can someone explain whats the importance of HeapDesc in ShaneSaunders Dijkstra algorithm and how it is used here?
In general i know how Dijkstra algorithm works. But, i din't get the heap part in implementation.
Its a big code. hence am posting a link if u want to have a look at it.
Here go's
In Dijkstra you need an efficient data structure that provides you with the edge of minimum cost that allows you to reach another vertex.
Heap is exactly a data structure that allows you to store the set of edges and efficiently retrieve the one with minimum cost.
HeapDesc probably implements the factory design pattern to create different kinds of Heaps. If you check the file, you will notice that the heap variable in the constructor is an object of type Heap.
Take a look on this article for the factory design pattern.
Dijkstra's algorithm involves a lot of "path of the lowest cost" lookup.
Min or max lookup is what a Heap is optimized for ( O(1) ), and this is why it is used.
As to HeapDesc itself, it just appears to be a factory method, used to allocate a Heap object.
Heap *newInstance(int n) const { return new T(n); }; // from heap.h
I want to find indices of a set efficiently. I am using unordered_map and making the inverse map like this
std::unordered_map <int, int> myHash (size);
Int i = 0;
for (it = someSet.begin(); it != someSet.end(); it++)
myHash.insert({*it , i++});
It works but it is not efficient. I did this so anytime I need the indices I could access them O(1). Performance analysis is showing me that this part became hotspot of my code.
VTune tells me that new operator is my hotspot. I guess something is happening inside the unordered_map.
It seems to me that this case should be handled efficiently. I couldn't find a good way yet. Is there a better solution? a correct constructor?
Maybe I should pass more info to the constructor. I looked up the initialize list but it is not exactly what I want.
Update: Let me add some more information. The set is not that important; I save the set in to an array (sorted). Later I need to find the index of the values which are unique. I can do it in logn but it is not fast enough. It is why I decided to use a hash. The size of the set (columns of submatrix) doesn't change after this point.
It arise from sparse matrix computation which I need to find index of submatrices in a bigger matrix. Therefore the size and the pattern of the look ups is depend on the input matrix. It works reasonable on smaller problems. I could use a lookup table but while I am planning to do it in parallel the lookup table for each thread can be expensive. I have the exact size of hash in the time of creation. I thought by sending it to the constructor it stops reallocating. I really don't understand why it is reallocating this much.
The problem is, std::unordered_map, mainly implemented as a list of vectors, is extremely cache-unfriendly, and will perform especially poorly with small keys/values (like int,int in your case), not to mention requiring tons of (re-)allocations.
As an alternative you can try a third-party hash map implementing open addressing with linear probing (a mouthful, but the underlying structure is simply a vector, i.e. much more cache-friendly). For example, Google's dense_hash_map or this: flat_hash_map. Both can be used as a drop-in replacement for unordered_map, and only additionally require to designate one int value as the "empty" key.
std::unordered_map<int, int> is often implemented as if it was
std::vector<std::list<std::par<int, int>>>
Which causes a lot of allocations and deallocations of each node, each (de-)allocation is using a lock which causes contention.
You can help it a bit by using emplace instead of insert, or you can jump out in the fantastic new world of pmr allocators. If your creation and destruction of the pmr::unordered_map is single threaded you should be able to get a lot of extra performance out of it. See Jason Turners C++ Weekly - Ep 222 - 3.5x Faster Standard Containers With PMR!, his example is a bit on the small side but you can get the general idea.
I am using STL priority_queue as an data structure in my graph application. You can safely assume it like a advance version of Prim's spanning tree algorithm.
With in the Algorithm I want to find a node in the priority queue (not just a minimum node) efficiently.[ this is needed because cost of node might get changed and need to be fixed in priority_queue]
All i have to do is augment the priority_queue and index it based on my node key's also. I don't find any way this can be done in STL. Can anyone have better idea how to do it in STL?
The std::priority_queue<T> doesn't support efficient look-up of nodes: it uses a d-ary heap, typically with d == 2. This representation doesn't keep nodes put. If you really want to use a std::priority_queue<T> with Prim's algorithm, the only way is to just add nodes with their current shortest distance and possibly add each node multiple times. This turns the size of the into O(E) instead of O(N), though, i.e., for graphs with many edges it will result in a much higher complexity.
You can use something like std::map<...> but that really suffers from pretty much the same problem: you can either locate the next node to extract efficiently or you can locate the nodes to update efficiently.
The "proper" approach is to use a node-based priority queue, e.g., a Fibanocci-heap: Since the nodes stay put, you can get a handle from the heap when inserting a node and efficiently update the distance of a node through the handle. Access to the closest node is efficient using the few top nodes in the heap's set of trees. The overall performance of basic heap operations (push(), top(), and pop()) are slower for Fibonacci heaps than for d-ary heaps but the efficient update of individual nodes makes their use worthwhile. I seem to recall that Prim's algorithm actually required Fibonacci-heaps anyway to achieve the tight complexity bound.
