G++ generates code for unused template specializations? - c++

In a bit of serialization code for a project I'm working on I have a type whose size is compiler dependent. In order to deal with this, I decided to use a template specialization, which works great. Everything is resolved at compile time. The code looks a little bit like this (not the real code, just an example):
template <int size>
std::cout << "Called without specialization: " << size << std::endl;
template <>
std::cout << "dword" << std::endl;
template <>
std::cout << "qword" << std::endl;
return 0;
On my 32-bit system, executing the above program outputs dword, as expected. But the whole point of doing it this way and not just doing if (sizeof(int) == 4) { ... } else if ... is that I had hoped that the compiler would only produce code for the appropriate function. Since special_function<4> is the only one called in this program, I expected it to be the only one generated by the compiler (gcc 4.1.2 in this case, on x86 Linux).
But that is not the observed behavior.
While it indeed works, the code for each template specialization is generated despite not being ever used. The generic definition is not generated, however.
I should mention that this is a one-step compilation, not a compilation into intermediary object files followed by a link. In that case it would seem natural to defer dead code removal to the link stage, and I know that linkers are not always terribly good at this.
Does anyone know what is going on? Is there a subtlety of template specialization I'm missing here? Lord knows the devil is in the details with C++.
EDIT: Since it's been mentioned, this behavior occurs with both -O3 and -Os.
EDIT2: Rob below suggested putting the functions in an anonymous namespace. Doing so and compiling with any level of optimization does indeed remove the dead code, which is good. But I was curious, so I tried doing the same with the following program:
namespace {
void foo() { std::cout << "Foo!" << std::endl; }
void bar() { std::cout << "Bar!" << std::endl; }
return 0;
The idea here is see whether or not Rob's solution is actually related to template specializations. As it turns out, the above code compiled with optimizations turned on elides the unused definition of bar() from the executable. So it seems that while his answer solves my immediate problem, it doesn't explain why template specializations that aren't used are compiled at all.
Does anyone know of a relevant snippet from the standard that would explain this? I always thought templates were generated only on use, but perhaps this is not so for full specializations ...

The template specializations in your example are functions with external linkage. The compiler cannot know that they won't be called from another translation unit.
On my g++ 4.7.2 Ubuntu system, placing the templates into an anonymous namespace and compiling with -O3 prevented the unused function from being generated.
Similarly, declaring the function template static had the desired effect.

This is a peculiar problem. I looked into it a little, and this issue is unrelated to template specialization. I guess g++ doesn't, by default, strip unused symbols. This makes sense in case you later want to link your output to another program.
However, there are command line options that you can use to strip unused symbols. For details, see this post:
How to remove unused C/C++ symbols with GCC and ld?
but also see here
Using GCC to find unreachable functions ("dead code")
and here
Dead code detection in legacy C/C++ project
Just to try this out, I modified the code as follows:
#include <iostream>
void junk_function() {
std::cout<<"test" << std::endl;
template <int size>
void special_function()
std::cout << "Called without specialization: " << size << std::endl;
template <>
void special_function<4>()
std::cout << "dword" << std::endl;
template <>
void special_function<8>()
std::cout << "qword" << std::endl;
int main()
return 0;
Then stored this code to sp.cpp. First,
g++ -Os sp.cpp -o sp
nm sp
and got this (note, I removed a bunch of symbols for readability):
0804879a T _Z13junk_functionv
080487b8 T _Z16special_functionILi4EEvv
080487f5 T _Z16special_functionILi8EEvv
Seems the two unused symbols are there. I also tried -O1, -O2, -O3, and got the same.
g++ -Os -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections sp.cpp -o sp -Wl,--gc-sections
nm sp
and got this:
0804875a T _Z16special_functionILi4EEvv
That's it. So it looks like you just need to pass the right arguments in to tell g++ to strip unused symbols. On mac, I guess they have the -dead_strip option, but I don't know why it doesn't work in g++ (even though it is mentioned in the man pages. Admittedly, I didn't dig into this, so there may be a fine print that I missed).
I think Visual C++'s linker strips by default when you link, but I didn't test. Maybe someone else can chime in.


