How can I use binary heap in the Dijkstra algorithm? - heap

I am writing code of dijkstra algorithm, for the part where we are supposed to find the node with minimum distance from the currently being used node, I am using a array over there and traversing it fully to figure out the node.
This part can be replaced by binary heap and we can figure out the node in O(1) time, but We also update the distance of the node in further iterations, How will I incorporate that heap?
In case of array, all I have to do is go to the (ith -1) index and update the value of that node, but same thing can't be done in Binary heap, I will have to do the full search to figure out the position of the node and then update it.
What is workaround of this problem?

This is just some information I found while doing this in a class, that I shared with my classmates. I thought I'd make it easier for folks to find it, and I had left this post up so that I could answer it when I found a solution.
Note: I'm assuming for this example that your graph's vertices have an ID to keep track of which is which. This could be a name, a number, whatever, just make sure you change the type in the struct below.
If you have no such means of distinction, then you can use pointers to the vertices and compare their pointed-to addresses.
The problem you are faced with here is the fact that, in Dijkstra's algorithm, we are asked to store the graphs vertices and their keys in this priority queue, then update the keys of the ones left in the queue.
But... Heap data-structures have no way of getting at any particular node that is not the minimum or the last node!
The best we'd be able to do is traverse the heap in O(n) time to find it, then update its key and bubble-it-up, at O(Logn). That makes updating all vertices O(n) for every single edge, making our implementation of Dijkstra O(mn), way worse than the optimal O(mLogn).
Bleh! There has to be a better way!
So, what we need to implement isn't exactly a standard min-heap-based priority queue. We need one more operation than the standard 4 pq operations:
and DecreaseKey
In order to DecreaseKey, we need to:
find a particular vertex inside the Heap
lower its key-value
"heap-up" or "bubble-up" the vertex
Essentially, since you were (I'm assuming it has been implemented sometime in the past 4 months) probably going to use an "array-based" heap implementation,
this means that we need the heap to keep track of each vertex and its index in the array in order for this operation to be possible.
Devising a struct like: (c++)
struct VertLocInHeap
int vertex_id;
int index_in_heap;
would allow you to keep track of it, but storing those in an array would still give you O(n) time for finding the vertex in the heap. No complexity improvement, and it's more complicated than before. >.<
My suggestion (if optimization is the goal here):
Store this info in a Binary Search Tree whose key value is the `vertex_id`
do a binary-search to find the vertex's location in the Heap in O(Logn)
use the index to access the vertex and update its key in O(1)
bubble-up the vertex in O(Logn)
I actually used a std::map declared as:
std::map m_locations;
in the heap instead of using the struct. The first parameter (Key) is the vertex_id, and the second parameter (Value) is the index in the heap's array.
Since std::map guarantees O(Logn) searches, this works nicely out-of-the-box. Then whenever you insert or bubble, you just m_locations[vertexID] = newLocationInHeap;
Easy money.
Upside: we now have O(Logn) for finding any given vertex in the p-q. For the bubble-up we do O(Log(n)) movements, for each swap doing a O(Log(n)) search in the map of array indexes, resulting in a O(Log^2(n) operation for bubble-up.
So, we have a Log(n) + Log^2(n) = O(Log^2(n)) operation for updating the key values in the Heap for a single edge. That makes our Dijkstra alg take O(mLog^2(n)). That's pretty close to the theoretical optimum, at least as close as I can get it. Awesome Possum!
Downside: We are storing literally twice as much information in-memory for the heap. Is it a "modern" problem? Not really; my desky can store over 8 billion integers, and many modern computers come with at least 8GB of RAM; however, it is still a factor. If you did this implementation with a graph of 4 billion vertices, which can happen a lot more often than you'd think, then it causes a problem. Also, all those extra reads/writes, which may not affect the complexity in analysis, may still take time on some machines, especially if the information is being stored externally.
I hope this helps someone in the future, because I had a devil of a time finding all this information, then piecing the bits I got from here, there, and everywhere together to form this. I'm blaming the internet and lack of sleep.