I know that there is an implementation of Fibonacci-heaps at Boost. An efficient implementation of Fibonacci heaps isn't entirely trivial but they are more efficient than just being of theoretical interest.
I have a list of IDs (integers).
They are sorted in a really efficient way so that my application can easily handle them, for example
(this sort is really important in my application).
Now I am facing the problem of having to access certain values of an ID in another vector.
For example certain values for ID 9382 are located on someVectorB[30].
I have been using
const int UNITS_MAX_SIZE = 400000;
class clsUnitsUnitIDToArrayIndex : public CBaseStructure
int m_content[UNITS_MAX_SIZE];
long m_size;
void ProcessTxtLine(string line);
int *Content();
long Size();
But now that I raised UNITS_MAX_SIZE to 400.000, I get page stack errors, and that tells me that I am doing something wrong. I think the entire approach is not really good.
What should I use if I want to locate an ID in a different vector if the "position" is different?
ps: I am looking for something simple that can be easily read-in from a file and that can also easily be serialized to a file. That is why I have been using this brute-force approach before.
If you want a mapping from int's to int's and your index numbers non-consecutive you should consider a std::map. In this case you would define it as such:
std::map<int, int> m_idLocations;
A map represents a mapping between two types. The first type is the "key" and is used for lookup up the second type known as the "value". For each id lookup you can insert it with:
m_idLocations[id] = position;
// or
m_idLocations.insert(std::pair<int,int>(id, position));
And you can look them up using the following syntax:
Typically a std::map in the stl is implemented using red-black trees which have a worse-cast lookup speed of O(log n). This is slightly slower then O(1) that you'll be getting from the huge array however it's a substantially better use of a space and you're unlikely to notice the difference in practise unless you're storing truly gigantic amounts of numbers or doing an enourmous amount of lookups.
In response to some of the comments I think it's important to point out that moving from O(1) to O(log n) can make a significant difference in the speed of your application not to mention practical speed concerns from moving to fixed blocks of memory to tree based structure. However I think that it's important to initially represent what you're trying to say (an int-to-int) mapping and avoid the pitfall of premature optimization.
After you've represented the concept you should then use a profiler to determine if and where the speed issues are. If you find that the map is causing issues then you should look at replacing your mapping with something that you think will be quicker. Make sure to test that the optimization helped and don't forget to include a big comment about what you are representing and why it needed to be changed.
if nothing else works you can just allocate the array dynamically in the constructor. this will move the large array on the heap and avoid your page stack error. you should also remember to release the resource while destroying your clsUnitsUnitIDToArrayIndex
But the recommended usage is as suggested by other members, use a std::vector or std::map
Probably you are getting stackoverflow error due to int m_content[UNITS_MAX_SIZE]. The array is allocated on the stack and 400000 is a pretty big number for the stack. You can use std::vector instead, it is dynamically allocated and you can return a reference of vector member to avoid copy operation:
std::vector<int> m_content(UNITS_MAX_SIZE);
const std::vector<int> &clsUnitsUnitIDToArrayIndex::Content() const
return m_content;
I am using map<MyStruct, I*> map1;. Apparently 9% of my total app time is spent in there. Specifically on one line of one of my major functions. The map isn't very big (<1k almost always, <20 is common).
Is there an alternative implementation i may want to use? I think i shouldn't write my own but i could if i thought it was a good idea.
Additional info: I always check before adding an element. If a key exist I need to report a problem. Than after a point i will be using map heavily for lookups and will not add any more elements.
First you need to understand what a map is and what the operations that you are doing represent. A std::map is a balanced binary tree, lookup will take O( log N ) operations, each of which is a comparison of the keys plus some extra that you can ignore in most cases (pointer management). Insertion takes roughly the same time to locate the point of insertion, plus allocation of the new node, the actual insertion into the tree and rebalancing. The complexity is again O( log N ) although the hidden constants are higher.
When you try to determine whether an key is in the map prior to insertion you are incurring the cost of the lookup and if it does not succeed, the same cost to locate the point of insertion. You can avoid the extra cost by using std::map::insert that return a pair with an iterator and a bool telling you whether the insertion actually happened or the element was already there.
Beyond that, you need to understand how costly it is to compare your keys, which falls out of what the question shows (MyStruct could hold just one int or a thousand of them), which is something you need to take into account.
