unblocking WSAccept for blocking TCP server sockets - c++

I'm writing a TCP server (blocking socket model).
I'm having trouble implementing a valid normal program exit when the server is waiting (blocking) for new connection attempts on Accept (I use WSAccept).
The code for the server's listening socket is something like this (I omitted error handling and other irrelevant code):
int ErrCode = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &m_wsaData) ;
// Create a new socket to listen and accept new connection attempts
struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *ptr = NULL ;
int rc, count = 0 ;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)) ;
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC ;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM ;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP ;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE ;
CString strPort ;
strPort.Format("%d", Port) ;
getaddrinfo(pLocalIp, strPort.GetBuffer(), &hints, &res) ;
strPort.ReleaseBuffer() ;
ptr = res ;
if ((m_Socket = WSASocket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol, NULL, 0, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
// some error
if(bind(m_Socket, (SOCKADDR *)res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR)
// some error
if (listen(m_Socket, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR)
// some error
So far so good... Then I implemented the WSAccept call inside a thread like this:
SOCKADDR_IN ClientAddr ;
int ClientAddrLen = sizeof(ClientAddr) ;
SOCKET TempS = WSAAccept(m_Socket, (SOCKADDR*) &ClientAddr, &ClientAddrLen, NULL, NULL);
Of course the WSAccept blocks until a new connection attempt is made but if I wish to exit
the program then i need some way to cause WSAccept to exit. I have tried several different approaches:
Attempt to call shutdown and/or closesocket with m_Socket from within another thread failed (program just hangs).
using WSAEventSelect indeed solves this issue but then WSAccept delivers only non-blocking sockets - which is not my intention. (Is there a way to make the sockets blocking?)
I Read about APC and tried to use something like QueueUserAPC(MyAPCProc, m_hThread, 1)) but it didn't work either.
What am I doing wrong ?
Is there a better way to cause this blocking WSAccept to exit ?

Use select() with a timeout to detect when a client connection is actually pending before then calling WSAAccept() to accept it. It works with blocking sockets without putting them into non-blocking mode. That will give your code more opportunities to check if the app is shutting down.

Go with non-blocking accepting socket (WSAEventSelect as you mentioned) and use non-blocking WSAccept. You can make a non-blocking socket that WSAccept returns into blocking socket with ioctlsocket (see msdn).

Do all the other stuff you absoultely have to on shutdown, (maybe you have DB connections to close, or files to flush?), and then call ExitProcess(0). That will stop your listening thread, no problem.

See log4cplus source for my take on this issue. I basically wait on two event objects, one is signaled when connection is being accepted (using WSAEventSelect()) and another is there to interrupt the waiting. The most relevant parts of the source is below. See ServerSocket::accept().
namespace {
setSocketBlocking (SOCKET_TYPE s)
u_long val = 0;
int ret = ioctlsocket (to_os_socket (s), FIONBIO, &val);
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
set_last_socket_error (WSAGetLastError ());
return false;
return true;
removeSocketEvents (SOCKET_TYPE s, HANDLE ev)
// Clean up socket events handling.
int ret = WSAEventSelect (to_os_socket (s), ev, 0);
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
set_last_socket_error (WSAGetLastError ());
return false;
return true;
socketEventHandlingCleanup (SOCKET_TYPE s, HANDLE ev)
bool ret = removeSocketEvents (s, ev);
ret = setSocketBlocking (s) && ret;
ret = WSACloseEvent (ev) && ret;
return ret;
} // namespace
ServerSocket::ServerSocket(unsigned short port)
sock = openSocket (port, state);
err = get_last_socket_error ();
HANDLE ev = WSACreateEvent ();
err = WSAGetLastError ();
closeSocket (sock);
assert (sizeof (std::ptrdiff_t) >= sizeof (HANDLE));
interruptHandles[0] = reinterpret_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(ev);
ServerSocket::accept ()
int const N_EVENTS = 2;
HANDLE events[N_EVENTS] = {
reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(interruptHandles[0]) };
HANDLE & accept_ev = events[1];
int ret;
// Create event and prime socket to set the event on FD_ACCEPT.
accept_ev = WSACreateEvent ();
if (accept_ev == WSA_INVALID_EVENT)
set_last_socket_error (WSAGetLastError ());
goto error;
ret = WSAEventSelect (to_os_socket (sock), accept_ev, FD_ACCEPT);
if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
set_last_socket_error (WSAGetLastError ());
goto error;
// Wait either for interrupt event or actual connection coming in.
DWORD wsawfme = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents (N_EVENTS, events, FALSE,
switch (wsawfme)
// Retry after timeout or APC.
// This is interrupt signal/event.
// Reset the interrupt event back to non-signalled state.
ret = WSAResetEvent (reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(interruptHandles[0]));
// Clean up socket events handling.
ret = socketEventHandlingCleanup (sock, accept_ev);
// Return Socket with state set to accept_interrupted.
return Socket (INVALID_SOCKET_VALUE, accept_interrupted, 0);
// This is accept_ev.
case WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0 + 1:
// Clean up socket events handling.
ret = socketEventHandlingCleanup (sock, accept_ev);
// Finally, call accept().
SocketState st = not_opened;
SOCKET_TYPE clientSock = acceptSocket (sock, st);
int eno = 0;
if (clientSock == INVALID_SOCKET_VALUE)
eno = get_last_socket_error ();
return Socket (clientSock, st, eno);
set_last_socket_error (WSAGetLastError ());
goto error;
while (true);
DWORD eno = get_last_socket_error ();
// Clean up socket events handling.
(void) removeSocketEvents (sock, accept_ev);
(void) setSocketBlocking (sock);
if (accept_ev != WSA_INVALID_EVENT)
WSACloseEvent (accept_ev);
set_last_socket_error (eno);
return Socket (INVALID_SOCKET_VALUE, not_opened, eno);
ServerSocket::interruptAccept ()
(void) WSASetEvent (reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(interruptHandles[0]));