The problem I ran into with using any form of heap is that, you need to reorder the nodes in the heap. In order to do that, you would have to keep popping everything from the heap until you found the node you need, then change the weight, and push it back in (along with everything else you popped). Honestly, just using an array would probably be more efficient and easier to code than that.
The way I got around this was I used a Red-Black tree (in C++ it's just the set<> data type of the STL). The data structure contained a pair<> element which had a double (cost) and string (node). Because of the tree structure, it is very efficient to access the minimum element (I believe C++ makes it even more efficient by maintaining a pointer to the minimum element).
Along with the tree, I also kept an array of doubles that contained the distance for a given node. So, when I needed to reorder a node in the tree, I simply used the old distance from the dist array along with the node name to find it in the set. I would then remove that element from the tree and re-insert it into the tree with the new distance. To search for a node O(log n) and to insert a node O(log n), so the cost to reorder a node is O(2 * log n) = O(log n). For a binary heap, it also has a O(log n) for both insert and delete (and doesn't support search). So with the cost of deleting all of the nodes until you find the node you want, change its weight, then insert all nodes back in. Once the node has been reordered, I would then change the distance in the array to reflect the new distance.
I honestly can't think of a way to modify a heap in such a way to allow it to dynamically change the weights of a node, because the whole structure of the heap is based on the weights the nodes maintain.

I would do this using a hash table in addition to the Min-Heap array.
The hash table has keys that are hash coded to be the node objects and values that are the indices of where those nodes are in the min-heap arrray.
Then anytime you move something in the min-heap you just need to update the hash table accordingly. Since at most 2 elements will be moved per operation in the min-heap (that is they are exchanged), and our cost per move is O(1) to update the hash table, then we will not have damaged the asymptotic bound of the min-heap operations. For example, minHeapify is O(lgn). We just added 2 O(1) hash table operations per minHeapify operation. Therefore the overall complexity is still O(lgn).
Keep in mind you would need to modify any method that moves your nodes in the min-heap to do this tracking! For example, minHeapify() requires a modification that looks like this using Java:
Nodes[] nodes;
Map<Node, int> indexMap = new HashMap<>();
private minHeapify(Node[] nodes,int i) {
int smallest;
l = 2*i; // left child index
r = 2*i + 1; // right child index
if(l <= heapSize && nodes[l].getTime() < nodes[i].getTime()) {
smallest = l;
else {
smallest = i;
if(r <= heapSize && nodes[r].getTime() < nodes[smallest].getTime()) {
smallest = r;
if(smallest != i) {
temp = nodes[smallest];
nodes[smallest] = nodes[i];
nodes[i] = temp;
indexMap.put(nodes[smallest],i); // Added index tracking in O(1)
indexMap.put(nodes[i], smallest); // Added index tracking in O(1)
buildMinHeap, heapExtract should be dependent on minHeapify, so that one is mostly fixed, but you do need the extracted key to be removed from the hash table as well. You'd also need to modify decreaseKey to track these changes as well. Once that's fixed then insert should also be fixed since it should be using the decreaseKey method. That should cover all your bases and you will not have altered the asymptotic bounds of your algorithm and you still get to keep using a heap for your priority queue.
Note that a Fibonacci Min Heap is actually preferred to a standard Min Heap in this implementation, but that's a totally different can of worms.

Another solution is "lazy deletion". Instead of decrease key operation you simply insert the node once again to heap with new priority. So, in the heap there will be another copy of node. But, that node will be higher in the heap than any previous copy. Then when getting next minimum node you can simply check if node is already being accepted. If it is, then simply omit the loop and continue (lazy deletion).
This has a little worse performance/higher memory usage due to copies inside the heap. But, it is still limited (to number of connections) and may be faster than other implementations for some problem sizes.

This algorithm: works around this problem by using "indexed heap": which essentially maintains the list of mappings from key to array index.

I believe the main difficulty is being able to achieve O(log n) time complexity when we have to update vertex distance. Here are the steps on how you could do that:
For heap implementation, you could use an array.
For indexing, use a Hash Map, with Vertex number as the key and its index in heap as the value.
When we want to update a vertex, search its index in the Hash Map in O(1) time.
Reduce the vertex distance in heap and then keep traversing up (Check its new distance against its root, if root's value is greater swap root and current vertex). This step would also take O(log n).
Update the vertex's index in Hash Map as you make changes while traversing up the heap.
I think this should work and the overall time complexity would be O((E+V)*log V), just as the theory implies.

