Difference between lein repl (-main "something") and lein run "something") - clojure

Newbie Clojure and leiningen question:
Given the code snippet in my project below, this works from the lein repl :
==> (-main "something")
produces the expected "Command: something ... running ... done"
but doesn't work from the command line:
me pallet1]lein run "something"
produces "Command: something ... error: not resolved as a command"
Why? / how do I fix it?
To reproduce:
lein new eg
Then edit the generated project file, adding :main eg.core to define the main function, and edit the generated src/eg/core.clj file, and paste this in:
(ns eg.core)
(defn something [] (println "Something!"))
(defn run-command-if-any [^String commandname]
(printf "Command: %s ..." commandname)
(if-let [cmd (ns-resolve *ns* (symbol commandname))]
(println "running ...") (cmd) (println "done.")
(println "error: not resolved as a command.")
(defn -main [ commandname ] (run-command-if-any commandname))
lein repl
eg.core=> (-main "something")
works (ie prints "Something!) , but
lein run something
doesn't (ie prints the "error: not resolved" message)

The problem is that when you run it from lein your default namespace is "user" namespace:
(defn -main [ commandname ] (println *ns*))
Prints #<Namespace user>. So it doesn't contain something function because it is from another namespace. You have several choices:
Pass fully qualified function name: your-namespace/something instead of something.
Use your-namespace instead of *ns*: (ns-resolve 'your-namespace (symbol commandname))
Change namespace to your-namespace in -main.
Example of method 3:
(defn -main [ commandname ]
(in-ns 'your-namespace)
(run-command-if-any commandname))
Also you if you want to call several functions one by one you should use do:
(do (println "Hello")
(println "World"))
Not just braces like ( (println "hello") (println "World"))

the lein exec plugin is very useful for scripting such things in the context of a project. I have used this extensively for writing Jenkins jobs in clojure and other scripting situations
lein exec -pe '(something ...) (something-else) (save-results)'


custom accept function in start-server clojure

I'm trying to run clojure.core.server/start-server but instead of using the repl I want a custom function as accept option. I'm following this post where a repl server is executed as
clojure -X clojure.core.server/start-server :name '"server"' :port 5555 :accept clojure.core.server/repl :server-daemon false
What requirements do I need to pass a function to accept opt? What if I only want to print the request from any connection? Using something like clojure.core/println didn't work
clojure -X clojure.core.server/start-server :name '"server"' :port 5555 :accept clojure.core/println :server-daemon false
btw, I can't even run start-server on the repl itself, I've got the error everytime a made a request. Is it possible to run it from the repl?
(clojure.core.server/start-server {:name "server" :port 9000 :accept clojure.core.server/repl :server-daemon false})
#object[java.net.ServerSocket 0x25b865b5 "ServerSocket[addr=localhost/,localport=9000]"]
user=> Exception in thread "Clojure Connection server 1" java.lang.ClassCastException: class clojure.core.server$repl cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.Named (clojure.core.server$repl and clojure.lang.Named are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
at clojure.core$namespace.invokeStatic(core.clj:1612)
at clojure.core.server$accept_connection.invokeStatic(server.clj:73)
at clojure.core.server$start_server$fn__8998$fn__8999$fn__9001.invoke(server.clj:117)
at clojure.lang.AFn.run(AFn.java:22)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
The start-server function states, that :accept must be a namespaced
symbol (so this is the reason, why you see the error in your REPL
(you are passing a variable; use 'clojure.core/println instead --
note the leading ').
As for passing your own function, it helps to take a look at the
function clojure.core.server/accept-connection, what is actually going
on. So basically your :accept function gets called with *in*,
*out*, *err* redirected (and also a binding of *session* with some
book-keeping) and the :args. So you want to read/write on
stdin/stdout in your function and parameterize with the given arguments.
E.g. create a file src/so.clj with the following content:
(ns so)
(defn accept
(loop []
(println prefix (read-line))
Then start the server from the same root:
clojure -X clojure.core.server/start-server :name '"server"' :port 5555 \
:accept so/accept \
:args '[">>>"]' \
:server-daemon false
Note the :accept symbol (it's coming from the shell, so Clojure reads
that as a symbol) points to the namespace and the function within. Make
sure, things match up with the class-path (src is a default source
path for the Clojure CLI).
Also note the passing of the :args represented as an EDN array.
Inside accept-connection the call to your function is then (apply accept args), so you can assume regular arguments in your accept-fn.
Then test your server with e.g. telnet:
% telnet localhost 5555
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
>>> hello
>>> world

Shared env vars between profiles when using yogthos/config in clojure?

