oracle integration repository package - web-services

I am new to Oracle and have been having trouble following instructions for importing a package into the integration repository.
The instructions include code for creating a package and body, but don't really tell me what to do with that code. It looks like I should run it in SQL Plus. Is that correct?
It also includes instructions for generating the ILDT file--but only in a generic way. Those instructions just refer me to the "SOA Gateway Implementation Guide". ( The command is:
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $FND_TOP/bin/ -g -v -username=sysadmin itg:patch/115/sql:fndav.pls:12.0=/tmp/fndav.pls
I'm not sure what to use for the .pls file. Is that generated and then the ILDT file is also created?
Apologies for this newbie question.
I appreciate any help!

You probably figured this by now, as per oracle conventions .pls file is the package specification and .plb is for package body.


Clojure/leiningen cannot find dependencies

I am new to Clojure and Leiningen. Just started working on an existing project. I pull the repo and did the command Lein run. It complained:
"Could not find artifact arctype:service.jose:jar:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT in clojars (
Could not transfer artifact arctype:service.jose:jar:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT from/to enonic ( Failed to transfer file with status code 409"
What I proceeded to do, under the assumption that the dependencies are bad, is that I went on Manually looked into the dependencies and changed "[arctype/service.jose "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :exclusions [arctype/service]]" in project.clj to "[arctype/service "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT":exclusions [arctype/service]]", because that is what it has on the site. But turns out that "Jose" is not inside of arctype/service, and changing the dependencies like I did removed it, so I have to change it back.
What im really confused about, is that, according to the error message, I went on to look for the dependencies I want, "arctype.service.jose" is no where to be found. Not even something close.
I saw the second half error message that mentions , so I try to look for the dependecy there as well. Same result, nothing. In my project.clj file, the repository is I am really confused, can somebody please enlighten me! Thanks in advance!
Im not sure if I provided enough, please let me know!
Most open source projects written in Java publish artifacts on Maven Central, and most Clojure projects publish artifacts on Maven Central or The fact that your error message mentions might be because the artifact mentioned in your project.clj file was published on that server, not on
If I go to (not there is a nice web interface with a search box, and if I enter "arctype" (without the double quotes) and do a search on that, it finds arctype/service, but not arctype/service.jose, probably because arctype/service.jose was not published on the site. Or, if it was, someone decided to remove it. Removing published things is fairly uncommon, so my guess is that if arctype/service.jose ever existed, it might have only been published on the site.
Is your project open source? Published on or a similar site where others can get a copy and try it out? If yes, including that in your question would help others see if they get the same error you do.
If the project you are working with is not open source, then hopefully someone more familiar with the particular errors you are seeing than I am will answer.

Amazon Kinesis can't find main class in Flink job compiled with Maven

Trying to execute a Flink job, compiled with Maven, in Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics and I get the following error:
"org.apache.flink.client.program.ProgramInvocationException: Neither a 'Main-Class', nor a 'program-class' entry was found in the jar file."
I have tried several ways of defining the main class in the pom.xml-file.
Right now it looks like this:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
Here is the pom.xml (the code gets weird when I format it in the comment):
Here is the plugin:
I use "mvn package" to package.
Any ideas?
You don't show the entire plugin configuration, or the command that you use to build the JAR, or the contents of the manifest file (if any), so there are many possible causes.
However, my guess is that you're using an older version of the plugin, so that the documentation here (which you seem to be following) may not apply.
The easiest solution is to follow the documentation here, has an explicit mainClass entry. I can assure you that works; I've been using it for at least ten years.
Thank you I will look at that.
Here is the pom.xml (the code gets weird when I format it in the comment):
Here is the plugin:
I use "mvn package" to package.
Problem solved. No idea what was wrong. I created another identical KDA-app which used the exact same jar and now it works. Strange.