A not so neat way of solving this problem is by issuing a dummy WSAConnect request from the thread that needs to do the shutdown. If the dummy connect fails, you might resort to ExitProcess as suggested by Martin.
void Drain()
if (InterlockedIncrement(&drain) == 1)
// Make a dummy connection to unblock wsaaccept
if (ConnectSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
int iResult = WSAConnect(ConnectSocket, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (iResult != 0) {
printf("Unable to connect to server! %d\n", WSAGetLastError());


How to handle 10093(WSANOTINITIALISED) error when invoke accept method

Recently my code meet some issue. My programme work as server and listen to ONE client to connect, then send some commands to my programme. Then I will handle this command and return the value to client side.
But now I got the issue accept() method will get 10093(WSANOTINITIALISED) error and seems accept() method didn't block there.
It is not always happened. I tested the programme. Sometimes it works very well. Client side connected to my programme and send first command. Then my programme handle the command and send back return value. Then stopped the connection(closesocket(sClient);). Then Client side connected to my programme again and send second command...While time to time it happened accept() get 10093(WSANOTINITIALISED) error and client side will fail to connect to my programme any more. and the while loop(while (true && !m_bExitThread)) also didn't block.
My questions are:
Why did it happen? did someone meet the same issue? I believe my code should be correct, otherwise why most of time it works well.
If this 10093 error comes, how should I handle it? Do I need to closesocket and wait for Client side connect again? or do I need to WSACleanup(); and try to start this socket Thread totally again?
Below is the code. it is a thread I start it when my programme start up and stop it when programme stopped.
UINT CMainFrame::RunSocketThread()
m_bExitThread = false;
WORD wSockVersion = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(wSockVersion, &wsaData) != 0) // Here always success, no problem
LOGL(ILoggingSink::LogLevel::Error, _T("WSAStartup error !"));
return 0;
if (slisten == INVALID_SOCKET)
LOGL(ILoggingSink::LogLevel::Error, _T("socket error !"));
return 0;
sockaddr_in stSocketAddr;
stSocketAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
stSocketAddr.sin_port = htons(7700);
stSocketAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (bind(slisten, (LPSOCKADDR)&stSocketAddr, sizeof(stSocketAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
LOGL(ILoggingSink::LogLevel::Error, _T("bind error !"));
return 0;
if (listen(slisten, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR)
LOGL(ILoggingSink::LogLevel::Error, _T("listen error !"));
return 0;
SOCKET sClient;
sockaddr_in remoteAddr;
int nAddrlen = sizeof(remoteAddr);
char revData[255];
while (true && !m_bExitThread)
// Waiting for connection
sClient = accept(slisten, (SOCKADDR*)&remoteAddr, &nAddrlen);
if (sClient == INVALID_SOCKET) // Here I can get error code 10093(WSANOTINITIALISED)
LOGL(ILoggingSink::LogLevel::Error, _T("accept error %d!"), WSAGetLastError());
// revice data
int ret = recv(sClient, revData, 255, 0);
if (ret > 0)
revData[ret] = 0x00;
// send data
// Here I wait for programme finished handling the income command and return a value, otherwise just sleep and wait
while (CmdLineInfo::m_eReturn == ReturnTypeEnum::kNull)
const char* sendData;
CString strData;
strData = "{\"Command\":\"";
strData += CmdLineInfo::s_sLFODCommandName;
strData += "\", \"ReturnValue\":\"";
if(CmdLineInfo::m_eReturn == ReturnTypeEnum::kSuccess)
strData +="1\"} ";
strData += "0\"} ";
CStringA strAData(strData);
sendData = strAData;
send(sClient, sendData, strlen(sendData), 0);
return 0;

