seekg is not working - c++

I am developing an MFC application using Visual C++ 2010
I am reading data for one file but It seems seekg is not working
Here is my code
//Transaction is a class i have defined before
void displayMessage(CString message)
MessageBox(NULL,message,L"error",MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
ifstream input;"test.dat" , ios::binary );
if( )
CString mess;
mess = strerror( errno );
Transaction myTr(0,myDate,L"",0,0,L""); // creating an object of transaction
unsigned long position = 0;
while( (char *) &myTr , sizeof(Transaction)))
if(myTr.getType() == 400 )
position = (unsigned long)input.tellg() - sizeof(Transaction);
CString m;
m.Format(L"Pos : %d",position);
input.clear();//I also tried removing this line
input.seekg(position,ios::beg );
m.Format(L"get pos: %d",input.tellg());
The first displayMessage shows This : Pos : 6716 But second one showes : get pos: 0
Why seekg is not working ?

The problem is that CString.Format() is a varargs function and basic_istream::tellg() returns a pos_type which isn't a type that can be passed as a vararg agument so you get undefined behavior.
If you want to pass the position you get bace from tellg() to CString::Format() you'll need to cast it or put it in a temporary, intermediate variable:
unsigned long new_pos = input.tellg();
m.Format(L"get pos: %d", new_pos);


Transferring string arrays from VBA7 to C++

I'm currently working on a project where I want to be able to manipulate and graph data with relative ease in Excel. However, a lot of the data involved exceeds Excels row limits considerably and it needs a degree of preprocessing before I can work with it.
To solve this I decided to write a backend in C++ to handle the preprocessing so that it's acceptable for Excel. The aim is to be able to pick several files within excel which are then sent to the .dll to be parsed, preprocessed, and have some averaging applied to make it more easily handled in excel. The data is then passed back to Excel to be graphed, etc.
I've already worked out how to send arrays of data from the .dll to Excel reliably. However, sending data from Excel to the .dll, usually an array of BSTR which hold file paths, has proven more difficult.
After reading through a few questions:
How to create an array of strings in VBA/Excel and send it to a C++ DLL so that it can be iterated through in the DLL
VBA/Excel, and C++ DLL, specifically problems with strings
Calling C++ function from Excel and VBA using DLL created in C++
I thought the following code should work:
// lib.cpp
* clear_log() & write_log(...) both write to a specified log file
inline std::string WINAPI
bstr_string_convert( const BSTR bstr ) {
const auto bstrlen = SysStringLen(bstr);
const auto buffer = new char[bstrlen + 1];
size_t n_char_converted{ 0 };
if ( bstrlen > 0 ) {
const auto err =
wcstombs_s( &n_char_converted,
buffer, bstrlen + 1,
bstr, bstrlen );
else {
buffer[0] = '\0';
return std::string{ buffer };
const std::string log_location{
clear_log( const std::string_view filename ) {
std::fstream log_file( log_location + filename,
std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc );
write_log( const std::string_view filename, const std::string_view str ) {
std::fstream log_file( log_location + filename,
std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app );
log_file << str << "\n";
// This works
__declspec(dllexport) LPSAFEARRAY WINAPI
get_double_array( _In_ const LPSAFEARRAY* ppsa ) {
CComSafeArray<double> csa(*ppsa);
write_log( "double_log.txt",
std::format("size: {}", csa.GetCount()) );
for ( LONG i{ csa.GetLowerBound() }; i < csa.GetUpperBound(); ++i ) {
write_log( "double_log.txt",
std::format("{}: {}", i, csa.GetAt(i)) );
return csa.Detach();
// This doesn't
__declspec(dllexport) LPSAFEARRAY WINAPI
get_str_array( _In_ const LPSAFEARRAY* ppsa ) {
CComSafeArray<BSTR> csa(*ppsa);
write_log( "string_log.txt",
std::format("size: {}", csa.GetCount()));
for (LONG i{ csa.GetLowerBound() }; i < csa.GetUpperBound(); ++i ) {
write_log( "string_log.txt",
std::format( "{}: {}",
) );
return csa.Detach();
Declare PtrSafe Function send_string_array _
Lib "path\to\dll" _
Alias "_get_str_array#4" _
(ByRef first_element() As String) As String()
Declare PtrSafe Function send_double_array _
Lib "path\to\dll" _
Alias "_get_double_array#4" _
(ByRef ptr() As Double) As Double()
(Not sure what's making the syntax highlighting weird here)
Sub test()
Dim doubles(3) As Double
doubles(0) = 3.141592
doubles(1) = 1235.12617
doubles(2) = -1266.2346
Dim d_result() As Double
d_result = send_double_array(doubles)
Dim n As Long
For n = 0 To 2
Debug.Print d_result(n)
Next n
Dim strings(3) As String
strings(0) = "This"
strings(1) = "is a "
strings(2) = "test."
Dim result() As String
result = send_string_array(strings)
For n = 0 To 2
Debug.Print result(n)
Next n
End Sub
Immediate Window:
size: 4
0: 3.141592
1: 1235.12617
2: -1266.2346
size: 4
So my question is what am I missing that causes get_double_array(...) to work, but get_str_array(...) doesn't?
As an aside, why does CComSafeArray::GetCount() return 4 for an array declared with 3 elements? Seems like something weird is going on there.

