How do I add a backslash after every character in a string? - c++

I need to transform a literal filepath (C:/example.txt) to one that is compatible with the various WinAPI Registry functions (C://example.txt) and I have no idea on how to go about doing it.
I've broken it down to having to add a backslash after a certain character (/ in this case) but i'm completely stuck after that.
Guidance and Code Examples will be greatly appreciated.
I'm using C++ and VS2012.

In C++, strings are made up of individual characters, like "foo". Strings can be composed of printable characters, such as the letters of the alphabet, or non-printable characters, such as the enter key or other control characters.
You cannot type one of these non-printable characters in the normal way when populating a string. For example, if you want a string that contains "foo" then a tab, and then "bar", you can't create this by typing:
because this will simply insert that many spaces -- it won't actually insert the TAB character.
You can specify these non-printable characters by "escaping" them out. This is done by inserting a back slash character (\) followed by the character's code. In the case of the string above TAB is represented by the escape sequence \t, so you would write: "foo\tbar".
The character \ is not itself a non-printable character, but C++ (and C) recognize it to be special -- it always denotes the beginning of an escape sequence. To include the character "\" in a string, it has to itself be escaped, with \\.
So in C++ if you want a string that contains:
You code this using escape sequences:
string s = "c:\\windows\\foo\\bar"

\\ is not two chars, is one char:
for(size_t i = 0, sz = sPath.size() ; i < sz ; i++)
if(sPath[i]=='/') sPath[i] = '\\';
But be aware that some APIs work with \ and some with /, so you need to check in which cases to use this replacement.

If replacing every occurrence of a forward slash with two backslashes is really what you want, then this should do the job:
size_t i = str.find('/');
while (i != string::npos)
string part1 = str.substr(0, i);
string part2 = str.substr(i + 1);
str = part1 + R"(\\)" + part2; // Use "\\\\" instead of R"(\\)" if your compiler doesn't support C++11's raw string literals
i = str.find('/', i + 1);
P.S. If I misunderstood the question and your intention is actually to replace every occurrence of a forward slash with just one backslash, then there is a simpler and more efficient solution (as #RemyLebeau points out in a comment):
size_t i = str.find('/');
while (i != string::npos)
str[i] = '\\';
i = str.find('/', i + 1);
Or, even better:
std::replace_if(str.begin(), str.end(), [] (char c) { return (c == '/'); }, '\\');


Allow user to pass a separator character by doubling it in C++

I have a C++ function that accepts strings in below format:
This is the function:
std::wstring ExtractSubStringFromString(const std::wstring String, const std::wstring SubString) {
std::wstring S = std::wstring(String), SS = std::wstring(SubString), NS;
size_t ColonCount = NULL, SeparatorCount = NULL; WCHAR Separator = L';';
ColonCount = std::count(S.begin(), S.end(), L':');
SeparatorCount = std::count(S.begin(), S.end(), Separator);
if ((SS.find(Separator) != std::wstring::npos) || (SeparatorCount > ColonCount))
if (S.find(SS) != std::wstring::npos)
NS = S.substr(S.find(SS) + SS.length() + 1);
if (NS.find(Separator) != std::wstring::npos) { NS = NS.substr(NULL, NS.find(Separator)); }
if (NS[NS.length() - 1] == L']') { NS.pop_back(); }
return NS;
return L"";
Above function correctly outputs MANGO if I use it like:
ExtractSubStringFromString(L"[VALUE: MANGO; DATA: NOTHING]", L"VALUE")
However, if I have two escape separators in following string, I tried doubling like ;;, but I am still getting MANGO instead ;MANGO;:
ExtractSubStringFromString(L"[VALUE: ;;MANGO;;; DATA: NOTHING]", L"VALUE")
Here, value assigner is colon and separator is semicolon. I want to allow users to pass colons and semicolons to my function by doubling extra ones. Just like we escape double quotes, single quotes and many others in many scripting languages and programming languages, also in parameters in many commands of programs.
I thought hard but couldn't even think a way to do it. Can anyone please help me on this situation?
Thanks in advance.
You should search in the string for ;; and replace it with either a temporary filler char or string which can later be referenced and replaced with the value.
So basically:
1) Search through the string and replace all instances of ;; with \tempFill- It would be best to pick a combination of characters that would be highly unlikely to be in the original string.
2) Parse the string
3) Replace all instances of \tempFill with ;
Note: It would be wise to run an assert on your string to ensure that your \tempFill (or whatever you choose as the filler) is not in the original string to prevent an bug/fault/error. You could use a character such as a \n and make sure there are non in the original string.
I can almost guarantee there are cleaner and more efficient ways to do this but this is the simplest way to do it.
First as the substring does not need to be splitted I assume that it does not need to b pre-processed to filter escaped separators.
Then on the main string, the simplest way IMHO is to filter the escaped separators when you search them in the string. Pseudo code (assuming the enclosing [] have been removed):
last_index = begin_of_string
index_of_current_substring = begin_of_string
loop: search a separator starting at last index - if not found exit loop
ok: found one at ix
if char at ix+1 is a separator (meaning with have an escaped separator
remove character at ix from string by copying all characters after it one step to the left
last_index = ix+1
continue loop
else this is a true separator
search a column in [ index_of_current_substring, ix [
if not found: error incorrect string
say found at c
compare key_string with string[index_of_current_substring, c [
if equal - ok we found the key
value is string[ c+2 (skip a space after the colum), ix [
return value - search is finished
else - it is not our key, just continue searching
index_of_current_substring = ix+1
last_index = index_of_current_substring
continue loop
It should now be easy to convert that to C++