Non-IOCP client send/recv error with IOCP server

Please understand that I am new to IOCP and my code may not be so perfect.
I tried many examples from around here, neither one helps me.
My actual problem is in the client side, I have no idea if I am connecting properly to a IOCP server, neither if I send the data properly and recv gives me WSAerror 10038 ...
struct addrinfo *result = NULL, *ptr = NULL, hints;
DWORD RecvBytes, Flags;
char buffer[DATA_BUFSIZE];
int err = 0;
int rc;
// Load Winsock
rc = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsd);
if (rc != 0) {
return 1;
// Make sure the hints struct is zeroed out
SecureZeroMemory((PVOID)& hints, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
// Initialize the hints to retrieve the server address for IPv4
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
rc = getaddrinfo(IP, Port, &hints, &result);
if (rc != 0) {
return 1;
for (ptr = result; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next) {
if ((ConnSocket = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol)) == INVALID_SOCKET){
return 1;
rc = connect(ConnSocket, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen);
if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (WSAECONNREFUSED == (err = WSAGetLastError())) {
return 1;
if (ConnSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
return 1;
int nZero = 0;
// Make sure the RecvOverlapped struct is zeroed out
SecureZeroMemory((PVOID)& RecvOverlapped, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
// Create an event handle and setup an overlapped structure.
RecvOverlapped.hEvent = WSACreateEvent();
if (RecvOverlapped.hEvent == NULL) {
return 1;
DataBuf.len = DATA_BUFSIZE;
DataBuf.buf = buffer;
// send data to server here?
// removed the packets, it`s not supposed to be public
// Call WSARecv until the peer closes the connection
// or until an error occurs
while (1) {
Flags = 0;
RecvBytes = 0;
rc = WSARecv(ConnSocket, &DataBuf, 1, &RecvBytes, &Flags, &RecvOverlapped, NULL);
if ((rc == SOCKET_ERROR) && (WSA_IO_PENDING != (err = WSAGetLastError()))) {
rc = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, &RecvOverlapped.hEvent, TRUE, INFINITE, TRUE);
if (rc == WSA_WAIT_FAILED) {
rc = WSAGetOverlappedResult(ConnSocket, &RecvOverlapped, &RecvBytes, FALSE, &Flags);
if (rc == FALSE) {
// here I have a protocol where I read the received data
// If 0 bytes are received, the connection was closed
if (RecvBytes == 0)
I expect to be able to send data and receive the response from IOCP, but if I send 3 packets, I receive back 2 only or sometimes even 1, when I am sending 3 packets back.
Can some show me a working example to connect and send+recv data to a IOCP server?
Many thanks!
You're using TCP. TCP is a stream protocol, not a datagram protocol. You cannot tell it what packets to send, and it cannot tell you what packets it received (it doesn't even know because that's handled at the IP layer). It just doesn't work that way.
This sentence is packed with wisdom: "TCP is a bidirectional, connection oriented, byte stream protocol that provides reliable, ordered delivery but does not preserve application message boundaries." Punch "TCP" into your favorite search engine and study until you understand precisely what every word in that sentence means. You will never write reliable, or even correct, TCP code until you do.
Whether the server is using IOCP or some other internal architecture has no effect on clients. That's totally invisible.

