Persistent undefined reference - c++

I am having a persistent undefined symbol error in Eclipse on MAC OS X. I can't figure
out the source of the error.
The error occurs according to the compiler when I try to use GA_Operations and gaAlgorithm->run_algorithm..... below:
int Application::execute_Algorithm()
if (this->GA_On)
GA_Operations *gaAlgorithm = new GA_Operations();
gaAlgorithm->run_algorithm(blocksSequence, bins);
packingAlgorithm->run_algorithm(blocksSequence, bins); return 0;
} //
return 0;
The error showing is:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"binproject::GA_Operations::run_algorithm(binproject::Blocks_Sequence&, binproject::BinContainer&)", referenced from:
binproject::Application::execute_Algorithm() in Application.o
"binproject::GA_Operations::GA_Operations()", referenced from:
binproject::Application::execute_Algorithm() in Application.o
And the declaration is:
class GA_Operations {
//call from main application to execute algorithm
void run_algorithm(Blocks_Sequence &b_seq, BinContainer &container);
It also throws a similar error anytime I try to define a declared function in the
implementation (CPP) file.
Any ideas? This only seems to happen with this class.
Also, I apologize if there is a problem with the code indenting, I'm

The error you are showing is a linker error. This means that the compiler thinks something exists, but the linker can't find where you've defined (not declared) it. Somewhere you need something like this:
// construct
void GA_Operations::run_algorithm(Blocks_Sequence &b_seq, BinContainer &container)
// stuff
Do you have that anywhere? If so, is it in the same file that Application::execute_Algorithm is in?
If it isn't, where is it? How are you compiling your whole program together so the stuff in these different files ends up in the same executable?
I'm not at all sure how to make Eclipse do what you need. I know it's possible, but I'm for familiar with pure command-line tools. You need to tell Eclipse that the .cpp file that contains the above definitions is part of your project and should be compiled and linked into the executable you're created.

Turns out this was an issue with linker settings. I turned on generating makefiles automatically and the problem resolved itself.


How do I avoid LNK2005 and LNK1169 errors while compiling TetGen in my project?

I am trying to compile TetGen and use the code below to tetrahedralize a .ply file although I am getting these two linker errors:
LNK2005 main already defined in tetgen.obj
LNK1169 one or more multiply defined symbols found
The files that are includes in my project solution are "tetgen.h", "predicates.cxx", and "tetgen.cxx", and the folder path that these three files are in is included in my Project Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories. I did the same for the "monkey.ply" file as well.
This is all the code in my main file:
#include "tetgen.h"
int main()
tetgenio in, out;
in.firstnumber = 0;
in.load_ply((char *)"monkey.ply");
tetgenbehavior* b = new tetgenbehavior();
tetrahedralize(b, &in, &out);
Here are the "tetgen.h", "predicates.cxx", and "tetgen.cxx" files I'm using :
I researched these errors and looked around a great amount but can't see why this is occurring. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
LNK2005 main already defined in tetgen.obj
This message tries to tell you that your tetgen library contains the main function. Your "main file" also contains a main function. This is a conflict. You should remove your main function from your code, and read the documentation of the tetgen library on how to provide a replacement. Typically, libraries which define their own main functions require you to rename your main to have some other name, which the documentation should clearly specify.
#include "tetgen.h"
int main_replacement_called_by_tetgen()
For anyone who may have this issue in the future with TetGen: The problem was that the TETGEN_LIBRARY flag needed to be defined in tetgen.h. I knew this, but every time I defined the flag, it would cause memory errors without fail. So, I kept TETGEN_LIBRARY undefined to avoid the memory error. Turns out, with TETGEN_LIBRARY defined, it will work. The problem was that "monkey.ply" did not exist/was in the wrong folder. Because "monkey.ply" did not exist it threw an unhandled exception. Why TetGen does not have a simple handle to check if a file exists before it tries to load it or not is beyond me. But that fixed things.

cannot find boost::throw_exception - no package with Ubuntu [duplicate]

I'm trying to compile/port an older version of OpenOffice. It uses Boost v1.34.1, which is part of the source tree. The error message is as follows:
Undefined symbols:
"boost::throw_exception(std::exception const&)", referenced from:
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count<ScToken>(ScToken*)in detfunc.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
Boost is new to me, and I haven't been able to find much online to help me understand this. From the error message, I understand that I probably need to link a library. However, boost::throw_exception is defined in a header file with no matching library (that I can find). Just for kicks, I've tried #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp> in detfunc and using symbolic links to put the header file in the same directory with no luck.
Is there a library I should be linking with -l or an include path with -I? How should I get that symbol referenced in?
Boost expects the project either to be built with macro BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS undefined, or to define the function boost::throw_exception itself.
From <boost/throw_exception.hpp> in version 1.34.1:
namespace boost
void throw_exception(std::exception const & e); // user defined
//[Not user defined --Dynguss]
template<class E> inline void throw_exception(E const & e)
throw e;
} // namespace boost
Boost's configuration headers will determine whether to define the macro or not. It looks like it boils down to the compiler you're using, but there may be other factors. Take a look in the boost/config/compiler/ folder for the header file that corresponds to your compiler, then search for BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS in it. There should be some conditions around the #define to help explain when Boost defines it. You may be able to configure your build to avoid the definition and get past the linker error you're experiencing.
If you're unable to change your compiler config to avoid the definition, then you're probably left defining boost::throw_exception(std::exception const & e) yourself somewhere in the OpenOffice code. I'm unfamiliar with that code, though, so I can't give a good suggestion where it should go.

