Data Parallelism with GPars - concurrency

I found this example here Data Parallelism
GParsPool.withPool() {
Closure longLastingCalculation = {calculate()}
Closure fastCalculation = longLastingCalculation.async()
Future result=fastCalculation()
//do stuff while calculation performs …
println result.get()
I find it a bit extensive. Is there a way to shorten it?
GParsPool.withPool() {
Future result = calculate().async()
//do stuff while calculation performs …
println result.get()
Would that work?
If not, is there another way?

Think you'd need:
Future result = { calculate() }.async()()

calculate().async() will launch calculate method immediately.
I'd bet with
GParsPool.withPool() {
Future result = {calculate()}.async().call()
//do stuff while calculation performs …
println result.get()
because async() returns a closure. I'm not sure if ({calculate()}.async())() would be valid, i'll test that later


Can Gomega's Equal() handle multiple values ?

I am testing a function to send a mock request to a server using gomega and I want to verify that 1. the request has started 2. the request has completed. For this I am returning two booleans. They should both evaluate to true in the example below but the values will be subject to change. I have tried this:
g := gomega.NewGomegaWithT(t)
g.Eventually(func() (bool, bool) {
start = false
end = true
if (request.status == "started") {
start = true
if (request.status == "complete") {
end = true
return start, end
}).Should(Equal((true, true))
But it seems that gomega's Equal() does not handle multiple variables. Is there any way around this? Is it bad practice to evaluate two return values ?
In gomega's doc, It has been said that multiple return is ok to be used.
The function that you pass to Eventually can have more than one return
value. In that case, Eventually passes the first return value to the
matcher and asserts that all other return values are nil or
zero-valued. This allows you to use Eventually with functions that
return a value and an error – a common pattern in Go
In your code, can you change this line
.Should(Equal((true, true)) to .Should(Equal(true, true).
That should fix the problem.
I overlooked that Equal only receives one interface parameter. My bad.
For future reference, for comparing multiple values in gomega's eventually,Array of struct (or any datatype) can be useful.
You can use a wrapper function I wrote based on your pseudocode
g := gomega.NewGomegaWithT(t)
testedFunc := func() (bool, bool) {
start = false
end = true
if (request.status == "started") {
start = true
if (request.status == "complete") {
end = true
return start, end
g.Eventually(func() map[string]bool{
r1,r2 := testedFunc()
return map[string]bool{"start": r1, "end": r2}
}).Should(Equal(map[string]bool{"start": true, "end": true}))
I'm using a map instead of simple r1&r2for verbosity, so, you can see what is actually wrong with the results. In my opinion, it's a bad practice to compare 2 return values unless the second one is an error. You can always combine multiple return values in a single language construct (map, slice, struct, etc.) as I did in my wrapper function. I understand it's hard to do with the async Eventually method, but in general, I'd try to assert each of the return values separately.

Is there a way of doing a "post switch" like operation with bool?