Make clang's Memory Sanitizer report unitialised variable use without it deciding branching

I was experimenting with Clang 6.0's Memory Sanitizer(MSan).
Code is compiled with
clang++ memsans.cpp -std=c++14 -o memsans -g -fsanitize=memory -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Weverything
on Ubuntu 18.04. As per the MSan documentation
It will tolerate copying of uninitialized memory, and also simple
logic and arithmetic operations with it. In general, MemorySanitizer
silently tracks the spread of uninitialized data in memory, and
reports a warning when a code branch is taken (or not taken) depending
on an uninitialized value.
So the following code does not generate any error
#include <iostream>
class Test {
int x;
int main() {
Test t;
std::cout << t.x;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
But this will
#include <iostream>
class Test {
int x;
int main() {
Test t;
if(t.x) {
std::cout << t.x;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Ideally one would like both of these code samples to generate some sort of error since both are "using" an uninitialised variable in the sense that the first one is printing it. This code is a small test code and hence the error in the first code is obvious, however if it were a large codebase with a similar error, MSan would totally miss this. Is there any hack to force MSan to report this type of error as well ?
It sounds like your C++ library wasn't built with MSan. Unlike ASan and UBSan, MSan requires that the whole program was built with msan enabled. Think of it like having a different ABI, you shouldn't link two programs built with different msan settings. The one exception is libc for which msan adds "interceptors" to make it work.
If you write your own code which you want to integrate with msan by reporting an error where msan normally wouldn't (say, in a function which makes a copy but you know the data needs to be initialized) then you can use __msan_check_mem_is_initialized from the msan_interface.h file: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/compiler-rt/blob/master/include/sanitizer/msan_interface.h

How to output c++ type information during compilation

I am debugging some problem of type mismatch of a heavily templated class. I would like to know c++ type information during compilation, so I write this:
#pragma message typeinfo(var)
It just do not work.
So I am here asking for some help. I am not sure if it is possible. But I think the compiler must know the type information during compilation.
The preprocessor is not going to help you much itself at compile time. It's job is preprocessing, which happens before compile time.
If the idea is to output type information at compile time then try the following
template <typename...> struct WhichType;
class Something {};
int main() {
Live example here. When you compile this you should get an error that gives you the type of whatever is inside the templates when trying to instantiate WhichType. This was a neat trick I picked up from Scott Meyers' Effective Modern C++ book. It seems to work perfectly on most mainstream compilers that I have encountered so far.
If you want to get the type information at runtime
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main() {
auto integer = int{};
cout << typeid(integer).name() << endl;
Note Don't get too comfortable with RTTI (RunTime Type Information) via typeid, C++ also offers several compile time type introspection utilities http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/type_traits.
I use a type printer helper function, which simply bases on the gcc predefined macro __PRETTY_FUNCTION__. Simply write a templated function which eats everthings and call it from the point where you need to know which type your template expands to. For me it was very helpful to use such a function in case of SFINAE problems and others.
template <typename ... T>
void TemplatePrint(T ... args )
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
int main()
auto any = std::tuple_cat( std::tuple<int, double>{}, std::tuple<std::string>{} );
TemplatePrint( any );
You did not tag your question to a specific compiler, so you maybe need to search for equivalents on other compilers.
On C++ con some year ago a talk was about:
https://baptiste-wicht.com/posts/2016/02/use-templight-and-templar-to-debug-cpp-templates.html. Maybe this will help to get strange template problems solved.

c++ inline function example

I follow this example http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_inline_functions.htm:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
inline int Max(int x, int y)
return (x > y)? x : y;
// Main function for the program
int main( )
cout << "Max (20,10): " << Max(20,10) << endl;
cout << "Max (0,200): " << Max(0,200) << endl;
cout << "Max (100,1010): " << Max(100,1010) << endl;
return 0;
and tried removing the inline and still gives same results... so what does inline actually affect this?
inline has nothing whatsoever to do with the behavior of the function. The only thing it is required to do is alter the behavior of the linker, specifically to cause the linker to allow the same symbol to be defined in multiple translation units. inline never affects a program's observed behavior1, only whether or not it might link successfully.
In the past it was also used as a hint to the compiler that the function should be inlined whenever used, but this is not required by the C++ specification and modern compilers are very good at deciding whether to inline without input from the programmer.
In the code you have posted, inline will not have any observable effect.
1Unless you define a function multiple times differently in different translation units and declare them all inline -- but I think this invokes undefined behavior.
You can view the difference between your code's operation using assembly output.
To view this using g++ as a compiler, type:
g++ -S mySource.cpp -o assemblyWithInline
then remove your inline and try, for example,
g++ -S myNewSource.cpp -o assemblyWithoutInline
diff assemblyWithInline assemblyWithoutInline
This will display the difference between your two sets of code (as understood by your compiler, g++)
This may be the same, if your compiler optimises your code to automatically inline it.
The output in all cases will be the same, since your logic is not altered by the presence of an inline hint.
Inline is Just a hint for the compiler. It can provide somę measurable speed up of code making calls to Inline functions.
Modern compilers seam to be far more clever these days so they know in 99% situations where Inline would help and where code would suffer from such inline.
Basicly inlined function code is pasted at every (suitable) call instruction, reducing overhead of pushing and popping its arguments.

