Joomla 2.5 breadcrumb always shows "Home" Only - joomla2.5

I have a Joomla 2.5 site Multilingual site. But something wrong with the breadcrumb. It always shows only Home.
I set up joomla local copy without enabling multilingual feature and then breadcrumb works fine. So I suspect multilingual feature would be the problem. How do I resolve this issue ?
thank you very much..

There are different possible causes for this issue, but I would first try to disable cache for the breadcrumbs module:
Extensions -> Module Manager -> Breadcrumbs -> Advanced Options -> Caching -> None

I sorted it out. In my site Main menu also has spanish equivalent menu. There for default home menu item set to English-menu home. So I created another menu, didn't assigned any position .created menu item and set it to default home.
Then It gave me 404 in index page since default home set to nowhere. Then I selected my main menu(English) and click on "make default home" square on Home menu item. then Britain flag appeared.
Now breadcrumb is working fine.


dropdown menu doesn't work in katana yootheme joomla template

I have tried everything but I can't get the dropdown menu to work with yootheme katana template for joomla 2.5. Everything is set up right in module preferences, and the menus work fine with other yootheme temlpates. Any ideas? Thank you.
You should ask them for support and let them check your site, but there is a small hack that worked for me several times while Joomla 3 was recently launched.
Go to your Joomla Administration Panel --> Extensions --> Module Manager, then click on your Main Menu or the menu that is having trouble, when it is opened go to Advanced, look for Menu Class Suffix and add this text "nav-pills" or in some cases leave a blank space before " nav-pills". See if that helps

How to display a menu of articles by category in joomla

I'm relatively new to Joomla and I'm updating a web site from 1.5 to 3.x. Everything seemed to go fine except that the template in the previous version was showing a dynamic drop down menu that displayed each article organized by category.
I was wondering how I can show this menu. The code in the template is:
<div id="moomenuE"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" style="topmenu" /><br /></div>
so I get that the position would be 'user3' but I can't seem to find a way to display such a menu. There were NO Menu's or Menu Items in the Menu Manager from the previous version so I'm not sure if I need to create one for the 3.0 version.
I don't know the previous version, but maybe the menu was hardcoded. In Joomla 3.0 you just need to create a menu and some menu entries (worked in previous versions too). After doing so you have to add a module (Extensions -> Module Manager). The position of the module is "user3" in your case.Now only choose the menu and click save. The menu is now shown in the module placed at the specific position.
For more detailed information take a look at:

Theme for inner menu item does not work. Joomla 2.5

I have a website in Joomla and have created two themes for main-and-inner pages respectively.
When i created inner menu items i assigned them the inner-theme it works fine the first time you navigate to the theme but on the second hit to the page it just shows the home page theme. its really odd.
On my local machine everything works perfectly, this issue only arises when i upload it.
One more thing i am new to Joomla the way i made the template was i used the same home page template and changed the name attribute in the inner page but kept some of the module name same as in the home page so i could assign the module once and it could work on both templates. inner page differs in size of the banner & has breadcrumb module + 1 more that differentiates it from the home page.
This is most likely caused by the Itemid not propagated properly. The Itemid identifies a menu item, from which the settings are read. If the Itemid is missing, the settings of the default page (your main page) are used instead.
If you just want to slightly change the appearance of the front page and other pages, you can do that with one single template. See the Joomla! online documentation for how to determine if the user is viewing the front page.

Joomla 2.5 - How to open specific menu item in lightbox?

I am developing a site using Joomla 2.5 and the JCE editor with the Mediabox plugin installed and enabled.
I am trying to have 3 of my menu items open in a lightbox. For each of the menu
items, I went to Link Type Options and under Link CSS Style, I have added the jcepopup noicon.
When I save the items and refresh the front end of the site (even going so far as
clearing my cache), the jcepopup and noicon classes are not applied to any of those three menu items.
This is due to the menu module that you are using. Just because the parameters exists in the menu item does not mean that the menu module uses them. You will probably need to create a template override for the menu module that includes the classes in the links.

Joomla! 2.5 Menus

I've just had my website migrated from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5, however, I am struggling with the menus. This might be because of my choice of template.
The website is using the bizglobal 1.7 template. The problem is the top menu: I can set up various menus and submenus, but I want all the menu items to be available. For example, if I select the first top level item then all the ones below are immediately available. But the remaining top level items don't show their children unless I click on the parent menu item - whereupon the original children don't drop down. Pictures are better than words, so please have a look at with the green top menu (currently SimSig and Forum).
Many thanks.
In the module manager look for the module that's displaying your main menu, it should be type menu.
Is the show sub items marked to yes?