forgerock Identity Management Solution Vs WSO2 Identity Server - wso2

I'm trying to choose one of forgerock identity management solution (openAM, openIDM) and wso2 identity server for implementing Identity and Access Management solution.
I'm interested in using following features:
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Policy based access control
Managing user identities
Connecting to central repository like Active Directory, OpenLdap, Oracle Internet Directory etc.
Both open source products looks viable. I'm interested in having all of the above features along with good API to implement these features, along with active community support.
Which one would be the best amongst two ?

I am an architect from WSO2 - mostly leading WSO2 Identity Server. I am trying to be not bias as much as possible :-)
Both products bring you a comprehensive Identity Management platform - having support for SAML2, OpenID, XACML 3.0, OAuth 2.0, SCIM, WS-Security standards.
Few unique features that I would like to highlight on WSO2 Identity Server are...
Decentralized Federated SAML2 IdPs (
Distributed XACML PDPs
User friendly XACML PAP wizard
High scalability (We have a middle-east customer using WSO2 IS over an user base of 4 million for OpenID support.)
Cassandra based User Store ( To be used over 800 Million user base by one of our production customers)
Light-weight and Very low memory footprint. The stripped down version of WSO2 IS can be started with 64MB Heap Size and the standard versions runs with 96MB Heap.
Highly extensible. The architecture behind WSO2 IS is highly extensible. You can easily plugin your authenticators, user store, etc...
Support for multi-tenancy.
Suport for multiple user stores (AD, LDAP, JDBC)
Part of a proven SOA product platform provided by WSO2.
Also, we are planning to add support for OpenID Connect this year with a set of improved Identity Management capabilities.
You can also read more about WSO2 Identity Server from
You will not get an unbiased answer from me for your question :-) "Which one would be the best amongst two ?". You will aso get answers from Forgerock and other folks here. Best would be to evaluate and decide.

I'm a product manager at ForgeRock, but not for the products you're mentioning (OpenAM, OpenIDM).
ForgeRock Open Identity Stack has complete support for all your requirements, based on existing standards such as the ones mentioned by Prabath. It presents a single, common REST API to interact across the platform.
It's easy to deploy, modular, lightweight and yet highly extensible.
But in my opinion the key point is that it's a proven solution, deployed by hundreds of organizations, with built-in internet scale. The solution has been chosen by telecom service providers, medium and large enterprises for internal or customer facing services.
And I agree with Prabath, now that you've got answers from ForgeRock and WSO2, best would be to evaluate and make your own decision.

I am currently evaluating WSO2. It has a more permissive APACHE LICENSING Model and a more friendly management model from my having met with ForgeRock people.

Abdul, please share your findings as I am looking at both as well. We implemented OpenSSO in production a couple years ago just prior to its transition to OpenAM. It was an excellent product with thought leadership and decent execution. Unfortunately the pending transition to OpenAM was too unnerving for some of us and we switched to another product at great, unnecessary cost and continue to look over our shoulder. Some downsides at the time were ability to migrate policy through lanes from dev-test-stage-prod, keeping configurations in sync, and issue resolution. Also, fine-grained policy was very new. So my info is a bit dated and I know they have matured since then.
Just starting with WSO2. It has strong thought leadership and good execution with several platforms per other reviews. Their base architecture looks solid and it's allowing them to create and consume/improve open source technology very quickly into integrated, commercially supported solutions.


SaaS Multitenant Architecture

i just arrived on this architecture, am doing a lot of research and i understood how it work in general but it's all theorical.
I decided to separate each step for the development of this architecture to start implementing so i can understand better these steps.
The first that i wanted to learn was the tenant provisioning, i wanted to apply it on AWS to mirror a production software example.
So, starting on that the common AWS service that i see most people using is AWS Cognito, but it's not clear in my mind the steps of the implementation, like how should i get the tenant data to onboard him in my app? Assuming it's tier based.
Should i have one database to store all tenants data separate from the application database?
I want to use microservices on this one because i think is better to onboard the tenant with different tiers and much more benefits.
Which AWS services should i use to make this process work? I'm not really asking about the implementation itself but a path to understand which services to use and how it connects with each other.
I hope i was clear about my doubts, english is not my mother tongue, sorry about that!
You are thinking in the right direction. However, there are decisions you need to make before diving into any saas service stack. I would start with
Planning my infrastructure - how many tenants/group.
the kind of tenant onboarding system you want
How will tenants onboard their users and manage authorization/authentication
Multitenant architecture, which needs to account for several things at the least like - DB model, shared vs isolated, data privacy, design keeping in mind industry data security standards
what will be your tenant deployment model. Remember one of the disadvantages of multitenancy is also slow time to market.
Your API stack needs to account for which apis needs to be multitenant and which are generic product offerings.
operational tool to monitor app health, client analytics.
how will you meter and bill the client and other non-functional decisions.
AWS offers good documentation to get started here :

WSO2 without subscription

Im currently evaluating different middleware and WSO2 is coming up in the top as it has almost all feature we need to automate and integrate business processes, without need for wiring many different tools together: BPM, IM, Forms creation, API Management, BPMN runtime, etc. However, we are a relatively small company and I cant justify the costs of acquiring a subscription at the moment. Question is, is there anyone using WSO2 without subscription and just doing support/maintenance themselves on a production environment? Any hurdles to be aware of?
is there anyone using WSO2 without subscription
You can use them free as an open-source product without any subscription. There are many companies doing so.
Any hurdles to be aware of?
Part of the subscription service WSO2 issues patches and security updates, you should follow and apply the updates yourself (well, nothing forces you to do so, but I'd recommend to do it)
Looking at the number of questions we can see on Stack Overflow, there seem to be many companies that are using the free and open-source version of WSO2 products.