MFC C++ Derive from CEdit and derive GetWindowText

I am deriving from CEdit, to make a custom control. It would be nice, if like the MFC Feature Pack controls (Mask, Browsable) that I could change GetWindowText to actually report back not what is normally displayed on the control (for example, convert the data between hex and decimal, then return back that string).
Is it this possible in a derived CEdit?
Add message map entries for WM_GETTEXT and WM_GETTEXTLENGTH to your derived CEdit class:
As we are overriding these messages we need a method of getting the original text of the edit control without going into endless recursion. For this we can directly call the default window procedure which is named DefWindowProc:
CStringW CMyEdit::GetTextInternal()
CStringW text;
LRESULT len = DefWindowProcW( WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 );
if( len > 0 )
// WPARAM = len + 1 because the length must include the null terminator.
len = DefWindowProcW( WM_GETTEXT, len + 1, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>( text.GetBuffer( len ) ) );
text.ReleaseBuffer( len );
return text;
The following method gets the original window text and transforms it. Anything would be possible here, including the example of converting between hex and dec. For simplicity I just enclose the text in dashes.
CStringW CMyEdit::GetTransformedText()
CStringW text = GetTextInternal();
return L"--" + text + L"--";
Now comes the actual handler for WM_GETTEXT which copies the transformed text to the output buffer.
int CMyEdit::OnGetText( int cchDest, LPWSTR pDest )
// Sanity checks
if( cchDest <= 0 || ! pDest )
return 0;
CStringW text = GetTransformedText();
// Using StringCchCopyExW() to make sure that we don't write outside of the bounds of the pDest buffer.
// cchDest defines the maximum number of characters to be copied, including the terminating null character.
LPWSTR pDestEnd = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = StringCchCopyExW( pDest, cchDest, text.GetString(), &pDestEnd, nullptr, 0 );
// If our text is greater in length than cchDest - 1, the function will truncate the text and
// The return value is the number of characters copied, not including the terminating null character.
return pDestEnd - pDest;
return 0;
The handler for WM_GETTEXTLENGTH is self-explanatory:
UINT CMyEdit::OnGetTextLength()
return GetTransformedText().GetLength();
Thanks to everyone for pointing me in the right direction. I tried OnGetText, but the problem seemed to be I couldn't get the underlying string or it would crash when calling GetWindowText (or just called OnGetText again...and couldn't find the underlying string).
After seeing what they did on masked control, I did a simpler answer like this. Are there any drawbacks? It seemed to not cause any issues or side effects...
Derive directly from GetWindowText
void CConvertibleEdit::GetWindowText(CString& strString) const
ConvertibleDataType targetDataType;
if (currentDataType == inputType)
strString = ConvertEditType(strString, currentDataType, inputType);

