Catch ESC key press event when editing a QTreeWidgetItem - c++

I'm developing a project in Qt. I have a QTreeWidget(filesTreeWidget) whith some file names and a button for creating a file. The Create button adds to the filesTreeWidget a new item(the item's text is "") who is edited for choosing a name. When I press ENTER, the filename is send through a socket to the server. The problem comes when I press ESC because the filename remains "" and is not send to the server. I tried to overwrite the keyPressEvent but is not working. Any ideas? I need to catch the ESC press event when I'm editing the item.

You can subclass QTreeWidget, and reimplement QTreeView::keyPressEvent like so:
void MyTreeWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
// handle the key press, perhaps giving the item text a default value
QTreeView::keyPressEvent(event); // call the default implementation
There might be more elegant ways to achieve what you want, but this should be pretty easy. For example, if you really don't want to subclass, you can install an event filter, but I don't like doing that especially for "big" classes with lots of events because it's relatively expensive.

Implement keyPressEvent function as following:
void TestTreeWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
switch (event->key())
case Qt::Key_Escape:
// work with your QTreeWidgetItem here


Mouse right click option using eventFilter in Qt

I have QGraphicsView, which has many QGraphicsItem. I am trying to create a right click menu on these QGraphicsItem. Right click menu has multiple options. But only 1st option works. It means, if I click on 2nd option, it does not work. If I change the sequence ( means 1st one will go to 2nd position, and 2nd one will come to 1st position ) then still 2nd one will not work.
bool myClass::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
case QEvent::ContextMenu:
foreach(QGraphicsItem* pItem, _scene->items())
QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*> (event);
menu = new QMenu(this);
myMenu = menu->addMenu("Copy");
myMenu ->addAction(Name);
myMenu ->addAction(Address);
if(Name == menu->exec(mouseEvent->globalPos()))
// logic
if(Address == menu->exec(mouseEvent->globalPos()))
// logic
Always works only 1st mouse right click option. Why is so ?
The usual way to do something like this is to override the QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent() or QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent() function of your item class.
This way, you won't have to do anything (no looping, etc...), it is already handled by the event loop.
Here you can find a simple example:
void MyItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
QMenu my_menu;
// Build your QMenu the way you want
From the Qt documentation:
Note that all signals are emitted as usual. If you connect a QAction to a slot and call the menu's exec(), you get the result both via the signal-slot connection and in the return value of exec().
You just need to QObject::connect() the QActions you added to the context menu to the proper slots (here goes the "logic") and the job is done.
If you prefer to check the returned value by yourself, you just have to get the returned QAction* once and for all (only one call to QMenu::exec()) and branch on it.
For example:
void MyItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
QMenu my_menu;
// Build your QMenu the way you want
QAction * triggered = my_menu.exec(event->globalPos());
if(triggered == my_first_action)
// Do something
else if(triggered == my_second_action)
// Do some other thing
I would personnally prefer to stick with the signal-slot connections instead that manually handling the returned value, especially since each QAction is most likely to be already connected to its corresponding slot.

QMessageBox exec doesnt seem to return QDialog::DialogCode

My application's closeEvent() looks nearly like this (Qt 5.8.0 on Windows):
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
if(some_changes_were_made) // bool
QMessageBox mbox;
mbox.setText("Page(s) have been changed.");
mbox.setInformativeText("What do you want to do?");
mbox.addButton("Exit now", QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
mbox.addButton("Save page(s) first", QMessageBox::RejectRole);
int exit_code = mbox.exec();
if(exit_code == QDialog::Rejected)
// bail out of the close event so the user can save pages
I'm curious if the documentation is wrong, which states that exec() returns a QDialog::DialogCode. It actually seems to return the QMessageBox::ButtonRole (which interestingly is the inverse value). Or am I just doing something totally wrong here?
Please forgive any typos, as I'm unable to copy the actual code here.
Check QMessageBox reference here.
It is supposed to return one of the standardButton replies. You are using QDialogBox replies, QMessageBox has already overriden QDialogBox's exec method.
You want to check something like this:
switch (exit_code) {
case QMessageBox::Save:
// Save was clicked
case QMessageBox::Discard:
// Don't Save was clicked
case QMessageBox::Cancel:
// Cancel was clicked
// should never be reached
Source from the same link.

