Pthread and void* attempt to de-reference a generic pointer - c++

When I debug my PRJ I get this error:
args Error: Multiple errors reported.\ Failed to execute MI command: -var-create -
args Error message from debugger back end: Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.\ Unable to create variable object
the error comes when casting from void* args to Mapper* arg.
KMaster, KMapper implements respectively Master, Mapper but they do not add nothing rilevant. Effectively is KMapper that call the method work(). Here is the code:
int main(){
int np=1,K=4;
string path="lucca.gps";
KMaster* master=new KMaster(path,np,K);
KMapper* mapper[np];
for(int i=0;i<np;i++){
mapper[i]=new KMapper(master,master->mData[i].key,master->mData[i].value);
cout<<"failed creating mapper, retry..."<<endl;
int KMaster::splitting(){
cout<<"start splitting"<<endl;
fstream is(path.c_str());
string s="";
for(int i=0;i<nProc;i++){
pair<double,double> res;
if(is.eof()) break;
list<pair<double,double> >::iterator it=Data.begin();
int increment=Data.size()/K;
for(int i=0;i<K;i++){
for(int i=0;i<nProc;i++){
cout<<"splitting completed"<<endl;
return 0;
int Mapper::work(){
Mapper* m=this;
void* p=m;
return pthread_create(&thread,NULL,start,p);
void* start(void* args){
Mapper* arg= reinterpret_cast<Mapper*>(args);
cout<<"Mapper finish, sending result..."<<endl;
Hope that someone can help!
Screenshot of the debugger:

The value of arg is 24, which no normal object would live at, so the casting has nothing whatsoever to do with this.
Unfortunately, this "answer" can only be a wild guess because you haven't shown the calling code.
If arg is always 24, I would check for something similar to this:
class Something
void dostuff() {; }
// 24 bytes of "stuff" before this member (including possibly a vtable)
Mapper mapper;
Something *thing = 0;
thing->dostuff(); // Thing->mapper will have address 24.
It's also possible that you have an uninitialised variable
Mapper* mapper;
mapper->work(); // Oops, uninitialised
which just happens to be 24.


