I want to update the <title> tag for the page whenever the location (route) changes. I'm particularly interested in observing App.Router's current route changing - I then want to access the View associated with that route and update the <title> tag from the observer based on a property of the View.
For example, if going to /about
What do I set the Observer to observe? I'm having trouble finding a currentState property or equivalent to observe.
Within the Observer, how can I access the App.AboutView associated with the route?
I'm using 1.0.0pre4
My goal is to have a title property and an authorization property on each View that the Observer on currentPath will work with. I want to use the title property to update the document.title, and the authorization property object to check wither my current user can access the route.
Now that I say this and with #Michael Grassotti's answer, perhaps these properties belong on the Controller and not the View. The goal is to gain access to these properties associated with the current Route's context to modify the document.title and check whether or not my App.CurrentUserController (that stores a User object model for the logged in user) is authorized to acess the current route.
What do I set the Observer to observe? I'm having trouble finding a currentState property or equivalent to observe.
You can observe the ApplicationController.currentPath. For example:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
currentPathDidChange: function() {
path = this.get('currentPath');
console.log('path changed to: ', path);
window.document.title = path;
Within the Observer, how can I access the App.AboutView associated with the route?
Trying to access App.AboutView from this observer would be tricky and probably not a good idea. I'm not clear on why a view's property would be useful in this scenario. Can you elaborate?
So the properties I'm trying to work with belong on the Controller for the route, not the View.
Given some contactUs route, it's Controller might look like
App.ContactUsController = App.AppController.extend({
title: "Contact Us"
My App.ApplicationController can now look like
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
updateTitle: function() {
window.document.title = this.controllerFor(this.currentPath).get('title');
So the API methods/properties I was looking for are
App.ApplicationController.get('currentPath') (currently appears to be undocumented on the site)
controllerFor (also seems undocumented, but is found within a reopen implementation for Ember.ControllerMixin)
I needs to apply an "active" class to a bootstrap tab depending on the current route name. The route object contains "routeName" but how to I access this from a controller or component?
Use this this.controllerFor('application').get('currentRouteName');
In fact, you don't need to apply active class by yourself. A link-to helper will do it for you.
See here:
{{link-to}} will apply a CSS class name of 'active' when the application's current route matches the supplied routeName. For example, if the application's current route is 'photoGallery.recent' the following use of {{link-to}}:
{{#link-to 'photoGallery.recent'}}
Great Hamster Photos
will result in
<a href="/hamster-photos/this-week" class="active">
Great Hamster Photos
In the absolutely desperate case, you can look up the router, or the application controller (which exposes a 'currentRouteName' property) via this.container.lookup("router:main") or this.container.lookup("controller:application") from within the component.
If it was a common trend for me, I would make a CurrentRouteService and inject it into my component(s) so that I can mock things more easily in my tests.
There may also be a better answer to come along - but the container.lookup() should knock down your current blocker.
Since Ember 2.15 you can do this through the public Router service.
router: service(),
myRouteName: computed('router.currentRouteName', function () {
return this.get('router.currentRouteName') + 'some modification';
Which worked really well for me since I wanted something computed off of the current route. The service exposes currentRouteName, currentURL, location, and rootURL.
currentURL has the query params, but you would need to parse them from the URL.
For Ember 2, from a controller you can try :
appController: Ember.inject.controller('application'),
currentRouteName: Ember.computed.reads('appController.currentRouteName')
Then you can pass it to component.
Try this.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
routeName: null,
//alert(JSON.stringify(transition.targetName) + 'typeof' + typeof transition.targetName);
this.set('routeName', transition.targetName);
// write your logic here to determine which one to set 'active' or pass the routeName to controller or component
Using insights from #maharaja-santhir's answer, one can think of setting the routeName property on the target controller to use, e.g., in the target's template. This way there's no need for defining the logic in multiple locations and hence code-reusability. Here's an example of how to accomplish that:
// app/routes/application.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
willTransition(transition) {
let targetController = this.controllerFor(transition.targetName);
set(targetController, 'currentRouteName', transition.targetName);
return true;
Defining this willTransition action in the application route allows for propagating the current route name to anywhere in the application. Note that the target controller will retain the currentRouteName property setting even after navigating away to another route. This requires manual cleanup, if needed, but it might be acceptable depending on your implementation and use case.
I have an EmailsController (ArrayController), which stores all the emails. I have an EmailController (ObjectController) that has a parameter that stores if the actual Email is selected or not. I am trying to implement a button in the emails template, that selects or deselects all the Emails. So somehow I need to notify the EmailController via an action of the EmailsController and change the EmailController's isChecked parameter.
I am trying to use the itemController, the needs, and the controllerBinding parameters, but nothing works.
Here are the controllers:
App.EmailsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ["Email"],
itemController: 'Email',
checkAll: true,
actions: {
checkAllEmails: function() {
App.EmailController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ["Emails"],
controllerBinding: 'controllers.Emails',
isChecked: true,
checkAllChanged: function() {
//this should execute, but currently it does not
Here is the corresponding jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/JqZK2/4/
The goal would be to toggle the selection of the checkboxes via the Check All button.
