dependencies {
annotationProcessor "org.androidannotations:androidannotations:$AAVersion"
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
implementation 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.1.3'
implementation('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.7.0#aar') { transitive = true; }
I migrate to androidx package.
All project is success build except this:
package android.support.v7.app does not exist
private ActionBarDrawerToggle mDrawerToggle;
mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, mDrawerLayout, R.drawable.ic_navigation_drawer, R.string.app_name, R.string.app_name)
in my activity:
import androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar;
import androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager;
public class MainNavigationDrawerFragmentActivity extends androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity {
mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, mDrawerLayout, R.drawable.ic_navigation_drawer, R.string.app_name, R.string.app_name)
In new androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle I must use androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar.
But in my code I use action bar. So as result not compile.
The questions are:
Is it possible to use androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle WITHOUT toobar
Is it possible to use androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle WITH actionbar ?
So I have a little problem with creating project plugin in Unreal Engine for (4.15). So let's break it down.
1.I've created MyClass that is derived from UActor Component and has also this line:
UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
2.I've added that component to my GameMode.
3.Then I'm trying to call any function from inside the class by Get GameMode then casting to MyGameMode and getting MyClassComponent.
4.When I'm trying to call function nothing happens at all.
I was trying to debug it but it never goes in function body but prints before function and after works perfectly fine. I also must say that when functions are compiled straight into project they work 100% fine!
This is sample of how do I declare my functions:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MyClass|Test")
void TestFunction();
void UMyClass::TestFunction()
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Red, "hello there");
If there is any more information required that I'm not aware of please let me know.
MyClass declaration
UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class UMyClass : public UActorComponent
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MyClass|Test")
void TestFunction();
Any classes that need to be consumed publicly need to have their symbols exported.
In UE plugins this is achieved with the YOURPLUGIN_API specifier, where YOURPLUGIN is the name of the plugin.
This in turn is defined as __declspec(dllexport) when exporting and __declspec(dllimport) when consuming the plugin.
So your class definition should look like:
UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class MYPLUGIN_API UMyClass : public UActorComponent
I build a .so C++ library using g++ and -fPIC (using eclipse).
Still using eclipse, I linked this library and used it in another C++ project without any problem.
When I build a Cython project with that same lib to generate a python extension, using :
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
ext_modules = [
sources=["cyelp.pyx", \
"adapter/ATestClass.cpp", \
"adapter/ALabSimulatorTime.cpp", \
"libelp.so" being the mentioned library, the build is fine too : I get my cyelp.so library.
The problem occurs when I get a specific class from the library at runtime from python side script :
Here is my cython class (that inherits from a ALabSimulationTime:LabSimulationTime class implementing the method FireEvent() - method which is declared as "pure virtual" in LabSimulationTime) :
cimport cpython.ref as cpy_ref
cdef extern from "adapter/ALabSimulatorTime.h" namespace "elps" :
cdef cppclass ALabSimulatorTime:
ALabSimulatorTime(cpy_ref.PyObject *obj)
# Virtual overridable
void ResetTime()
double TimeStep()
void FireEvent()
void StepSimulation()
int EndSimulation()
void RunSimulation()
# Others
void UpdateEventsRate(double rate)
void SetEndTime(double end_time)
void SetOutputTimeStep(double out_time_step)
double GetTime()
int GetNbFiredEvents()
void SetTime(double time)
cdef class PyLabSimulatorTime:
cdef ALabSimulatorTime* thisptr
def __cinit__(self):
self.thisptr = new ALabSimulatorTime(<cpy_ref.PyObject*>self)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.thisptr:
del self.thisptr
cpdef ResetTime(self):
cpdef double TimeStep(self):
return self.thisptr.TimeStep()
And here, my python loading attempt :
from cyelp import PyLabSimulatorTime;
Finally, here's the error message :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/Spacial/BdmLsim2.py", line 1, in <module>
from cyelp import PyLabSimulatorTime;
ImportError: setup/cyelp.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4elps16LabSimulatorTime9FireEventEv
The fact is that it doesn't happen if I redefine the "FireEvent()" method in ALabSimulatorTime class from the header file :
virtual void FireEvent() {};
But does happen if I redefine the method from the ".cpp" file :
void ALabSimulatorTime::FireEvent()
Note : Everything works well if I turn FireEvent to "non-pure" from the base class "LabSimulatorTime".
