Array passed by reference in recursive function - last column reinitialized - c++

I have a rather unexpected issue with one of my functions. Let me explain.
I'm writing a calibration algorithm and since I want to do some grid search (non-continuous optimization), I'm creating my own mesh - different combinations of probabilities.
The size of the grid and the grid itself are computed recursively (I know...).
So in order:
Get variables
Compute corresponding size recursively
Allocate memory for the grid
Pass the empty grid by reference and fill it recursively
The problem I have is after step 4 once I try to retrieve this grid. During step 4, I 'print' on the console the results to check them and everything is fine. I computed several grids with several variables and they all match the results I'm expecting. However, as soon as the grid is taken out of the recursive function, the last column is filled with 0 (all the values from before are replace in this column only).
I tried allocating one extra column for the grid in step 3 but this only made the problem worse (-3e303 etc. values). Also I have the error no matter what size I compute it with (very small to very large), so I assume it isn't a memory error (or at least a 'lack of memory' error). Finally the two functions used and their call have been listed below, this has been quickly programmed, so some variables might seem kind of useless - I know. However I'm always open to your comments (plus I'm no expert in C++ - hence this thread).
void size_Grid_Computation(int nVars, int endPoint, int consideredVariable, int * indexes, int &sum, int nChoices)
/** Remember to initialize r at 1 !! - we exclude var_0 and var_(m-1) (first and last variables) in this algorithm **/
int endPoint2 = 0;
if (consideredVariable < nVars - 2)
for (indexes[consideredVariable] = 0; indexes[consideredVariable] < endPoint; indexes[consideredVariable] ++)
endPoint2 = endPoint - indexes[consideredVariable];
size_Grid_Computation(nVars, endPoint2, consideredVariable + 1, indexes, sum, nChoices);
for (int i = 0; i < nVars - 2; i++)
sum -= indexes[i];
sum += nChoices;
The above function is for the grid size. Below for the grid itself -
void grid_Creation(double* choicesVector, double** varVector, int consideredVariable, int * indexes, int endPoint, int nVars, int &r)
if (consideredVariable > nVars-1)
for (indexes[consideredVariable] = 0; indexes[consideredVariable] < endPoint; indexes[consideredVariable]++)
if (consideredVariable == nVars - 1)
double sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j <= consideredVariable; j++)
varVector[r][j] = choicesVector[indexes[j]];
sum += varVector[r][j];
printf("%lf\t", varVector[r][j]);
varVector[r][nVars - 1] = 1 - sum;
printf("%lf row %d\n", varVector[r][nVars - 1],r+1);
r += 1;
grid_Creation(choicesVector, varVector, consideredVariable + 1, indexes, endPoint - indexes[consideredVariable], nVars, r);
Finally the call
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int nVars = 5;
int gridPrecision = 3;
int sum1 = 0;
int r = 0;
int size = 0;
int * index, * indexes;
index = (int *) calloc(nVars - 1, sizeof(int));
indexes = (int *) calloc(nVars, sizeof(int));
for (index[0] = 0; index[0] < gridPrecision + 1; index[0] ++)
size_Grid_Computation(nVars, gridPrecision + 1 - index[0], 1, index, size, gridPrecision + 1);
double * Y;
Y = (double *) calloc(gridPrecision + 1, sizeof(double));
for (int i = 0; i <= gridPrecision; i++)
Y[i] = (double) i/ (double) gridPrecision;
double ** varVector;
varVector = (double **) calloc(size, sizeof(double *));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
varVector[i] = (double *) calloc(nVars, sizeof(double *));
grid_Creation(Y, varVector, 0, indexes, gridPrecision + 1, nVars - 1, r);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%lf\n", varVector[i][nVars - 1]);
I left my barbarian 'printf', they help narrow down the problem. Most likely, I have forgotten or butchered one memory allocation. But I can't see which one. Anyway, thanks for the help!