c tcp socket non blocking receive timeout

Trying to write a client which will try to receive data till 3 seconds. I have implemented the connect method using select by below code.
//socket creation
m_hSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
m_stAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
m_stAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(pchIP);
m_stAddress.sin_port = htons(iPort);
m_stTimeout.tv_sec = SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
m_stTimeout.tv_usec = 0;
//connecting to server
long iMode = 1;
int iResult = ioctlsocket(m_hSocket, FIONBIO, &iMode);
connect(m_hSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&m_stAddress, sizeof(m_stAddress));
long iMode = 0;
iResult = ioctlsocket(m_hSocket, FIONBIO, &iMode);
fd_set stWrite;
FD_SET(m_hSocket, &stWrite);
iResult = select(0, NULL, &stWrite, NULL, &m_stTimeout);
if((iResult > 0) && (FD_ISSET(m_hSocket, &stWrite)))
return true;
But I cannot figure out what I am missing at receiving timeout with below code? It doesn't wait if the server connection got disconnected. It just returns instantly from select method.
Also how can I write a non blocking socket call with timeout for socket send.
long iMode = 1;
int iResult = ioctlsocket(m_hSocket, FIONBIO, &iMode);
fd_set stRead;
FD_SET(m_hSocket, &stRead);
int iRet = select(0, &stRead, NULL, NULL, &m_stTimeout);
if ((iRet > 0) && (FD_ISSET(m_hSocket, &stRead)))
while ((iBuffLen-1) > 0)
int iRcvLen = recv(m_hSocket, pchBuff, iBuffLen-1, 0);
if (iRcvLen == SOCKET_ERROR)
return false;
else if (iRcvLen == 0)
pchBuff += iRcvLen;
iBuffLen -= iRcvLen;
The first parameter to select should not be 0.
Correct usage of select can be found here :
the first parameter should be the max value of your socket +1 and take interrupted system calls into account if it is non blocking:
/* Call select() */
do {
FD_SET(socket_fd, &readset);
result = select(socket_fd + 1, &readset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR);
This is just example code you probably need the timeout parameter as well.
If you can get EINTR this will complicate your required logic, because if you get EINTR you have to do the same call again, but with the remaining time to wait for.
I think for non blocking mode one needs to check the recv() failure along with a timeout value. That mean first select() will return whether the socket is ready to receive data or not. If yes it will go forward else it will sleep until timeout elapses on the select() method call line. But if the receive fails due to some uncertain situations while inside read loop there we need to manually check for socket error and maximum timeout value. If the socket error continues and timeout elapses we need to break it.
I'm done with my receive timeout logic with non blocking mode.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
bool bReturn = true;
//check whether the socket is ready to receive
fd_set stRead;
FD_SET(m_hSocket, &stRead);
int iRet = select(0, &stRead, NULL, NULL, &m_stTimeout);
DWORD dwStartTime = GetTickCount();
DWORD dwCurrentTime = 0;
//if socket is not ready this line will be hit after 3 sec timeout and go to the end
//if it is ready control will go inside the read loop and reads data until data ends or
//socket error is getting triggered continuously for more than 3 secs.
if ((iRet > 0) && (FD_ISSET(m_hSocket, &stRead)))
while ((iBuffLen-1) > 0)
int iRcvLen = recv(m_hSocket, pchBuff, iBuffLen-1, 0);
dwCurrentTime = GetTickCount();
if ((iRcvLen == SOCKET_ERROR) && ((dwCurrentTime - dwStartTime) >= SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000))
bReturn = false;
else if (iRcvLen == 0)
pchBuff += iRcvLen;
iBuffLen -= iRcvLen;
return bReturn;

Select function in non blocking sockets

I'm building an online game client and when I try to connect to an offline server, my client freezes so I wanted to use non blocking sockets which suits games since there are other tasks need to be done while connecting to the server.
While using non blocking sockets, the connect function always returns the same value regardless of the result, so people here recommended using the select function to find the result of the connection request.
(setting the non blocking socket before connection)
u_long iMode=1;
(setting the sockets sets)
FD_SET(hSocket, &Write);
FD_SET(hSocket, &Err);
TIMEVAL Timeout;
int TimeoutSec = 10; // timeout after 10 seconds
Timeout.tv_sec = TimeoutSec;
Timeout.tv_usec = 0;
int iResult = select(0, //ignored
NULL, //read
&(client.Write), //Write Check
&(client.Err), //Error Check
message_login("Error","Can't connect to the server");
The select function always returns -1, why?
When select() returns -1 (SOCKET_ERROR), use WSAGetLastError() to find out why it failed.
If the socket is in the Err set when select() exits, use getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR) to retrieve the socket error code that tells you why connect() failed.
if(iResult) evaluates as true for any non-zero value, including -1. You need to use if(iResult > 0) instead, as iResult will report the number of sockets that are signaled in any fd_set, 0 on timeout, and -1 on failure.
Try something more like this instead:
u_long iMode = 1;
if (ioctlsocket(hSocket, FIONBIO, &iMode) == SOCKET_ERROR)
int errCode = WSAGetLastError();
// use errCode as needed...
message_login("Error", "Can't set socket to non-blocking, error: ..."); // however you supply a variable value to your message...
if (connect(client.hSocket, ...) == SOCKET_ERROR)
int errCode = WSAGetLastError();
if (errCode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
// use errCode as needed...
message_login("Error", "Can't connect to the server, error: ..."); // however you supply a variable value...
// only in this condition can you now use select() to wait for connect() to finish...
TIMEVAL Timeout;
int TimeoutSec = 10; // timeout after 10 seconds
Timeout.tv_sec = TimeoutSec;
Timeout.tv_usec = 0;
int iResult = select(0, //ignored
NULL, //read
&(client.Write), //Write Check
&(client.Err), //Error Check
if (iResult > 0)
if (FD_ISSET(client.hSocket, &(client.Err)))
DWORD errCode = 0;
int len = sizeof(errCode);
if (getsockopt(client.hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&errCode, &len) == 0)
// use errCode as needed...
message_login("Error", "Can't connect to the server, error: ..."); // however you supply a variable value to your message...
message_login("Error", "Can't connect to the server, unknown reason");
message_login("Success", "Connected to the server");
else if (iResult == 0)
message_login("Error", "Timeout connecting to the server");
int errCode = WSAGetLastError();
// use errCode as needed...
message_login("Error", "Can't connect to the server, error: ..."); // however you supply a variable value to your message...