Retrieve ptr from function call asmjit

I am trying to generate a function call using AsmJit to which I pass an char*. This char* is in itself retrieved from another function call. I tried out this:
const char* getStr();
const char* getStrImpl() {
return "hello pie";
void use_str_impl(int id, const char* c_str) {
// do stuff...
int main() {
JitRuntime rt;
CodeHolder code;
X86Compiler c(&code);
auto jitted_func = c.addFunc(FuncSignature0<const char*>(code.getCodeInfo().getCdeclCallConv()));
auto err = c.getLastError();
auto call = fooFuncImpl, FuncSignature0<intptr_t>());
X86Gpd res(call->getRet().getId());
auto call2 = send_input, FuncSignature2<void, int, intptr_t>());
err = !call2->setArg(0, Imm(42));
err = !call2->setArg(1, res);
err = c.finalize();
if(err) return 0;
size_t size = code.getCodeSize();
VMemMgr vm;
void* p = vm.alloc(size);
if (!p) return 0;
auto fun = (entrypoint*) p;
It turns out this does not generate any instructions for the second parameter or second call to setArg. I also tried to use .newIntPtr and using move instructions to move the result of call into place. But this generated dec and add instructions which made no sense to me and my small experience with assembly. What is the correct way of doing this type of thing?
Btw I am using the AsmJit next branch.
I have done few corrections to your sample with some comments.
Better Usage of JitRuntime:
JitRuntime rt;
size_t size = code.getCodeSize();
VMemMgr vm;
void* p = vm.alloc(size);
if (!p) return 0;
auto fun = (entrypoint*) p;
You have used JitRuntime just to setup the parameters for CodeHolder, but then avoided it and allocated the memory for the function yourself. While that's a valid use case it's not what most people do. Using runtime's add() is sufficient in most cases.
Invalid use of CCFuncCall::getRet():
X86Gpd res(call->getRet().getId());
The call node at this point doesn't have any return register assigned so it would return an invalid id. If you need to create a virtual register you always have to call compiler's newSomething(). AsmJit's compiler provides API to check for that case at runtime, if you are unsure:
// Would print 0
printf("%d", (int)c.isVirtRegValid(call->getRet().getId()));
The solution is to create a new virtual register and ASSIGN it to the function's return value. Assigning return value requires an index (like assigning an argument), the reason is that some functions may return multiple values(like 64-bit value in 32-bit mode), using 0 as index is sufficient most of the time.
X86Gp reg = c.newIntPtr("reg");
call->setRet(0, reg);
You can verify getRet() functionality:
X86Gp reg = c.newIntPtr("reg");
call->setRet(0, reg);
assert(call->getRet(0) == reg);
Fully working example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <asmjit/asmjit.h>
const char* func_a() {
printf("func_a(): Called\n");
return "hello pie";
void func_b(int id, const char* c_str) {
printf("func_b(%d, %s): Called\n", id, c_str);
int main() {
using namespace asmjit;
JitRuntime rt;
CodeHolder code;
X86Compiler c(&code);
X86Gp reg = c.newIntPtr("reg");
// Compilation step...
auto call_a =, FuncSignature0<intptr_t>());
call_a->setRet(0, reg);
auto call_b =, FuncSignature2<void, int, intptr_t>());
call_b->setArg(0, Imm(42));
call_b->setArg(1, reg);
// Finalize does the following:
// - allocates virtual registers
// - inserts prolog / epilog
// - assembles to CodeHolder
auto err = c.finalize();
if (err) {
printf("COMPILER FAILED: %s\b", DebugUtils::errorAsString(err));
return 1;
typedef void (*EntryPoint)(void);
EntryPoint entry;
// Adds function to the runtime. Should be freed by rt.release().
// Function is valid until the runtime is valid if not released.
err = rt.add(&entry, &code);
if (err) {
printf("RUNTIME FAILED: %s\b", DebugUtils::errorAsString(err));
return 1;
return 0;
I am trying to create a function that receives and returns a double. For the call method I used the approach with Mem. At the end I need to save the result in the variable xmm1.
I can't identify the error. The sine function is called correctly. But for the final assembler generation error occurs.
JitRuntime rt;
CodeHolder code;
asmjit::x86::Compiler cc(&code);
asmjit::x86::Gp reg = cc.newIntPtr("reg");
asmjit::Zone zonee(1024);
asmjit::ConstPool constPool(&zonee);
asmjit::Label constPoolLabel = cc.newLabel();
// Compilation step...
// c.addFunc(asmjit::FuncSignatureT<void>(code.codeInfo().getCdeclCallConv()));
auto call_a =, FuncSignatureT<intptr_t>());
call_a->setRet(0, reg);
auto call_b =, FuncSignatureT<void, int, intptr_t>());
call_b->setArg(0, Imm(42));
call_b->setArg(1, reg);
auto seno = [&](double value) {
size_t valueOffset;
double seno = static_cast<double_t>(std::sin(value));
cout << " seno " << seno << endl;
constPool.add(&seno, sizeof(double), valueOffset);
return asmjit::x86::ptr(constPoolLabel, valueOffset);
asmjit::x86::Mem mem;
double test = 180.5;
auto call_c =, asmjit::FuncSignatureT<double_t>());
call_c->setArg(0, asmjit::Imm(test));
call_c->_setRet(0, mem);
cc.movsd(asmjit::x86::xmm1, mem);
// Finalize does the following:
// - allocates virtual registers
// - inserts prolog / epilog
// - assembles to CodeHolder
auto err = cc.finalize();
if (err) {
printf("COMPILER FAILED: %s\b", DebugUtils::errorAsString(err));
typedef void (*EntryPoint)(void);
EntryPoint entry;
// Adds function to the runtime. Should be freed by rt.release().
// Function is valid until the runtime is valid if not released.
err = rt.add(&entry, &code);
if (err) {
printf("RUNTIME FAILED: %s\b", DebugUtils::errorAsString(err));
perhaps the memory object should relate to some memory address?
Mem mem = qword_ptr ((uint64_t) &test);

protobuf SerializeToArray rasie segmentation fault at InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray

To reuse protobuf messages, I firstly allocate it(msg_test,msg_proto), and then send it in an loop(for every loop do something like clear,set,send).
protobuf syntax = "proto3";
int i=0;
int SendTestImprove(int count)
zmq_msg_t zmsg;
int size = msg_proto->ByteSize();
int rc = zmq_msg_init_size(&zmsg,size);
rc = msg_proto->SerializeToArray(zmq_msg_data(&zmsg),size)?0:-1;
catch (google::protobuf::FatalException fe)
LOGFMTE("PbToZmq error: %s",fe.message().c_str());
int zsize = zmq_msg_size(&zmsg);
rc = zmq_msg_send(&zmsg,m_pub,0);
return 0;
The error occurred when i=1, at the line :
rc = msg_proto->SerializeToArray(zmq_msg_data(&zmsg),size)?0:-1;
error info is like:
stopped:segmentation fault,at
Can anyone help?
The likely problem is that you're assigning ownership of msg_test to msg_proto in each iteration of the loop, by calling msg_proto->set_allocated_count(msg_test). The first time you do that it's fine, but then the next time through the loop when you call set_allocated_count() a second time, the proto will delete msg_test and reassign the now dangling pointer. The simplest solution is to avoid calling set_allocated_count() and instead just assign a copy of msg_test, like this:
*msg_proto->mutable_count() = msg_test;

C++ wrap multiple returns

I have the following code which returns ERROR in many lines:
bool func()
if (acondition)
return 0;
return 1;
int cmdfun()
if (func()) return ERROR#NUMBER;
if (func()) return ERROR#NUMBER;
But I found its becoming longer and longer. How can I encapsulate return ERROR#NUMBER into func() also? Or any way to encapsulate if (func()) return ERROR; into another independent function?
You can't really achieve this using return on its own.
But you could throw an exception in func which will bubble up the call stack, in the way you seem to want program control to:
struct myexception{}; /*ToDo - inherit from std::exception?*/
bool func()
if (acondition){
return 0; /*normal behaviour, perhaps make `func` void if not needed?*/
throw myexception();
cmdfun then takes the form:
int cmdfun()
/* don't forget to return something*/
Finally, make sure you catch the exception in the caller to cmdfun.
As I said it is not an exception and cannot be handled by std::exception, it is just an error message and ERROR#NUMBER is just another macro. And I cannot access to the caller to cmdfun(). So unable to adopt the first answer. But after asked someone else, it is possible to encapsulate returns and save time when typing them, though it's not recommended, but in this particular case, I can use macro. A complete example is given below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define CHECK_VEC(acondition)\
if(checkcondition(acondition)) return -1;
bool checkcondition(bool acondition)
if (acondition) return 1;
return 0;
int fun_called_by_main()
int a = 5 + 4;
bool acondition = a;
return 1;
int main()
int a = fun_called_by_main();
cout << a << endl;
return 0;
If I understood corectly your question, you are asking for an 'error reporter' for your own errors. There are 2 solutions for 2 separate cases:
Case 1 - you still want to use a return statement to make an 'error reporter':
To do this, you'll have to make another function or just learn how to use goto. However, you don't need to - your function returns a boolean(bool) - which means you only have 2 possible results: 0 (False) and 1 (True)
bool func()
if (acondition)
return (bool)0; // False (no error)
return (bool)1; // True (error)
// Note: I used (bool)0 and (bool)1 because it is
// more correct because your returning type is bool.
void errorcase(bool trueorfalse)
case False:
... // your code (func() returned 0)
... // your code (func() returned 1)
// Note that you will not need to check if an error occurred every time.
int cmdfun()
... // your code
... // again - your code
return 0; // I suppouse that you will return 0...
But I think that the second case is more interesting (unfortunetly it is also preety hard to understand as a beginner and the first solution might be a lot easier for you):
Case 2 - you decided to do it somehow else - that's by learning throw and catch - I won't repeat the answer because it is already given: #Bathsheba answered preety good...