It seems to me that you have a principal mis-design, namely your 2D array. What you are programming here is not a 2D array but an emulation of it. It only makes sense if you want to have a sort of sparse data structure where you may leave out parts. In your case it looks as if it is just a plain old matrix that you need.
Nowadays it is neither appropriate in C nor in C++ to program like this.
In C, since that seems what you are after, inside functions you declare matrices even with dynamic bounds as
double A[n][m];
If you fear that this could smash your "stack", you may allocate it dynamically
double (*B)[m] = malloc(sizeof(double[n][m]));
You pass such beasts to functions by putting the bounds first in the parameter list
void toto(size_t n, size_t m, double X[n][m]) {
Once you have clean and readable code, you will find your bug much easier.


double free or corruption (out) while deallocating memory in c++

I have a function which returns a 2D array in c++ as follows
float** Input_data(float** train_data, int Nv, int N){
float** x_train=new float*[Nv];
int a = 0,b = 0;
for(a = 1;a<= Nv;a++){
x_train[a] = new float[N+1];
for(b = 1; b <= N+1; b++){
if(b == 1){
x_train[a][b] = 1;
x_train[a][b] = train_data[a][b-1];
}return x_train;}
the purpose of the above code is to add ones in the first column and add remaining data from train_data pointer into x_train. after processing and using x_train i am trying to deallocate x_train as follows
void destroyx_array(float**x_train,int Nv){
for (int free_x = 1;free_x <= Nv;free_x++){
delete[] x_train[free_x];}delete[] x_train;}
and calling the destroy function as follows
the Input_data functions works fine but when i try to destroy_x_array it gives me double free or corruption(out) aborted (core dumped) can anybody explain what wrong i am doing ? thank you
Simply put, your code corrupts memory. The best thing is to not use raw pointers and instead use container classes such as std::vector.
Having said that, to fix your current code, the issue is that you're writing beyond the bounds of the memory here:
for(a = 1;a<= Nv;a++)
when a == Nv, you are writing one "row" beyond what was allocated. This looks like a manifestation of attempting to fake 1-based arrays. Arrays in C++ start from 0, not 1. Trying to fake 1-based arrays invariably can lead to bugs and memory corruption.
The fix is to rewrite your function to start from 0, not 1, and ensure your loop iterates to n-1, where n is the total number of rows:
for (a = 0; a < Nv; ++a)
the purpose of the above code is to add ones in the first column and
add remaining data from train_data pointer into x_train
Instead of the loop you wrote to test for the first column, you could simplify this by simply using memcpy:
for (int i = 0; i < Nv; ++i)
x_train[i][0] = 1;
memcpy(&x_train[i][1], &train_data[i][0], N * sizeof(float));
Thus the entire function would look like this:
float** Input_data(float** train_data, int Nv, int N)
float** x_train=new float*[Nv];
for(int a = 0; a < Nv; a++)
x_train[a] = new float[N+1];
for (int a = 0; a < Nv; a++)
x_train[i][0] = 1;
memcpy(&x_train[i][1], &train_data[i][0], N * sizeof(float));
return x_train;

a program to sum 2 arrays and display output in third array. It's showing Runtime error. Why?