I am using the following approach. Whenever I insert something into the heap I pass a pointer to an integer (this memory location is ownned by me, not the heap) which should contain the position of the element in the array managed by the heap. So if the sequence of elements in the heap is rearranged it is supposed to update the values pointed to by these pointers.
So for the Dijkstra algirithm I am creating a posInHeap array of sizeN.
Hopefully, the code will make it more clear.
template <typename T, class Comparison = std::less<T>> class cTrackingHeap
cTrackingHeap(Comparison c) : m_c(c), m_v() {}
cTrackingHeap(const cTrackingHeap&) = delete;
cTrackingHeap& operator=(const cTrackingHeap&) = delete;
void DecreaseVal(size_t pos, const T& newValue)
m_v[pos].first = newValue;
while (pos > 0)
size_t iPar = (pos - 1) / 2;
if (newValue < m_v[iPar].first)
swap(m_v[pos], m_v[iPar]);
*m_v[pos].second = pos;
*m_v[iPar].second = iPar;
pos = iPar;
void Delete(size_t pos)
*(m_v[pos].second) = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();// indicate that the element is no longer in the heap
m_v[pos] = m_v.back();
m_v.resize(m_v.size() - 1);
if (pos == m_v.size())
*(m_v[pos].second) = pos;
bool makingProgress = true;
while (makingProgress)
makingProgress = false;
size_t exchangeWith = pos;
if (2 * pos + 1 < m_v.size() && m_c(m_v[2 * pos + 1].first, m_v[pos].first))
exchangeWith = 2 * pos + 1;
if (2 * pos + 2 < m_v.size() && m_c(m_v[2 * pos + 2].first, m_v[exchangeWith].first))
exchangeWith = 2 * pos + 2;
if (pos > 0 && m_c(m_v[pos].first, m_v[(pos - 1) / 2].first))
exchangeWith = (pos - 1) / 2;
if (exchangeWith != pos)
makingProgress = true;
swap(m_v[pos], m_v[exchangeWith]);
*m_v[pos].second = pos;
*m_v[exchangeWith].second = exchangeWith;
pos = exchangeWith;
void Insert(const T& value, size_t* posTracker)
m_v.push_back(make_pair(value, posTracker));
*posTracker = m_v.size() - 1;
size_t pos = m_v.size() - 1;
bool makingProgress = true;
while (makingProgress)
makingProgress = false;
if (pos > 0 && m_c(m_v[pos].first, m_v[(pos - 1) / 2].first))
makingProgress = true;
swap(m_v[pos], m_v[(pos - 1) / 2]);
*m_v[pos].second = pos;
*m_v[(pos - 1) / 2].second = (pos - 1) / 2;
pos = (pos - 1) / 2;
const T& GetMin() const
return m_v[0].first;
const T& Get(size_t i) const
return m_v[i].first;
size_t GetSize() const
return m_v.size();
Comparison m_c;
vector< pair<T, size_t*> > m_v;