"Unable to read memory" When using "FILE* file" (C++) on WindowPhone8

i got problem when using "FILE* file;" with C++ on WP8.
My app crash when meet the line above.
When i debug, i saw:
1. All the member of this variable "file" got message:
(file)->_ptr: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_cnt: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_base: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_flag: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_file: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_charbuf: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_tmpfname: Unable to read memory.
(file)->_bufsiz: Unable to read memory.
I have no idea to fix it.
And this is the code i Use:
void SubMenu::LoadConfig(float dt)
TiXmlDocument doc;
bool flag = doc.LoadFile("Config\Config.xml");// Error here.
TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement();
for (TiXmlElement* elem = root->FirstChildElement(); elem != NULL; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement())
std::string elemName = elem->Value();
int Star = atoi(elem->GetText());
if (elemName == "Tractor")
this->AddStarPoint(Level1, 4, Star);
if (elemName == "EggsCatch")
this->AddStarPoint(Level2, 3, Star);
if (elemName == "EggsCatch2")
this->AddStarPoint(Level3, 4, Star);
This is tinyxml.cpp got function LoadFile:
bool TiXmlDocument::LoadFile( const char* _filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding )
TIXML_STRING filename( _filename );
value = filename;
// reading in binary mode so that tinyxml can normalize the EOL
FILE* file = TiXmlFOpen( value.c_str (), "rb" ); // Error here.
if ( file )
bool result = LoadFile( file, encoding );
fclose( file );
return result;
return false;
Please help!
I suppose file == NULL because of a single backslash \ in the path. Try
(simpler) replacing it with a slash "Config/Config.xml", or
(better) escape it with another backslash "Config\\Config.xml".

Wrong encoding when getting a string from MySQL database with C++

I'm writing an MFC app with C++ in Visual Studio 2012. App connects to a MySQL database and shows every row to a List Box.
Words are in Russian, database encoding is cp1251. I've set the same character set using this code:
if (!mysql_set_character_set(mysql, "cp1251")) {
statusBox.SetWindowText((CString)"CP1251 is set for MYSQL.");
But it doesn't help at all.
I display data using this code:
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL) {
CString string = (CString)row[1];
This code also doesn't help:
mysql_query(mysql, "set names cp1251");
Please help. What should I do to display cyrillic correctly?
When crossing system boundaries that use different character encodings you have to convert between them. In this case, the MySQL database uses CP 1251 while Windows (and CString) use UTF-16. The conversion might look like this:
#if !defined(_UNICODE)
#error Unicode configuration required
CString CPtoUnicode( const char* CPString, UINT CodePage ) {
CString retValue;
// Retrieve required string length
int len = MultiByteToWideChar( CodePage, 0,
CPString, -1,
NULL, 0 );
if ( len == 0 ) {
// Error -> return empty string
return retValue;
// Allocate CString's internal buffer
LPWSTR buffer = retValue.GetBuffer( len );
// Do the conversion
MultiByteToWideChar( CodePage, 0,
CPString, -1,
buffer, len );
// Return control of the buffer back to the CString object
return retValue;
This should be used as follows:
while ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row( result ) ) != NULL ) {
CString string = CPtoUnicode( row[1], 1251 );
listBox.AddString( string );
Alternatively, you could use CStrings built-in conversion support, which requires to set the thread's locale to the source encoding (CP 1251) and use the conversion constructor.

Partial line from cpp file ending up in output file - haunted code?