Can't get warnings to work for header-only library

I'm creating an header-only library, and I would like to get warnings for it displayed during compilation. However, it seems that only warnings for the "main" project including the library get displayed, but not for the library itself.
Is there a way I can force the compiler to check for warnings in the included library?
// main.cpp
#include "MyHeaderOnlyLib.hpp"
int main() { ... }
// Compile
g++ ./main.cpp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic ...
// Warnings get displayed for main.cpp, but not for MyHeaderOnlyLib.hpp
I'm finding MyHeaderOnlyLib.hpp via a CMake script, using find_package. I've checked the command executed by CMake, and it's using -I, not -isystem.
I've tried both including the library with <...> (when it's in the /usr/include/ directory), or locally with "...".
I suppose that you have a template library and you are complaining about the lack of warnings from its compilation. Don't look for bad #include path, that would end up as an error. Unfortunately, without specialization (unless the templates are used by the .cpp), the compiler has no way to interpret the templates reliably, let alone produce sensible warnings. Consider this:
#include <vector>
template <class C>
struct T {
bool pub_x(const std::vector<int> &v, int i)
return v.size() < i;
bool pub_y(const std::vector<int> &v, int i)
return v.size() < i;
typedef T<int> Tint; // will not help
bool pub_z(const std::vector<int> &v, unsigned int i) // if signed, produces warning
return v.size() < i;
class WarningMachine {
WarningMachine() // note that this is private
//T<int>().pub_y(std::vector<int>(), 10); // to produce warning for the template
int main()
//Tint().pub_y(std::vector<int>(), 10); // to produce warning for the template
return 0;
You can try it out in codepad. Note that the pub_z will immediately produce signed / unsigned comparison warning when compiled, despite never being called. It is a whole different story for the templates, though. Even if T::pub_y is called, T::pub_x still passes unnoticed without a warning. This depends on a compiler implementation, some compilers perform more aggressive checking once all the information is available, other tend to be lazy. Note that neither T::pub_x or T::pub_y depend on the template argument.
The only way to do it reliably is to specialize the templates and call the functions. Note that the code which does that does not need to be accessible for that (such as in WarningMachine), making it a candidate to be optimized away (but that depends), and also meaning that the values passed to the functions may not need to be valid values as the code will never run (that will save you allocating arrays or preparing whatever data the functions may need).
On the other hand, since you will have to write a lot of code to really check all the functions, you may as well pass valid data and check for result correctness and make it useful, instead of likely confusing the hell of anyone who reads the code after you (as is likely in the above case).

Boost.Interprocess: testcase gives different results if compiled with or without optimization (GCC)

I'm having some troubles with Boost.Interprocess allocators when compiling with optimization. I managed to get this down to a 40 lines testcase, most of which is boilerplate. Just have a look at create() and main() functions in the code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
namespace interp = boost::interprocess;
struct interp_memory_chunk
interp::managed_shared_memory chunk;
interp_memory_chunk ()
interp::shared_memory_object::remove ("GCC_interprocess_test");
chunk = interp::managed_shared_memory (interp::create_only, "GCC_interprocess_test", 0x10000);
~interp_memory_chunk ()
interp::shared_memory_object::remove ("GCC_interprocess_test");
typedef interp::allocator <int, interp::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> allocator_type;
inline void
create (allocator_type& allocator, allocator_type::value_type& at, int value)
allocator.construct (allocator.address (at), value);
main ()
interp_memory_chunk memory;
allocator_type allocator (memory.chunk.get_segment_manager ());
allocator_type::pointer data = allocator.allocate (1);
create (allocator, *data, 0xdeadbeef);
std::cout << std::hex << *data << "\n";
When compiling this without optimization:
g++ interprocess.cpp -lboost_thread -o interprocess
and running, the output is deadbeef, as expected.
However, when compiling with optimization:
g++ -O1 interprocess.cpp -lboost_thread -o interprocess
running gives 0, not what is expected.
So, I'm not sure where the problem is. Is this a bug in my program, i.e. do I invoke some UB? Is it a bug in Boost.Interprocess? Or maybe in GCC?
For the record, I observe this behavior with GCC 4.6 and 4.5, but not with GCC 4.4 or Clang. Boost version is 1.46.1 here.
EDIT: Note that having create() as a separate function is essential, which might indicate that problem arises when GCC inlines it.
As others have suggested, one solution is try to find the minimial set of optimisation flags you need to trigger your problem, using -O1 -fno....
Other options:
Use Valgrind and see what it comes up with
Try compiling with "-fdump-tree-all", this generates a bunch of intermediate compiled files. You can then see if the compiled code has any differences. These intermediate files are still in C++, so you don't need to know assembler. They are pretty much human readable, and certainly diffable.