Adding both static and dynamic elements to a Ext-JS List in Sencha Architect - list

I'm using Sencha Architect for developing a Sencha 2 mobile application. I would like to have a List with two dividers. One divider would be called "Current Location" and the List element would also say "Current Location" which could be clicked on. The next header would say, "My Locations" and under that it would be a list populated by a Store called locationStore.
I'm know how to do populate lists from a store, but I'm not sure how to mix both the static elements (header and single list item) with dynamic elements (header and longer list).
I'm reusing this list in several views, so it would be nice if it could somehow be populated from a Store.
Hope someone has two cents on this topic.


Storing and retrieving a large list in Ionic 2+

I aim to use the native storage plugin to store a potentially large list of objects in Ionic 3. I want to be able to then display the list in an Ionic infinite scrolling list. I presume that if I save the entire list to storage as a single object, with a single key, it will take quite some time to retrieve it, and the list page will remain empty for some time while the list is read asynchronously from storage.
Should I be saving each item in the list with an individual key, such as "key.1", "key.2", "key.3" etc, and then retrieving a "pageful" of items at a time, supported by the infinite scrolling list? The nuisance part of this is that when I want to add a new item to the list, I have to know what key number I'm up to, so I can generate the next key name.
What's the best practice for this scenario? Is there a better way to load a large list from memory asynchronously so that it can be displayed to the user as soon as possible?
I ended up storing my items in a table in a SQLite database, as I wanted to avoid the size limitations that local storage can impose. I use a query like SELECT * FROM submissions LIMIT ? OFFSET ? to fetch a pageful of items at a time from the doInfinite function of an Ionic infinite scroller, keeping track of what page I'm up to and passing that into the OFFSET parameter. The LIMIT argument is the number of rows to fetch for a page, e.g. 10.

Why is the List in Codename one not showing all entries if there are many?

I developed my own list in codename one with two possible entry types and two different renderer (one for each type of entry).
I entered some hard-coded dummy entries into that list
If I start the app in the simulator, all the dummy entries are shown correctly, but once I download the app onto my phone for testing purpose, I can't scroll down the whole list, but only like 20 entries (While the 'scroll bar' on the left of the list looks like it went down the whole list).
What could be the problem?
ps: As I don't use the GUIBuilder, the files are pretty big, so I will post the code of the two ListItems (+ abstract parent class), the two ListRenderer (+ abstract parent) and their usage only on demand.
having a closer look at the scroll bar, it looks like it does not calculate the screen size correctly (at least the last entries are off-screen)
Make sure the list is not in a scrollable container.
Place it at the center of a BordarLayout container.

Can i change an item in a list from another list?

I´ve created a list in SharePoint. What i´ll like to do is create another list, and retrieve some information from one list to my new one, and be able to change the input data from list A in a single line of text.
So lets say, list A is PopStar, with columns like Genre "Rock", HairColor "Red" and GrammyCount "2".
In list B i only want textboxes to show whats in list A and be able to change (update) them, for example Genre to "Pop", HairColor to "Black" and GrammyCont to "8" ?
Is this possible?
i´m using office 365
In order to achieve exactly what you want you will require either a Workflow or an Event Receiver, however I assume you won't feel confident by struggling with such approaches, furthermore, there are some workarounds that could be very close to your requirement and maybe are even better solutions than the approach you suggest, in terms of maintenance, growth and upgrade.
I suggest to review topics like "SharePoint parent/child list webparts connections" or "sharepoint edit form add child items", here are two videos of which you can get some ideas.
Take in count that you can do more than what is displayed in the videos, by example in the Edit Form you could add a webpart to display the Quick Edit View (Grid View) of the related list so the values can be edited in the same Form and thus removing the need to navigate to a second window.

Sharepoint: Establish related records when new item being added to list

What is the best way to implement a parent-child hierachy between items in a list? The requirement is as follows
-> there is a list item with a particular ID
-> that particular ID could have related records.
-> all those related records should show up when viewing the list item
When the user adds a new item to list using a form, they should have the option to choose whether the new item being added has another related item or not.
The primary question here is what would be the best way to establish this hierarchy in the list? Also, all the items would be in the same list so how
would we link the list to itself? Or, what would be the best way to implement this? I can figure out several approaches to handle this within the confines of the
sharepoint server object model; however, this needs to be done primarily within the UI of Sharepoint itself (webparts, features, etc. may be used). However,
Any ideas/insights would be greatly appreciated.
You can create a look up column in list with a parent list as itself and allow multiple selections. That way you will be able to check multiple parent IDs for a specific list item.
To show related list items, you can customize details view page of the list in sharepoint designer and add list view web part or dataview with appropriate filters based on the current item.

Flex4.6 Add element to top of List

I've got a spark list that gets dynamically filled.
So far the new items appear at the bottom of the list. What I'd like to do is to add them at the top.
The items in the list have a unique ID so some kind of sorting mechanism would probably do the trick as the new items have a greater ID than the old ones.
What I'd like to avoid is some complex method behind this as I'm working on a mobile platform and the list can get quite big so I need this to be as efficient as possible.
The list's data provider is an ArrayList that gets updated using binding.
How can that be done?
Thanks in advance!
u can Add the items at the starting index of the datagrid. Flex datagrid automatically renew all the indexes and add 1 to all existing element indexes. So
YourDataGridId.dataprovider.addItemAt(item,0) will do.