making those modified variables "uninitialized" after returning to the point of the setjmp.
You can emulate this using boost::optional<T>:
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
int main()
boost::optional<int> a;
a = 7;
std::cout << a.is_initialized() << std::endl; // true
a.reset(); // "un-initialize"
std::cout << a.is_initialized() << std::endl; // false
I am curious why you want to do that. However did you try following:
void some_fun() {
int a;
int b = a; // Hoping compiler does not discard this.
a = 7;
// do something
a = b;
Another approach is along the lines of:
int a, olda;
memcpy(&olda, &a, sizeof(a));
a = 7;
memcpy(&a, &olda, sizeof(a));
// a is "uninitialized"
This avoids the trap representation issues of using assignment, relying on the fact that char does not have any trap representations. It also benefits from being vastly simpler than using setjmp() and longjmp().

Disable uninitialized warning for a local variable

C++ compilers emit warnings when a local variable may be uninitialized on first usage. However, sometimes, I know that the variable will always be written before being used, so I do not need to initialize it. When I do this, the compiler emits a warning, of course. Since my team is building with -Werror, the code will not compile. How can I turn off this warning for specific local variables. I have the following restrictions:
I am not allowed to change compiler flags
The solution must work on all compilers (i.e., no gnu-extensions or other compiler specific attributes)
I want to use this only on specific local variables. Other uninitialized locals should still trigger a warning
The solution should not generate any instructions.
I cannot alter the class of the local variable. I.e., I cannot simply add a "do nothing" constructor.
Of course, the easiest solution would be to initialize the variable. However, the variable is of a type that is costly to initialize (even default initialization is costly) and the code is used in a very hot loop, so I do not want to waste the CPU cycles for an initialization that is guaranteed to be overwritten before it is read anyway.
So is there a platform-independent, compiler-independent way of telling the compiler that a local variable does not need to be initialized?
Here is some example code that might trigger such a warning:
void foo(){
T t;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
if (i == 0) t = ...;
if (i == 1) doSomethingWith(t);
As you see, the first loop cycle initializes t and the second one uses it, so t will never be read uninitialized. However, the compiler is not able to deduce this, so it emits a warning. Note that this code is quite simplified for the sake of brevity.
My answer will recommend another approach: instead of disabling the warning code, just do some reformulation on the implementation. I see two approaches:
First Option
You can use pointers instead of a real object and guarantee that it will be initialized just when you need it, something like:
std::unique_ptr<T> t;
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
if(i == 0) if(t.empty()) t = std::unique_ptr<T>(new T); *t = ...;
if(i == 1) if(t.empty()) t = std::unique_ptr<T>(new T); doSomethingWith(*t);
It's interesting to note that probably when i==0, you don't need to construct t using the default constructor. I can't guess how your operator= is implemented, but I supose that probably you are assigning an object that's already allocated in the code that you are omitting in the ... segment.
Second Option
As your code experiences such a huge performance loss, I can infer that T will never be an basic tipe (ints, floats, etc). So, instead of using pointers, you can reimplement your class T in a way that you use an init method and avoid initializing it on the constructor. You can use some boolean to indicate if the class needs initalization or not:
class FooClass()
FooClass() : initialized(false){ ... }
//Class implementation
void init()
//Do your heavy initialization code here.
initialized = true;
bool initialized() const { return initialized; }
bool initialized;
Than you will be able to write it like this:
T t;
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
if(i == 0) if(!t.initialized()) t.init(); t = ...;
if(i == 1) if(!t.initialized()) t.init(); doSomethingWith(t);
If the code is not very complex, I usually unroll one of the iterations:
void foo(){
T t;
t = ...;
for(int i = 1; i < 100; i++){