Binary search of range in std::map slower than map::find() search of whole map

Background: I'm new to C++. I have a std::map and am trying to search for elements by key.
Problem: Performance. The map::find() function slows down when the map gets big.
Preferred approach: I often know roughly where in the map the element should be; I can provide a [first,last) range to search in. This range is always small w.r.t. the number of elements in the map. I'm interested in writing a short binary search utility function with boundary hinting.
Attempt: I stole the below function from and did some rough benchmarks. This function seems to be much slower than map::find() for maps large and small, regardless of the size or position of the range hint provided. I replaced the comparison statements (it->first < value) with a comparison of random ints and the slowdown appeared to resolve, so I think the slowdown may be caused by the dereferencing of it->first.
Question: Is the dereferencing the issue? Or is there some kind of unnecessary copy/move action going on? I think I remember reading that maps don't store their element nodes sequentially in memory, so am I just getting a bunch of cache misses? What is the likely cause of the slowdown, and how would I go about fixing it?
/* #param first Iterator pointing to the first element of the map to search.
* #param distance Number of map elements in the range to search.
* #param key Map key to search for. NOTE: Type validation is not a concern just yet.
template<class ForwardIt, class T>
ForwardIt binary_search_map (ForwardIt& first, const int distance, const T& key) {
ForwardIt it = first;
typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::difference_type count, step;
count = distance;
while (count > 0) {
it = first;
step = count/2;
std::advance(it, step);
if (it->first < value) {
first = ++it;
count -= step + 1;
else if (it->first > value)
count = step;
else {
first = it;
return first;
There is a reason that std::map::find() exists. The implementation already does a binary search, as the std::map has a balanced binary tree as implementation.
Your implementation of binary search is much slower because you can't take advantage of that binary tree.
If you want to take the middle of the map, you start with std::advance it takes the first node (which is at the leaf of the tree) and navigates through several pointers towards what you consider to be the middle. Afterwards, you again need to go from one of these leaf nodes to the next. Again following a lot of pointers.
The result: next to a lot more looping, you get a lot of cache misses, especially when the map is large.
If you want to improve the lookups in your map, I would recommend using a different structure. When ordering ain't important, you could use std::unordered_map. When order is important, you could use a sorted std::vector<std::pair<Key, Value>>. In case you have boost available, this already exists in a class called boost::container::flat_map.

Which container is most efficient for multiple insertions / deletions in C++?