Kinvey server setup

Kinvey is Backend as a Service | Mobile Cloud Backend as a Service
Is Kinvey ( ) good, or using custom Java server with database a good idea ?
I am a member of the Kinvey engineering team, and can talk a bit about BaaS in general. While creating your own backend gives you a lot of flexibility and control, it is also a lot of work.
Back-end as a service providers like Kinvey offer a platform to speed up app development and have already done a lot of the work for you. Tasks like managing a database server and a web service front-end, managing the storage and streaming of files, providing a cross-platform push notification, providing a centralized user and authentication store, integration with social networks, buisiness logic and more are easily implemented with SDKs for each platform.
If I were to list the three main advantages of BaaS, they are:
Ease of implementation
Ready-made back-end platform for cross-platform apps
Automatic scalability if your app becomes successful
As far as disadvantages, your backend feature set becomes dependent on the vendor, and you certainly get more flexibility with a custom solution, but that can often be overcome with business logic. In my own (admittedly biased) opinion, the flexibility and cost savings make it worth at least giving BaaS a try seeing if the feature sets meet your specific needs.

When to expose a Service through an ESB?

The project I'm currently involved requires that business logic must be implemented in Web Service that will be consumed by the Presentation Tier Components (i.e. Web Applications).
The company has an Enterprise Service Bus, and up-to-date almost every Web Service developed is exposed through this bus. I asked some colleagues around about when to expose Service through ESB and I got this answers:
If there's an ESB, expose everything through it: There are several benefits like Load-Balancing and location transparency
If the ESB will only act as a Proxy -i.e no message transformation- just don't use it: You'll overload the ESB and lose performance. You'll better do a point-to-point connection.
You should expose a component through ESB if there's a protocol transformation (like exposing a Stored Procedure as a SOAP Service). If this isn't present you better go Point-to-Point.
So I'm curious if there's a general agreement or best-practice of when to expose a Web Service through it or not. Any reading/reference would be a great help.
From my point of view and after 4 years of experience with SOA technologies, using an ESB will always overload the system since you are adding a new layer and making all your communications go through it. Transformation (either messaging or protocol) and routing aren't to hard to accomplish without an ESB and point to point communication will have a bit higher throughput. Same happens also with business process automation, there are ways to get there without the need of an ESB.
In the other hand, the use of an ESB has several benefits in the scope of a corporation but it must be within a vision and strategy. One of the best examples is a company that has been working for a long time with a wide range of tools, each of them for a specific purpose and that made the company be distributed in teams which work in silos, ones isolated from the others. After a long time that makes interaction between teams complex and slow. A well planned SOA strategy will help to integrate all those tools and start replacing them for more meaningful lightweight items.
So, IMHO, Using an ESB just to solve a couple of "issues" in a single project without a corporate strategy isn't a good idea and, eventually, the word SOA will be banned in your company, when the problem isn't SOA by itself by rather the lack of vision and corporate strategy.
The only rule of thumb that I found regarding the use of ESBs is: The requirement of transformation, routing, business process automation (with or without human interaction), etc. in a single project is not a symptom of going SOA (almost every project has to perform transformations, routing and business process automation), but when those needs are the ones for a whole corporation then it's worth to think about it from a business point of view, never a technical one. If there isn't a business perspective, then SOA will fail.
This is a really wide topic and discussion can last for ages, I will suggest you a couple of links for further reading:
Some SOA Case Studies
Top 10 Reasons why SOA fails

How should I allow others to dynamically find web services?

I have been fighting with this for a while now. I need to prototype SOA, and with it, the registry. I have been fiddling with jUDDIv3 on JBoss SOA Platform 5, but there don't appear to be any tools that allow me to publish to a v3 jUDDI registry. See my related questions here and here.
I realize after reading comments on those questions, and some articles on the internet (like this one) that UDDI is failing or dead, however my organization has some legacy tech we need to work with.
Also, my supervisor (I'm an intern) is adamant about sticking to standards. In principle, I agree with this, but perhaps a dead standard really isn't a much of a standard if nobody uses it.
In short, I need to provide the registry component of Service Oriented Architecture. It probably needs to be UDDI, so that it fits with the legacy tech, and satisfies the standard. Whatever the solution, it would be best if there were tools available that allow me to publish web services to that registry.
This problem has dragged on much longer than I would have liked. Any small piece of advice is really appreciated.
You may use WS-Discovery. WS-Discovery is a standard protocol for discovering services and service endpoints. This enables service clients to search for services based on a given criteria and bind with the discovered services. There are tow modes of WS-Discovery,
ad-hoc - servers advertise the services they have using a UDP multicast protocol
managed mode - servers and clients use an intermediary known as the discovery proxy for all service discovery purposes.
You can simply try this out with WSO2 Platform (free and open source under apache2 license). Please follow [1] to see a simple scenario of WS-Discovery in managed mode.