C Programming, Variables

When we declare variables in a class and then when we assign the value of those variables, for example like this
class c {
public :
int x;
int x2;
c () {
x = 0;
x2 = 0;
scanf ("%d", &x); and now we're gonna input for example 10
each time the class is used, I mean each time the constructor is called, the value of x becomes 0 again since it is initialized as zero in the constructor. However if we don't initialize the value, there will be errors.
My question is that how can we keep the value of the variable when we call the constructor again and again so that it doesn't become zero ?
void example () {
int i;
scanf ("%d", &i);
switch (i) {
case 1 : {Object ob1; system ("cls"); menu ();} // this object contains a value like 20
case 2 : {Object ob2; system ("cls"); menu ();}
There is another switch case in Object 1 which includes an option to go back to a main menu, now if I enter 1 again go back to object 1 I cannot see the value 20, it will be 0
The constructor is called only once for each instance so need to worry about that. You will never reset the value of x for a given instance to 0 because of its constructor.
Do you understand the difference between classes and objects/instances? Classes are merely a "Cookie-cutter" for objects. You don't "call" a constructor as such, but you create an instance of your class (which implicitely calls the constructor):
c myObj;
c anotherObj;
This code will create two instances of class c, both with their own version of x1 and x2. It's true that the constructor is run a second time when creating anotherObj, but it operates on totally different memory. So the values of x1 and x2 in myObj won't be touched.
Edit: The point of class member functions is that they operate on an implicit additional parameter named this. You could imagine that the "constructor call" actually looks like that (Just for illustrative purposes, not meant to be valid code):
c* this = malloc(sizeof(c));
// With "constructor" actually being:
void ctor(c* this) {
this->x1 = 0;
this->x2 = 0;
// ..
That can also be achieved in C - but in C++, it happens implicitly, without you having to write code like this. You just write c newObj; or c* obj = new c;.
Apart from that: Member variables should be privat, and your mixing C library code (scanf) with C++ classes - use iostreams for input/output in C++.
You can store it in a static variable. Then read the value of x from that static variable.

Scope within a scope, do or don't?

Although the example below compiles fine except for the last line with the error, I'd like to know the ins and outs of this 'scoping' within a scope? Also the terminology of this, if any.
Consider these brackets:
void func()
int i = 0;
{ // nice comment to describe this scope
while( i < 10 )
{ // nice comment to describe this scope
int j= 0;
while( j< 10 )
i = 0; // OK
// j = 0; // error C2065
consider this:
error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier
Accepted answer is from bitmask, although I think everyone should place it in the context of anio's answer. Especially, quote: "perhaps you should break your function into 2 functions"
Do. By all means!
Keeping data as local as possible and as const as possible has two main advantages:
side effects are reduced and the code becomes more functional
with complex objects, destructors can be be invoked early within a function, as soon as the data is not needed any more
Additionally, this can be useful for documentation to summarise the job a particular part of a function does.
I've heard this being referred to as explicit or dummy scoping.
I personally don't find much value in adding additional scoping within a function. If you are relying on it to separate parts of your function, perhaps you should break your function into 2 functions. Smaller functions are better than larger ones. You should strive to have small easily understood functions.
The one legitimate use of scopes within a function is for limiting the duration of a lock:
int doX()
// Do some work
//Acquire lock
} // Lock automatically released because of RAII
The inner scope effectively limits the code over which the lock is held. I believe this is common practice.
Yes, definitely - it's a great habit to always keep your variables as local as possible! Some examples:
for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); ) // does not
{ // leak "line"
// process "line" // into ambient
} // scope
int result;
{ // putting this in a separate scope
int a = foo(); // allows us to copy/paste the entire
a += 3; // block without worrying about
int b = bar(a); // repeated declarators
result *= (a + 2*b);
{ // ...and we never really needed
int a = foo(); // a and b outside of this anyway!
a += 3;
int b = bar(a);
result *= (a + 2*b);
Sometimes a scope is necessary for synchronisation, and you want to keep the critical section as short as possible:
int global_counter = 0;
std::mutex gctr_mx;
void I_run_many_times_concurrently()
int a = expensive_computation();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _(gctr_mx);
global_counter += a;
The explicit scoping is usually not done for commenting purposes, but I don't see any harm in doing it if you feel it makes your code more readable.
Typical usage is for avoiding name clashes and controlling when the destructors are called.
A pair of curly braces defines a scope. Names declared or defined within a scope are not visible outside that scope, which is why j is not defined at the end. If a name in a scope is the same as a name defined earlier and outside that scope, it hides the outer name.