How to validate refactoring in Clojure? - clojure

I found the following code in enlive:
net.cgrand.enlive-html=> (source node-selector?)
(defn node-selector? [selector]
(not (fragment-selector? selector)))
and thought about refactoring it to the following code:
(def node-selector? (complement fragment-selector?))
How can I validate the completeness of the refactoring so all cases are properly handled with the change?

cough tests cough and thinking hard.
You have to ensure that the arguments and results domains haven't changed (special care when dealing with truthy values).
In this case the change seems innocuous BUT you lose something: doc doesn't document the arglist anymore.
Another subtle consequence: when you redefine fragment-selector?, node-selector? still refers to the old fragment-selector?.


In Clojure, how can I secure the "resolve" function for user input?

My Problem
I'm currently writing a REST-API which is supposed to take JSON requests and work with an intern library we use. The main usage will be to either run the server with a web interface or to possibly use another language to work with the API since Clojure isn't common elsewhere.
In order to achieve this, the JSON request contains data and a functionname, which is run with resolve, since I'm supposed to make it so that we don't have to change the API each time a function is added/removed.
Now the actual question is: How can I make sure the function I run combined with it's argument dosen't destroy the whole thing?
So, what did I try already?
Now, I've actually told only half the truth until now: I don't use resolve, I use ns-resolve. My first intuition was to create a seperate file which will load in all namespaces from the library, there's nothing malicious you could do with those. The problem is, I want only those functions and I'm not aware of any way to remove clojure.core functions. I could do a blacklist for those but whitelisting would be a whole lot easier. Not to mention I could never find all core functions I actually should be blacklisting.
The oher thing is the input.
Again I've got a basic idea which is to sanitize the input to replace all sort of brackets just to make sure the input isn't other clojure code which would just bypass the namespace restriction from above. But would this actually be enough? I've got not much experience in breaking things.
Another concern I've heard is that some functions could run the input as argument long before intended. The server works with ring and its JSON extension.
JSON should only give strings, numbers, booleans and nil as atomic data types. I conclude each possible malicious input should be a string at my end - besides resolve, is there any function which could have the side effect of running such input?
Since they are string: Is there even a concern to be had with the data at all?
I would strongly advise to use a whitelisting approach for functions, and not to evaluate anything else.
You could maybe add a metadata flag to the exposed functions that you check where you resolve them.
Everything else should just be data; don't evaluate it.
Probably you want to look into the following:
How to determine public functions from a given namespace. This will give you a list of the valid functions names that your API can accept as part of the input. Here's a sample:
user=> (ns-publics (symbol "clojure.string"))
{ends-with? #'clojure.string/ends-with?, capitalize #'clojure.string/capitalize, reverse #'clojure.string/reverse, join #'clojure.string/join, replace-first #'clojure.string/replace-first, starts-with? #'clojure.string/starts-with?, escape #'clojure.string/escape, last-index-of #'clojure.string/last-index-of, re-quote-replacement #'clojure.string/re-quote-replacement, includes? #'clojure.string/includes?, replace #'clojure.string/replace, split-lines #'clojure.string/split-lines, lower-case #'clojure.string/lower-case, trim-newline #'clojure.string/trim-newline, upper-case #'clojure.string/upper-case, split #'clojure.string/split, trimr #'clojure.string/trimr, index-of #'clojure.string/index-of, trim #'clojure.string/trim, triml #'clojure.string/triml, blank? #'clojure.string/blank?}
You probably want to use the keys from the map above (in the namespace that applies to your use case) to validate the input, because you can "escape" the ns-resolve namespace if you fully qualify the function name:
user=> ((ns-resolve (symbol "clojure.string") (symbol "reverse")) "hello")
user=> ((ns-resolve (symbol "clojure.string") (symbol "clojure.core/reverse")) "hello")
(\o \l \l \e \h) ;; Called Clojure's own reverse, probably you don't want to allow this
Now, with that being said, I'm going to offer you some free advice:
I'm supposed to make it so that we don't have to change the API each time a function is added/removed
If you have watched some of Rich Hickey's talks you'll know that API changes are a sensible topic. In general you should think carefully before adding new functions or thinking of deleting any, because it sounds like your team is willing to cut corners on getting clients of the API together on the same page.
Unless your clients can discover dynamically what functions are available (maybe you'll expose some API?), it sounds like you will be open to receiving requests you cannot fulfill because the functions have changed or could be removed.

