How to compile LibQxt for qt5? - c++

I am having problems compiling LibQxt for qt 5.
There are commits that says "Port Libqxt to Qt5". The project says to use configure-premake but it gives the error that there is no premake for windows but in the premake folder there is a file called premake.exe with the commit "Port LibQxt to Qt5" so i guess they added the option to compile for qt5 on windows but did not update the bash script? Anyone had any luck compiling libqxt for qt5 on windows with visual c++ 2010 and would like to share with me how?

This is a bug.
Building libqxt on Windows with Qt5
Is still open.

I'v managed to compile the tip on Windows with Qt 5.2.1. Don't know about newer Qt versions, though.


Linux --> Windows CrossCompilation Error with QT Creator

I want to do a cross compilation on Linux for a Windows use.
I have download the compiler MinGW for C++ on my VM, I tried to set it up as a Kit, and here's the error I have :
Error: The compiler "MinGW (C++, ×86 64bit at /usr/bin/×86_64-w64-mingw32-g++)" (x86-windows-msys-pe-64bit) cannot produce code for the Qt version "Qt 6.4.1 GCC 64bit" (x86-linux-generic-elf-64bit).
Do I have to download an other version of MinGW? Which one then?
Thanks a lot !
I had the same issue on Arch. I think this "warning" is a bug. I just ignore that fact, and try build app. I wasn't get any errors, even was try to open output .exe in Windows and don't notice any issue.

QT5 Creator "/usr/bin/g++" is used by qmake, but "/usr/bin/g++-9" is configured in the kit

In QT5 Creator, I changed the compiler version in the project kit, but it's throwing the above error now(note: 'g++' in this context refers to version 10, which QT5 isn't compatible with). I found some information on using terminal commands to change some stuff with qmake, but does anyone know how I can fix this?
Edit: To clarify, a kit different from the default kit is being used for this project(that's what I changed), and I'm migrating this project from QT4 to QT5. This is installed on Ubuntu, and there aren't multiple versions of QT on here(installed from Ubuntu repositories)

CMake: Qt Project to CLion with MSVC 2017

I'm having a project in Qt Creator and I'm trying to port it into CLion but I found myself blocked into some problems. If any of you could help me to port this CMake project I would really appreciate it.
Qt Creator
So, here is my setup for the Qt Creator project first:
Qt: 5.14.2
Compiler: MSVC 2017 64-bits
Also, here are my custom paths and my build environment:
Also, the build (install) time in Qt Creator takes around 20-30minutes.
Now in terms of CLion and what I've tried here are the following.
and in terms of setting up the CMake:
I've also added the paths into Environment Variables from CLion
But the problem arises when I'm trying to compile the project.
I'm going to install the project via Build -> Install
After that, I need to wait for around 1h or more(even if in Qt Creator is going to take just 20-30min) to a point where the build will fail and I will receive the following error message
MASM : fatal error A1000: cannot open file : 4 [C:\PRJOJECT_NAME\build_clion\components\extern_crashpad\crashpad\util\crashpad_util.vcxproj]
but if I'm searching for that file, it exists in that folder which is specified. But the problem is that I don't understand why the same project if build with Qt Creator is working but not vice versa. Could any of you help me to understand what I'm doing wrong?
It looks like QT Creator is using Ninja as a generator and CLion is using MSVC.
Try -G Ninja in your CLion CMake Options text box. Make sure Ninja is in a path accessible by CMake.

c++ Qt Qwt build issue

I a Qt neophyte so I apologize in advance if this question is obvious...
I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Qt Creator 5 as well as Qwt (Qt Widgets for Technical Applications) on my Windows7 machine. does not build using QT Creator on my windows machine.
It all worked fine on my Ubuntu machine using Qt Creator 4.
Is there a compatibility issue with Qwt and the newest version of Qt??
Have you installed the MinGW version Qt? If not make sure you have installed Visual Studio, which contains the MSVC compiler. To get started use the MinGW version, the MSVC compiler is faster on Windows but more complicated to set up. For testing run qmake in your Qwt directory directly from the Qt console (start menu). Also make sure you can build a simple hello world project with Qt Creator first.

Setting Qt Creator to use the latest version of g++ and gdb on Windows

I wish to use the C++11 features in a Qt programs compiled by GNU C++ compiler (MinGW) on Windows. By this reason I can not use a version of compiler provided in Qt SDK.
I decided to use the latest versions of Qt, Qt Creator and MinGW. By this reason, I download and install these software separately. It is easy to set up the Qt Creator to use the version of Qt installed in C:\Qt folder and GNU C++ compiler from MinGW installed to C:\MinGW folder, but a debugging does not work then. More specific, I receive error:
"During startup program exited with code 0x0"
How to fix it? What is a correct setting for the debugger in the toolchain options?
QtCreator requires a patched version of gdb to works. It's a workaround
To make the --tty option work under MinGW and
To prevent gdb from freezing when attaching to a suspended process.
You have 2 alternatives (assuming that you are entirely satisfied with the prior installation of the framework and the compiler):
Download the patched gdb binary from Qt's repository or
Download the patches from Qt's site, apply them and build gdb
Install the debugger to the appropriate directory and finally resume the configuration of the debugger.