I edited the code. But now it's showing runtime error. Can anyone tell why ? This is a program to sum 2 arrays and display output in third array.
I also wanted to know if this code could be optimized ?
void sumOfTwoArrays(int arr[], int size1, int brr[], int size2, int crr[])
int k;
k = size1;
k = size2;
int c = k;
int r = 0;
int i = size1-1;
int j = size2-1;
int n = arr[i] + brr[j] + r;
crr[c] = n;
int r = n/10;
n = n%10;
crr[c] = n;
crr[c] = arr[i] + r;
r = 0;
crr[c] = brr[j] + r;
r = 0;
crr[c] = r;
You declare variables in a block scope, i.e. inside { ... }, and these variables are visible only within this block:
int crr[size1+1];
int c = size1;
int crr[size2+1];
int c = size2;
crr[c] = ... // neither crr nor c are valid here any more
BTW: C++ does not support variable length arrays like int crr[size1+1] (when size is not a compile-time-constant).
To overcome this, write...
int *crr;
int c;
crr = new int[size1+1];
c = size1;
crr = new int[size2+1];
c = size2;
delete[] crr;
About scope issue: see Stephan's answer.
I also wanted to know if this code could be optimized
By use of std::vector. OK, the following is only a fine option if you can use vectors outside as well – copying the raw arrays into vectors wouldn't be efficient either... But if you can, then you might like this variant:
template <typename T> // optional: you're more flexible if you make a template of...
void sumOfTwoArrays(std::vector<T> const& va, std::vector<T> const& vb, std::vector<T>& vr)
vr.resize(std::max(va.size(), vb.size() + 1));
int carry = 0; // renamed r to something more meaningful
// these pairs will help to avoid code duplication later
std::pair pa(va, va.rbegin());
std::pair pb(vb, vb.rbegin());
auto ir = vr.rbegin();
while(pa.second != pa.first.rend() && pb.second != pb.first.rend())
// just skip the if/else:
// assume you have arbitrary number, the else case will be entered anyway
// in 50 % of the cases - in the other 50 %, the else branch calculates
// the correct result, too; and on most modern machines, the branch is
// rather expensive, so you result in easier code and have quite a good
// chance to even perform better...
carry += *pa.second + *pb.second;
*ir = carry % 10;
carry /= 10;
++ir, ++pa.second, ++pb.second;
// avoiding of two identical while loops: iterate over the two pairs...
for(auto p : { pa, pb })
// just loop over, if we are already at the end, won't enter...
while(p.second != p.first.rend())
// STILL need to continue calculating the carry!
// imagine we have set it and ciphers following are all 9!
carry += *p.second;
*ir = carry % 10;
carry /= 10;
++ir, ++p.second;
// assign either 0 or 1...
*ir = carry;
Variant: instead of assigning 0, you could erase first element at the very end:
if(carry == 0)
*ir = carry;
Note that this will move all the elements one position to front. On the other hand, if you repeatedly add vectors already containing a leading zero, you might prepend another one again and again without need, if you don't drop it again.
You wouldn't experience any of these issues if you inverted the order of digits in the vector, having least significant one at position 0 (you'd exchange rbegin() and rend() with begin() and end(), but would use the former for printing data to display...). Erasure at the end would be an O(1) operation then:
if(carry == 0)
// ...
All this above will only work as expected if you keep your vectors normalised (i. e. all digits in between 0 and 9 inclusive). You might consider packing the vector into a separate class such that the data is hidden away from the user and only can be modified in controlled manner (assume you have a fine vector, but a user does v[7] = -1012...).
A runtime error suggests that it is a memory issue i.e. you are writing to some memory which is not allocated to be used by your code. So, as mentioned by other contributors, you should allocate proper memory for your arrays.
Following is modified version of your code which is working fine. You can see it working here:
void sumOfTwoArrays(int arr1[], int size1, int arr2[], int size2, int sumArr[])
int maxLen;
int* tArry;
int l;
if(size1>size2) { maxLen = size1; tArry = arr1; l = size1 - size2; }
else { maxLen = size2; tArry = arr2; l = size2 - size1; }
int carry = 0;
while(size1 && size2){
carry += arr1[--size1] + arr2[--size2];
sumArr[maxLen--] = carry%10;
carry /= 10;
carry += tArry[--l];
sumArr[maxLen--] = carry%10;
carry /= 10;
sumArr[maxLen] = carry;
Calling code looks something like this:
int a[] = {9,9,9,9,9};
int b[] = {1};
int l1 = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), l2 = sizeof(b)/sizeof(int);
int l3 = ((l1 > l2) ? l1 : l2) + 1;
int *c = new int[l3];
sumOfTwoArrays(a, l1, b, l2, c);
delete [] c;

