How do I protect an API? - web-services

I am currently working on a single-page web application. The web app will make calls to a REST-like API for authentication and data storage. We are currently in the middle of securing the application, and have worked out a strategy securing the site so only registered users can gain access. But one thing we also want to do is securing the API from others to write their own applications, or access it in any other way than through our web application. The problem from my view is that the API will be open for everybody and not only for my web application.
Anyone who knows how to do this, or who can point me in the right direction. Because right now, don't have a clue.

Considered using certificates and validation?

Your API should only be accessible, if the session of the client is authorized. That's pretty much anything you could do.
There are complex approaches like using client- and server-side encryption or something really basic: render a secret in your webpage that validates the user again on every request.
You could check the headers, where the original request comes from. And so on...
But as most of that is public in a users browser, anyone could read it and adopt it in a third party app.
So save yourself and the people that really want to do a third party app some time and provide a public API :)

Simplest way will be to use OAuth 2.0 ( supports both authentication and authorization) which you need.
Also ensure you secure the data on wire using TLS (HTTPS) and any of the options below
1. HTTP Digest
2. OAuthn 2.0
3. Certificates ( Shared secret)
Stick to HTTPS+Oauth2 for now.

You could lock down your you API to accept requests from known IP's. Also depending on how your network infrastructure is designed, your web application can sit in a DMZ and your API on an internal network accessible only by servers in your network, one of which will include your backend API (This article here info has some tips). For better security, a secure network design in addition to an application security framework implementation like OAuth2 and HTTPS (mentioned above). For API's, I've found that resource based authorization works better than role based authorization. Lastly, constant review of your security setup is vital as things change all the time. A good approach to this is Threat Modelling described by OWASP here


Web application and API

I have a web application on my domain, I just allow so IPs to connect, talk and retrieves from my app, now the problem is that another API needs to talk to my app and retrieve info, but I can't open my app to the public , also the API doesn't allow token authentication, it just wants to connect to my app from any IP, any ideas to solve this?
a third party is an option but I need another practical option
I am trying to answer your question from whatever I can understand, if api does not allow any token authentication , then you need to implement something which will authenticate/validate/verify the incoming requests.
Now, if you don't have any scope of changing the implementation of the existing api, then probably you need to add a layer of say API Gateway. If you are using or want to use spring boot then it provides very simple implementation of it through Netflix Zuul.
If this doesn't answer your question, please provide more details.

node.js rest webservice authentication for client-server interaction

I'm designing an architecture where the web interface is a client (developed using a front-end js framework) and all requests are routed to several webservices.
All communication will happen using standard HTTP responses and JSON entities.
Now I'm facing the authentication mechanism.
My service will, of course, have several users, and I need to restrict access to users' resources.
Users will 1) signin to the web client (/admin) and then 2) the client-side js will perform several AJAX requests on webservices on user behalf.
Should I create a persistent session between the client/server and then pass some reference alongside each request or authenticate each single request using a stateless approach? How could I authenticate the web-client requests for the current user without adding too much overhead or complexity to my system?
I'm looking at passport-local and passport-localapikey but it's not very clear to me if I should authorize my client or the user itself (meaning should I have only one pair of credentials for all users when performing web-service request or one pair per user?)
A simple example (explained I don't need to copy-paste code) would be very appreciated. At this stage I'd prefer the solution introducing less complexity but granting a good security in order to be able to set it up very quickly.
PS. I could also take into account creating a distinct service handling authentication in order to create a common API to be shared between client and server, but that seems a bit over-engineering to me.
If you're already using Express as a framework for Node.js, you can use it's built in session handling. It is capable of using any sort of session store including memory, redis, mongo, etc.
There's a good example here:

Securing communication between trusted servers in same hosting env

I work for a company that develops a software product that processes bank transactions and gives the user insight into his/her spending. Our customers (usually banks) integrate the product into their online banks.
I have a question about securing the communication between the online bank, and our system. Before I ask the question, I want to give you some background.
The bank will usually install our system on a set of servers in their hosting environment.
We offer a number of ways to integrate:
Web services - In this case the bank will make calls to a set of REST services on the server, and then generate a webpage with the results (on the server side).
Iframes - In this case the bank will embed iframes in their online bank webpages. The iframes contain webpages rendered directly from our web application.
Inline widgets - In this case the bank will embed JavaScript references on their pages. When the document loads, the JavaScript widgets will render themselves, using AJAX calls. They communicate with a proxy on the bank server, which in turn communicates with our webapp.
We currently have a custom solution where we generate and sign security tokens for the users, and pass these with the requests.
But as banks have very strict security policies, they would feel better with us using a known and trusted security protocol for the communication. It is a big concern, which we want to address.
So the question is, which protocol is best suited for the integration use cases I listed above? There is a plethora of single-sign-on standards out there, and solutions like SAML, oauth, etc. I get the feeling that these solutions might be an overkill for my situation.
I want to find a solution that is simple. As the servers will run side by side in the same hosting environment, and trust each other completely, there is no need for the end user to authorize one or the other (or being redirected between, clicking buttons to give access to the app).
That is, the security protocol should not require any intervention from the end user. The end user simply logs into his/her online bank, and via secure communication has access to the data from our web server.
So...any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
After some deliberation, we decided to use 2-legged OAuth (online bank uses consumer key and consumer secret to sign requests to our app).
OAuth signature can either be put in a request header, or request parameters. It nicely solves our problem, as the REST requests can be signed, and the IFRAME src URL-s can also be signed (all communication is over HTTPS).
For those interested, a couple of references:
This article shows using OAuth with IFRAMEs:
This article mentiones some security issues with OAuth, and how threats can countered:

Would OpenID or OAuth work for authorization/authentication on a distributed web service?

We're in the early stages of designing a RESTful/resource-oriented web service API for a computational lingustics application. Because many of the resources we plan to serve are rights-encumbered, a key design decision has been to specify the platform so that each resource provider can expose their own web service that complies with the API spec. This way, the rights owner maintains control over their content (and thus the ability to throttle or deny access at will) and a direct relationship with the consumer, while still being able to participate in in the collaborative network.
At the same time, to simplify the job of writing a client for this service, we want to allow a client access to the distributed service through one end-point, with the server handling content negotiation and retrieval from the appropriate providers.
Right now, we're at an impasse on authentication/authorization schemes. One of our number has argued for the (technical) simplicity of a central authentication registry, but others are concerned about the organizational complexity of such a scheme.
It seems to me, based on an albeit limited understanding of the technologies, that a combination of OpenID and OAuth would do the trick, with a client authenticating with the end-point via OpenID, and the server taking action on the user's behalf with the various content providers using OAuth.
I've only ever seen implementations (e.g. stackoverflow, twitter, etc.) where a human was present to intervene, and I still need to do more research on these technologies.
Would a scheme like this work for an automated web service, or would it make the client too difficult to implement and operate?
OpenID does assume the user is present to drive a web browser to interact with their OpenID provider and do that initial authentication. But you could have the user authenticate to the end-point with OpenID, and there get an OAuth authorization for their client's automated use.
You should be able to do this without making the client too difficult to implement, particularly if the client is on a platform that allows it to spawn a web browser to drive that initial OpenID bit.

Non-interactive authentication/authorization for XML-RPC?

We don't exactly comply with the XML-RPC spec, but the concepts are nearly identical. A client comes in over HTTP/HTTPS with an XML payload. We respond with an XML payload answering the request. This is primarily machine to machine, so no human to type a username/password. Our construct runs within apache tomcat. We would like to authenticate the request and since not every service is available to every client, we need to authorize the request as well. We have both subscription and per use charging models so it is necessary to log everything.
What would you recommend for both server and client?
HTTP BASIC/DIGEST works fine for most machine to machine tasks, and it handled by the server so your API is unaffected.
It doesn't work as well for interactive uses because it's difficult to "log out" the user without closing the browser.
Otherwise you'll most likely need to alter your APIs to include authentication information and have your methods authenticate that within your code.
Or you could use the classic "login", set a cookie, keep a session technique.
But, frankly, for machine to machine work, HTTP BASIC is the easiest.
edit, regarding comments.
HTTP BASIC is simply a protocol used to present the artifacts necessary for authentication, and it works well for machine to machine web services.
HOW IT IS IMPLEMENTED is dependent on you and your application. Using Java, you can use container authentication and that will provide authentication as well as role mapping. The user -> role mapping is handled in either a data file or database. The URLs protected, and what roles are valid for each URL, is managed by web.xml.
If you continue to add different roles to different URLs, then, yes, you'll need to redeploy that application.
However, if you're just adding new users, then you simply update your file or database. And if you're adding new logic, and this new URLs, then you have to redeploy anyway. If you have a ROLE structure with a fine enough granularity, you won't have to be messing with the web.xml until you actually add new methods. For example you could, at the extreme, create a role per method, and assign them individually to users. Most don't need to go that far.
If you don't want to use container authentication, then write a Servlet Filter to implement your vision of mapping user and roles to URLs. You can still use the HTTP BASIC protocol for your clients, even if you implement your own facility.
If you're looking for an overall generic Java security framework, I defer to google -- there are several, I've not used any of them. I've had good luck with container authentication and writing our own.
I second the HTTP Basic suggestion, and can testify that it integrates fairly well with Spring Security, which I implemented on top of a legacy application that rolled its own DB-based authentication/authorization logic.