Good practices when adding downloaded c++ source code to my project - c++

I am trying to use gnuplot++, but this is really a more general question about downloaded source code. I have downloaded the gnuplot++ source code and it consists of multiple .h and .cc files. I would like to use it in othercopy projects in the future so I am reluctant to add all the files into my project directory.
From what I understand gcc will look in /usr/local/include for header files, so I have put the code there for now. But what is the best way to compile and link the code?
Should I use the makefile to include the directory of the source code?
Should I keep it somewhere easy to find like /usr/local/include?
How do I know the best way to compile the code in gnuplot++?

Typically, if the project itself doesn't come with install instructions, I usually add it somewhere "public", e.g. /usr/local/project/{lib,include,src,...} where "project" in this case would be gnuplot++.
In this case, there doesn't appear to be any support for building this into a library, which makes it a little more awkward, as you need the sources included in your project itself. I'd still keep those sources separate, but you may prefer to just put them into a separate directory within the project [or spend an hour or three making a library of it].

For general practice, yes, keep the source for gnuplot++ (or any other similar 3rd-party project) separate from your own application source code. This makes it much easier to manage updates to the 3rd party projects, etc.
Yes, I would use the makefile for your application to also include the path to the headers for gnuplot++ and I would not copy those files directly into /usr/local/include. Instead, I would consider a couple options: do nothing and point your include path in your makefile to the gnuplot++ directory, or put symbolic links in /usr/local/include to point to the gnuplot++ files.
As for the best way to compile gnuplot++, I would have to look at gnuplot++ myself and see what it has to say, perhaps in a README file or similar.

In general, when using third-party libraries, you build and install those libraries according to the installation description that comes with the downloaded source.
If there is no installation guideline, it is typically a set of steps like
make install
Then it is the responsibility of the library to ensure the relevant headers and library files are easily locatable for use in your project.
gnuplot++ is an exception here, because it does not seem to come with its own build structure.
The best advice in cases such as this is to put the source from gnuplot++ in a directory within your project (possibly parallel to your own sources) and include the files in your own build setup.


clarify on CMAKE library installation

The odd is that I can understand CMAKE documents, but I still can not figure out how to use it in a little more complicated scenario.
I want to install a SHARED LIB, to let someone else use it.
I know I can install it with CMAKE install command, but my first question is that my code still works without installing the library. The library is built and put under cmake_build_debug dir.
All I did is:
set(MY_LIB mylib)
add_library(${MY_LIB} SHARED ${SHAREAD_SRC})
add_executable(run_src src/my_src.cpp ${HEADERS})
target_link_libraries(run_src ${MY_LIB})
I can now include the library's header in my source code and start to use it.
My question is,
in add library command, should I also include my library's header files? Currently i only include the source files to build the library, since whenever I use the library, I know where physically the library headers are(since i made this library), and for those others who also want to use this lib, i would provide them the header and the built lib target, so whereever they want to put them, no problem.
some answers talk about the install command saying that without the header files included in add_library, Why add header files into ADD_LIBRARY/ADD_EXECUTABLE command in CMake, otherwise you won't see headers in IDE-generated project. My headers are in this project, so I don't understand this issue. Why do I need to install this library? What is the purpose of install if the user downloaded my header file and have the built binary?
Thanks for helping! Appreciation in advance.
Except for the mentioned reason that specified files gonna be "visible" in IDE there is one more: explicit better than implicit (yeah Pythonish statement) -- meaning that you give a hint to the reader of your CMakeLists.txt of what exact files your library consists of. And yes, using GLOB for sources is the known bad practice for many reasons -- IRL it's not really hard to maintain the list of sources explicitly and makes your build system less error-prone. In some circumstances, you can gain some more benefits of having headers mentioned explicitly (e.g. using install(TARGET ... PUBLIC_HEADERS ...) but this is the other subject :)
You didn't specify your workflow (how do you build and distribute your project/library). However, the primary goal of install is to form the built image of your project -- i.e. what targets/files/directories gonna be installed and into what directory layout. It's needed to build other projects dependent on yours or produce packages (w/ CPack) to distribute or deploy 'em somewhere.
Also, to let others use your built library in CMake way please read how to make a package section in the manual. So, others can just do find_package(YourProject) and use it (link w/ it via target_link_libraries) -- easy peasy!