Implementing the insert array method for a hand-written dynamic array - C++

So my code is supposed to take a dynamic array and inserts a smaller array into it and if there's not enough space in the larger array then it makes a new array and copies the values from the old array into the new one so that the smaller array can be inserted. Here's the code that allocates the new size for the new array with dynamic_array &a being the smaller array and i being the position it's inserted to:
void dynamic_array::insert(dynamic_array &a, int i) {
if (i < 0 or i > size){
int *new_array;
int range = a.get_size(); //my get size method will return how many values are in a
int blocks_needed = (size) / BLOCK_SIZE;
if (size % 5 > 0) {
blocks_needed = blocks_needed + 1; //add a block if needed
if (size + range >= allocated_size) { //new space needed
//get more space
try {
new_array = new int[blocks_needed * BLOCK_SIZE];
} catch (bad_alloc){
throw exception (MEMORY_EXCEPTION);
Then there's 3 different for loops. One copies all the elements before i-1. The second copies all the elements in array a. The third one copies all the remaining elements from the old array into the new array while shifting them over:
//copy array[0..i-1]
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
new_array[j] = array[j];
//copy a
for (int m = i; m < range; m++){
new_array[m] = a[m];
//copy array[i..size-1]
for (int k = i; k < size; k++) {
new_array[k+range] = array[k];
Afterwards I update the sizes:
size = size + range;
allocated_size = blocks_needed * BLOCK_SIZE;
Now if there is already enough space then I just shift the array to the right and insert the values via a for loop:
else { //no new space needed
shift_right(i, size, range);
for (int z = i; z < range; z++){
array[z] = a[z];
size = size + range;
Now the output I'm getting is quite close to what I want however it's not quite what I want. There's alot of times where the array values show things like 0 3 0 2 4 when it should show 0 1 3 2 4. The allocated size is also sometimes wrong when it shows that it's 5 when it should be 10. The size looks fine for all tested arrays but it's just the allocated size and the array values that's the problem. Here's my shift right function:
void dynamic_array::shift_right(int start, int end, int delta){
for(int i=end; i>=start; i--){
array[i+delta] = array[i];
Alright so while we don't have all the code for the method being discussed, nor the dynamic_array::shift_right() code, I've noticed two mistakes right off the bat (thanks to #TheDark for nitpicking on my fix):
First one:
for (int m = i; m < range; m++) { new_array[m] = a[m]; }
Should be
for (int m = i; m < range + i; m++) { new_array[m] = a[m - i]; }
// ^^^ ^^^
Another one of the same kind in the last, shifting loop:
for (int z = i; z < range; z++) { array[z] = a[z]; }
Should be:
for (int z = i; z < range + i; z++) { array[z] = a[z - i]; }
// ^^^ ^^^
In fact, these may be causing a crash on trying to access a[] out of bounds. On a side note, that's one of the reasons why it's better, namely safer, to use iterators than simple integer indices for container access.
I didn't like this either:
int blocks_needed = (size) / BLOCK_SIZE;
if (size % 5 > 0) {
blocks_needed = blocks_needed + 1; //add a block if needed
This looks very much like hand-writing the ceil() function. Other than that, 5 apparently should equal BLOCK_SIZE, else this makes little sense to me. Thus, replace 5 with BLOCK_SIZE or better yet switch to ceil().
Now on to the allocation-related errors. Here's one:
int blocks_needed = (size) / BLOCK_SIZE;
int blocks_needed = (size + range) / BLOCK_SIZE;
// ^^^^^^^
And here's another, while not really an error, but it's suboptimal behavior nonetheless:
if (size + range >= allocated_size) { //new space needed
if (size + range > allocated_size) { //new space needed
// ^^^