How to test if a symbol points to a special form or a macro

I need a function that can tell whether a symbol is pointing to a special form or a macro.
I found the function? function in the clojure.test namespace, so could use that, but I'm hesitant to use it because it seems to be intended only for testing purposes. Is it okay to use it for normal code? If not, how can I accomplish my goal.
As noted the comments, fn? does not work because it only works on functions themselves, not the symbols that point to them.
If it does what you want, use it. It's in clojure.test because it wasn't expected to be useful for non-test code, but if it's the best function for your particular use case, there's no reason to hamper yourself just because of where the function is located. In other words, clojure.test is separate from clojure.core for organization, not because it should only ever be used for tests.
you can find all special form, :-)
(defn special-symbol?
(contains? (. clojure.lang.Compiler specials) s))

What's the use of ^:dynamic on a defonce?

Looking at clojure.test source code, I spotted the following:
(defonce ^:dynamic
^{:doc "True by default. If set to false, no test functions will
be created by deftest, set-test, or with-test. Use this to omit
tests when compiling or loading production code."
:added "1.1"}
*load-tests* true)
Is there any benefit or reason behind preventing redefinition (i.e. using defonce) of a var which is marked as ^:dynamic?
defonce doesn't prevent redefinition in general, but only when one reloads the file. This is useful typically when the var is maintaining some sort of state or context. I believe the usage of defonce here, could be an artifact from development of the library, where the developer needs to reload the file many times during development while still wanting to retain the same value.
Since the var is not pointing to a ref, but a direct var, using ^:dynamic is the right choice. Now the code can use set! or binding to change the value in a thread-local way.

General syntax of multimethods

I apologize if the question is trivial, but some googling is not leading me anywhere. What is the general syntax of defmulti and defmethod? I can write simple multimethods, but I am not sure where I can put the docstring, pre and post conditions, metadata and so on.
I am actually interested in ClojureScript more than in Clojure, so if there are differences between the two, please tell me.
In a REPL you can use the doc function to get the function arguments and (most of the time) an explanation of the options. As for ClojureScript, these two functions are macros, which means they are expanded at compile time and should behave exactly as they do in regular Clojure. That is, as long as ClojureScript can handle the code the macro generates.
user=> (doc defmulti)
([name docstring? attr-map? dispatch-fn & options])
Creates a new multimethod with the associated dispatch function.
The docstring and attribute-map are optional.
Options are key-value pairs and may be one of:
:default the default dispatch value, defaults to :default
:hierarchy the isa? hierarchy to use for dispatching
defaults to the global hierarchy
user=> (doc defmethod)
([multifn dispatch-val & fn-tail])
Creates and installs a new method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value.
At Clojuredocs: defmulti, defmethod.
If you don't find the examples there detailed enough, you might consider adding your own (once you've gotten all your questions answered).

How do I expect failure in a unit test?

We're writing unit tests for our code in Clojure using clojure.test.
Some of our tests ignore the API and purposely break the code, in order to serve as documentation for latent deficiencies in the code.
However, we want to distinguish between failures of these tests, and failures of normal tests.
We haven't seen any suggestions in the clojure.test documentation -- only (is (thrown? ...)), which of course doesn't do what we need.
Any suggestions? Basically, we're looking for something like (is (not <condition>)), except that the test framework should record an expected failure -- something like this.
I have made tests throw an exception when they 'fail' like this, and then used thrown? to test if the exception arrives as expected. There very well may exist a more elegant way, but this gets the job done.
As #andy said you can rebind report function.
(defmacro should-fail [body]
`(let [report-type# (atom nil)]
(binding [clojure.test/report #(reset! report-type# (:type %))]
(testing "should fail"
(is (= #report-type# :fail )))))
And use this macro like this:
(should-fail (is (= 1 2)))
That will be successful passing test.
Rebind the report function as documented in clojure.test. From there you can change how the 'failure' is handled and reported on.
A little late to the party, I know, but if you're using Leiningen you could use test selectors to exclude expected failures from the "normal" build. In your project.clj:
:test-selectors {:default #(not :expected-failure %)
:expected-failure :expected-failure}
Then write your test as:
(deftest ^:expected-failure test-with-expected-failure ...)
Calling lein test will run only those tests without the :expected-failure metadata. Calling lein test :expected-failure will run your expected failure tests. Maybe not quite what you were hoping for, but IMHO better than having to use thrown? all over the place. At least this way expected failures are explicitly documented in the code and won't interfere with the build.