I was set a homework challenge as part of an application process (I was rejected, by the way; I wouldn't be writing this otherwise) in which I was to implement the following functions:
// Store a collection of integers
class IntegerCollection {
// Insert one entry with value x
void Insert(int x);
// Erase one entry with value x, if one exists
void Erase(int x);
// Erase all entries, x, from <= x < to
void Erase(int from, int to);
// Return the count of all entries, x, from <= x < to
size_t Count(int from, int to) const;
The functions were then put through a bunch of tests, most of which were trivial. The final test was the real challenge as it performed 500,000 single insertions, 500,000 calls to count and 500,000 single deletions.
The member variables of IntegerCollection were not specified and so I had to choose how to store the integers. Naturally, an STL container seemed like a good idea and keeping it sorted seemed an easy way to keep things efficient.
Here is my code for the four functions using a vector:
// Previous bit of code shown goes here
std::vector<int> integerCollection;
void IntegerCollection::Insert(int x) {
/* using lower_bound to find the right place for x to be inserted
keeps the vector sorted and makes life much easier */
auto it = std::lower_bound(integerCollection.begin(), integerCollection.end(), x);
integerCollection.insert(it, x);
void IntegerCollection::Erase(int x) {
// find the location of the first element containing x and delete if it exists
auto it = std::find(integerCollection.begin(), integerCollection.end(), x);
if (it != integerCollection.end()) {
void IntegerCollection::Erase(int from, int to) {
if (integerCollection.empty()) return;
// lower_bound points to the first element of integerCollection >= from/to
auto fromBound = std::lower_bound(integerCollection.begin(), integerCollection.end(), from);
auto toBound = std::lower_bound(integerCollection.begin(), integerCollection.end(), to);
/* std::vector::erase deletes entries between the two pointers
fromBound (included) and toBound (not indcluded) */
integerCollection.erase(fromBound, toBound);
size_t IntegerCollection::Count(int from, int to) const {
if (integerCollection.empty()) return 0;
int count = 0;
// lower_bound points to the first element of integerCollection >= from/to
auto fromBound = std::lower_bound(integerCollection.begin(), integerCollection.end(), from);
auto toBound = std::lower_bound(integerCollection.begin(), integerCollection.end(), to);
// increment pointer until fromBound == toBound (we don't count elements of value = to)
while (fromBound != toBound) {
++count; ++fromBound;
return count;
The company got back to me saying that they wouldn't be moving forward because my choice of container meant the runtime complexity was too high. I also tried using list and deque and compared the runtime. As I expected, I found that list was dreadful and that vector took the edge over deque. So as far as I was concerned I had made the best of a bad situation, but apparently not!
I would like to know what the correct container to use in this situation is? deque only makes sense if I can guarantee insertion or deletion to the ends of the container and list hogs memory. Is there something else that I'm completely overlooking?
We cannot know what would make the company happy. If they reject std::vector without concise reasoning I wouldn't want to work for them anyway. Moreover, we dont really know the precise requirements. Were you asked to provide one reasonably well performing implementation? Did they expect you to squeeze out the last percent of the provided benchmark by profiling a bunch of different implementations?
The latter is probably too much for a homework challenge as part of an application process. If it is the first you can either
roll your own. It is unlikely that the interface you were given can be implemented more efficiently than one of the std containers does... unless your requirements are so specific that you can write something that performs well under that specific benchmark.
std::vector for data locality. See eg here for Bjarne himself advocating std::vector rather than linked lists.
std::set for ease of implementation. It seems like you want the container sorted and the interface you have to implement fits that of std::set quite well.
Let's compare only isertion and erasure assuming the container needs to stay sorted:
operation std::set std::vector
insert log(N) N
erase log(N) N
Note that the log(N) for the binary_search to find the position to insert/erase in the vector can be neglected compared to the N.
Now you have to consider that the asymptotic complexity listed above completely neglects the non-linearity of memory access. In reality data can be far away in memory (std::set) leading to many cache misses or it can be local as with std::vector. The log(N) only wins for huge N. To get an idea of the difference 500000/log(500000) is roughly 26410 while 1000/log(1000) is only ~100.
I would expect std::vector to outperform std::set for considerably small container sizes, but at some point the log(N) wins over cache. The exact location of this turning point depends on many factors and can only reliably determined by profiling and measuring.
Nobody knows which container is MOST efficient for multiple insertions / deletions. That is like asking what is the most fuel-efficient design for a car engine possible. People are always innovating on the car engines. They make more efficient ones all the time. However, I would recommend a splay tree. The time required for a insertion or deletion is a splay tree is not constant. Some insertions take a long time and some take only a very a short time. However, the average time per insertion/deletion is always guaranteed to be be O(log n), where n is the number of items being stored in the splay tree. logarithmic time is extremely efficient. It should be good enough for your purposes.
The first thing that comes to mind is to hash the integer value so single look ups can be done in constant time.
The integer value can be hashed to compute an index in to an array of bools or bits, used to tell if the integer value is in the container or not.
Counting and and deleting large ranges could be sped up from there, by using multiple hash tables for specific integer ranges.
If you had 0x10000 hash tables, that each stored ints from 0 to 0xFFFF and were using 32 bit integers you could then mask and shift the upper half of the int value and use that as an index to find the correct hash table to insert / delete values from.
IntHashTable containers[0x10000];
u_int32 hashIndex = (u_int32)value / 0x10000;
u_int32int valueInTable = (u_int32)value - (hashIndex * 0x10000);
Count for example could be implemented as so, if each hash table kept count of the number of elements it contained:
indexStart = startRange / 0x10000;
indexEnd = endRange / 0x10000;
int countTotal = 0;
for (int i = indexStart; i<=indexEnd; ++i) {
countTotal += containers[i].count();
Not sure if using sorting really is a requirement for removing the range. It might be based on position. Anyway, here is a link with some hints which STL container to use.
In which scenario do I use a particular STL container?
Just FYI.
Vector maybe a good choice, but it does a lot of re allocation, as you know. I prefer deque instead, as it doesn't require big chunk of memory to allocate all items. For such requirement as you had, list probably fit better.
Basic solution for this problem might be std::map<int, int>
where key is the integer you are storing and value is the number of occurences.
Problem with this is that you can not quickly remove/count ranges. In other words complexity is linear.
For quick count you would need to implement your own complete binary tree where you can know the number of nodes between 2 nodes(upper and lower bound node) because you know the size of tree, and you know how many left and right turns you took to upper and lower bound nodes. Note that we are talking about complete binary tree, in general binary tree you can not make this calculation fast.
For quick range remove I do not know how to make it faster than linear.