2D complex array in C++

I am new in C++ programing so I need a help about 2D arrays. Is it possible to create complex array from two real array with two for loops?I was trying to do that in my code but...I do not know how to do that.
Thanks for help!
This is my code::
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int const BrGr = 15, BrCv = BrGr + 1, BrSat = 24;
//(BrCv=number of nodes,BrSat=number of hours)
int main()
// Every array must be dynamic array.It is a task.Is this correct way?
auto *Ipot = new double[BrCv - 1][BrSat];
auto *cosfi = new double[BrCv - 1][BrSat];
auto *S_pot = new complex<double>[BrCv - 1][BrSat];
auto *I_inj = new complex<double>[BrCv - 1][BrSat];
auto *V_cvo = new complex<double>[BrCv][BrSat];
ifstream reader("Input.txt");
if (reader.is_open())
for (int i = 0;i < BrCv - 1;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < BrSat;j++)
reader >> Ipot[i][j];
for (int i = 0;i < BrCv - 1;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < BrSat;j++)
reader >> cosfi[i][j];
else cout << "Error!" << endl;
// Here i want to create 2D array of complex numbers - Is this correct way?
// Also in same proces i want to calculate a value of S_pot in every node for every hour
for (int i = 0;i < BrCv - 1;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < BrSat;j++)
S_pot[i][j] = complex<double>(Ipot[i][j]*cosfi[i][j],Ipot[i][j]*sqr(1-pow(cosfi[i][j],2)));
// Here i give a value for V_cvo in nodes for every single hour
for (int i = 0;i < BrCv;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < BrSat;j++)
V_cvo[i][j] = 1;
// Here i want to calculate a value of I_inj in every node for every hour
for (int i = 0;i < BrCv - 1;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < BrSat;j++)
I_inj[i][j] = conj(S_pot[i][j] / V_cvo[i][j]);
// Here i want to delete all arrays
delete[] Ipot, cosfi, S_pot, I_inj, V_cvo;
return 0;
Note: I'm using double through out these examples, but you can replace double with any type.
To be honest, you probably don't want to use a 2D array.
Creating a 2D dynamically-sized array in C++ is a multi-stage operation. You can't just
double twoDArray [nrRows][nrColumns];
auto twoDArray = new double[nrRows][nrColumns];
There are a couple things wrong with this, but the most important is the rows and columns are not a constant, defined at compile time values. Some compilers allow the first, but this cannot be guaranteed. I don't know if any compiler allows the second.
Instead, First you create an array of rows to hold the columns, then you separately create each row of columns. Yuck.
Here's the set up:
double * arr[] = new double*[nrRows]; // create rows to point at columns
for (size_t index = 0; index < nrRows; index++)
arr[index] = new double[nrColumns]; // create columns
And here's clean-up
for (size_t index = 0; index < nrRows; index++)
delete[] arr[index]; // delete all columns
delete[] arr; // delete rows
For your efforts you get crappy spacial locality and the performance hit (Cache miss) that causes because your many arrays could be anywhere in RAM, and you get crappy memory management issues. One screw-up, one unexpected exception and you have a memory leak.
This next option has better locality because there is one big data array to read from instead of many, but still the same leakage problems.
double * arr2[] = new double*[nrRows]; // create rows to point at columns
double holder[] = new double[nrRows* nrColumns]; // create all columns at once
for (size_t index = 0; index < nrRows; index++)
arr[index] = &holder[index * nrColumns]; // attach columns to rows
and clean up:
delete[] arr2;
delete[] holder;
In C++, the sane person chooses std::vector over a dynamically-sized array unless given very, very compelling reason not to. Why has been documented to death all over SO and the Internet at large, and the proof litters the Internet with hijacked computers serving up heaping dollops of spam and other nastiness.
std::vector<std::vector<double>> vec(nrRows, std::vector<double>(nrColumns));
Usage is exactly what array users are used to:
vec[i][j] = somevalue;
This has effectively no memory problems, but is back to crappy locality because the vectors could be anywhere.
There is a better method still: Use a One Dimensional array and wrap it in a simple class to make it look 2D.
template <class TYPE>
class TwoDee
size_t mNrRows;
size_t mNrColumns;
vector<TYPE> vec;
TwoDee(size_t nrRows, size_t nrColumns):
mNrRows(nrRows), mNrColumns(nrColumns), vec(mNrRows*mNrColumns)
TYPE & operator()(size_t row, size_t column)
return vec[row* mNrColumns + column];
TYPE operator()(size_t row, size_t column) const
return vec[row* mNrColumns + column];
This little beastie will do most of what you need a 2D vector to do. You can copy it, you can move it. You can crunch all you want. Jay Leno will make more.
I jumped directly to the templated version because I'm stumped for a good reason to explain class TwoDee twice.
The constructor is simple. You give it the dimensions of the array and it builds a nice, safe 1D vector. No muss, no fuss, and No Zayn required.
The operator() functions take the row and column indices, do a simple bit of arithmetic to turn the indices into a single index and then either return a reference to the indexed value to allow modification or a copy of the indexed value for the constant case.
If you're feeling like you need extra safety, add in range checking.
TYPE & operator()(size_t row, size_t column)
if (row < mNrRows && column < mNrColumns)
return vec[row* mNrColumns + column];
throw std::out_of_range("Bad indices");
OK. How does the OP use this?
TwoDee<complex<double>> spot(BrCv - 1, BrSat);
Created and ready to go. And to load it up:
for (int i = 0;i < BrCv - 1;i++)
for (int j = 0;j < BrSat;j++)
Spot(i,j) = complex<double>(7.8*Ipot(i,j),2.3*cosfi(i,j));
Declaring a dynamic 2D array for a premitive type is the same as for std::complex<T>.
Jagged array:
complex<int> **ary = new complex<int>*[sizeY];
//run loop to initialize
for (int i = 0; i < sizeY; ++i)
ary[i] = new complex<int>[sizeX];
//clean up (you could wrap this in a class and write this in its destructor)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeY; ++i)
delete[] ary[i];
delete[] ary;
//access with
//assign index with
ary[i][j] = complex<int>(int,int);
It's a little heavier weight than it needs to be, and it allocates more blocks than you need.
Multidimensional arrays only need one block of memory, they don't need one block per row.
Rectangular array:
complex<int> *ary = new complex<int>[sizeX * sizeY];
//access with:
ary[y*sizeX + x]
//assign with
ary[y*sizeX+x] = complex<int>(int,int);
//clean up
delete[] ary;
Allocating just a single contiguous block is the way to go (less impact on allocator, better locality, etc But you have to sacrifice clean and nice subscripting.

