How to get general data from facebook graph api - facebook-graph-api

I'm looking into the facebook graph api. I understand that I can retrieve information about a facebook web page by making a get with the current id. It's also clear that after retrieving a access token I can post on the logged in users wall and do other operations.
But what if I want more general data? Can I, for example, get how many swedish user who have used the word "Obama" in their status update the last week?

I don't think that the current search API can be that specific. You can find everything about the search API in this document.


Facebook Graph API Search Posts for specific text in message field

Is there a way with graph facebook to search specific text content in the message of a user's posts? The assumption here is that the user id and access token is already available as well as all applicable permissions (ie. the user_posts permissions, etc..).
I read through the search feature on graph:
Facebook Graph Docs-Advanced
The following graph explorer example was provided:
The table that lists the available types in the link provided is very limited (place, placetopic, ad_*). Is that the full list of possible types? Can we use POSTS or user posts as a type. I couldn't find the right syntax anywhere.
My goal is to retrieve a user's posts based on a specific message tag or text in their post message. Currently, the only way I know how to do this is highly inefficient. I would have to do the following:
Get user's full list of posts
Run a coded query to get the posts I need and discard the rest
Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to get the Instagram profile picture and other basic details?

I'm trying to get the details of the user using the access_token from the Instagram APIs, Instagram Basic Display API and Instagram Graph API. What I found is the details are bit messy and by going deep into it I'm not able to conclude the final result as I want.
What I got to know during the implementation is that Instagram has stopped the public APIs. does that mean apart from getting auth-token then had stopped everything?.
I have even tried the Instagram Basic Display API which is only giving the access of 4 fields account_type, id, media_count, username. Is it possible to get any other field from the same API?
If so How do I get the profile picture of the user and other basic details of the Instagram user?
any help will be appreciated
Currently, the API endpoint for retrieving a user's profile information only allows for the retrieval of the 4 fields you listed above. This is, up to now, all that has been made available for retrieval through the me endpoint of the Instagram Basic Display API for getting a User node.
Until the API developers further extend the API's endpoints and capabilities, you won't be able to use this API programmatically to get a user's profile image.

How to get Facebook page posts count on Android using Facebook SDK

I am building an app, which lists all posts from a Page(that I manage and post to) and also gets corresponding posts view count. I looked into the documentation and it seems like the page needs a minimum of 30 Likes for insights API to work. Is this correct? Is there a way I can get the view count?
Here is the output from Graph Explorer. I have set the access token to Page Access token.
I am passing the Post_ID to HTTP GET. I can see directly from Facebook that the post has reached N number of people. But the returned data from the API call is empty. Any help?

How do I obtain the requires access token?

Until a few days ago the Python script I was using to generate an RSS feed for my own Facebook News Feed was working fine. The script I was using first signed on to Facebook using my log in information and then called up this page and parsed it for an access token:
I'm not sure that is exactly the way Facebook wants people to get an access token, but reading through all the information on Graph API I can't seem to find anything that says, "Here's how you get that token you need to access your own stuff." It all seems to be directed at people trying to do far fancier stuff.
How do I obtain an access token such that the page referenced here will return the JSON format data I need?
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Start by reading about Access Tokens as there are different types.
Then, to read the user news feed (home connection), you need a user access_token
To retrieve one using the server-side method, you need to follow this document
To understand the flow of the server-side method you can refer to this diagram (source: Login Architecture document ):

Montreal Canadiens Facebook Graph API returns no posts

I'm using the Graph API to return Facebook posts from all NHL teams. Every team returns the posts fine except for the Montreal Canadiens, which returns no posts. I verified that there are posts on their wall, and that the Facebook ID that I used is correct(see here)
I get back an empty JSON list when I try using this link for the Canadiens: access token)&limit=10
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
The posts on that page all have a custom privacy setting - you need to make sure you're attempting to access them using a User access token for a user that meets whatever restrictions they've applied.
App or page access tokens won't be able to see the posts, nor will user tokens for users who don't meet the restrictions