Efficiently filling in first gap in an ordered list of numbers

I'm writing something that needs to start with a list of numbers, already in order but possibly with gaps, and find the first gap, fill in a number in that gap, and return the number it filled in. The numbers are integers on the range [0, inf). I have this, and it works perfectly:
list<int> TestList = {0, 1, 5, 6, 7};
int NewElement;
if(TestList.size() == 0)
NewElement = 0;
bool Selected = false;
int Previous = 0;
for(auto Current = TestList.begin(); Current != TestList.end(); Current++)
if(*Current > Previous + 1)
NewElement = Previous + 1;
TestList.insert(Current, NewElement);
Selected = true;
Previous = *Current;
NewElement = Previous + 1;
TestList.insert(TestList.end(), NewElement);
But I'm worried about efficiency, since I'm using an equivalent piece of code to allocate uniform block binding locations in OpenGL behind a class wrapper I wrote (but that isn't exactly relevant to the question :) ). Any suggestions to improve the efficiency? I'm not even sure if std::list is the best choice for it.
Some suggestions:
Try other containers and compare. A linked list may have good theoretical properties, but the real-life benefits of contiguous storage, such as in a sorted vector, can be dramatic.
Since your range is already ordered, you can perform binary search to find the gap: Start in the middle, and if the value there is equal to half the size, there's no gap, so you can restrict searching to the other half. Rinse and repeat. (This assumes that there are no repeated numbers in the range, which I suppose is a reasonable restriction given that you have a notion of "gap".)
This is more of a theoretical, separate suggestion. A binary search on a pure linked list cannot be implemented very efficiently, so a different sort of data structure would be needed to take advantage of this approach.
Some suggestions:
A cursor gap structure (a.k.a. “gap buffer”) based on std::vector is probably the fastest (regardless of system) for this. For the implementation, set the capacity at the outset (known from the largest number) so as to avoid costly dynamic allocations.
Binary search can be employed on a cursor gap structure, with then fast block move to move the insertion point, but do measure if you go this route: often methods that are bad for a very large number of items, such as linear search, turn out to be best for a small number of items.
Retain the position between calls, so you don't have to start from the beginning each time, reducing the total algorithmic complexity for filling in all, from O(n2) to O(n).
Update: based on the OP’s additional commentary information that this is a case of allocating and deallocating numbers, where the order (apparently) doesn't matter, the fastest is probably to use a free list, as suggested in a comment by j_random_hacker. Simply put, at the outset push all available numbers onto a stack, e.g. a std::stack, the free-list. To allocate a number simply pop it off the stack (choosing the number at top of the stack), to deallocate a number simply push it.

Sorted data structure for in-order iteration, ordered push, and removal (N elements only from top)