Error: Program type already present: com.appsflyer.AFExecutor

I'm struggling to implement AppsFlyer on Android using Java.
I have looked into a couple of posts already such as this, this.
Here is the entire error message: [org.gradle.api.Project] AGPBI: {"kind":"error","text":"Program type already present: com.appsflyer.AFExecutor","sources":[{}],"tool":"D8"}
The version
AppsFlyer SDK: 5.+
Android Studio: 3.5.2
I have done till 4.1 of this guide so far so good.
On AndroidManifest.xml, the main class name of AF has implemented with attribute.
On AndroidManifest.xml, receiver tag commented out (because in this phase I don't believe I do not need a precise data tracking feature.)
What I have tried.
./gradlew app:dependencies | less To find out AFExecutor in other dependencies
To exclude the program
implementation ('com.appsflyer:af-android-sdk:5.+'){
exclude module: 'com.appsflyer'
implementation ('com.appsflyer:af-android-sdk:5.+'){
exclude module: 'AFExecutor'
If you have any insights, I'd love to hear that.
Try ./gradlew clean, clean project and invalidate caches and restart. If does not help than delete all build and .idea folders, .iml files.
After exploring a bunch of dependencies, I found the solution. The reason was there was a conflict between com.appsflyer:af-android-sdk:5.+ and AF-Android-SDK.jar which had installed manually. After removing the JAR file and built again, I could make it at last! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, however, the solution was simple!

Hiphop custom extension

I am trying to create a simple hello world extension using HipHop version 2.1.0. I read the docs in doc/extension.development. However, I believe these are now outdated. I followed the instructions anyways
EXT= make -C idl install
cmake .
error: ‘q_UConverter$$EBCDIC_STATEFUL’ was not declared in this scope
Except there are a lot of these. The file that generates these errors seem to be the class_map.cpp file. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
So, from what it looks like it seems that the make files are outdated.

Using Sphinx-apidoc to generate documentation from C++ code

There have been a couple of threads on this topic in the past that claim Sphinx doesn't support this at all. I had my doubts but either it has been updated since or the documentation for it was quite well hidden, because here is a link on the website stating otherwise:
Anyway, I'm new to Sphinx but am trying to use it to (eventually) automate documentation using some text from some source C++ code. So far I haven't been able to get anywhere when using the sphinx-apidoc -o ... command. An almost blank document is created. I'm probably not using the right directives, since I don't know how - the supporting documentation hasn't been able to help me.
Can anyone provide some assistance with the basic steps needed to get it working? If it is not possible to auto-generate documentation from C++, what are the C++ domains for and how to use them?
On auto-generating C++ documentation:
After reading up on how to use sphinx at all, you should have a look into breathe:
Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and Doxygen documentation
It is an easy way to include Doxygen information in a set of
documentation generated by Sphinx. The aim is to produce an autodoc
like support for people who enjoy using Sphinx but work with languages
other than Python. The system relies on the Doxygen’s xml output.
So additionally, you'll need to follow Doxygen commenting style and even setup an doxygen project. But I tried that and it works really well after the initial setup took place. Here is an excerpt of our CMakeLists.txt which might give you an idea on how sphinx and doxygen work together:
macro(add_sphinx_target TARGET_NAME BUILDER COMMENT_STR)
COMMAND sphinx-build -b ${BUILDER} . sphinx/build/${BUILDER}
DEPENDS doxygen
COMMAND doxygen docs/doxygen.conf
COMMENT "Build doxygen xml files used by sphinx/breathe."
"Build html documentation"
So after initial setup, essentially it boils down to:
build doxygen documentation with doxygen path/to/config
cd into the directory where the sphinx configuration is.
build sphinx documentation with sphinx-build . path/to/output
On the c++ domain:
Sphinx is a „little bit“ more than a system to auto-generate documentation. I would suggest you have a look at the examples (and consider that the sphinx website itself is written in sphinx reST code). Especially click the Show Source link on many sphinx-generated pages.
So if you cannot generate documentation automatically for a project, you have to do it yourself. Basically sphinx is a reST to whatever (LaTeX, HTML, …) compiler. So you can write arbitrary text, but the advantage is that it has a lot of commands for documenting source code of different languages. Each language gets its own domain (prefix or namespace) to separate the namespaces of the different languages. So for example I can document a python function using:
.. py:function:: Timer.repeat([repeat=3[, number=1000000]])
Does something nasty with timers in repetition
I can do the same using the cpp domain:
.. cpp:function:: bool namespaced::theclass::method(int arg1, std::string arg2)
Describes a method with parameters and types.
So if you want to document your c++ project without doxygen+breathe but with sphinx, you'll have to write the restructured text files yourself. This also means that you split the documentation from your source code, which can be undesirable.
I hope that clears things up a bit. For further reading I strongly suggest that you have a good read on the sphinx tutorial and documentation until you understood what it actually does.