can I free the memory allocated to Image after glTexImage2D call? - c++

glTexImage2D function takes a pointer to the Image data.
Now after I have called
glBindTexture, and then
to use texture in OpenGl.
Can I free the memory allocated to the Image data ptr?
or does opengl Copies the data from the pointer keeps it inside GPU after call
to glTexImage2D or it uses my Image data for texture?

Yes, you're safe to delete your information pointer once you provide it to glTexImage2D, it will just copy it to somewhere closer to the card (such as graphics card memory) and use it from there.
int *p = getImagePixels();
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE..., p);
delete [] p;

Check out this similar question for a discussion on freeing glTexImage2D. It would seem that you can, though.


usage of glbufferdata in OpenGL

let's say that I have the vbo id stored in an int, and I want to resize that buffer; what would I do?
1st choice: use glbufferdata function after binding the buffer.
2nd choice:.use gldeletebuffers then regenerate the buffer and use glbufferdata function after binding the buffer.
So my question is does glbufferdata deallocate the buffer by it self or it didn't?
Just call glBufferData. The glDeleteBuffers / glGenBuffers calls are unnecessary.
Think about it this way: glBufferData creates a new buffer. The glGenBuffers function creates a new name (integer) for a bufffer.
You don't need to deallocate the buffer yourself… not that OpenGL gives you a way to do that. Your OpenGL implementation will do that for you after it is done using the data in the buffer, as long as you don't hold a reference to it.
Is it legal OpenGL to re-allocate the storage of a buffer object with a different size? Yes. Is it a good idea? Well, consider this.
OpenGL has a new(ish) way to allocate storage for a buffer: glBufferStorage. It allocates "immutable" storage. So called because, once allocated, you cannot re-allocate it.
The people behind OpenGL would not have added this immutable buffer allocation method if they thought that reallocating the storage of a buffer object was a good idea.

Updating buffer objects without memory leak

i want to update VBO storage with other data, so i want previous storage not to leak. I can't use glMapBuffer as my size of data would be changing. So if I call again glBufferData with new size and data, does it allocate new storage ? what happens with previous memory?
From the OpenGL specification:
BufferData [...] delete[s] any existing data store ...

Orphaning: calling glBufferData with a NULL pointer, really?

From OpenGL wiki:
If you will be updating a small section, use glBufferSubData. If you will update the entire VBO, use glBufferData (this information reportedly comes from a nVidia document). However, another approach reputed to work well when updating an entire buffer is to call glBufferData with a NULL pointer, and then glBufferSubData with the new contents. The NULL pointer to glBufferData lets the driver know you don't care about the previous contents so it's free to substitute a totally different buffer, and that helps the driver pipeline uploads more efficiently.
I realize from my research, what they mean by "helps pipeline upload more efficiently" is it allows asynchronous buffer writes which makes dynamic buffers faster.
However, this excerpt and others seem to suggest that the "NULL" argument to the glBufferData is very important, and it's the cause for the orphaning and it's what promotes asynchronous writes.
But my common sense is telling me, it doesn't need to be null, you can put a pointer to some of your data there instead of null. The important part for the orphaning is just the fact that you're calling glBufferData again and therefore reallocating the storage of the buffer, therefore orphaning the old storage, therefore allowing asynchronous writes. Am I correct by thinking this?

glBuffer with heap memory

I have run into an issue I am unsure of how to properly handle. I recently began creating a particle system for my game, and have been using a structure called 'Particle' for my particle data. 'Particle' contains the vertex information for rendering.
The reason I am having issues is that I am pooling my particle structures in heap memory in order to save on large amounts of allocations, however I am unsure of how to use an array of pointers in glBufferData, I am under the impression that glBufferData requires the actual structure instance rather then a pointer to the structure instance.
I know I can rebuild an array of floats each render just to draw my particles, but is there an OpenGL call like glBufferData which I am missing somewhere that is able to de-reference my pointers as it is going through the data I supply? I would ideally like to prevent having to iterate over the array just to copy the data.
I am under the impression that glBufferData requires the actual structure instance rather then a pointer to the structure instance.
Correct. Effectively glBufferData creates a flat copy of the data preseted to it at the address pointed it via the data parameter.
which I am missing somewhere that is able to de-reference my pointers as it is going through the data I supply?
You're thinking of client side vertex arrays, and those are among the oldest features of OpenGL. They're around since OpenGL-1.1, released 19 years ago.
You just don't use a buffer object, i.e. don't call glGenBuffers, glBindBuffer, glBufferData and pass your client side data address directly to glVertexPointer or glVertexAttribPointer.
However I strongly advise to actually use buffer objects. The data must be copied to the GPU anyway, so that it can be rendered. And doing it through a buffer object enables the OpenGL driver to work more efficiently. Also since OpenGL-4 the use of buffer objects is no longer optional.

OpenGL 2.1: glMapBuffer and usage hints

I've been using glBufferData, and it makes sense to me that you'd have to specify usage hints (e.g. GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW).
However, it was recently suggested to me on Stack Overflow that I use glMapBuffer or glMapBufferRange to modify non-contiguous blocks of vertex data.
When using glMapBuffer, there does not seem to be any point at which you specify a usage hint. So, my questions are as follows:
Is it valid to use glMapBuffer on a given VBO if you've never called glBufferData on that VBO?
If so, how does OpenGL guess the usage, since it hasn't been given a hint?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of glMapBuffer vs glBufferData? (I know they don't do exactly the same thing. But it seems that by getting a pointer with glMapBuffer and then writing to that address, you can do the same thing glBufferData does.)
Is it valid to use glMapBuffer on a given VBO if you've never called glBufferData on that VBO?
No, because to map some memory, it must be allocated first.
If so, how does OpenGL guess the usage, since it hasn't been given a hint?
It doesn't. You must call glBufferData at least once to initialize the buffer object. If you don't want to actually upload data (because you're going to use glMapBuffer), just pass a null pointer for the data pointer. This works just like with glTexImage, where a buffer/texture object is created, to be filled with either glBufferSubData/glTexSubImage, or in the case of a buffer object as well as through a memory mapping.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of glMapBuffer vs glBufferData? (I know they don't do exactly the same thing. But it seems that by getting a pointer with glMapBuffer and then writing to that address, you can do the same thing glBufferData does.)
glMapBuffer allows you to write to the buffer asynchronously from another thread. And for some implementations it may be possible, that the OpenGL driver gives your process direct access to DMA memory of the GPU or even better to the memory of the GPU itself. For example on SoC architectures with integrated graphics.
No, this appears to be invalid. You must call glBufferData, because otherwise OpenGL cannot know the size of your buffer.
As to which is faster, neither I nor the internet at large appears to know a definite answer. Just test it and see.