Replace all non-ASCII characters in a string by their ASCII equivalent

Using Qt/C++, I need to generate a string with only a subset of ASCII characters : letters, digits, hyphen, underscore, period, or colon.
As input, I can have anything.
So I try to apply some rules :
every QChar::isSpace will be replaced with an underscore
every non-ASCII letters will be replaced with an ASCII equivalent (example : "é" will be replaced with "e")
every other non-ASCII character will be removed
Is there any simple way with Qt/C++ to apply the 2nd and the 3rd rule ?
Yes, there is a way.
At first you should do unicode normalization to your string with
QString::normalized. Normalization is needed to separate diacritical signs from letters and to replace some fancy symbols with ascii equivalents. Here you can read about normalization forms.
Then you may take chars which can be encoded in Latin-1. Can be tested with
toLatin1 method of QChar.
char QChar::toLatin1() const
Returns the Latin-1 character equivalent to the QChar, or 0. This is mainly useful for non-internationalized software.
QString testString = QString::fromUtf8("Ceñía-üÏÖ马克ñ");
QString normalized = testString.normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_KD);
QString result;
copy_if(normalized.begin(), normalized.end(), back_inserter(result), [](QChar& c) {
return c.toLatin1() != 0;
qDebug() << result; // Cenia-uIOn

How to see backslashes in string

For a function I am making, I take a string in as a parameter and do things with it. However I treat characters in the string specially if there is a backslash before it. However I am having problems even seeing the blackslash!
std::string s = "01234\6";
std::cout << s << std::endl;
std::cout << << std::endl;
if( '\\')
std::cout << "It's a backslash" << std::endl;
std::cout << "It's not a backslash" << std::endl;
It's not a backslash
How am I supposed to check if == '\\' if it isn't showing up at all?
The input will be coming from another file (which I can't modify) like
myfunc("% \% %");
If I read the string I count 3 '%' characters (so its not ignored by the backslash), and 0 '\' characters
edit: Code how I count
char percent = '%';
int current_index = 0;
int percent_count = 0;
int ret = str.find(percent, current_index);
while(ret != std::string::npos)
current_index = ret +1;
ret = str.find(percent, current_index);
return percent_count;
C++ supports three kinds of escape sequences:
simple-escape-sequence. It is one of:
\’ \" \? \\
\a \b \f \n \r \t \v
octal-escape-sequence. It is one of:
\ octal-digit
\ octal-digit octal-digit
\ octal-digit octal-digit octal-digit
\0 is the most well known octal escape sequence that represents the null character.
hexadecimal-escape-sequence. It is one of:
\x hexadecimal-digit
hexadecimal-escape-sequence hexadecimal-digit
When you use:
std::string s = "01234\6";
the \6 part represents an octal escape sequence. It does not represent two characters.
It is the same as
std::string s = "01234?";
where ? is the character represented by the octal number 6.
In order to have \ as an element of the string, you'll need to use:
std::string s = "01234\\6";
The checking method is right, but \ escape 6, so \6 is counted once, you can check sizeof("12345\6"), which 7, or strlen("12345\6"), which is 6.
Change "12345\6" to "12345\\6".
The C++ compiler would have already treated it specially if you have backslash in the string:
std::string s = "01234\6"; //\6 is treated differently already, as unicode character \6, not as backslash + 6
Unless what you mean is you want to have a text with backslash (say, from I/O). In that case, you should put \\ to make your compiler understand that you mean it as real backslash not a unicode character:
std::string s = "01234\\6"; //double backslash here
Then you can test your program.
No compiler C++ will interpret \ as a backslash, since its the escape character. You will have to use \\ to denote a backslash in a string.