I'm sorry, it would be extremely difficult to make a fully reproducible version of the error --- so please bare with my schematic code.
This program retrieves information from a web page, processes it, and saves output to an ASCII file. I also have a 'log' file (FILE *theLog---contained within a Manager object) for reporting errors, etc.
Some background methods:
// Prints string to log file
void Manager::logEntry(const string lstr) {
if( theLog != NULL ) { fprintf(theLog, "%s", lstr.c_str()); }
// Checks if file with given name already exists
bool fileExists(const string fname) {
FILE *temp;
if( temp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r") ) {
return true;
} else { return false; }
// Initialize file for writing (some components omitted)...
bool initFile(FILE *&oFile, const string fname) {
if(oFile = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w") ) { return true; }
else { return false; }
The stuff causing trouble:
// Gets data from URL, saves to file 'dataFileName', input control flag 'foreCon'
// stu is some object that has string which i want
bool saveData(Manager *man, Stuff *stu, string dataFileName, const int foreCon) {
sprintf(logStr, "Saving Data...\n");
man->logEntry( string(logStr) ); // This appears fine in 'theLog' correctly
string data = stu->getDataPrefixStr() + getDataFromURL() + "\n"; // fills 'data' with stuff
data += stu->getDataSuffixStr();
if( fileExists(dataFileName) ) {
sprintf(logStr, "save file '%s' already exists.", dataFileName.c_str() );
man->logEntry( string(logStr) );
if( foreCon == -1 ) {
sprintf(logStr, "foreCon = %d, ... exiting.", foreCon); // LINE 'A' : THIS LINE ENDS UP IN OUTPUT FILE
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
return false;
} else {
sprintf(logStr, "foreCon = %d, overwriting file.", foreCon); // LINE 'B' : THIS LINE ENDS UP IN LOG FILE
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
// Initialize output file
FILE *outFile;
if( !initFile(outFile, dataFileName) ) {
sprintf(logStr, "couldn't initFile '%s'", dataFileName.c_str());
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
return false;
fprintf(outFile, "%s", data.c_str()); // print data to output file
if( fclose(outFile) != EOF) {
sprintf(logStr, "saved to '%s'", dataFileName.c_str());
tCase->logEntry( string(logStr) );
return true;
return false;
If the file already exists, AND 'int foreCon = -1' then the code should print out line 'A' to the logFile. If the file exists and foreCon != -1, the old file is overwritten with data. If the file doesn't exist, it is created, and the data is written to it.
The result however, is that a broken up version of line 'A' appears in the data file AND line 'B' is printed in the log file!!!!
What the data file looks like:
.. exiting.20130127 161456
20130127 000000,55,17,11,0.00
20130127 010000,54,17,11,0.00
... ...
The second line and onward look correct, but there is an extra line that contains part of line 'A'.
Now, the REALLY WEIRD PART. If I comment out everything in the if( foreCon == -1) { ... } block, then the data file looks like:
%d, ... exiting.20130127 161456
20130127 000000,55,17,11,0.00
20130127 010000,54,17,11,0.00
... ...
There is still an extra line, but it is the LITERAL CODE copied into the data file.
I think there is a poltergeist in my code. I don't understand how any of this could happen.
Edit: I've tried printing to console the data string, and it gives the same messed up values: i.e. %d, ... exiting.20130127 161456 - so it must be something about the string instead of the FILE *
Answer based on your latest comment:
getDataPrefixStr() ends up returning a string which starts with
something like string retStr = COMCHAR + " file created on ..."; such
that const char COMCHAR = '#';. Could the COMCHAR be the problem??
You can't add characters and string literals (which are arrays of char, not strings) like that.
You're adding 35 (the ASCII for "#") to the address of " file created on ... ", i.e. getDataPrefixStr() is whatever starts 35 characters from the start of that string. Since all literal strings are stored together in the same data area, you'll get strings from the program in the output.
Instead, you cold do
const string COMCHAR = "*";
string retStr = COMCHAR + " file created on ...";
It could be that logStr is too short and that it is causing data to be overwritten in other buffers (did you double check CHARLIMIT_LARGE?). You can diagnose this by commenting all writes to logStr (sprintf) and see if data is still corrupted. In general, your code is vulnerable to this if a user can set dataFileName (to be a very long string); use snprintf or ostringstream instead.
Otherwise, I would guess that either stu->getDataPrefixStr() or getDataFromURL() are returning corrupted results or return type char* instead of string. Try printing these values to the console directly to see if they are corrupted or not. If they return a char*, then data = stu->getDataPrefixStr() + getDataFromURL() will have undefined behavior.
if( temp = fopen(fname.c_str(), 'r') ) {
should be
if( temp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r") ) {