What is considered an optimal data structure for pushing something in order (so inserts at any position, able to find correct position), in-order iteration, and popping N elements off the top (so the N smallest elements, N determined by comparisons with threshold value)? The push and pop need to be particularly fast (run every iteration of a loop), while the in-order full iteration of the data happens at a variable rate but likely an order of magnitude less often. The data can't be purged by the full iteration, it needs to be unchanged. Everything that is pushed will eventually be popped, but since a pop can remove multiple elements there can be more pushes than pops. The scale of data in the structure at any one time could go up to hundreds or low thousands of elements.
I'm currently using a std::deque and binary search to insert elements in ascending order. Profiling shows it taking up the majority of the time, so something has got to change. std::priority_queue doesn't allow iteration, and hacks I've seen to do it won't iterate in order. Even on a limited test (no full iteration!), the std::set class performed worse than my std::deque approach.
None of the classes I'm messing with seem to be built with this use case in mind. I'm not averse to making my own class, if there's a data structure not to be found in STL or boost for some reason.
There's two major functions right now, push and prune. push uses 65% of the time, prune uses 32%. Most of the time used in push is due to insertion into the deque (64% out of 65%). Only 1% comes from the binary search to find the position.
template<typename T, size_t Axes>
void Splitter<T, Axes>::SortedData::push(const Data& data) //65% of processing
size_t index = find(data.values[(axis * 2) + 1]);
this->data.insert(this->data.begin() + index, data); //64% of all processing happens here
template<typename T, size_t Axes>
void Splitter<T, Axes>::SortedData::prune(T value) //32% of processing
auto top = data.begin(), end = data.end(), it = top;
for (; it != end; ++it)
Data& data = *it;
if (data.values[(axis * 2) + 1] > value) break;
data.erase(top, it);
template<typename T, size_t Axes>
size_t Splitter<T, Axes>::SortedData::find(T value)
size_t start = 0;
size_t end = this->data.size();
if (!end) return 0;
size_t diff;
while (diff = (end - start) >> 1)
size_t mid = diff + start;
if (this->data[mid].values[(axis * 2) + 1] <= value)
start = mid;
end = mid;
return this->data[start].values[(axis * 2) + 1] <= value ? end : start;
With your requirements, a hybrid data-structure tailored to your needs will probably perform best. As others have said, continuous memory is very important, but I would not recommend keeping the array sorted at all times. I propose you use 3 buffers (1 std::array and 2 std::vectors):
1 (constant-size) Buffer for the "insertion heap". Needs to fit into the cache.
2 (variable-sized) Buffers (A+B) to maintain and update sorted arrays.
When you push an element, you add it to the insertion heap via std::push_heap. Since the insertion heap is constant size, it can overflow. When that happens, you std::sort it backwards and std::merge it with the already sorted-sequence buffer (A) into the third (B), resizing them as needed. That will be the new sorted buffer and the old one can be discarded, i.e. you swap A and B for the next bulk operation. When you need the sorted sequence for iteration, you do the same. When you remove elements, you compare the top element in the heap with the last element in the sorted sequence and remove that (which is why you sort it backwards, so that you can pop_back instead of pop_front).
For reference, this idea is loosely based on sequence heaps.
Have you tried messing around with std::vector? As weird as it may sound it could be actually pretty fast because it uses continuous memory. If I remember correctly Bjarne Stroustrup was talking about this at Going Native 2012 ( but I'm not 100% sure that it's in this video).
You save time with the binary search, but the insertion in random positions of the deque is slow. I would suggest an std::map instead.
From your edit, it sounds like the delay is in copying - is it a complex object? Can you heap allocate and store pointers in the structure so each entry is created once only; you'll need to provide a custom comparitor that takes pointers, as the objects operator<() wouldn't be called. (The custom comparitor can simply call operator<())
Your own figures show it's the insertion that takes the time, not the 'sorting'. While some of that insertion time is creating a copy of your object, some (possibly most) is creation of the internal structure that will hold your object - and I don't think that will change between list/map/set/queue etc. IF you can predict the likely eventual/maximum size of your data set, and can write or find your own sorting algorithm, and the time is being lost in allocating objects, then vector might be the way to go.

Moving to where <=

I have a maxheap and a minheap where the maximum element of the maxheap is less than or equal to the minimum element of the minheap.
I now want to move the minimum element of the minheap to become the maximum element of the maxheap.
One way to do this would be to pop the top element of the minheap and push it onto the maxheap.
Is there a more efficient way to do this?
Here is what I ended up doing:
I actually had to insert an element into minheap and then do the operation described above, I did the following:
// place value to insert at end of minheap
mintoph[mintoph_size] = R;
// use std::pop_heap, minimum element now at end
pop_heap(mintoph.begin(), mintoph.begin() + mintoph_size + 1, greater<int>());
// (*) make room in maxheap at top
for (int pos = maxboth_size++; pos > 0;)
int parent = (pos - 1) / 2;
maxboth[pos] = maxboth[parent];
pos = parent;
// move element from back of minheap to maxheap head
maxboth[0] = mintoph[mintoph_size];
There is a waste of already paid-for comparisons at step (*) above, as parents are demoted to children, but I think this is unavoidable.
What you really need is an efficient way to insert into a priority queue when you know that the element being inserted is smaller/bigger than the min/max, depending on whether this is a min-heap or a max-heap. For the traditional "heap" data structure, this takes O(log n) time.
But if you are willing to use a different representation for your priority queues than the traditional "heap" data structure, then such an insert can trivially be made to run in O(1) time. Many different kinds of priority queues can do this, such as leftist heaps, skew heaps, or pairing heaps.
Edit: Of course, you'll still need to pay the cost of removing from the original priority queue, which will likely be O(log n) anyway, although there are approaches that may help there as well, such as "lazy deletes".
You'd probably be best served by using a min-max-heap or treap. min-max-heap seems tailor-made for what you're doing, but treaps are so dang well-rounded that they might work well too - especially if you need a little more than just looking up minimums and maximums and adding values.
Use min-max heap, it's a double ended priority queue, you can do this thing in o(lgn), you can not do it in less than O(lgn)
but you can use amortized algorithms that they do insertion in o(1) like fibonacci heap,