Centering text on the screen with SFML - c++

I'm using SFML 2.0 libraries on Ubuntu 12.10, using
sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
to get them. Now I'm trying to get a sf::Text centered in the sreen. To do this, I set the origin of the text (the place that is used to make transformations such as setting position, rotating, etc) to the center of the bounding box of the sf::Text, and then set the position to the center of the screen, like so:
//declare text
sf::Font font;
sf::Text text;
//center text
sf::FloatRect textRect = text.getLocalBounds();
This does not work, the text is off by some amount, like 3 on the x axis and 25 on the y axis. Oddly, if you set up a sf::RectangleShape to represent the bounding box of the text, that rectangle IS centered and correctly sized to fit the text. But then the text is drawn out of that box with the previously mentioned offset.
In this image I've marked the center of the screen, painted a sf::RectangleShape in the place of the bounding box of the text, and the sf::Text.
That image was generated by this code:
const int SCRWIDTH = 800;
const int SCRHEIGHT = 600;
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow window;
window.create(sf::VideoMode(SCRWIDTH,SCRHEIGHT), "MYGAME" ,sf::Style::Default);
sf::Font font;
sf::Text text;
sf::FloatRect textRect = text.getLocalBounds();
sf::RectangleShape rect(sf::Vector2f(textRect.width,textRect.height));
sf::RectangleShape RectW;
RectW.setSize(sf::Vector2f(SCRWIDTH, 0.0));
RectW.setPosition(0, SCRHEIGHT / 2);
sf::RectangleShape RectH;
RectH.setSize(sf::Vector2f(0.0, SCRHEIGHT));
RectH.setPosition(SCRWIDTH / 2, 0);
while(window.isOpen()) {
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) {
return 1;
How can I get it to be centered and inside of it's bounding box, as it should be?

sf::Text::getLocalBounds() has non-zero values for the top and left fields, so you can't ignore them when centering the origin.
Try this instead:
//center text
sf::FloatRect textRect = text.getLocalBounds();
text.setOrigin(textRect.left + textRect.width/2.0f, + textRect.height/2.0f);

I think this is a know problem with SFML's text rendering. Head on over to their issue tracker and take a look at this issue.
Also you could ask at their development forum. The developers their are always very friendly and helpful.

In addition to Emile's answer, instead of using textRect.height, you should use the maxHeight from the code below:
for (size_t characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < text.size(); ++characterIndex)
currentHeight = font->getGlyph(text[characterIndex], 12, false).bounds.height;
if (currentHeight > maxHeight)
maxHeight = currentHeight;
Explanation here:
This is because the first line is aligned vertically on the height of the tallest character -- even if it's not in your string. This is to keep the top of the string steady even if you add higher characters on the first line.
The exact computation is not straight-forward: you would have to iterate through all the characters of the first line, compute the highest character size, subtract this from the CharacterSize of your sf::Text, and subtract the result from the height of the bounding rectangle.
Another very important note: You may upset the look of the text if you draw it at a non-integer position. This seems to include the origin as well... (So round your origin + position to the nearest integer!)


how to scale graphics properly?

Now I need to draw some polylines according to their coordinates. These are coordinates of one poltline:
1.15109497070313E+02 2.73440704345703E+01
1.15115196228027E+02 2.73563938140869E+01
1.15112876892090E+02 2.73697128295898E+01
1.15108222961426E+02 2.73687496185303E+01
1.15081001281738E+02 2.73908023834229E+01
1.15078292846680E+02 2.73949108123779E+01
1.15073806762695E+02 2.74090080261230E+01
1.15063293457031E+02 2.74221019744873E+01
1.15059646606445E+02 2.74324569702148E+01
I've drawn these polylines and moved them to the center of window:
QPainter painter(this);
QPainterPath path;
for (auto& arc : layer.getArcs()) {
for (int i = 0; i < arc.pts_draw.size() - 1; i++)
QPolygonF polygon = QPolygonF(arc.pts_draw);
// move all polylines to the center of window
QPointF offset = rect().center() - path.boundingRect().center();
However, what I got in the window was this:
I think it's caused by the coordinates. All coordinates are very close to each other so the graphics will become too small when drawn in the window. So my problem is how to scale the graphics properly? In other words, how can I know the ratio of scaling?
On the QGraphicsView you can call scale(qreal sx, qreal sy) to scale the QGraphicsScene and all it's QGraphicsItems. If you wish to scale each item individually instead of the entire scene, then take each point in the polygon and use Euclidian geometry scaling to scale your polygon. Or you could use something called QTransform like this post did

How to know a sprite position inside a view, relative to window?