QT: Ignore key events on checkbox selection

I have a QT Application on Windows which has a mode of using arrow keys, and also a mode which should totally ignore these arrow keys. That is, I want the arrow keys to not to trigger any event once the user checks a box.
I saw a post where eventFilter() was suggested, but I did not get how I could use it. Here is the checkbox event that listens the user, and gets triggered once the user checks it. In the else part I want the eventFilter() to work for arrow keys, but so far I could not get it running.
void MainWindow::on_checkBoxSmartCutMode_stateChanged(int arg1)
if (arg1 == 0)
// do as usual, arrow keys should work
eventFilter(); // if any arrow key is pressed, ignore the event
Any suggestions?
You can use keyEvent as your key filter by override keyPressEvent and test your checkbox state.
void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
// check your checkbox state
if (ui->poCheckBox->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked)
// do as usual, arrow keys should work
case Qt::Key_Left:
case Qt::Key_Right: // add more cases as needed
event->ignore(); // if any arrow key is pressed, ignore the event
// handle the event

How to get the released button inside MouseReleaseEvent in Qt

In MouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e), is there a way to know which button was released without using a new variable ? I mean something like in the MousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) with e.buttons().
I tried e.buttons() in the releaseEvent it's not working (which is logical).
e is already a variable. Just use:
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) // Left button...
// Do something related to the left button
else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) // Right button...
// Do something related to the right button
else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) // Middle button...
// Do something related to the middle button
A switch statement also works. I prefer the series of if -- else if because they make it easier to handle evente modifiers, i.e., e->modifiers() in order to check for alt or control clicks. The series of if's is short enough not to create any burden on the program.
EDIT: Note that you should use the button() function, not its plural buttons() version. See the explanation in #Merlin069 answer.
The problem in the posted code is this: -
if(e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
As the Qt documentation states for the release event: -
... For mouse release events this excludes the button that caused the event.
The buttons() function will return the current state of the buttons, so since this is a release event, the code will return false, as it's no longer pressed.
However, the documentation for the button() function states:-
Returns the button that caused the event.
So you can use the button() function here.

Forward Key Press from QGraphicsView

I'm attempting to forward all key press events from my QGraphicsView to a widget that is currently on the scene.
My QGraphicsView looks like this:
Character_controller::Character_controller(Game_state * game_state) : Game_base_controller(game_state) {
this->character = new Character(this->game_state);
connect(this, SIGNAL(keyPress(QKeyEvent *)), this->character, SLOT(update()));
And then, my character which subclasses QWidget, which should recieve all keypress events
Character::Character(Game_state * game_state) : Base_object(game_state) {
Character::~Character() {
void Character::update() {
For some reason, this isn't working. How can I forward all keypress events from the view to my character?
The error I get is this:
Object::connect: No such signal game::Character_controller::keyPress(QKeyEvent *) in implementation/game_controllers/character_controller.cpp:21
keyPress(QKeyEvent*) doesn't exist as a signal, hence the error message that you're getting. As such, you can't do this:
connect(this, SIGNAL(keyPress(QKeyEvent *)), this->character, SLOT(update()));
In order to capture key press events in your graphics view, you will need to override the keyPressEvent function:
void Character_controller::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
// Call functions on your character here.
switch (event->key())
case Qt::Key_A:
character->moveLeft(); // For example
case Qt::Key_D:
character->moveRight(); // For example
// Otherwise pass to QGraphicsView.
You could just pass the QKeyEvent to the character to manage its own key presses, but you might find it difficult to ensure that different items in your scene don't rely on the same key(s) if you don't keep all your key press handling code in one place.
You have to override the keyPressEvent event to capture key press events