can a windows service run a TCP server?

I created 2 programs in c++ using visual studio 2008: a windows service based on this service which i added tcp server code to and a client program using MFC, which has a listbox that displays the ip address and hostname of the computer thats running the service. The user then chooses a server and clicks a connect button. Since there will be many servers running, I used some PHP script on a web host site. The service sends its ip address and host name to the web host, the web host puts the information into a list and the client then accesses this list.
all this works fine with the server code but when i put the server code into the windows service, the client program freezes and doesn't respond when the connect button is clicked. The ip address and host name still appear in the client listbox, i just can't connect to the server i select.
is the windows service stopping the server code from working?
here is the cpp file that contains the server code in the service program:
char* WebPost(char Website[], char Webpage[], char Request[], int RetLen)
// Sends an HTTP Post request with POST Data...
struct hostent *WebHost;
WebHost = gethostbyname(Website);
if (WebHost == NULL)
printf("Error Not Connected!");
printf("Error: %d", WSAGetLastError());
SockAddr.sin_port = htons(80);
SockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
SockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = *((unsigned long*)WebHost->h_addr);
connect(WebSocket, (SOCKADDR*)(&SockAddr), sizeof(SockAddr));
char PostRequest[1024];
"POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: %s\r\n"
"Content-Length: %hu\r\n"
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
Webpage, Website,
strlen(Request)+2, Request
send(WebSocket, PostRequest, strlen(PostRequest), 0);
// Get return data
char* Data = new char[RetLen];
recv(WebSocket, Data, 4, 0);
for (;;)
{ // Skip HTTP headers
Data[0] = Data[1];
Data[1] = Data[2];
Data[2] = Data[3];
recv(WebSocket, &Data[3], 1, 0);
if (Data[0] == '\r' && Data[1] == '\n'
&& Data[2] == '\r' && Data[3] == '\n')
int DataLen = recv(WebSocket, Data, RetLen, 0);
Data[DataLen] = '\0'; // Return the data
shutdown(WebSocket, 2);
return Data;
void ServStart()
WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData) != 0)
printf("WSAStartup failed with error %ld.\n", WSAGetLastError());
if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2)
printf("The dll do not support the Winsock version %u.%u!\n", LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion),HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion));
//Start listening
ListeningSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (ListeningSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("Error at socket, error code: %ld.\n", WSAGetLastError());
ServerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ServerAddr.sin_port = htons(Port);
ServerAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
if (bind(ListeningSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&ServerAddr, sizeof(ServerAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("bind failed. Error code: %ld.\n", WSAGetLastError());
if (listen(ListeningSocket, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("listen: Error listening on socket %ld.\n", WSAGetLastError());
char ac[80];
if (gethostname(ac, sizeof(ac)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("Error when getting local host name: ", WSAGetLastError());
struct hostent *phe = gethostbyname(ac);
if (phe == 0)
printf("Error: ", WSAGetLastError());
struct in_addr addr;
memcpy(&addr, phe->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(struct in_addr)); // use the first ip-address
printf("IP used by Server: %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr)); // inet_ntoa(addr) provides the local address.
MyIP = inet_ntoa(addr);
char SendBuf[32];
// * is used as a separator, because it's not allowed in the hostname.
//So it won't interfere with it.
sprintf(SendBuf, "%hhu|%s*%s", cAddIP, MyIP, ac); // Send the server the IP and host name
WebPost(WEBSITE, WEBPAGE, SendBuf, 0);
printf("listening for connections...\n\n");
void ShutDown() // Shut down the server (tells the web server I am offline)
char SendBuf[32]; // Remove my IP from the list of online servers...
char ac[80];