I have this sprite of a car that moves with varied speed.
It is inside a view and the view is moved to the left to keep the car always in the center of the window.
The view accompanies the displacement of the car, ie it is shifted to the left as the car accelerates or brakes.
This way the car will always appear in the center.
But if for example it is overtaken by another car, it will be left behind.
For it not to disappear from the window, I have to zoom in the view so that all the cars appear.
But for this, I need to know the position of the car in relation to the window (not in relation to the view).
getGlobalBounds().left or getPosition().x show the same value, which is the position relative to the view, not relative to the window, as shown in the image.
How to know a sprite position inside a view, relative to window?
After several hours of research, I finally find the easy way of achieve this. And yes, it was ridiculously easy.
But first, I would like to clear up some misconceptions.
getGlobalBounds().left or getPosition().x show the same value,
which is the position relative to the view, not relative to the
window, as shown in the image.
In fact, those methods return the position in the world, not in the view nor in the window.
You can have, for instance, a 500x500 window, with a 400x400 view, in a 10000x10000 world. You can place things in the world, outside of the view or the window. When the world is rendered, then the transformations of the view (translations, rotations, zoom, ...) are applied to the world and things are finally shown in the window.
To know where a coordinate in the world is represented in the window (or any other RenderTarget) and vice versa, SFML actually have a couple of functions:
RenderTarget.mapCoordsToPixel(Vector2f point)
Given a point in the world gives you the corresponding point in the RenderTarget.
RenderTarget.mapPixelToCoords(Vector2f point)
Given a point in the RenderTarget gives you the corresponding point in the world. (this is useful to map mouse clicks to corresponding points in your world)
int main()
RenderWindow window({ 500, 500 }, "SFML Views", Style::Close);
sf::View camera(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y));
sf::Vector2f orig(window.getSize().x / 2, window.getSize().y / 2);
sf::Font f;
sf::Text t;
sf::RectangleShape r;
r.setPosition(10, 10);
r.setSize(sf::Vector2f(20, 20));
t.setPosition(10, 40);
while (window.isOpen())
for (Event event; window.pollEvent(event);)
if (event.type == Event::Closed)
else if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed){
camera.move(-3, 0);
auto realPos = window.mapCoordsToPixel(r.getPosition());
std::string str = "Pos: (" + std::to_string(realPos.x) +","+ std::to_string(realPos.y) + ")";