Undefined symbols for architecture i386 "CScanner::CScanner(void*)", referenced from

I have looked into these kind of errors on posts but most of them have an _OBJC_CLASS name that you could track down. This error looks different.
-(void) initLocal
m_pScanner = new CScanner(self);
and the class looks like:
class CScanner : public SmartcodeDecoder::Observer {
CScanner(void* pControler);
The error looks like the following image:
The linker can't find the definition of function CScanner::CScanner(void*). The code above shows a declaration of that function, but not its implementation. Find the source code file or library that implements that function, and make sure it is added to the project.
As Eugene noted, the linker warning about mismatched architectures is suspicious. It's possible that the implementation of CScanner::CScanner(void*) is present for some architectures but not for i386 (which is the one you're trying to build).

How can I resolve single symbol link error when dynamically linking XCode project to lib4cxx library?

I'm writing in C++ under XCode 4.6 on Mountain Lion. I'm trying to add and use the Apache log4cxx library. I installed the library this morning via Brew. I'm linking against liblog4cxx.dylib. I'm getting a link error that just one symbol can't be found:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
const&, std::__1::basic_string,
std::__1::allocator > const&, log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo const&)
const", referenced from:
I know it's finding the library file because if I remove it, I get lots more undefined symbol errors relating to log4cxx.
relevant code is basically:
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
static LoggerPtr logger(log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(""));
void foo(int p1, int p2)
LOG4CXX_WARN(logger, "blah blah blah");
Creating the logger object inside the function, either as static or not, doesn't change the behavior. Also, linking with the static library, with or without defining LOG4CXX_STATIC in my project, does not change the behavior.
Looking at the macro I'm calling, I see that this symbol is the actual method that performs the log operation. If take out the logging call but leave in the code that defines the logger object, the code links fine as you might expect.
What do I need to do to have this last symbol resolve?
I traced my issue down to compiling the library in a non C++11 compiler, but then my target project was a C++11 compiler.
I was able to compile log4cxx in a C+11 compiler by viewing the changes to log4cxx in the development git repo, which mainly consisted of inserting static_casts, as in this update:
I suppose the few incompatible routines came up undefined, which is why we were getting confused with only a few seemingly random undefines. (Or I was anyway)

Member declaration not found

I have worked on a C++ project using a regular text editor. Later, I imported all the files to Eclipse to make it debugging easier.
In Eclipse a weird thing happens. It complains "Member declaration not found" even if I have included the header file. The header file has the function definition.
How do I fix this problem?
"Member declaration not found" is an error produced by the Eclipse static analysis tool (codan). If you get this error, but the compilation succeeds this is a false positive. Older versions of this tool are known to give some false positives, see for example this bug report. So I recommend updating Eclipse CDT to the most recent version.
Another thing that may cause this error is an unresolved include that prevents Eclipse from parsing a portion of your code correctly. Selecting Index -> Search For Unresolved Includes in the context menu of the project will give you the list of unresolved includes. See this answer for the details of how to fix it.
Here's an example:
class C {
void f(std::vector<int>&);
void C::f(std::vector<int>&) {} // Member declaration not found
The above example causes "Member declaration not found" error in Eclipse CDT even if you have <vector> included but unresolved (due to misconfigured include paths).
I also experienced this problem several times in Eclipse though building is successful. We can simply solve this problem by rebuild the C/C++ index in project menu. :)
I got this problem in Eclipse, but building in terminal was successful. So I just rebuild the C/C++ index in Eclipse:
Right click on the project -> index -> rebuild.
I noticed that "Member declaration not found" will report also when you create a class with a name that is already used or is a a keyword.
I found an error in my .cpp file that creates this message. I had namespace std { in the front of the file, and I placed new functions that I was creating after the closing } for namespace. Moving the closing } to the end of the file so that the defined files were now in the namespace fixed the error message.
Example that creates the error.
#include "MyStrFuncs.h"
**namespace** std {
MyStrFuncs::MyStrFuncs() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
MyStrFuncs::~MyStrFuncs() {
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
} // This ends the **namespace**
//Additional functions will now generate the member declaration not found error...
int MyStrFuncs::str2i(string strIn) {
int results;
istringstream convert(strIn);
if( !(convert)>>results) results = 0;
return results;
// Fix by moving closing } for namespace to here. Good luck.
Even with the CDT 9.2.1 and Eclipse Neon 4.6.3 "Member declaration not found" problems are reported.
As answered by Srijeyanthan, the following should resolve it:
Project > C/C++ Index > Rebuild.
I also experienced this problem while splitting source and header files in eclipse.I resolved this by "implementing methods" eclipse instead of manual typing and building the project.By implementing methods "inline functions" will be added to source file.