I have a condition like the following where I just want to have the second bool be the trigger for a single time, since this condition is invoked relatively often I don't like the idea of doing the assignment of it being false every time the condition is true so, I tried to take advantage of the order of logical AND and OR and the post increment operator. But it appears to work don't do what I expected it to do. So is there a way to make a post state switch for this line?
where firstTitleNotSet is:
bool firstTitleNotSet;
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || (p_firstTitleNotSet && p_firstTitleNotSet++))
The idea is that the first part is the primary trigger and the second is the trigger that only has to trigger the first time.
While I easily could do
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || p_firstTitleNotSet)
firstTitleNotSet = false;
I don't like this as it is reassigning false when ever the conditional block is invoked.
So is there some way of "post change" the value of a bool from true to false? I know that this would work the other way around but this would negate the advantage of the method most time being the true trigger and therefor skipping the following check.
Note: The reasons for me making such considerations isntead of just taking the second case is, that this block will be called frequently so I'm looking to optimize its consumed runtime.
Well, you could do something like:
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() ||
(p_firstTitleNotSet ? ((p_firstTitleNotSet=false), true):false))
An alternative syntax would be:
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() ||
(p_firstTitleNotSet && ((p_firstTitleNotSet=false), true)))
Either one looks somewhat ugly. Note, however, that this is NOT the same as your other alternative:
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || p_firstTitleNotSet)
p_firstTitleNotSet = false;
With your proposed alternative, pontificate the fact that p_firstTitleNotSet gets reset to false no matter what, even if the conditional was entered because titleChangedSinceLastGet().
A more readable way than the assignment inside a ternary operator inside an or inside an if would be just moving the operations to their own statements:
bool needsUpdate = titleChangedSinceLastGet();
if(!needsUpdate && firstTitleSet)
needsUpdate = true;
firstTitleSet = false;
This is likely to produce very similar assembly than the less readable alternative proposed since ternary operators are mostly just syntactic sugar around if statements.
To demonstrate this I gave GCC Explorer the following code:
extern bool first;
bool changed();
int f1()
if (changed() ||
(first ? ((first=false), true):false))
return 1;
return 0;
int f2()
bool b = changed();
if(!b && first)
b = true;
first = false;
return b;
and the generated assembly had only small differences in the generated assembly after optimizations. Certainly have a look for yourself.
I maintain, however, that this is highly unlikely to make a noticeable difference in performance and that this is more for interest's sake.
In my opinion:
if(titleChangedSinceLastUpdate() || firstTitleSet)
firstTitleSet = false;
is an (at least) equally good option.
You can compare the assembly of the above functions with this one to compare further.
bool f3()
if(changed() || first)
first = false;
return true;
return false;
In this kind of situation, I usually write:
bool firstTitleNotSet = true;
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || firstTitleNotSet)
if (firstTileNotSet) firstTitleNotSet = false;
That second comparison will likely be optimized by the compiler.
But if you have a preference for a post-increment operator:
int iterationCount = 0;
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || iterationCount++ != 0)
Note that this will be a problem if iterationCount overflows, but the same is true of the bool firstTitleNotSet that you were post-incrementing.
In terms of code readability and maintainability, I would recommend the former. If the logic of your code is sound, you can probably rely on the compiler to do a very good job optimizing it, even if it looks inelegant to you.
That should work:
int firstTitleSet = 0;
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || (!firstTitleSet++))
If you wish to avoid overflow you can do:
int b = 1;
if (titleChangedSinceLastGet() || (b=b*2%4))
at the first iteration b=2 while b=0 at the rest of them.

EmberJS: is it possible to break from forEach?

Is there a way to break from the forEach iterator in Ember?
I tried to return false in the callback (a la jQuery) but it does not work.
You can use Array#some or Array#every
[1,2,3].some(function(element) {
return true; // Break the loop
[1,2,3].every(function(element) {
return false; // Break the loop
More informations here
Ember uses the native Array.prototype.forEach if it's available, and emulates it if not. See
JavaScript's forEach doesn't support breaking. See
Nope, I dont think so cfr James, looking at the foreach code, you can see that it uses a for loop under the hood. You can throw an exception, but thats like writing spagetti code.
But it might be possible, you can do a feature request at github? Or write your own implementation that breaks in the for loop.
Use Array#find and return true to break out of the loop.
Using toArray can potentially remove the order of the array, which sort of defeats the purpose. You could use a normal for loop but use objectAt to make it work for you.
var emberArray = [ ... Array of Ember objects ... ],
min = 3,
max = emberArray.get('length'),
for( var i = min; i < max; i++ ){
targetObject = emberArray.objectAt( i );
if( targetObject.get('breakHere') ) {
This has the added benefit of allowing you to start at a certain index, so you can loop through the smallest number of items.

Best practice for having two if statements from the same bool c++

I have an if statement that [obviously] only runs if the condition is true. After this if statement there is some code that should always run, after that is another if statement that should run under the same condition as the first.
The code in the middle is performing an operation using a particular element of a stack, the ifs on either side perform a push/pop on the stack before and after the operation respectively.
so the logic is something like this:
Do I need to push the stack? yes/no
perform operation on top of stack
Was the stack pushed? (if yes then pop)
items 1 and 3 are the same condition.
This is the code that I first wrote to do this in c++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int somefunction(){
return rand() % 3 + 1; //return a random number from 1 to 3
int ret = 0;
// Option 1 Start
int main(){
bool run = (ret = somefunction()) == 1; //if the return of the function is 1
run = (run || (ret == 2)); //or the return of the function is 2
if (run){ //execute this if block
//conditional code
if (ret == 1){
//more conditional code
//unconditional code
if (run){
//even more conditional code
// Option 1 End
After writing this I thought that it might be more efficient to do this:
// Option 2 Start
int main(){
bool run;
if (run=(((ret = somefunction()) == 1)||ret == 2)){ //if the return of the function is 1 or 2 then execute this if block
//conditional code
if (ret == 1){
//more conditional code
//unconditional code
if (run){
//even more conditional code
// Option 2 End
I prefer the first method for readability as it is split into several lines whereas the second has two assignments (=) and two comparisons (==) in the same line.
I want to know if it is better to use the second method (for reasons of efficiency or executable size) or if there is a better method than both.
Before anyone says it will only make an almost immeasurable difference, this is in a huge loop that has to run many thousands of times within 1/50 of a second so I would like to save as much time as possible.
Performance should not be your concern: the modern compilers are usually smart enough to optimize the code in any case. The results will be the same if the code is doing essentially the same thing.
So you should prefer the variant which is more readable (and therefore better maintainable).
I would write something like that:
ret = somefunction();
// I don't know what is the semantics of ret == 1, so let's imagine some
bool operationIsPush = (ret == 1);
bool operationIsOnTop = (ret == 2);
if (operationIsPush || operationIsOnTop)
//conditional code
if (operationIsPush)
//more conditional code
//unconditional code
if (operationIsPush || operationIsOnTop)
// ...
I believe there will be no difference in the performance here. The first reason is that your compiler will probably optimize the code in each case. The second is that you just change the place where operations take place (like "I do A->B->C or A->C->B"), not the amount of operations, so it's always the same amount of computing (1 function call, a couple of == and so on).
However consider that this
(run=(((ret = somefunction()) == 1)||ret == 2))
is pretty hard to read.
Correctness is more important than whether you fold two operations assigning a bool into one (which the compiler will probably do anyway).
For pushing/popping a stack, you should use a scopeguard (original article here). This will ensure that if something throws in the "unconditional bit", which you never really know for sure, then it still runs correctly. Otherwise you get funny a surprise (stack off by one, or overflowing).
if theres a situation that you can split "if-else" to distinct huge loops, it will be faster
rather than
loop { if_1 {some work} if_2 {some other work} }
you can
if_1 { loop {work }} if_2 {loop{same work}}
even more extremely, if you can split the most inner "if" sentences, you can have 10-20(dpending on your situation) distinct huge loops that runs x2 x3 faster (if it is slow bacause of "if")

Using local variables vs checking against function return directly

I have a function definition, where i call multiple functions. Even if one of the function fails i need to go ahead and call the rest of the functions and finally return a single error saying whether any of the function call failed. The approach which i had followed was
int function foo()
int res, res1, res2, res3;
res1 = function1();
res2 = function2();
res3 = function3();
if (res1 == -1 || res2 == -1 || res3 == -1)
res = -1;
return res;
The possible another approach is
int function foo()
int res;
if (function1() == -1)
res = -1;
if (function2() == -1)
res = -1;
if (function3() == -1)
res = -1;
return res;
Which is a better approach?
Thanks in advance.
No difference at all, both will be optimized to same machine code. Preference, maintainability, and that depends on team guidelines, preferences.
First priority, make the code correct. That's more important than readability and optimization.
That means you need to consider what the function should return in the case where the functions it calls all succeed.
Many of the answers given to this question change the result returned or might return a failure indication if the 'sub-functions' all succeed. you need to take care not to do this.
Personally, I think the overall form of your first option is pretty good - it makes clear that the 3 sub-functions are called regardless of whether one or more of them fail. The one problem is that it returns an indeterminate result if all those functions succeed.
Be wary of answers that use bitwise-or to combine results - there are at least 2 potential problems:
as John Marshall pointed out in several comments, the order of evaluation is indeterminate. This means that if you simply string the function calls with bitwise-or the functions may be called in any order. This might not be a problem if there are no ordering dependencies between the functions, but usually there are - especially if you don't care about the returned value except as a s success/fail indicator (if you aren't using the return value, then the only reason to call the function is for its side effects)
If the functions can return positive, non-zero values when they succeed, then testing for failure becomes a bit trickier than just checking if the results or'ed together are non-zero.
Given these two potential problems, I think there's little reason to try to do anything much fancier than option 1 (or your second option) - just make sure you set res to a success value (0?) for the situation where none of the sub-functions fail.
What about:
int foo ()
bool failed = false;
failed |= (function1() != 0);
failed |= (function2() != 0);
failed |= (function3() != 0);
return failed? -1 : 0;
You could also collapse the three calls into a single expression and omit the failed variable altogether (at the expense of readability):
int foo ()
return ((function1() != 0) | (function2() !=0 ) | (function3() != 0))? -1 : 0;
I like the first approach when function1 function2 and function3 have the same signature because I can put them in a function pointer table and loop over the entries, which makes adding function4 alot easier.
If you can define any precise convention about return values you can simply use bitwise or:
int foo() {
if (function1() | function2() | function3())
return -1;
return 0;
I like the second approach better. If you want one-liners, you can do something like...
char success = 1;
success &= (foo() == desired_result_1);
success &= (bar() == desired_result_2);
The 2nd is a "better" approach. However, I'd go more without the needless carrying around of an indicator variable:
if( function2() == -1 ){
return -1;
Suggestion: (no magic numbers)
I'd also not use "magic numbers" like you've used it. Instead:
if( check_fail( function2() ) ){
return FAILED;
more clearly illustrated what you're thinking. Intent is easier to maintain. Magic numbers can sometimes wind up hurting you. For instance, I've known financial guys who couldn't understand why a transaction costing "$-1.00" caused their application to behave abnormally.
In the first form you're not checking the status until all 3 calls are completed. I think this signals your intent the clearest. The second form more closely resembles the more usual case, where you return early if an error is detected.
It's a subtle thing either way. You shouldn't be asking us strangers on the internet, you should be asking the rest of your team, because they're the ones who will have to live with it.
You use bitwise operators to make a 'neat' variant that doesn't need temp variables and has other fancyness too(with the more advanced operators): return func1()|func2();(this is the same as using logical or, ||). However, if you require checking a specific function in the callee, you can create a bitset: return func1() << 1 | func2(); (this assumes that they return 1 or zero)
I'd vote for the second one as well.
This question reminded me of something similar I do in one of my projects for form validation.
I pass in a reference to an empty string. With each condition I want to check, I either add a line of text to the string, or I don't. If after every test the string is still empty, then there were no errors, and I continue processing the form. Otherwise, I print the string as a message box (which describes the problems), and ask the user to fix the errors.
In this case I don't really care what the errors are, just that there are errors. Oh, and as a bonus, my validation code documents itself a bit because the errors that the user sees are right there.
Use local variable if you need to reuse the result somewhere. Else, call and compare.
int foo() {
return function1() | function2() | function3();
Yet another option: pass a pointer to the status variable to each function and have the function set it only if there is an error.
void function1(int *res)
bool error_flag = false;
// do work
if (error_flag && (res != NULL)
*res = ERROR;
// similar for function2, function3, ...
int foo()
int res = OK;
return res;
Since all 3 functions always have to get called first and only then you care about the result, I would go for the first solution, because the order of the statements reflects this. Seems more clear to me. Also, I generally don't like functions that do more than just return a value (i.e. that have side effects) in if-clauses, but that's a personal preference.
This sounds like a job for the abundant Perl idiom "<try something> || die()".
int foo() {
int retVal = 0;
function1() != -1 || retval = -1;
function2() != -1 || retval = -1;
function3() != -1 || retval = -1;
// ...
return retVal;
I write it this way:
int foo()
int iReturn = 0;
int res1 = function1();
if (res1 == -1)
return iReturn;
int res2 = function2();
if (res2 == -1)
return iReturn;
int res3 = function3();
if (res3 == -1)
return iReturn;
return res;
As a coding rule, you should declare your variables as close to the place where it is used.
It is good to use intermediate variable like your res1, res2, res3.
But choose a good name so as you intent is clear when you get the value from the function.
And be careful, in the example you've given us, you never assigned the int res; that may be returned when success. The coding rule is to initialize your variable as soon as you can.
So you should also initialize your res1 res2 res3 immidiatbly.
Returning an uninitialized value leads to undefined behaviour.
I've seen code like this before which might be a little cleaner:
bool result = true;
result = function1() == -1 && result;
result = function2() == -1 && result;
result = function3() == -1 && result;
return result?-1:0;
Edit: forgot about short circuiting.