Light shader moved while resizing window

I've been working around to make a little light shader.
It works perfectly, I mean, the light fades as it's supposed to, it's a circle around my character moving with it.
It could be perfect only if that resizing event wasn't existing.
When SFML resizes the window, it enlarges everything, but in a strange way. It enlarged everything but shaders.
I tried to resize my window (I love resizing pixel graph games, I find it most beautiful. So I don't want to prevent the resizing event).
Here's my shader :
uniform vec3 light;
void main(void) {
float distance = sqrt(pow(gl_FragCoord.x - light.x, 2) + pow(gl_FragCoord.y - light.y, 2));
float alpha = 1.;
if (distance <= light.z) {
alpha = (1.0 / light.z) * distance;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., alpha);
So, the problem is, my window is showed at 1280 x 736 (to fit with 32x32 textures), and I have a 1920 x 1080 monitor. When I enlarge the window to fit in 1920 x 1080 (title bar included), the whole thing resizes correctly, everything's fine, but the shader is now 1920x1080 (minus the title bar). So the shader needs different coordinates (what's supposed to be in x = 32, y = 0 is, for the shader, in x = 48 y = 0).
So I was wondering, is it possible to enlarge the shader with the whole window ? Should I use events or something like that ?
Thanks for your answers ^^
EDIT : Here's some pics :
So this is the light shader before it resizes (it's dark everywhere but on the player, like it's supposed to be).
Then I resize the window, the player doesn't move, the textures fit the entire window, but the light moved.
So, to explain correctly, when I resize the window, I want everything to fit the window, so it's full of textures, but when I do that, the coordinates given to my shader are the ones before resizing, and if I move it moves as if I didn't resize the window, so the light is never on my player again.
I'm not sure it's clearer, but I tried my best.
EDIT2 : Here's my code which calls the shader :
void Graphics::UpdateLight() {
short radius = 65; // 265 on the pictures
int x = m_game->GetPlayer()->GetSprite()->getPosition().x + CASE_LEN / 2; // Setting on the middle of the player sprite (CASE_LEN is a const which contains the size of a case (here 32))
int y = HEIGHT - (m_game->GetPlayer()->GetSprite()->getPosition().y + CASE_LEN / 2); // (the "HEIGHT -" part was set because it seems that y = 0 is on the bottom of the texture for GLSL)
sf::Vector3f shaderLight;
shaderLight.x = x;
shaderLight.y = y;
shaderLight.z = radius;
m_lightShader.setParameter("light", shaderLight);
The code snippet you're showing really only updates the shader coordinates (and from a quick glimpse it looks fine). The bug most likely happens somewhere where you're actually drawing things.
I'd use a completely different approach, because your shader approach might get rather tedious once you're rendering multiple things, other light sources, etc.
As such I'd suggest you render a light map to a render texture (which would essentially be like "black = no light, color = light of that color").
Rather than trying to explain everything in text, I've written a quick commented example program which will draw a window on screen and move some light sources over a background image (I've used the one that comes with SFML's shader example):
There are no requirements other than having a file called "background.jpg" in your startup path.
Feel free to copy this code or use it for inspiration. Just keep in mind this isn't optimized and really just a quick edit to show the general idea.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
const float PI = 3.1415f;
struct Light
sf::Vector2f position;
sf::Color color;
float radius;
int main()
// Let's setup a window
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(640, 480), "SFML Lights");
// Create something simple to draw
sf::Texture texture;
sf::Sprite background(texture);
// Setup everything for the lightmap
sf::RenderTexture lightmapTex;
// We're using a 512x512 render texture for max. compatibility
// On modern hardware it could match the window resolution of course
lightmapTex.create(512, 512);
sf::Sprite lightmap(lightmapTex.getTexture());
// Scale the sprite to fill the window
lightmap.setScale(640 / 512.f, 480 / 512.f);
// Set the lightmap's view to the same as the window
// Drawable helper to draw lights
// We'll just have to adjust the first vertex's color to tint it
sf::VertexArray light(sf::PrimitiveType::TriangleFan);
light.append({sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Color::White});
// This is inaccurate, but for demo purposes…
// This could be more elaborate to allow better graduation etc.
for (float i = 0; i <= 2 * PI; i += PI * .125f)
light.append({sf::Vector2f(std::sin(i), std::cos(i)), sf::Color::Transparent});
// Setup some lights
std::vector<Light> lights;
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(50.f, 50.f), sf::Color::White, 100.f });
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(350.f, 150.f), sf::Color::Red, 150.f });
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(150.f, 250.f), sf::Color::Yellow, 200.f });
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(250.f, 450.f), sf::Color::Cyan, 100.f });
// RenderStates helper to transform and draw lights
sf::RenderStates rs(sf::BlendAdd);
while (window.isOpen()) {
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
switch (event.type) {
case sf::Event::Closed:
bool flip = false; // simple toggle to animate differently
// Draw the light map
for(Light &l : lights)
// Apply all light attributes and render it
// Reset the transformation
rs.transform = sf::Transform::Identity;
// Move the light
// And scale it (this could be animated to create flicker)
rs.transform.scale(l.radius, l.radius);
// Adjust the light color (first vertex)
light[0].color = l.color;
// Draw the light
lightmapTex.draw(light, rs);
// To make things a bit more interesting
// We're moving the lights
l.position.x += flip ? 2 : -2;
flip = !flip;
if (l.position.x > 640)
l.position.x -= 640;
else if (l.position.x < 0)
l.position.x += 640;
// Draw the background / game
// Draw the lightmap
window.draw(lightmap, sf::BlendMultiply);

Why mouse align to grid is flickering?

