Do Raphael sets accept event handler? - raphael

Do Raphael sets accept event handler? When I set an event handler on a raphael set, it seems that it is instead assigned on each of the Raphael shapes inside the set and not on the set itself as you can see here if you try to click the set:
I'm not interested in various hacks such as chaining elements inside a set with the set itself via custom attributes or similar approaches.

Yes, the event handler is applied to each object individually -- Raphael does not make use of the <g> element of SVG. However, you can fix your issue here with a few keystrokes:
set.attr({'fill': 'yellow'}); {
this.attr({'fill': 'red'});
set.attr({'fill': 'red'});
The biggest difference in the way it works and the way you thought it might work is the meaning of "this" inside the handler. Changing it to "set" will fix that right up.
UPDATE, Jan. 26, 2013
Per comments, you could also attach the set to the children of the set with one line, using Raphael's "data" method:
set.push(circle);'myset', set);
set.attr({'fill': 'yellow'}); {'myset').attr({'fill': 'red'});
I don't believe there is a native way to access the set from children, but I could be missing it.


How do I get the new index of a moved column in a wxGrid?

I'm using wxWidgets 3.1.0 and I'm developing a Windows app in C++.
I'm using the base wxGrid and I've enabled column re-ordering via dragging them with the mouse (EnableDragColMove(true)). My problem now is that I need to get the moved column's new position/index after the column has been dragged to its new position.
Unfortunately, I could not find a way to do that from the available APIs.
I've tried catching the wxGridEvent wxEVT_GRID_COL_MOVE then using GetCol() and GetColPos() to check the column's new index:
gridDataList->Bind(wxEVT_GRID_COL_MOVE, &FormData::OnList_ColumnMove, this);
void FormData::OnList_ColumnMove(wxGridEvent& event)
int movedCol = event.GetCol();
int movedColPos = gridDataList->GetColPos(movedCol );
But it seems the event is triggered BEFORE the column is actually moved, so GetColPos() will still return the current column index, NOT the new index.
There seems to be no event to catch AFTER the column is moved.
My current solutions/workarounds are to:
Manually handle the column movement after catching the wxEVT_GRID_COL_MOVE event (as suggested in the wxWidgets docs) so that I can properly track the before and after index of the moved column.
Manually trigger a callback or a timer event after the column moves to its new position, similar to a wxPython workaround suggested in another SO post.
Though, I would like to know if there is a cleaner, less complicated way without resorting to the workarounds above.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Yes, this wxEVT_GRID_COL_MOVE is generated before moving the column because it can be vetoed, preventing the move from happening. And it's true that it would be convenient if it carried the new column position, but unfortunately currently it doesn't (it would be simple to fix this and any patches doing this would be welcome!).
The standard workaround of using CallAfter() to execute your code at later time should work just fine without changing wxWidgets however. I.e., assuming you use C++11, you should be able to just write
void FormData::OnList_ColumnMove(wxGridEvent& event)
const int movedCol = event.GetCol();
CallAfter([movedCol]() {
int movedColPos = gridDataList->GetColPos(movedCol);

QDialog::setResult with custom return values

please note: qt/c++ newbie here
I have a QDialog from which I want to return a result. I am aware of the QDialog::exec() which combined with setResult, results in the use of Accept() or Reject(),
but as the documentation page reads, the developers suggest to sue the QDialog return codes, implying that different values can be used although I have had no luck with this.
enum ReturnResult{
How may I use the QDialog::setResult() function to send custom enum values to (as seen above),
as a result, back to the parent class, if this is not possible, any suggestion as to how I may solve this problem?
You can call QDialog::done(int res) to close a dialog with the desired result code, which then will be the return value of QDialog::exec().
The documentation for result() states that
In general returns the modal dialog's result code, Accepted or Rejected.
If I understand correctly, that means that even if the current implementation allows passing custom values, you cannot be certain that it won't change and break your code in the future.
In your case, simply add another signal to it and connect to it, or add your own field to your dialog and use it to pass the data.