How to organize an SVN repository for a C++ code

I am new to SVN and I want to commit a code to SVN using TortoiseSVN. I have C++ headers and source of the code, but I don't know how to organize the folders in an efficient way before uploading the version to SVN. Any suggestions about how people usually do? Is there any difference between the structure of codes for different languages, for example C++ or java. Should I follow any specific rules?
So after checking the answers I made things a bit clearer. An usual folder structure is the following for one proyect:
But I also found a similar structure that I liked a lot, which is:
/trunk #Keep it to developement mode always.
/samples #samples of use
/modules #software modules
/include # .hpp files
/src # .cpp files
/test #unitary tests
/branches #experimental developements (copies of trunk at various stages)
/tags #estable versions
/3rdparty #libs
/data #necessary data for developement
/doc #documentation
/resources #for window applications
At least I like it for multimedia applications code.
This update is just to explain how I am creating my repository. I created a folder called structure_svn. Inside I created the structure showned above. I right click on the parent folder and select import. In URL I write the folder path (file:///c:/svn_repos) so automatically the structure is created under svn_repos, without the folder structure_svn.
I want to remark this beacause the folder you right-click on to import will never appear. I just realized when I tried it, and also is explained on toturials.
The next step is to successfuly divide my code inside the created structure.
Here's how I structure my tree in a programming project (mainly from a C/C++ perspective):
src — Source and header files written by myself
ext — External dependencies; contains third-party libraries
include — Headers
lib — Compiled lib files
Donwload.txt — Contains link to download the version used
ide — I store project files in here
vc10 — I arrange project files by IDE
bin — Compiled binaries go here
obj — The compiler's build files
gcc — If your project size justifies it, make a separate folder for each compiler's files
doc — Documentation of any kind
makefile — Something to automate generation of IDE project files. I prefer CMake.
A few notes:
If I'm writing a library (and I'm using C/C++) I'm going to organize my source files first in two folders called "src/include" and "src/source" and then by module. If it's an application, then I'm going to organize them just by module (headers and sources will go in the same folder).
Files and directories that I listed above in italics I won't add to the code repository.
Edit: Note that I'm using Mercurial, not SVN, so the structure above it tailored for that version control system. Anyway, I see from your update that you already found one that you like.
One huge step forward is making sure all your projects do out-of-source builds, ie put temporary file in $TEMP and put all output file in a dedicated bin/lib directory. If done properly, this leaves you with source directories containing only source. What's in a name.. Apart from 'pure' source files also make sure that everything needed to build the source is in the repository: project files/generators, resources.
Once you got that in place correctly, there's a good chance you only have to put some typical project generated files (like *.suo for Visual Studio) into SVN's ignore list, and you're ready for commit.
Basically you can put in svn just what you want. The only standard you might consider to follow here is the standard repository layout: See here:
Within the project you are right that there exists several best practices. And they are different for each language. E.g a Java Package is organized by namespace. In the C++ world I have seen two main ways how to organize it:
Every Class into a header (.h) and a source file (.cpp) inside the same directory
Header and source is separated (so you have an folder especially for headers) This is usefull for libraries so that this path can be used by upper layer projects.
Then you need a folder for third party libs, another one for the target files and others such as build files or documentation.
You have a good explanation in the next Link if you are noob with svn!!

cmake, several questions

I'm new to cmake.
Are there any good tutorials that go deeper into the matter?
Are there any articles about "good practices" with cmake?
Are here any good overviews about all cmake commands and what they do? The original cmake docs are rather confusing and messed up in my opinion...
Now for something more specific:
As far as I found out, you have to tell cmake every source file (.cpp) that should be compiled. Isn't it possible to simply tell "just compile everything you find in folder /src" (like you can simply define an include folder without havinf to define every single .h file)?
What's the best way to tell cmake to also compile files that are not in the /src dir? I have another folder for external source code, that also has subdirectories and everything. Do I have to write (again..) every single .cpp file into the cmake script to let it know that the external code should be compiled, too?
Basically I'm looking for the quickest and best way to add new source/header files to a project without having to constantly adjust the cmake files.
You can just glob *.cpp *.h etc, but if your list of files changes CMake won't notice unless you touch your CMakeLists.txt file.
The best practice is to constantly adjust your CMake files, though. You'll get consistent behavior if you list the files, which is what is really important.
It really isn't that much work in practice, really.
Using a CMakeLists.txt file for each directory, and using add_subdirectory is usually the easiest way to manage it. That way you don't deal with paths beyond the current and child scope.
Here is a CMake Tutorial

Autotools: Generating Sources and Headers in

This link mentions wildcards as a way to automatically list the SOURCES and HEADERS in the file. It also mentions that some people write external scripts to generate those files.
Do you know of the standard way of automatically including all the *.h *.cpp here, or should I just write my own Perl script to generate them. Do you have such a script already that you use?
PS: I organize the source files in my project according to the following purely-logical separation of directories:
Automake won't add this feature. It makes assumptions that a particular .h or .cpp file is associated with a particular project. That assumption holds for a number of common project layouts and fails for any layout that differs.
For example, I've had projects that were laid out as
built from one central makefile in the root. Other times, I've had the same layout built from four makefiles in the appropriate local directories.
There's a lot of variability in projects. Some keep public header files mixed with private headers files in the code directories, some keep them separate. Some build shared object libraries, some don't. Some ship code that's not SUPPOSED to compile on incompatible platforms.
To put in a wild card inclusion would actually pose a great risk of limiting the functionality, and for those odd people who do things like 'file.template.c' and such it would be fatal.
If you consider it a flaw of automake, that's fine; however, it's one of those flaws that automake embraces as it's preserved in the effort to make things more flexible. Automake doesn't impose the "how" you do things, it provides a lot of enabling tools, but it goes out of it's way to ensure that you aren't forced into one "method" of laying out or building your code.

