How to keep window inactive on simulated clicks? - c++

I made a program in C++ that simulates clicks on an inactive window using:
PostMessage (z, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0,MAKELONG(t.left+x,;
But whenever it makes a click it activates the window and the window moves to the top.
Is there a way I can make the window stay inactive or another way to click it?
I used SetWindowPos(z , HWND_BOTTOM,....) to make that window be at the bottom of the z-order list but it still activates.
EDIT: the window is a game console

Try switching from PostMessage to SendInput and see if you get the same effect.


SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE does not work if program is minimized by clicking the taskbar button

My application can receive a message from another application. If the app is minimized, I want to restore it to the previous state without giving focus to it.
I'm doing it by calling
::ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
It works well if the app was minimized using the Minimize button in the title bar, but if the app was minimized by clicking its button in the Windows task bar, then the app will receive focus.
Can this be fixed or worked around?
You could do the following HWND hwndForegroundWindow = GetForegroundWindow() before your ShowWindow function call. Afterwards you can restore the foreground window with SetForegroundWindow(hwndForegroundWindow). It depends on what you mean with focus though, foreground window and focus are something different (For element focus use GetFocus and SetFocus).

In C++ , how can I get the user to specify a point on the screen (X,Y) out of the app window?

I must find the coordinates of a point which is out of the application window.
I intend to have a button "Specify Point" and when the user clicks this button, their next mouseclick will be registered by the program as this desired point. The problem is I don't know how to implement this....Any ideas ?
You can call SetCapture to direct mouse clicks from anywhere on the desktop to your window. Call ReleaseCapture after the click to return to normal.
If the user clicks on another application you will receive the click but the other application will also be activated, which you probably don't want. To avoid this, an alternative approach is to overlay the entire desktop with an always-on-top very nearly fully transparent window (a fully transparent window won't get clicks). Transparent windows are known as layered windows; use the WS_EX_LAYERED extended style to create one.

WM_DRAWITEM get called only when mouse is in dialog window

I'm working on a themed ownerdraw button using Win32 native.
Following a tutorial and a sample project on another website, I got my button almost perfect(almost without bug), but there's one which left, and I have a issue in fixing it.
Basically, I'm subclassing using SetWindowLongPtr API the window of the button, and from there, when WM_LBUTTONUP is catched, I would need to call DrawThemeBackground for reset the state of the button, OR, just handle again WM_DRAWITEM. The problem is that WM_DRAWITEM is getting called only when my mouse is on the dialog window, which is not really a problem, if there would be a way for advice the main dialog to handle it when I want it. I tried with InvalidateRect, but it is not making WM_DRAWITEM, but WM_CTLCOLORBTN.
So, my question is:
Is there any way for let WM_DRAWITEM being handled even if the mouse is out of the dialog
Is there any way for advice the main dialog that it should handle again WM_DRAWITEM, evne if the mouse is out of the dialog?
Thanks alot for taking your time in replyng me.

WINAPI / c++: Moving borderless window

I have created a borderless window using these styles: WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP | WS_OVERLAPPED
The problem is that the window can't be moved. I know that I could do something like getting mouse click position, and then calculate where the window would end up everytime there comes a WM_MOUSEMOVE.
But this solution is not stable, because when I move my mouse too fast, it gets out of the window, and then it won't react. I dont want to set up a hook, because they are too slow. I have searched the internet, but nothing came up at all.
What I ideally want to, is to create a window, that is able to be moved without borders or captions, where I don't need to track the mouse myself, but where Windows does it for me, like making the whole window a caption.
I know that I could do something like getting mouse click position, and then calculate where the window would end up everytime there comes a WM_MOUSEMOVE. But this solution is not stable, because when I move my mouse too fast, it gets out of the window, and then it won't react.
You can fix that by calling SetCapture when you receive the mouse click. You then will continue to receive WM_MOUSEMOVE even after the mouse cursor leaves your window. When the user is finished dragging and release the mouse cursor, you then should call ReleaseCapture.
What I ideally want to, is to create a window, that is able to be moved without borders or captions, where I don't need to track the mouse myself, but where Windows does it for me, like making the whole window a caption.
If you really want to do that, you could respond to the WM_NCHITTEST message and return HTCAPTION.
try PostMessage(hwnd,WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_SIZE+9,0) on WM_LBUTTONDOWN.

Emulate mouse select messages between windows

I've got two windows in the same process. Window 1 contains some text. Window 2 contains a bitmap of the contents of window 1.
Whenever I click (WM_LBUTTONDOWN ) or move (WM_MOUSEMOVE) the cursor in window 2, i pass the message into window 1 by posting the message to window 1's message queue.
I now want to emulate more complex interaction. I'd like to do a "mouse select", where the WM_LBUTTONDOWN goes down and several WM_MOUSEMOVE occur. This should select some text in window #1. (it works fine if I perform this action directly in window 1)
I haven't been able to get this working by just posting the messages. It seems that mouse capture needs to be held by window 1, but my clicks and moves are happening in window 2.
Any pointers on an implementation using only WIN32 API?
Why are you trying to do this using window messages? Can't you just have a common function that updates the selection in window 1, so that both window 1 and window 2 can just call this function to get the work done?