I could, of course, try to be more specific, but may be some of you already has an idea about what is going on.
Thanks a lot
I have a class interface written in C++. I have a few classes that implement this interface also written in C++. These are called in the context of a larger C++ program, which essentially implements "main". I want to be able to write implementations of this interface in Python, and allow them to be used in the context of the larger C++ program, as if they had been just written in C++.
There's been a lot written about interfacing python and C++ but I cannot quite figure out how to do what I want. The closest I can find is here: http://www.cs.brown.edu/~jwicks/boost/libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/html/python/exposing.html#python.class_virtual_functions, but this isn't quite right.
To be more concrete, suppose I have an existing C++ interface defined something like:
// myif.h
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a);
What I want to be able to do is something like:
// mycl.py
... some magic python stuff ...
class MyCl(myif):
def myfunc(a):
return a*2
Then, back in my C++ code, I want to be able to say something like:
// mymain.cc
void main(...) {
... some magic c++ stuff ...
myif c = MyCl(); // get the python class
cout << c.myfunc(5) << endl; // should print 10
I hope this is sufficiently clear ;)
There's two parts to this answer. First you need to expose your interface in Python in a way which allows Python implementations to override parts of it at will. Then you need to show your C++ program (in main how to call Python.
Exposing the existing interface to Python:
The first part is pretty easy to do with SWIG. I modified your example scenario slightly to fix a few issues and added an extra function for testing:
// myif.h
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a) = 0;
inline void runCode(myif *inst) {
std::cout << inst->myfunc(5) << std::endl;
For now I'll look at the problem without embedding Python in your application, i.e. you start excetion in Python, not in int main() in C++. It's fairly straightforward to add that later though.
First up is getting cross-language polymorphism working:
%module(directors="1") module
// We need to include myif.h in the SWIG generated C++ file
#include <iostream>
#include "myif.h"
// Enable cross-language polymorphism in the SWIG wrapper.
// It's pretty slow so not enable by default
%feature("director") myif;
// Tell swig to wrap everything in myif.h
%include "myif.h"
To do that we've enabled SWIG's director feature globally and specifically for our interface. The rest of it is pretty standard SWIG though.
I wrote a test Python implementation:
import module
class MyCl(module.myif):
def __init__(self):
def myfunc(self,a):
return a*2.0
cl = MyCl()
print cl.myfunc(100.0)
With that I was then able to compile and run this:
swig -python -c++ -Wall myif.i
g++ -Wall -Wextra -shared -o _module.so myif_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7
python mycl.py
Exactly what you'd hope to see from that test.
Embedding the Python in the application:
Next up we need to implement a real version of your mymain.cc. I've put together a sketch of what it might look like:
#include <iostream>
#include "myif.h"
#include <Python.h>
int main()
const double input = 5.0;
PyObject *main = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(main);
PyObject *module = PyImport_Import(PyString_FromString("mycl"));
PyModule_AddObject(main, "mycl", module);
PyObject *instance = PyRun_String("mycl.MyCl()", Py_eval_input, dict, dict);
PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(instance, "myfunc", (char *)"(O)" ,PyFloat_FromDouble(input));
PyObject *error = PyErr_Occurred();
if (error) {
std::cerr << "Error occured in PyRun_String" << std::endl;
double ret = PyFloat_AsDouble(result);
std::cout << ret << std::endl;
return 0;
It's basically just standard embedding Python in another application. It works and gives exactly what you'd hope to see also:
g++ -Wall -Wextra -I/usr/include/python2.7 main.cc -o main -lpython2.7
The final piece of the puzzle is being able to convert the PyObject* that you get from creating the instance in Python into a myif *. SWIG again makes this reasonably straightforward.