if (gethostname(ac, sizeof(ac)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("Error when getting local host name: ", WSAGetLastError());
sprintf(SendBuf, "%hhu|%s*%s", cRemIP, MyIP,ac);
WebPost(WEBSITE, WEBPAGE, SendBuf, 0);
printf("Successful shutdown\n");
void ServLoop()
SOCKET NewConnection;
int ByteReceived, nlen;
char recvbuff[1024];
for (;;)
//Main program loop
NewConnection = SOCKET_ERROR;
while(NewConnection == SOCKET_ERROR)
NewConnection = accept(ListeningSocket, NULL, NULL); // this is a blocking function
printf("New client got connected, ready to receive and send data...\n\n");
ByteReceived = recv(NewConnection, recvbuff, sizeof(recvbuff), 0);
if (ByteReceived > 0)
getsockname(ListeningSocket, (SOCKADDR *)&ServerAddr, (int *)sizeof(ServerAddr));
memset(&SenderInfo, 0, sizeof(SenderInfo));
nlen = sizeof(SenderInfo);
getpeername(NewConnection, (SOCKADDR *)&SenderInfo, &nlen);
if (shutdown(NewConnection, 2) != 0)
printf("there is something wrong with the shutdown. The error code: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
printf("shutdown is working...\n");
// --------------------------------------------
BOOL ConsoleProc(DWORD Msg)
switch (Msg)
return false;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------
CSampleService::CSampleService(PWSTR pszServiceName,
BOOL fCanStop,
BOOL fCanShutdown,
BOOL fCanPauseContinue) :
CServiceBase(pszServiceName, fCanStop, fCanShutdown, fCanPauseContinue),
m_dwTimeout(10 * 1000)
// Create a manual-reset event that is not signaled at first to indicate
// the service is stopping.
m_hStoppingEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (m_hStoppedEvent == NULL)
throw GetLastError();
// Create a manual-reset event that is not signaled at first to indicate
// the stopped signal of the service.
m_hStoppedEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (m_hStoppedEvent == NULL)
throw GetLastError();
if (m_hStoppedEvent)
m_hStoppedEvent = NULL;
if (m_hStoppingEvent)
m_hStoppingEvent = NULL;
void CSampleService::OnStart(DWORD dwArgc, LPWSTR *lpszArgv)
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"CSampleService::Start: function entry");
// Log a service start message to the Application log.
WriteEventLogEntry(L"CppWindowsService in OnStart", EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE);
// Queue the main service function for execution in a worker thread.
CThreadPool::QueueUserWorkItem(&CSampleService::ServiceWorkerThread, this);
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"CSampleService::Start: function exit");
void CSampleService::ServiceWorkerThread(void)
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"CSampleService::ServiceWorkerThread: running");
// Periodically check if the service is stopping.
while (WaitForSingleObject(m_hStoppingEvent, m_dwTimeout) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// Perform main service function here...
// Handle console events
SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)ConsoleProc, TRUE);
ServStart(); // Main loop is in another thread
ServLoop(); // The never returning server loop
// Signal the stopped event.
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"CSampleService::ServiceWorkerThread: done");
void CSampleService::OnStop()
ShutDown(); //shut down server
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"CSampleService::Stop: function entry");
// Log a service stop message to the Application log.
WriteEventLogEntry(L"CppWindowsService in OnStop", EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE);
// Indicate that the service is stopping and wait for the finish of the
// main service function (ServiceWorkerThread).
if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hStoppedEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"OnStop: Service Start", GetLastError());
throw GetLastError();
WriteErrorLogEntry(L"CSampleService::Stop: function exit");
The answer to your specific question is, yes, a windows service can run a TCP server.
The answer to why yours does not work is not clear. At first glance the service code looks reasonable. It's possible connections to your service are being blocked by your OS firewall (i.e. your console one is in the accept list but your service one is not). You might convert some of your error printf logic into something that prints to a file instead (e.g. fprintf?) so you can take a look at what's going on...
Sure, of course it can. Why would it not be possible?