The https://github.com/yogthos/config approach let's you lay out per-profile env variables in separate files, like the below , in a project.clj .
Per the below, one can use lein with-profile prod uberjar or lein with-profile dev repl and the like.
But my issue is I have been unable to figure out how to place some common values into a shared area, accessible by dev, stage, prod profiles.
Basic example
(defproject edn-config-test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:profiles {:shared {:resource-paths ["config/shared"]}
:dev {:resource-paths ["config/dev"]}
:stage {:resource-paths ["config/stage"]}
:prod {:resource-paths ["config/prod"]}}
(with files)
I tried this without luck
lein with-profile shared,prod lein , borrowing from the composite approach in
When I do that, I only get variables in prod profile, for example.
I think it is a limitation of config. I tried this (more explicit):
:profiles {:dev {:resource-paths ["config/shared" "config/dev"]}
:prod {:resource-paths [ "config/prod" "config/shared"]}}
However, the last file wins and the first is ignored. So for :dev the shared stuff is ignored, and for :prod the prod stuff is ignored (like it doesn't exist):
config/dev/config.edn => {:special-val :dev-val}
config/prod/config.edn => {:special-val :prod-val}
cat config/shared/config.edn => {:shared-val 42}
and results:
> lein with-profile prod run
(:shared-val env) => 42
(:special-val env) => nil
> lein with-profile dev run
(:shared-val env) => nil
(:special-val env) => :dev-val
Perhaps you'd like to submit an enhancement PR to the project?
Here is the problem. It uses io/resource to read config.edn, which implicitly expects there to be only one file config.edn anywhere on the classpath:
(defn- read-config-file [f]
(when-let [url (io/resource f)]
(with-open [r (-> url io/reader PushbackReader.)]
(edn/read r))) ...
(read-config-file "config.edn")
So you'd have to get away from the hard-coded filename config.edn, and make something like config-dev.edn, config-prod.edn, and config-shared.edn. At least then they could all live in a single ./resources dir.

How to show error on missing parameters for options?

I'm an absolute Clojure beginner and I'm trying to build a CLI app using the clojure.tools.cli library.
My problem is that I can't show any error when an option is not provided with required parameter.
What I want:
$ java -jar test.jar -m SAMPLE
Given file: SAMPLE
$ java -jar test.jar -m
ERROR: Please provide a file
What happens:
$ java -jar test.jar -m SAMPLE
Given file: SAMPLE
$ java -jar test.jar -m
It doesn't show anything.
Here is my code:
(ns obmed-clj.core
(:require [clojure.tools.cli :refer [parse-opts]])
(def cli-options
[["-m" "--menu FILE" "Provide menu file path"
:parse-fn #(if (nil? %)
(println "ERROR: Please provide a file")
:validate-fn #(println "Given file:" %)]])
(defn -main [& args]
(parse-opts args cli-options))
You are abusing the -fn arguments here a little. Their use is to convert the "string" (in your case, since you have "--menu FILE") and then do additional validation on that (but rather use :validate [fn msg] instead). So e.g.:
user=> (def cli-opts [["-m" "--menu FILE" "menu file"
:parse-fn #(java.io.File. %)
:validate [#(.exists %) "file must exist"]]])
Missing argument:
user=> (parse-opts ["-m"] cli-opts)
{:arguments [],
:errors ["Missing required argument for \"-m FILE\""],
:options {},
:summary " -m, --menu FILE menu file"}
File not existing:
user=> (parse-opts ["-m" "XXX"] cli-opts)
{:arguments [],
:errors ["Failed to validate \"-m XXX\": file must exist"],
:options {},
:summary " -m, --menu FILE menu file"}
All is well:
user=> (parse-opts ["-m" "/etc/hosts"] cli-opts)
{:arguments [],
:errors nil,
:options {:menu #<java.io.File#34d63c80 /etc/hosts>},
:summary " -m, --menu FILE menu file"}

ClojureScript, Figwheel, Devcards, Race Condition

Here is my minimal failure case.
(ns hello
(:require-macros [devcards.core :as dc])
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[devcards.core :as dc]
[gamma.api :as g]
[gamma.program :as p]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[goog.webgl :as ggl]))
(defn main []
(let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "webgl")
gl (.getContext canvas "webgl")] ;; *** THIS LINE ***
(.clearColor gl 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(.clear gl gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)))
(dc/defcard-rg canvas-example
[:canvas {:width 600
:height 600
:id "webgl"}]])
Here's what happens when I load this up in figwheel/devcard.
First time loading page: "Cannot read property 'getContext' of null" on * THIS LINE *. This is because the devcard canvas hasn't been setup yet.
If I make a pointless change and save the file, the code reloads and works fine. This is because the devcard canvas HAS been setup.
It's clear this is a race condition between (a) when (main) runs and (b) when devcard's :canvas is setup.
How do I fix this? Ideally, I want to tag something to the canvas saying "run the main function after this ..."
Okay, I figured this out.
The simplest solution (i.e. does not involve hacking devcard / reagent) is to just have a separate cljs/go thread check every 50ms to see whether the element exists, and if so, exec the function.