Is it possible to return "weird" characters in a char?

I would like to know is it possbile to return "weird" characters, or rather ones that are important to the language
For example: \ ; '
I would like to know that because I need to return them by one function that's checking the unicode value of the text key, and is returning the character by it's number, I need these too.
I get a 356|error: missing terminating ' character
Line 356 looks as following
return '\';
The backslash is an escape for special characters. If you want a literal backslash you have to escape it with another backslash. Try:
return '\\';
The only problem here is that a backslash is used to escape characters in a literal. For example \n is a new line, \t is a horizontal tab. In your case, the compiler is seeing \' and thinking you mean a ' character (this is so you could have the ' character like so: '\''). You just need to escape your backslash:
return '\\';
Despite this looking like a character literal with two characters in it, it's not. \\ is an escape sequence which represents a single backslash.
Similarly, to return a ', you would do:
return '\'';
The list of available escape sequences are given by Table 7:
You can have a character literal containing any character from the execution character set and the resulting char will have the value of that character. However, if the value does not fit in a char, it will have implementation-defined value.
Any character can be returned.
Yet for some of them, you have to escape it using backslash: \.
So for returning backslash, you have to return:
return '\\';
To get a plain backslash use '\\'.
In C the following characters are represented using a backslash:
\a or \A : A bell
\b or \B : A backspace
\f or \F : A formfeed
\n or \N : A new line
\r or \R : A carriage return
\t or \T : A horizontal tab
\v or \V : A vertical tab
\xhh or \Xhh : A hexadecimal bit pattern
\ooo : An octal bit pattern
\0 : A null character
\" : The " character
\' : The ' character
\\ : A backslash (\)
A plain backslash confuses the system because it expects a character to follow it. Thus, you need to "escape" it. The octal/hexadecimal bit patterns may not seem too useful at first, but they let you use ANSI escape codes.
If the character following the backslash does not specify a legal escape sequence, as shown above, the result is implementation defined, but often the character following the backslash is taken literally, as though the escape were not present.
If you have to return such characters(",',\,{,]...etc) more then once, you should write a function that escapes that characters. I wrote that function once and it is:
function EscapeSpecialChars (_data) {
try {
if (!GUI_HELPER.NOU(_data)) {
return _data;
if (typeof (_data) != typeof (Array)) {
return _data;
while (_data.indexOf("
") > 0) {
_data = _data.replace("
", "");
while (_data.indexOf("\n") > 0) {
_data = _data.replace("\n", "\\n");
while (_data.indexOf("\r") > 0) {
_data = _data.replace("\r", "\\r");
while (_data.indexOf("\t") > 0) {
_data = _data.replace("\t", "\\t");
while (_data.indexOf("\b") > 0) {
_data = _data.replace("\b", "\\b");
while (_data.indexOf("\f") > 0) {
_data = _data.replace("\f", "\\f");
return _data;
} catch (err) {
then use it like this:
return EscapeSpecialChars("\'"{[}]");
You should improve the function. It was working for me, but it is not escaping all special characters.

C++ regex escaping punctional characters like "."

Matching a "." in a string with the std::tr1::regex class makes me use a weird workaround.
Why do I need to check for "\\\\." instead of "\\."?
regex(".") // Matches everything (but "\n") as expected.
regex("\\.") // Matches everything (but "\n").
regex("\\\\.") // Matches only ".".
Can someone explain me why? It's really bothering me since I had my code written using boost::regex classes, which didn't need this syntax.
Edit: Sorry, regex("\\\\.") seems to match nothing.
Edit2: Some code
void parser::lex(regex& token)
// Skipping whitespaces
regex ws("\\s*");
sregex_token_iterator wit(source.begin() + pos, source.end(), ws, regex_constants::match_default), wend;
if(wit != wend)
pos += (*wit).length();
sregex_token_iterator it(source.begin() + pos, source.end(), token, regex_constants::match_default), end;
if (it != end)
temp = *it;
temp = "";
This is because \. is interpreted as an escape sequence, which the language itself is trying to interpret as a single character. What you want is for your regex to contain the actual string "\.", which is written \\. because \\ is the escape sequence for the backslash character (\).
As it turns out, the actual problem was due to the way sregex_token_iterator was used. Using match_default meant it was always finding the next match in the string, if any, even if there is a non-match in-between. That is,
string source = "AAA.BBB";
regex dot("\\.");
sregex_token_iterator wit(source.begin(), source.end(), dot, regex_constants::match_default);
would give a match at the dot, rather than reporting that there was no match.
The solution is to use match_continuous instead.
Try to escape the dot by its ASCII code: