ADO objects instance creation failed on the target computer - c++

I created an MFC application using VC++ 6.0 on my development computer installing Windows XP SP3. In this application, I used ADO objects to access SQL database server :
CoInitialize (NULL);
_ConnectionPtr pConn;
HRESULT hr = pConn.CreateInstance (__uuidof (Connection));
if (FAILED (hr))
AfxMessageBox ("Can't create intance of Connection");
Of course, the app works fine on my computer. However, I copied the whole Release folder of the app and then run it on another computer with Windows XP SP3 installed, the app failed at creating the Connection object with hr = -2147467262.
I searched on the internet much but don't see any resolution.
Does anyone know this issue and could you give me some guides on that?


Create a Direct3D12 Device fails with E_NoInterface

I'm trying to create a D3D12 device as specified in
I have a NVidia 670 gtx, Windows 10 preview build 9926, and last 10041 windows sdk.
I also have latest NVidia beta driver, system information for GeForce reports a DirectX12 runtime.
ID3D12Device* device;
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D12_SDK_VERSION, __uuidof(ID3D12Device), (void**)&device);
Returns me a HRESULT with NOINTERFACE error code
Strangely calling:
ID3D12Object* device;
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D12_SDK_VERSION, __uuidof(ID3D12Object), (void**)&device);
returns me a valid object, but I'm not able to use QueryInterface to get a valid device object afterwards.
Please note I already tried using LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress instead of using d3d12 headers, which returns same error code.
You should always use the same OS and SDK Build, because APIs can change betweens builds. Because you use SDK for Build 10041, you should also update Windows 10 to the Build 10041. Open the Settings App, and search for a new Windows 10 Build and install it.

Error when instantiating ADODB ConnectionPtr on Windows Server 2008

I have an application that I have compiled on Windows 7 64-bit. It works fine on that PC, but I am now trying to get it to work on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.
Whenever I try and instantiate ADODB::Connection, I receive the following error:
HRESULT : No such interface supported; hr=0x80004002
Code that generates the error is below:
_ConnectionPtr link;
link.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection) );
if (link == NULL) {
_com_error err(hr);
Now I found this thread:, which seems to suggest the problem with a particular windows update, and provides a fix for it. However, the update that supposedly causes the problems is not on this machine, and if I try to install the fix I simply get an error saying that the update "does not apply to this computer".
Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance.

how to create FoxPro dbf files from c++?

I need to read a FoxPro Dbf File and recreate same in c++; I installed foxpro driver version 9.0 but it did not appeared in driver list in windows DSN. I then installed foxpro from visual studio 6 setup and that showed the driver there and I was able to make connection using it through ADO .Problem is that
_ConnectionPtr m_pCon;
_RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
_bstr_t bt1(PassedCstringDirectory);//PassedCstringDirectory passed as argument
_bstr_t bt(sqlcmd);//sqlcmd passed as argument
VARIANT *rowseffected=NULL;
//The SourceDB should be a proper directory
hr=m_pCon->Open("Provider=VFPOLEDB; SourceType=DBF; "
"SourceDB="+bt1+";Extended Properties=FoxPro 3.0;", "","",adModeUnknown);
catch(_com_error e)
AfxMessageBox("Connection failed, check the direction!");
m_pCon->Execute() is returning false(S_FALSE) but files (dbf and fpt) are being created .and i am not able to insert data into files .error being ."Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype."

Problems with de-registering of COM (advanced installer)

Definition of problem:
Hangs up for sometime during COM de-registering and says The setup was unable to automatically close all requested applications. Please ensure that the applications holding files in use are closed before continuing with the installation. But actually my extension is successfully unloaded and uninstalled.
Definition of environment:
I created some kind of dummy shell namespace extension for tests. It implements IContextMenu and all methods returnS_OK and do nothing else and rgs file is
xxx.sergz.dummyShellExt.1 = s 'DummyNSE Class'
CLSID = s '{6C0FBE00-9898-4BB0-806F-3ED7D2F1170D}'
xxx.sergz.dummyShellExt = s 'DummyNSE Class'
CurVer = s 'xxx.sergz.dummyShellExt.1'
NoRemove CLSID
ForceRemove {6C0FBE00-9898-4BB0-806F-3ED7D2F1170D} = s 'DummyNSE Class'
ProgID = s 'xxx.sergz.dummyShellExt.1'
VersionIndependentProgID = s 'xxx.sergz.dummyShellExt'
ForceRemove Programmable
InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%'
val ThreadingModel = s 'Apartment'
TypeLib = s '{3DC947F0-6691-4043-B414-29F749209905}'
Version = s '1.0'
NoRemove Directory
NoRemove Background
NoRemove ShellEx
NoRemove ContextMenuHandlers
ForceRemove DummyShellExt = s '{6C0FBE00-9898-4BB0-806F-3ED7D2F1170D}'
NoRemove Software
NoRemove Microsoft
NoRemove Windows
NoRemove CurrentVersion
NoRemove Shell Extensions
NoRemove Approved
val '{6C0FBE00-9898-4BB0-806F-3ED7D2F1170D}' = s 'xxx.sergz Dummy shell extension.'
I choose Professional installer and added only my dll file. On file properties Registration tab I choose Auto register file..., Extract registration info... and Synchronization is Enabled. In Product Information->Install Parameters->PackageType I choose 64-bit package for x64....
Now I build the MSI and install the extension.
Launch explorer and do right click somewhere on folder background. According to my log my extension is loaded and is DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH and a few times DLL_THREAD_ATTACH.
I launch the MSI again and choose Remove. It says that you have to close ... applications are using files... and there is only Windows Explorer in the list. I choose Automatically close ... and press OK.
All Explorer windows are closed but it seems that Explorer was not shutdown.
The status is "Shutting down applications", according to my log the dll is already unloaded. The problem is here. The dll is already unloaded but the MSI is still waiting for something and then it says The setup was unable to automatically close all requested applications. Please ensure that the applications holding files in use are closed before continuing with the installation.
I click OK and the process continues and my DLL is successfully removed in the end.
I use windows 8 64bit.
What are the reasons of this waiting and the message that applications can not be closed. How can I figure it out?
Right, this isn't going to work, the shell extension is very likely to be loaded and MSI isn't going to kill Explorer.exe. Nor would you want it to, it is rather a ghastly sight to the user.
You'll need to use an alternative way to un/register the extension. It isn't clear what "Professional installer" might mean. But you can always un/register a COM server by modifying the registry yourself rather than leaving it up to the DLL to do so. It is in fact the recommended way. You already know the registry keys from your .rgs file. You can also use the Heat.exe harvester from the WiX toolset. The DLL needs to be removed by delay-deleting it at the next user login, done by adding it to the PendingFileRenameOperations registry key. Check your installer creator tool for the proper procedure.

OLE/COM Object Viewer reports STG_E_FILENOTFOUND

I have created simple COM DLL using ATL and have added "ATL Simple Object" after that. To be sure server is registering I have placed messagebox:
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
MessageBoxA ( NULL, "Hello World!", "Test", MB_OK );
HRESULT hr = _AtlModule.DllRegisterServer();
return hr;
Registering does fine. I decided to look how this object looks with OLE-COM Object Viewer that is part of SDK. Viewer reports error:
"LoadTypelib'(c:\pr\ILight.dll) failed.
<No system message defined> STG_E_FILENOTFOUND ($800300002)
Does it means my COM dll corrupted? How to make VIewer to show my dll information?
Project RC file contians:
AboutiLight.1 = s 'Light Class'
CLSID = s '{DBC53EA8-A51E-4374-B104-06A834273B0C}'
AboutiLight = s 'Light Class'
CurVer = s 'AboutiLight.1'
NoRemove CLSID
ForceRemove {DBC53EA8-A51E-4374-B104-06A834273B0C} = s 'Light Class'
ProgID = s 'AboutiLight.1'
VersionIndependentProgID = s 'AboutiLight'
ForceRemove Programmable
InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%'
val ThreadingModel = s 'Apartment'
TypeLib = s '{1D9F859D-10FF-4827-A341-4A8B8E318A61}'
Version = s '1.0'
String table
String table
ID=IDS_PROJNAME Value=100 Caption ILight
After having received the same error (STG_E_FILENOTFOUND), and seeing Joe Willcoxson's comment about 64-bit and 32-bit, I was able to find a solution.
If you are using OleView.exe, the OLE/COM Object Viewer, there are actually two versions of it: 32-bit, and 64-bit. Ensure that you are launching with the proper version of OleView. The version in the base "BIN" folder of the SDK will be the 32-bit version. The "x64" folder will have the 64-bit version of the application, which is not fully compatible with older binaries and their typelibs (made in a 32-bit world).
On the other hand, if your new DLL is actively being compiled for x64, then it's highly likely 32-bit OleView will not be able to read the data properly, either.
1) Check to make sure that is the right path to your DLL.
2) Open the DLL itself from Visual Studio and check to be sure that a type library is embedded in the resources. If a typelib isn't found, add one.
3) If all that fails, did you register it under an administrator account/shell. If you call regsvr32.exe on it, make sure you are running with elevated privileges.