I have a board where i calculate everything with millimeters and at drawout i calculate back to pixels.
I also have a mouse position in pixels, and a grid, where i want to align my mouse.
Functions calculate between pixels and millimeters:
int global::mmToPixel(double value)
return global::dpi / (double)25.4 * value;
double global::pixelToMm(int value)
return ((double)value) / (global::dpi / (double)25.4);
My values:
global::dpi = 600.0;
global::gridSize = 2.54;
And the mouse position function:
QPointD canvas::mousePosition(bool tiled)
QPoint mp = this->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
mp.setX(mp.x() - mp.x()%global::mmToPixel(global::gridSize));
mp.setY(mp.y() - mp.y()%global::mmToPixel(global::gridSize));
QPointD p(global::pixelToMm(mp.x()), global::pixelToMm(mp.y()));
return p;
Dpi is the dots/inch. gridSize is how big a tile is. mp is contain the mouse coordinates and p is the aligned coordinates.
I tried a lot of versions(calculating with pixels or millimeters) but either of those worked. Sometimes when the mouse is on the edge of the tile it's flickering, and jump 1 or to tiles in a direction(random where).
If i remove the 2 aligner lines it's works perfectly. When i wrote it in c# it worked, but in c++ doesn't now.
QPoint contains 2 int and QPointD is a custom class it contains 2 double value;
Any ideas?
Sorry for my poor english.

QPainter::drawText, get bounding boxes for each character

I'm using QPainter to draw multiline text on QImage. However, I also need to display a colored rectangle around each character's bounding box.
So I need to know the bounding box that each character had when being drawn.
For example, for
painter.drawText(QRect(100, 100, 200, 200), Qt::TextWordWrap, "line\nline2", &r);
I would need to get 10 rectangles, taking into account newlines, word-wrap, tabs, etc.
For example, the rectangle of the second 'l' would be below the rectangle of the first 'l', instead of being to the right of 'e', because of the newline.
Something like the coordinates of the red rectangles in this picture (I've put them by hand so they're not really the correct positions):
This may not be the best solution, but it's the best one I can think of.
I believe you will have to "do it yourself". That is, instead of drawing a block of text, draw each character one at a time. Then you can use QFontMetrics to get the bounding box of each character.
It's a little work, but not too bad. Something like (pseudo code, not code):
QFontMetrics fm(myFont, paintDevice);
int x = startX;
int y = startY;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChars; i++)
char myChar = mystr[i]; // get character to print/bound
QRect rect = fm.boundingRect( myChar ); // get that char's bounding box
painter.drawText(x, y, Qt::TextWordWrap, mystr[i], &r); // output char
painter.drawRect(...); // draw char's bounding box using 'rect'
x += rect.width(); // advance current position horizontally
// TODO:
// if y > lineLen // handle cr
// x = startX;
// y += line height
Check out QFontMetrics, it has a number of different methods for getting bounding boxes, minimum bounding boxes, etc.
QFontMetrics 4.7
Ahhh... I see now that the overload you're using returns the actual bounding rect. You can just use that and skip the QFontMetrics if you like - otherwise the overall algorithm is the same.
You can retrieve the bounding boxes of individual characters with QFontMetrics::boundingRect(QChar), but they have to be rendered at an offset (QFontMetrics::ascent from the top as well as QFontMetrics::width of the preceding characters from the left) because they are relative to the font’s base line and not to the bottom of the bounding box of the complete string.
Several lines also have to be handled separately.
QFontMetrics::lineSpacing give you their offset.
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 72));
auto pen = painter.pen();
QString text{"line\nline2\ngg\n`"};
QRect boundingRect;
painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, text, &boundingRect);
painter.drawRect(boundingRect.adjusted(0, 0, -pen.width(), -pen.width()));
const auto lines = text.split('\n');
const auto fm = painter.fontMetrics();
for (int linei = 0; linei < lines.size(); ++linei) {
const auto & line = lines[linei];
for (int chi = 0; chi < line.size(); ++chi) {
const auto bounds = fm.boundingRect(line[chi]);
const auto xoffset = bounds.x() + fm.width(line, chi);
const auto lineOffset = linei * fm.lineSpacing() + fm.ascent();
const auto yoffset = lineOffset + bounds.y();
painter.drawRect(QRect{xoffset, yoffset, bounds.width(), bounds.height()});
results in
which, sadly – isn’t perfect though.