First we need to ask SWIG to expose its runtime in a headerfile for us. We do this with an extra call to SWIG:
swig -Wall -c++ -python -external-runtime runtime.h
Next we need to re-compile our SWIG module, explicitly giving the table of types SWIG knows about a name so we can look it up from within our main.cc. We recompile the .so using:
g++ -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=myif -Wall -Wextra -shared -o _module.so myif_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7
Then we add a helper function for converting the PyObject* to myif* in our main.cc:
#include "runtime.h"
// runtime.h was generated by SWIG for us with the second call we made
myif *python2interface(PyObject *obj) {
void *argp1 = 0;
swig_type_info * pTypeInfo = SWIG_TypeQuery("myif *");
const int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, &argp1,pTypeInfo, 0);
if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
return reinterpret_cast<myif*>(argp1);
Now this is in place we can use it from within main():
int main()
const double input = 5.5;
PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("mycl");
PyObject *cls = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "MyCl");
PyObject *instance = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(cls, NULL);
myif *inst = python2interface(instance);
std::cout << inst->myfunc(input) << std::endl;
return 0;
Finally we have to compile main.cc with -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=myif and this gives:
Minimal example; note that it is complicated by the fact that Base is not pure virtual. There we go:
using std::string;
namespace py=boost::python;
struct Base{
virtual string foo() const { return "Base.foo"; }
// fooBase is non-virtual, calling it from anywhere (c++ or python)
// will go through c++ dispatch
string fooBase() const { return foo(); }
struct BaseWrapper: Base, py::wrapper<Base>{
string foo() const{
// if Base were abstract (non-instantiable in python), then
// there would be only this->get_override("foo")() here
// if called on a class which overrides foo in python
if(this->get_override("foo")) return this->get_override("foo")();
// no override in python; happens if Base(Wrapper) is instantiated directly
else return Base::foo();
import sys
import baz
class PyDerived(baz.Base):
def foo(self): return 'PyDerived.foo'
print base.foo(), base.fooBase()
print der.foo(), der.fooBase()
g++ -shared -fPIC -o baz.so baz.cpp -lboost_python `pkg-config python --cflags`
And the result is:
Base.foo Base.foo
PyDerived.foo PyDerived.foo
where you can see how fooBase() (the non-virtual c++ function) calls virtual foo(), which resolves to the override regardless whether in c++ or python. You could derive a class from Base in c++ and it would work just the same.
EDIT (extracting c++ object):
PyObject* obj; // given
py::object pyObj(obj); // wrap as boost::python object (cheap)
py::extract<Base> ex(pyObj);
if(ex.check()){ // types are compatible
Base& b=ex(); // get the wrapped object
// ...
} else {
// error
// shorter, thrwos when conversion not possible
Base &b=py::extract<Base>(py::object(obj))();
Construct py::object from PyObject* and use py::extract to query whether the python object matches what you are trying to extract: PyObject* obj; py::extract<Base> extractor(py::object(obj)); if(!extractor.check()) /* error */; Base& b=extractor();
Quoting http://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/Inheritance
"Boost.Python also allows us to represent C++ inheritance relationships so that wrapped derived classes may be passed where values, pointers, or references to a base class are expected as arguments."
There are examples of virtual functions so that solves the first part (the one with class MyCl(myif))
For specific examples doing this, http://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/OverridableVirtualFunctions
For the line myif c = MyCl(); you need to expose your python (module) to C++. There are examples here http://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/EmbeddingPython
Based upon the (very helpful) answer by Eudoxos I've taken his code and extended it such that there is now an embedded interpreter, with a built-in module.
This answer is the Boost.Python equivalent of my SWIG based answer.
The headerfile myif.h:
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a) const { return 0; }
virtual ~myif() {}
Is basically as in the question, but with a default implementation of myfunc and a virtual destructor.
For the Python implementation, MyCl.py I have basically the same as the question:
import myif
class MyCl(myif.myif):
def myfunc(self,a):
return a*2.0
This then leaves mymain.cc, most of which is based upon the answer from Eudoxos:
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "myif.h"
using namespace boost::python;
// This is basically Eudoxos's answer:
struct MyIfWrapper: myif, wrapper<myif>{
float myfunc(float a) const {
return this->get_override("myfunc")(a);
return myif::myfunc(a);
// End answer by Eudoxos
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
try {
// Tell python that "myif" is a built-in module
PyImport_AppendInittab("myif", initmyif);
// Set up embedded Python interpreter:
object main_module = import("__main__");
object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
main_namespace["mycl"] = import("mycl");
// Create the Python object with an eval()
object obj = eval("mycl.MyCl()", main_namespace);
// Find the base C++ type for the Python object (from Eudoxos)
const myif &b=extract<myif>(obj)();
std::cout << b.myfunc(5) << std::endl;
} catch( error_already_set ) {
The key part that I've added here, above and beyond the "how do I embed Python using Boost.Python?" and "how do I extend Python using Boost.python?" (which was answered by Eudoxos) is the answer to the question "How do I do both at once in the same program?". The solution to this lies with the PyImport_AppendInittab call, which takes the initialisation function that would normally be called when the module is loaded and registers it as a built-in module. Thus when mycl.py says import myif it ends up importing the built-in Boost.Python module.