Finding a wxMenu's Selected Radio Item

Let's say that I have a group of radio items in a wxMenu. I know that exactly one of these will be checked at any given time.
Does the wxMenu or some other construct hold onto the index of the checked item, or do I need to call the isChecked on each radio item till I find the checked element to find it's index?
I've asked this question about how to do that, but I'd much prefer wxWidgets saved me from doing that everywhere.
No, saving the index of the last selected item (as shown in ravenspoint's answer) or using wxMenuBarBase::IsChecked() until you find the selected radio button is the only way to do it.
For wxWidgets to provide access to the currently selected button it would need not only to store it (which means not forgetting to update not only when the selected changes, but also when items are inserted into/deleted from the menu, so it's already not completely trivial), but to somehow provide access to the radio items group you're interested in, which would require being able to identify it and currently there is no way to do it and adding it isn't going to be particularly simple.
What could be done easily, however, is writing a reusable function int GetIndexOfSelectedRadioItem(int firstItem) that would start at the given item and call IsChecked() on subsequent items until it returns true and return the offset of the item. You should be able to do it in your own code, but if you'd like to include such function in wxWidgets itself (as a static wxMenuBar method, probably), please don't hesitate to send patches/pull requests doing it!
It is easy enough to roll your own.
Bind an event handler to wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED for every button. In the handler, extract the ID of the selected radio button and store it somewhere.
Like this:
ResolMenu = new wxMenu();
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvLoRez,"Low Resolution");
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvMeRez,"Medium Resolution");
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvHiRez,"High Resolution");
ResolMenu->Check( idRcvLoRez, true );
void onRcvRez( wxCommandEvent& event )
myRezID = event.GetId();

Touch Event on Sprite with Cocos2d-x 3.x?

In my scene I have a vector with multiple custom sprites. When I tap on one of them, I want an action to be fired on another element on the scene, can be another sprite in the vector, or another node. I have been researching the best way to do this, but I'm not quite sure how to implement it. The options are:
Add a touch listener to the scene, and verify if it was tapped inside the bounds of the sprite with rect. containsPoint(point). And after that, I have to get the sprite that was tapped to do the action I want. For me, it doesn't seems very clean to do it this way. And if two sprites are overlaped, I have to verify if the sprite is behind or in the front in order to retrieve the desired sprite. I followed this example: Touch Event example
Add a touch listener in the subclass of the sprite (my custom sprite). And add onTouchBegan and onTouchEnded inside it. But this way, I don't know how to modify an attribute of another sprite, or another element in the scene (Is it possible to use Delegates like Objective-C does?). I followed this example: Subclass Sprite Example
My main problem is that I don't understand very well how to make a node interact with another node in the scene. I have seen a lot of tutorials, but in all of them, when you interact with a node, it only changes its attributes, not other nodes' attributes.
Thanks in advance.
I shall propose "EventCustom" way :)
You can add in your touchBegan / touchEnded methods (wherever you put them... you got the point...) additional code for passing an EventCusto to the _eventDispatcher and get it announced to the world ;)
EventCustom *e = new EventCustom("MyAwesomeEvent");
e->setUserData(ptrMyFantasticData); //This function takes a void pointer. cheers :)
You may subclass the EventCustom class but that is hardly necessary. You can always hang an object to it with setUserData().
Now the objects which need to react to the event can listen to it by
_myCustomListener = EventListenerCustom::create(
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithXXXXXPriority(_myCustomListener, XXX);
//ScreenGraphPriority / FixedPriority depends on situation. Either should work.
It's always a good practice to remove your listeners when you go off, so somewhere, perhaps in onExit(), where you removed touch listeners remove this listener too, as
Going a bit off the track, a clarification:
CC_CALLBACK_X are a bit tricky names. The X indicates the no. of args the target function will get. Here, event dispatcher will pass 1 arg i.e. ptr to object of EventCustom you handed it, so we use CC_CALLBACK_1. The next arg - here "this" - is the object on which the method will be invoked.
In short, we may say that this callback is going to result into a function call this->onMyAwesomeEvent(e);
For CC_CALLBACK_2 onwards, we can specify additional args, 3rd arg onwards.
Coming back to the issue at hand, ListeningClass::onMyAwesomeEvent will look something like
void ListeningClass::onMyAwesomeEvent(EventCustom *e)
MyFantasticData *d = (MyFantasticData *) e->getUserData();
CCLOG("[ListeningClass::onMyAwesomeEvent] %d", d->getMyPreciousInt());
Hope it helps :)
Set your elements tags or names with setTag and setName. Then if element x is touched, get them with getChildByTag or getChildByName and do what you need to do.
With the second option you list above.
To make a node interact with another node in the scene you can add touch callback function to your custom sprite object like that:
and in main scene you can define function to handle this callback. So you can do every thing to unit in you scene

How to set up property variable from QML to CPP in Blackberry 10?

I reference pullmybeard to work on drag and drop effect.
To do something programmatically, I would use cpp rather than QML itself.
But I face problem in setting property variables. Here is my code segments:
Container *playerContainer = Container::create();
playerContainer->setLayout(new AbsoluteLayout);
I would set a variables to this playerContainer in order to store positionX and Y. Like pullmybeard, inside ImageView id:beard, it sets property real dy. So, it can be used in onTouch hander.
I think you are looking for a way to pass attributes from your C++ to your QML.
To do that, you can use setContextProperty("propertyName", property)
You can have a look there to see how to implement it :