Color dark scheme for ColdFusion/Dreamweaver? - coldfusion

Is there anyone out there who has a dark color scheme for Dreamweaver (CS6) that includes coldFusion Code?
I was not able to find any and changing the colors by hand is really painful
Would be great if you could share one.

There are colour files for Dreamweaver, but I haven't found any that actually work with Coldfusiun. You can follow this guides process. It is a manual process, but it will tell you exactly what to change and as indicated by the latest update at the bottom it does work in CS6.
Copying from link in case link dies. Do note that you will have to go to the link to download the links.
Close Dreamweaver
Browse to: %APPDATA%\Adobe\Dreamweaver 9\Configuration\CodeColoring
Rename the Colors.xml file to something different – say Colors2.xml (This will be the file you go back to if you don’t like the new colour scheme)
Download and extract the the zip at the end of this article to the location you opened at point 2.
Open Dreamweaver and go to Edit/Preferences/Code Colouring and change the default background colour to #003
As a side note. If you are only using Dreamweaver to write Coldfusion, maybe you should consider looking at CFEclipse. I've found it to be much better than Dreamweaver at writing Coldfusion. Also it's built on top of Eclipse. Which has a plugin to change the colouring. It's also easier to change it manually.


Do I have to do something special to make a file a resource file in QT C++?

Basically I have an image I'm trying to use as a splash screen. I set up the splash screen and even told it the location(":/Nuclear_Vortex_100_About.jpg") but when I run the program, all I see is a general window background "window"(no close box or any of the decoration, just a widget for lack of a better word) and no image on it.
I added the file (along with a bunch of other images I want to later load and use in the app) and they show up in the "Other Files" folder - ok so I figured since they're in the project, that they would be seen as resources if not source or headers. Do I need to add a special section to the PRO file or something in order to use the file? I'm about to just hard code an absolute path just to get it to work but I want a system independent way to get this done. I'm going to be paid for this project and I don't have much experience with the resource system in QT but it wasn't hard in Visual Studio and other C++ environments. As I see the splash screen show up, I know that part is working. The only thing I don't know for sure is that the file is not being found - that is I have not verified by using QFile and checking if it exists - I'll be doing that after I post this as it'll take some time to get a response or 2.
I have been searching for over a day and a half all over google and haven't found anything telling me what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you!
create resource file (.qrc) and add picture in it. It'll appear in resources section of your project. Then you can use it freely in your program.

Plugin for Sublime to see breadcrumbs

Does anyone know of a plugin where I can get the breadcrumbs of a file I am working on.
Lets say I am working on app/controllers/admin/crs/abc, So I can see this info at the top or start of the window.
I am using ember and due to pod structure its hard to know which file I am working as all of them have different folders but same names.
Simply edit your user preferences and add
"show_full_path": true
and the full path of the file will appear in Sublime's titlebar when the file is active.
Compare with the setting (OS X):
to without it:
I know this is an old question but still, I think this is an interesting Package that not many people know of.
On top of #mattdmo answer, you might even want to check the breadcrumbs for a nested structure (pretty much like you'd do in VS Code): just install Breadcrumbs for Sublime Text. Not as cool, but it works ok.

WebStorm opens files on AutoScroll to source

wondering if I could have the same behavior as Brackets like it previews the code on the right side but only opens the file if we do some edits.
Helpful when I'm just going through the files and not really changing anything but then at the end I've to close all.
Is there a setting in web storm that can help achieve the same behavior like brackets
Currently I may only suggest to use View | Quick Definition to preview file content instead of opening (has to be invoked for each file, which is possibly not what you are willing to do).
Other than that: -- star/vote/comment to get notified on progress.
As stated in this comment they seems to worked on something like that already but quite possibly did not finished it for IDEA v14 release: in build 138.2502 there was an option to open file in "preview panel" first (and if satisfied -- move to editor) instead of opening in editor straight away. But it still a bit different to what Sublime does.

Find and Replace/Update links like Dreamweaver in other editors

I've been slowly weening myself off of Dreamweaver and using other editors like SublimeText and Espresso. But there are two features that are lacking in those editors that I still find the need to use Dreamweaver for:
1.) Find and Replace within entire current local site.
2.) Update links when a page is saved within another directory. For example, if you rename, or re-save a file that is open within another directory, Dreamweaver will ask you to update the links. This will then make sure that if the file is moved or saved to another directory it will update any links within the HTML for stylesheets, images, navigation, etc.
Does any know of any other apps or tools that might be able to accomplish those actions without having to crack open Dreamweaver?
Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The Sublime Text plugin 'Side Bar Enhancements' has Search/Replace entire project functionality. Doesn't handle update links across files (that i've found)
PHPStorm may handle the second question.

Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++

I use CFEclipse for most of my projects and heavy lifting but sometimes I find the need to do a quick fix on pages outside the project scope that is easier to accomplish in a simple text editor.
I have googled but can't seem to find an answer so either a link to a download or a link to how to build my own would be awesome. thanks.
Update: Brien Malone's answer below along with charlie arehart's comments are what people should use at this point as nppColdFusion is no longer maintained as of 23 Sept 2011.
nppColdFusion is actively maintained
In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'. 'Coldfusion Lexer' is listed as available plugin
This question is a few years old now, and unfortunately, the accepted answer involving nppColdFusion is no longer valid because the plug-in doesn't work with NP++ after version 5.x.x and is not being maintained. (It stopped working when Notepad++ switched their plug-in hooking mechanism in version 6.x.x)
The Notepad++ site points to a library of nearly every language highlighter available:
ColdFusion (specifically CF9) is listed:
It's not as good as a full plug-in like nppColdFusion, but it is better than pages of black text.
Just a comment about Tony's answer (Aug 22 '14 at 13:00) : he wrote "In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'."
However, in ver. 6.8 (maybe since before), there's no "Plugins" menu item on the menu bar. What I had to do is:
1- From the User Defined Language Page
Download the ColdFusion User Defined Language file
Into the Notepad++ Folder
2- From the User Defined Language panel, import that file:
Language > Define your language... then press the Import button
ColdFusion will then appear at the bottom of the Language menu item selection list, and NotePad++ will automatically use it for any .CF file you open.
This link might help:
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it myself.
I found that nppColdFusion was working well, until I updated NP++ to version 7.6.6. I have tried just about everything to get it working, but to no avail.
I tried Delire Web's solution and it worked perfectly.
The different formatting (font and background colors) takes a bit of getting used to though.