Directory structure for a C++ library

I am working on a C++ library. Ultimately, I would like to make it publicly available for multiple platforms (Linux and Windows at least), along with some examples and Python bindings. Work is progressing nicely, but at the moment the project is quite messy, built solely in and for Visual C++ and not multi-platform at all.
Therefore, I feel a cleanup is in order. The first thing I'd like to improve is the project's directory structure. I'd like to create a structure that is suitable for the Automake tools to allow easy compilation on multiple platforms, but I've never used these before. Since I'll still be doing (most of the) coding in Visual Studio, I'll need somewhere to keep my Visual Studio project and solution files as well.
I tried to google for terms like "C++ library directory structure", but nothing useful seems to come up. I found some very basic guidelines, but no crystal clear solutions.
While looking at some open source libraries, I came up with the following:
\mylib <source files, read somewhere to avoid 'src' directory>
\include? or just mix .cpp and .h
\bin <compiled examples, where to put the sources?>
\python <Python bindings stuff>
\lib <compiled library>
\projects <VC++ project files, .sln goes in project root?>
I have no/little previous experience with multi-platform development/open source projects and am quite amazed that I cannot find any good guidelines on how to structure such a project.
How should one generally structure such a library project? What ca be recommended to read? Are there some good examples?
One thing that's very common among Unix libraries is that they are organized such that:
./ Makefile and configure scripts.
./src General sources
./include Header files that expose the public interface and are to be installed
./lib Library build directory
./bin Tools build directory
./tools Tools sources
./test Test suites that should be run during a `make test`
It somewhat reflects the traditional Unix filesystem under /usr where:
/usr/src Sometimes contains sources for installed programs
/usr/include Default include directory
/usr/lib Standard library install path
/usr/share/projectname Contains files specific to the project.
Of course, these may end up in /usr/local (which is the default install prefix for GNU autoconf), and they may not adhere to this structure at all.
There's no hard-and-fast rule. I personally don't organize things this way. (I avoid using a ./src/ directory at all except for the largest projects, for example. I also don't use autotools, preferring instead CMake.)
My suggestion to you is that you should choose a directory layout that makes sense for you (and your team). Do whatever is most sensible for your chosen development environment, build tools, and source control.
There is this awesome convention that I recently came across that might be helpful: The Pitchfork Layout (also on GitHub).
To sum up, subsection 1.3 states that:
PFL prescribes several directories that should appear at the root of the project tree. Not all of the directories are required, but they have an assigned purpose, and no other directory in the filesystem may assume the role of one of these directories. That is, these directories must be the ones used if their purpose is required.
Other directories should not appear at the root.
build/: A special directory that should not be considered part of the source of the project. Used for storing ephemeral build results. must not be checked into source control. If using source control, must be ignored using source control ignore-lists.
src/: Main compilable source location. Must be present for projects with compiled components that do not use submodules.
In the presence of include/, also contains private headers.
include/: Directory for public headers. May be present. May be omitted for projects that do not distinguish between private/public headers. May be omitted for projects that use submodules.
tests/: Directory for tests.
examples/: Directory for samples and examples.
external/: Directory for packages/projects to be used by the project, but not edited as part of the project.
extras/: Directory containing extra/optional submodules for the project.
data/: Directory containing non-source code aspects of the project. This might include graphics and markup files.
tools/: Directory containing development utilities, such as build and refactoring scripts
docs/: Directory for project documentation.
libs/: Directory for main project submodules.
Additionally, I think the extras/ directory is where your Python bindings should go.
I don't think there's actually any good guidelines for this. Most of it is just personal preference. Certain IDE's will determine a basic structure for you, though. Visual Studio, for example, will create a separate bin folder which is divided in a Debug and Release subfolders. In VS, this makes sense when you're compiling your code using different targets. (Debug mode, Release mode.)
As greyfade says, use a layout that makes sense to you. If someone else doesn't like it, they will just have to restructure it themselves. Fortunately, most users will be happy with the structure you've chosen. (Unless it's real messy.)
I find wxWidgets library (open source) to be a good example. They support many different platforms (Win32, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, WinCE...) and compilers (MSVC, GCC, CodeWarrior, Watcom, etc.). You can see the tree layout here:
I can realy recommend you using CMake... it's for cross platform development and it's much more flexible that automake, use CMake and you will be able to write cross platform code with your own direcory structure on all systems.