Segmentation fault(core dumped) in multi threading using boost threads

When try to run my program with up to 1 thread, it works fine for a while (some seconds or minutes) but finally get segmentation fault(core dumped) or double free(faststop ) error.
Here are the function which the threads run.
//used in the Function
[Added] typedef folly::ProducerConsumerQueue<std::string*> PcapTask;
struct s_EntryItem {
Columns* p_packet; //has some arbitrary method and variables
boost::mutex _mtx;
Data wait_and_pop() {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(the_mutex);
while (the_queue.empty()) {
Data popped_value = the_queue.front();
return popped_value;
struct HandlerTask {
std::string year;
folly::ProducerConsumerQueue<std::string*> queue = NULL;
//The function which threads run
void Connection() {
std::string datetime, year;
uint32_t srcIPNAT_num, srcIP_num;
std::string srcIP_str, srcIPNAT_str, srcIPNAT_str_hex;
int counter = 0;
while (true) {
//get new task
HandlerTask* handlerTask = _buffersConnection.wait_and_pop();
PcapTask* pcapTask = handlerTask->queue;
year = handlerTask->year;
counter = 0;
do {
s_EntryItem* entryItem = searchIPTable(srcIP_num);
if (entryItem->p_packet == NULL) {
Columns* newColumn = new Columns();
newColumn->initConnection(srcIPNAT_str, srcIP_str, datetime, srcIP_num);
entryItem->p_packet = newColumn;
} else {
bool added = entryItem->p_packet->addPublicAddress(srcIPNAT_str_hex, datetime);
if (added == false) {
Columns* newColumn = new Columns();
newColumn->initConnection(srcIPNAT_str, srcIP_str, datetime, srcIP_num);
//add to ip table
entryItem->p_packet = newColumn;
} while (true);
delete pcapTask;
delete handlerTask;
You can use Valgrind, its very easy. Build your app in debug config and pass program executable to valgrind. It can tell you wide spectre of programming errors occuring in your app in runtime. The price of using Valgrind is that program runs considerably slower (some times tens times slower) than without Valgrind. Specically, for example, Valgrind will tell you where your your programs' memory was free'ed first when it tried to free it second time when it happens.
I'm not sure that it's the problem, but...
Are you sure that you must call delete over pcapTask?
I mean: you delete it but queue in struct HandlerTask is a class member, not a pointer to a class.
Suggestion: try to comment the line
delete pcapTask;
at the end of Connection()
--- EDIT ---
Looking at you added typedef, I confirm that (if I'm not wrong) there is something strange in your code.
pcapTask is defined as a PcapTask pointer, that is a folly::ProducerConsumerQueue<std::string*> pointer; you initialize it with a folly::ProducerConsumerQueue<std::string*> (not pointer)
I'm surprised that you can compile your code.
I think you should, first of all, resolve this antinomy.
p.s.: sorry for my bad English.

