"Or" operator in emacs regexp with `M-x occur` - regex

I've wanted to get an overview of my Python program, so I ran:
M-x occur
and for the regexp I've supplied
which failed to match anything.
I've also looked at this post, and tried
but this failed to match anything either...
How do I get M-x occur to match class or def?

You have to use single backslash (without parentheses, or you should escape parentheses as well):


Converting "$$...$$" into "\[...\]" in emacs with replace-regexp

I'm trying to use emacs to convert strings of the form "$$...$$" into "\[...\]". I just started learning to use emacs for this specific purpose for editing some files.
Following the first example of replace-regexp on emacs wiki, I intitially tried:
M-x replace-regexp
Replace regexp: \$\$.*\$\$
Replace regexp with: \,("\[" \1 "\]")
but I received the error: invalid function "[". I instead tried
Replace regexp with: "\["\1"\]"
but I received the error: Invalid use of `\' in replacement text.
Since neither of those approaches worked, I tried to adapt the 13th example of replace-regexp on emacs wiki, writing
M-x replace-regexp
Replace regexp: \$\$
Replace regexp with: \,(if (evenp \#) "\[" "\]")
but I received the error: (void-function evenp). Any suggestions? I'd like to understand what went wrong in each of these instances, and how to fix them.
You don't need macros.
(replace-regexp "\\$\\$\\(.*?\\)\\$\\$"
Replace regexp: \$\$\(.*?\)\$\$
Replace with: \\[\1\\]
Used the greedy syntax .*? for the cases where there are multiple occurrences on a line (from #phil's comment below).
Note that this does not work when the text between $$ is across multiple lines. If the text is spread across multiple lines the following should work, though at that point I might just prefer rolling my own function:
(replace-regexp "\\$\\$\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)\\$\\$"
Replace regexp: \$\$\(\(.\| C-qC-j \)*?\)\$\$
Replace with: \\[\1\\]

Vim regex to substitute/escape pipe characters

Let's suppose I have a line:
I'd like to run a regex to convert it to:
In most regex engines I'm familiar with, something like s%\|%\\|%g should work. If I try this in Vim, I get:
As it turns out, I discovered the answer while typing up this question. I'll submit it with my solution, anyway, as I was a bit surprised a search didn't turn up any duplicates.
vim has its own regex syntax. There is a comparison with PCRE in vim help doc (see :help perl-patterns).
except for that, vim has no magic/magic/very magic mode. :h magic to check the table.
by default, vim has magic mode. if you want to make the :s command in your question work, just active the very magic:
Vim does the opposite of PCRE in this regard: | is a literal pipe character, with \| serving as the alternation operator. I couldn't find an appropriate escape sequence because the pipe character does not need to be escaped.
The following command works for the line in my example:
:. s%|%\\|%g
If you use very-magic (use \v) you'll have the Perl/pcre behaviour on most special characters (excl. the vim specifics):

What's wrong with my VIM regex to search and replace some code?

I have the following bit of code in a php file.
I opened up VIM and tried running a 0,$s/eval(.+;//gc to try to remove all instances of it, but VIM says pattern not found. What is the correct expression?
Notes - as per my comments I also tried 0,$s/eval\(.+;//gc and VIM complained E54: Unmatched \( E476: Invalid command
I also tried 0,$s/eval\(.\+;//gc and again got E54: Unmatched \( E476: Invalid command
In Vim, unlike most anywhere else, some of the meta-characters must be escaped to be used as metacharacters, rather than escaped as literals. Therefore, you need to escape + as \+ to match one or more of the preceding.
The above is tested and working with your PHP snippet.
Edit: Sorry - previous version had a mistaken \( where ( should be unescaped as a literal.

Emacs (TeX): how to search and replace a whole region?

I bother you to have some tips for this problem: I'm working in Latex with a very dirty code, generated by writer2latex (quite good programme, anyway) and, using Emacs, I'm trying to query-replace multiple lines of code, for instance:
{\centering [Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics:
have to become:
Using M-x re-builder, I found out that I could underline the whole region I need to query-replace with the string: \{.*centering.*c-qc-j.*cm] but, if I M-x replace-regexp using this, I only get: Invalid regexp: "Invalid content of \\{\\}"
Any suggestion about how to perform the query? I have a HUGE amount of lines like these to replace... :-)
You're getting this error message because in Emacs' regular expressions the curly braces\{ and \} have special meaning. These braces are used to specify that the part of the regexp immediately before the braces should be matched a certain number of times.
From the GNU Emacs documentation on regexps:
is a postfix operator specifying n repetitions [...]
is a postfix operator specifying between n and m repetitions [...]
If you want your regexp to actually match a curly brace, do not escape it with a leading slash:
{.*centering.*C-q C-j.*cm]
In order to use a backslash in the replacement string you have to escape it with another backslash. (When doing this in code, it quickly becomes quite ugly because inside a double-quoted string backslashes themselves have to be escaped already. However, since you are doing your replacements interactively, the double escaping is not necessary and thus two backslashs are enough.)
M-C-% {.*centering.*C-q C-j.*cm] RET \\begin{figure}[tpb]C-q C-j\\begin{center}C-q C-j\\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth] RET
Make sure the re-syntax is "read", C-c tab. Remove the initial backslash. Now the regexp should work if you yank it into replace-regexp

regexIssueTracker not working in CruiseControl.net

I am trying to get an issueUrlBuilder to work in my CruiseControl.NET config, and cannot figure out why they aren't working.
The first one I tried is this:
<cb:define name="issueTracker">
<issueUrlBuilder type="regexIssueTracker">
<find>^.*Issue (\d*).|\n*$</find>
Then, I reference it in the sourceControl block:
<sourcecontrol type="vaultplugin">
My checkin comments look like this:
[Issue 1234] This is a test comment
I cannot find anywhere in the build reports/logs/etc. where that issue link is converted to a link. Is my regex wrong?
I've also tried the default issueUrlBuilder:
<cb:define name="issueTracker">
<issueUrlBuilder type="defaultIssueTracker">
Again, same comments and no links anywhere.
Anyone have any ideas.
It looks like you're trying to match a potentially multiline comment by using .|\n instead of just ., which doesn't match newlines by default. Your first problem is that | has the lowest associativity of all regex constructs, so it's dividing your whole regex into the alternatives ^.*Issue (\d*). or \n*$. You would need to enclose the alternation in a group: (?:.|\n)*.
Another potential problem is that the lines might be separated by \r\n (carriage-return plus linefeed) instead of just \n. If CCNET uses the .NET regex engine under the hood, that won't be a problem because the dot matches \r. But that's not true of all flavors, and anyway, there's always a better way to match anything including newlines than (?:.|\n)*. I suggest you try
<find>^.*Issue (\d*)(?s:.*)$</find>
<find>(?s)^.*Issue (\d*).*$</find>
(?s) and (?s:...) are inline modifiers which allow the dot to match line separator characters.
EDIT: It looks like this is a known bug in CCNET. If the inline modifier doesn't work, try replacing . with [\s\S], as you would in a JavaScript regex. Example:
<find>^.*Issue (\d*)[\s\S]*$</find>