Your mixing a few different mechanisms and your using a few wrong conventions. It's not always easy to find this stuff though, so don't fret.
Referencing Controllers
Even though controllers are created with an Uppercase format, the are stored in the lowercase format and your needs property should be:
needs: ['emails'],
You then access other controllers through the controllers property:
Computed Properties
Computed properties can be used as a getter/setter for a variable and also as a way to alias other properties. For example, if you wanted the isChecked property on the Email controller to be directly linked to the value of the checkAll property of the Emails controller, you could do this:
isChecked: function() {
return this.get('controllers.emails.checkAll');
Although computed properties can do much more, this basic form is really just a computed alias, and there is a utility function to make it easier:
isChecked: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.emails.checkAll')
An observable basically creates a method that will be called when the value it observes changes. A computed alias would cause all items to uncheck or check whenever you clicked on any one of them, since their isChecked property is linked directly to the checkAll property of the parent controller. Instead of your checkAllChanged method identifying as a property it should use observes:
checkAllChanged: function() {
This way when the checkAll property changes on the parent controller, this method updates the isChecked properties of all items to its value, but if you uncheck or check an individual item, it doesn't affect the other items.
Bindings are somewhat deprecated; from reading issues on the Ember github repository I believe the creators of Ember seem to favor using computed properties, aliases, and observables instead. That is not to say they don't work and if your goal was to avoid having to type out controllers.emails every time, you could create one like you did (I wouldn't call it controller though, cause thats really quite ambiguous):
emailsBinding: 'controllers.emails'
Using a computed alias instead:
emails: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.emails')
You could then change your observer to:
checkAllChanged: function() {
Heres an updated version of your jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/tMuQn/
You could just iterate through the emails, changing their properties from the parent controller. You don't need to specify needs or observe a variable.
App.EmailsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: 'email',
actions: {
checkAllEmails: function() {
this.forEach(function(email) {
Also, you typically don't set initial values like you did with isChecked = true; I believe that's creating a static shared property on the prototype (not what you intended). Instead, set the property on init, or pass it in from your original json data.
See the code: http://jsfiddle.net/JqZK2/5/
I have a controller in Ember like so:
App.TasksController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
search: function(term){ ... }
And I have the relative view, with a custom text field, as such:
App.TasksView = Ember.View.extend({
searchField: Ember.TextField.extend({
keyUp: function(){ this.get('controller').search() }
I however get an error saying that there is no such method.
I was wondering:
How can I correctly call the method defined in the controller from the view?
How can I debug which is the currently active controller? If I console.log(this.get('controller')) I get an object, but it is very confusing to navigate and to understand exactly which controller is that.
the scope of this on the text field isn't the same scope as the tasksview, so it doesn't have access to the controller.
Honestly a better way to handle this is to bind the textfield value to something and add an observer to it. When it changes fire off a search (or probably better would be to debounce it so you aren't firing off requests every single character they type)
I have an Ember application composed from 3 routes:
router.route('territory', { path: 'localhost/app/territory/:tid' });
router.route('aggregator', { path: localhost/app/territory/:tid:/aggregator/:aid' });
router.route(territory, { path: 'localhost/app/territory/:tid/aggregator/:aid/item/:iid' });
the possibles transition are from territory to aggregator, from aggregator to item, and from item to a sub item.
The sub item use the same route (the 3rd), just changing the iID value in the model of route.
I had created an action that allows the user to move into a particular route with some logic and at the end run the command:
tid: "ttt"
aid: "aaa"
iid: "iii"
destination = 'item'; //the name of item route
controller.transitionToRoute(destination, model);
If I'm in the item route and I want to move to an other item, the URL will update, but not the content of the page. Obviously if I refresh the page with the generate URL the content will update.
Where is the problem? in the transition method that is Deprecated, or i have to use something different?
IMPORTANT: I'm using EmberJS - V1.0.0-RC.1
Is not a bug is just a normal situation in emberjs because every route have model and setupController.
The model function is used to retrive asynchronously from WS or Data module the necessary information (is a RSVP.Promise). When is complete the information will be passed to setupController function, where will be possible set properties of the controller connected with the view of current route.
Every time that i change the value of path but not the route, only setupController will be called.
To conclude, in my case, the problem was just an organisation problem of code.
I wanna do something like a progress bar, which will be controlled by ember. So in my eyes, there are two and a half ways to achieve this:
Have an observer in the controller, which sets the elements' width when triggered. Problem: AFAIK, one can't access DOM-elements from within the controller, i.e. like the way you'd do it in the view this.$('#progress').
Have an observer in the view, which observes the controller's property. Problem: I don't know, how to observe (and access) a controller's property.
(bind the controller's property via {{bindAttr}} to a freaky data-progress="42" attribute and adjust the elements width whenever the attribute's value has changed)
Option 2 is your best bet.
Problem: I don't know, how to observe (and access) a controller's property.
Ember will set a view's controller property when the view is created, you can use that to access the controller's property.
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
percentComplete: '0'
App.ProgressView = Ember.View.extend({
percentChanged: function() {
percentString = (this.get('controller.percentComplete') + "%");
this.$('.bar').css('width', percentString);
I've posted a working example here: http://jsbin.com/hitacomu/1/edit