Threads C++, Access Violation reading location x error

Platform : Windows 7
I'm developing a project for known text cipher attack in which;
Main process creates n child processes
Child processes decrypt an encrypted string, key subspace is partitioned according to number of child processes
Communication between child processes are by a static variable
for(int i = 0; i<info.totalNumberOfChildren; i++)
startChild( &info.childInfoList[i]);
//_beginthread(startChild, 0, &info.childInfoList[i]);
Above code works fine since:
First child starts execution, the key is set as a number such as 8 for testing purposes which is within the first child's partition, so first child finds the key, reports and sets true the killSwitch.
All the other children that are created are closed even before checking the first key as the killSwitch is true.
When I however do this :
for(int i = 0; i<info.totalNumberOfChildren; i++)
//startChild( &info.childInfoList[i]);
_beginthread(startChild, 0, &info.childInfoList[i]);
I get an access violation error. What could possibly be my source of error ?
Edit: I will try to share as relevant code as I can
startChild does the following:
void startChild( void* pParams)
ChildInfo *ci = (ChildInfo*)pParams;
// cout<<"buraya geldi"<<endl;
ChildProcess cp(*ci);
// write to log
childInfo holds the following :
// header file
class ChildInfo
ChildInfo(char * encrypted, char * original, static bool killSwitch, int totalNumOfChildren, int idNum, int orjLen);
void getNextJob();
bool keyIsFound();
Des des;
void printTest();
bool stopExecution;
bool allIsChecked;
char * encyptedString;
char * originalString;
int id;
int orjStrLen;
int lastJobCompleted;
int totalNumberOfChildren;
int jobDistBits;
completeNextJob() does the following :
void ChildProcess::completeNextJob()
cout<<"Child Id : "<<<<endl;
// cout<<"Trying : "<<info.encyptedString<<endl; // here I got an error
char * newtrial = info.encyptedString;
char * cand = info.des.Decrypt(newtrial); // here I also get an error if I comment out
cout<<"Resultant : "<<cand<<endl;
cout<<"Comparing with : "<<info.originalString<<endl;
bool match = true;
for(int i = 0; i<info.orjStrLen; i++)
if(!(cand[i] == info.originalString[i]))
match = false;
cout<<"It has been acknowledged "<<endl;
info.stopExecution = true;
decrypt() method does the following :
char * Des::Decrypt(char *Text1)
int i,a1,j,nB,m,iB,k,K,B[8],n,t,d,round;
char *Text=new char[1000];
unsigned char ch;
strcpy(Text,Text1); // this is where I get the error
int mc=0;
for(iB=0,nB=0,m=0;m<(strlen(Text)/8);m++) //Repeat for TextLenth/8 times.
B[K]=n%2; //Converting 8-Bytes to 64-bit Binary Format
} for(;K>=0;K--) B[K]=0;
for(K=0;K<8;K++,iB++) total[iB]=B[K]; //Now `total' contains the 64-Bit binary format of 8-Bytes
IP(); //Performing initial permutation on `total[64]'
for(i=0;i<64;i++) total[i]=ip[i]; //Store values of ip[64] into total[64]
for(i=0;i<32;i++) left[i]=total[i]; // +--> left[32]
// total[64]--|
for(;i<64;i++) right[i-32]=total[i];// +--> right[32]
Expansion(); //Performing expansion on `right[32]' to get `expansion[48]'
substitution();//Perform substitution on xor1[48] to get sub[32]
permutation(); //Performing Permutation on sub[32] to get p[32]
xor_two(); //Performing XOR operation on left[32],p[32] to get xor2[32]
for(i=0;i<32;i++) left[i]=right[i]; //Dumping right[32] into left[32]
for(i=0;i<32;i++) right[i]=xor2[i]; //Dumping xor2[32] into right[32]
} //rounds end here
for(i=0;i<32;i++) temp[i]=right[i]; // Dumping -->[ swap32bit ]
for(;i<64;i++) temp[i]=left[i-32]; // left[32],right[32] into temp[64]
inverse(); //Inversing the bits of temp[64] to get inv[8][8]
/* Obtaining the Cypher-Text into final[1000]*/
k=128; d=0;
k=128; d=0;
} //for loop ends here
char *final1=new char[1000];
final1[i]=final[j]; final1[i]='\0';
Windows is trying to tell you why your program crashed. Please use a debugger to see what Windows is talking about. Location X is important: it should tell you whether your program is dereferencing NULL, overflowing a buffer, or doing something else. The call stack at the time of the crash is also very important.
Debugger is your best friend, try to use it and check step by step what could cause this access violation.
I think that info.encyptedString is not initialized correctly and pointing to not allocated memory, but I cant be sure because you didn't show this part of code.
And of course you must protect your shared resources (info) using some synchronization objects like critical section or mutex or semaphore.
I don't know, the basic issue seems pretty straightforward to me. You have multiple threads executing simultaneously, which access the same information via *pParams, which presumably is of type ChildInfo since that's what you cast it to. That info must be getting accessed elsewhere in the program, perhaps in the main thread. This is corrupting something, which may or may not have to do with Text1 or, these errors can often be 'non-local' and hard to debug for this reason. So start mutex-protecting the entire thread (within your initial loop), and then zero in on the critical sections by trial and error, i.e. mutex-protect as small a region of code as you can get away with without producing errors.