Filling an array with integers

I'm trying to fill an array with numbers 1111 to 8888, with each integer in the number being between 1 and 8 in c++. However, when I run it, it's only outputting large negative numbers indicating an error. I honestly have clue what the error is so it would be appreciated if you could help me out. Thanks!
int fillArray()
int arrayPosition;
int guesses[4096];
arrayPosition = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= 8; j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++)
for (int m = 1; m <= 8; m++)
guesses[arrayPosition] = ((i * 1000) + (j * 100) + (k *10) + m);
cout << guesses[arrayPosition];
return guesses[4096];
Your return type is wrong. int fillArray(), but you're trying to return an int[4096] that was declared on the stack... What you're actually doing with return guesses[4096]; is returning the first memory location after your array in memory, which is probably just garbage, hence your issue with large negative numbers.
You can fix it by allocating your array in the heap, and returning a pointer to the start of that array:
int * fillArray()
int arrayPosition;
int * guesses = new int[4096];
// other stuff stays the same...
return guesses;
However, since your function is called fillArray, it would make more sense to pass in an array and fill it rather than creating the array in the function. (If you wanted to do that, might call it something like make_1_to_8_array instead, to make it more clear that you're constructing something that will need to be deleted later.) Giving an int* as the first argument would allow you to pass in the base address of your array that you want filled:
void fillArray(int * guesses)
int arrayPosition;
// other stuff stays the same...
Or, if you want to verify that the you're using an array of the exact size:
void fillArray(int (&guesses)[4096])
int arrayPosition;
// other stuff stays the same...
Note that the function now returns void since you just update the array that was passed in, and you don't need to return anything new.
Your for-loops look correct, but your array handling is off, as is highlighted by other answers.
It is more usual in C++ to use std::vector and to pass this in by reference as an argument. This saves you having to handle memory allocations and deallocations. Here's an example, including the output in the for-loops:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int fillArray(std::vector<int>& guesses)
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= 8; j++)
for (int k = 1; k <= 8; k++)
for (int m = 1; m <= 8; m++)
guesses.push_back((i * 1000) + (j * 100) + (k * 10) + m);
std::cout << guesses.back() << std::endl;
return guesses.back();
int main()
std::vector<int> guesses;
std::cout << fillArray(guesses) << std::endl;
You are creating your array locally then attempting to return it. If you try printing (to debug) out the result of your array prior to returning, you will see it is ok. However, once you return, the array is no linger valid. Try passing in an array into your function instead.