Issue reading command-line-args in script

I'm attempting to write a library to do some domain-specific stuff. I'd like to add some scripts to this library that can be run straight from the commandline.
Directory layout:
+- project.clj
+- src/
| +- my-lib.clj
| +- my-lib/
| +- my-sub-1.clj
+- scripts/
+- run-command.sh
The src/my-lib.clj file loads the my-lib/my-sub-1.clj file:
(ns my-lib
(:use [my-lib.my-sub-1])
The src/my-lib/my-sub-1.clj file contains the functions I want to make available. One of these functions is called "convert" and takes two arguments: an input filename and an output filename; it converts the fileformat. To use it:
(convert "input-file.txt" "output-file.txt")
The (do-something-interesting) and (convert) functions in src/my-lib/my-sub-1.clj look like this:
(defn do-something-interesting
[input-file output-file]
(magic-happens-here input-file output-file))
(defn convert
(let [infile (first args)
outfile (second args)]
(do-something-interesting infile outfile)))
My goal at the moment: to create a script "run-command.sh" in the "scripts" directory that takes two arguments: the input filename and output filename. It should be possible to run the script with:
./run-command.sh input-file.txt output-file.txt
I do have run-command.sh working, as long as I hard-code the filenames in that script by using the (do-something-interesting) function instead of (convert). I haven't been able yet to read from the argument list...
The run-command.sh script that works:
java -cp "../lib/*":"../src":$CLASSPATH clojure.main -e "
(use '[my-lib my-sub-1])
(do-something-interesting "path-to-input-file" "path-to-output-file")
... but what doesn't work:
java -cp "../lib/*":"../src":$CLASSPATH clojure.main -e "
(use '[my-lib my-sub-1])
(convert *command-line-args*)
The error I get is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :reader of protocol: #'clojure.contrib.io/Streams found for class: nil (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(Compiler.java:5435)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(Compiler.java:5386)
at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2382)
at clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke(main.clj:235)
at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:254)
at clojure.main$null_opt.invoke(main.clj:279)
at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:354)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:422)
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(Var.java:369)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(AFn.java:165)
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(Var.java:482)
at clojure.main.main(main.java:37)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :reader of protocol: #'clojure.contrib.io/Streams found for class: nil
at clojure.core$_cache_protocol_fn.invoke(core_deftype.clj:471)
at clojure.contrib.io$eval32$fn__33$G__23__38.invoke(io.clj:118)
at bioclojure.vcf$header.invoke(vcf.clj:22)
at bioclojure.vcf$column_header.invoke(vcf.clj:55)
at bioclojure.vcf$column_names.invoke(vcf.clj:61)
at bioclojure.vcf$vcf2tsv.invoke(vcf.clj:169)
at bioclojure.vcf$convert.invoke(vcf.clj:185)
at user$eval474.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(Compiler.java:5419)
... 11 more
I've tried "use"ing clojure.contrib.io within the script file run-command.sh itself, and within the top library file my-lib.clj, but no luck so far...
If anyone could help me out that'd be great.
You should consider using the "gen-class" feature to handle command
line arguments in a compiled Clojure/Java function, instead of
on-the-fly evaluating Clojure code via Clojures main/repl function:
(ns commandline
(defn -main [& args]
(convert args))
Use lein jar to create the Jar file of your Application and pass
command line arguments in your shell skript to the main function:
java -cp "../lib/*":../YOURPROJECT.jar:$CLASSPATH commandline "$#"
That's because you don't specify cli arguments. You have to call java .... clojure.main some-script.clj a b c. Then a, b and c will be contained in *command-line-args*.
I found the solution thanks to kotarak's suggestion. In run-command.sh I need to refer to the arguments using the bash-way instead of the clojure way. And I don't even need that separate (convert) function.
What the script looked like:
java -cp "../lib/*":"../src":$CLASSPATH clojure.main -e "
(use '[my-lib my-sub-1])
(convert *command-line-args*)
What it should look like:
java -cp "../lib/*":"../src":$CLASSPATH clojure.main -e "
(use '[my-lib my-sub-1])
(do-something-interesting \"$1\" \"$2\")