Take a look at Boost Python, that is the most versatile and powerful tool to bridge between C++ and Python.
There's no real way to interface C++ code directly with Python.
SWIG does handle this, but it builds its own wrapper.
One alternative I prefer over SWIG is ctypes, but to use this you need to create a C wrapper.
For the example:
// myif.h
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a);
Build a C wrapper like so:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) float myif_myfunc(myif* m, float a) {
return m->myfunc(a);
Since you are building using C++, the extern "C" allows for C linkage so you can call it easily from your dll, and __declspec(dllexport) allows the function to be called from the dll.
In Python:
from ctypes import *
from os.path import dirname
dlldir = dirname(__file__) # this strips it to the directory only
dlldir.replace( '\\', '\\\\' ) # Replaces \ with \\ in dlldir
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dlldir+'\\myif.dll') # Loads from the full path to your module.
# Just an alias for the void pointer for your class
c_myif = c_void_p
# This tells Python how to interpret the return type and arguments
lib.myif_myfunc.argtypes = [ c_myif, c_float ]
lib.myif_myfunc.restype = c_float
class MyCl(myif):
def __init__:
# Assume you wrapped a constructor for myif in C
self.obj = lib.myif_newmyif(None)
def myfunc(a):
return lib.myif_myfunc(self.obj, a)
While SWIG does all this for you, there's little room for you to modify things as you please without getting frustrated at all the changes you have to redo when you regenerate the SWIG wrapper.
One issue with ctypes is that it doesn't handle STL structures, since it's made for C. SWIG does handle this for you, but you may be able to wrap it yourself in the C. It's up to you.
Here's the Python doc for ctypes:
Also, the built dll should be in the same folder as your Python interface (why wouldn't it be?).
I am curious though, why would you want to call Python from inside C++ instead of calling the C++ implementation directly?
I recently asked this question about how to simulate type classes in D and suggested a way to do this using template specialization.
I discovered that D doesn´t recognize template specialization in a different source file. So I couldn´t just make a specialization in a file not included from the file where the generic function is defined. To illustrate, consider this example:
import std.stdio;
template Generic(A) {
void sayHello() {
void testTemplate(A)() {
import std.stdio;
import Template;
template Generic(A:int) {
void sayHello() {
writefln("only for ints");
void main() {
This code prints "generic" when I run it. So I´m asking whether there is some good workaround, so that the more specialized form can be used from the algorithm.
The workaround I used in the question about Type classes was to mixin the generic functions after importing all files with template specialization, but this is somewhat ugly and limited.
I heard c++1x will have extern templates, which will allow this. Does D have a similar feature?
I think I can give a proper answer to this question. No.
What you are trying to do is highjack the functionality of template.d (also case should match on file and import Template, some operating systems it matters). Consider:
// template.d
// spezialisation.d
import std.stdio;
import template;
void main() {
Now someone updates the code:
// specialization.d
import std.stdio;
import template;
import helper;
void main() {
Perfect right? well inside helper:
// helper.d
getUserData() { ... }
template Generic(A:int) {
A placeholder; //...
You have now changed the behavior of specialization.d just from an import and in fact this would fail to compile as it can not call sayHello. This highjack prevention does have its issues. For example you may have a function which takes a Range, but the consumer of your library can not pass an array unless your library imports std.array since this is where an array is "transformed" into a range.
I do not have a workaround for your problem.
Michal's comment provides a solution to the second form of highjacking, where say specialization.d tried to highjack getUserData
// specialization.d
import std.stdio;
import template;
import helper;
alias helper.getUserData getUserData;
string getUserData(int num) { ... }
void main() {
IIRC; as a general matter in D, symbols in different files can't overload because the full name of a symbol includes the module name (file name) making them different symbols. If 2 or more symbols have the same unqualified name and are from 2 or more files, attempting to use that unqualified symbol will result in a compile error.