Finally, it might be the case that a map is not the most efficient data structure for your needs, and you might want to consider using either an std::unordered_map (hash table) that has expected constant time insertions (if the hash function is not horrible) or for small data sets even a plain ordered array (or std::vector) on which you can use binary search to locate the elements (this will reduce the number of allocations, at the cost of more expensive insertions, but if the held types are small enough it might be worth it)
As always with performance, measure and then try to understand where the time is being spent. Also note that a 10% of the time spent in a particular function or data structure might be a lot or almost nothing at all, depending on what your application is. For example, if your application is just performing lookups and insertions into a data set, and that takes only a 10% of the CPU you have a lot to optimize everywhere else!
Probably it will be quicker to just do an insert and check if the pair.second is false if key already exists:
like this
if ( myMap.insert( make_pair( MyStruct, I* ) ).second == false)
// report error
// inserted new value
... rather than doing a find call every time.
Instead of map you could try unordered_map which uses hash keys, instead of a tree, to find elements. This answer gives some hints when to prefer unordered_map over map.
It might be a long shot, but for small collections, sometimes the most critical factor is the cache performance.
Since std::map implements a Red-Black Tree, which is [AFAIK] not very cache-efficient - maybe implementing the map as a std::vector<pair<MyStruct,I*>> would be a good idea, and use binary search there [instead of map look-ups], at the very least it should be efficient once you start only looking up [stop inserting elements], since the std::vector is more likely to fit in cache than the map.
This factor [cpu-cache] is usually neglected and hidden as constant in the big O notation, but for large collections it might have major effect.
The way you are using the map, you're doing lookups on the basis of a MyStruct instance and depending on your particular implementation, the required comparison may or may not be costly.
Is there an alternative implementation i may want to use? I think i shouldn't write my own but i could if i thought it was a good idea.
If you understand the problem well enough, you should detail how your implementation will be superior.
Is map the proper structure? If so, then your standard library's implementation will likely be of good quality (well optimized).
Can MyStruct comparison be simplified?
Where is the problem -- resizing? lookup?
Have you minimized copy and assign costs for your structures?
As stated in the comments, without proper code, there is little universal answers to give you. However, if MyStruct is really huge the stack copying may be costly. Perhaps it makes sense to store pointers to MyStruct and implement your own compare mechanism:
template <typename T> struct deref_cmp {
bool operator()(std::shared_ptr<T> lhs, std::shared_ptr<T> rhs) const {
return *lhs < *rhs;
std::map<std::shared_ptr<MyStruct>, I*, deref_cmp<MyStruct>> mymap;
However, this is something you will have to profile. It might speed things up.
You would look up an element like this
template <typename T> struct NullDeleter {
void operator()(T const*) const {}
// needle being a MyStruct
Needless to say, there is more potential to optimise.
Now I am writing some code for solving vehicle routing problems. To do so, one important decision is to choose how to encode the solutions. A solution contains several routes, one for each vehicle. Each route has a customer visiting sequence, the load of route, the length of route.
To perform modifications on a solution the information, I also need to quickly find some information.
For example,
Which route is a customer in?
What customers does a route have?
How many nodes are there in a route?
What nodes are in front of or behind a node?
Now, I am thinking to use the following structure to keep a solution.
struct Sol
vector<short> nextNode; // show what is the next node of each node;
vector<short> preNode; //show what is the preceding node
vector<short> startNode;
vector<short> rutNum;
vector<short> rutLoad;
vector<float> rutLength;
vector<short> rutSize;
The common size of each vector is instance dependent, between 200-2000.
I heard it is possible to use dynamic array to do this job. But it seems to me dynamic array is more complicated. One has to locate the memory and release the memory. Here my question is twofold.
How to use dynamic array to realize the same purpose? how to define the struct or class so that memory location and release can be easily taken care of?
Will using dynamic array be faster than using vector? Assuming the solution structure need to be accessed million times.
It is highly unlikely that you'll see an appreciable performance difference between a dynamic array and a vector since the latter is essentially a very thin wrapper around the former. Also bear in mind that using a vector would be significantly less error-prone.
It may, however, be the case that some information is better stored in a different type of container altogether, e.g. in an std::map. The following might be of interest: What are the complexity guarantees of the standard containers?
It is important to give some thought to the type of container that gets used. However, when it comes to micro-optimizations (such as vector vs dynamic array), the best policy is to profile the code first and only focus on parts of the code that prove to be real -- rather than assumed -- bottlenecks.
It's quite possible that vector's code is actually better and more performant than dynamic array code you would write yourself. Only if profiling shows significant time spent in vector would I consider writing my own error-prone replacement. See also Dynamically allocated arrays or std::vector
I'm using MSVC and the implementation looks to be as quick as it can be.
Accessing the array via operator [] is:
return (*(this->_Myfirst + _Pos));
Which is as quick as you are going to get with dynamic memory.
The only overhead you are going to get is in the memory use of a vector, it seems to create a pointer to the start of the vector, the end of the vector, and the end of the current sequence. This is only 2 more pointers than you would need if you were using a dynamic array. You are only creating 200-2000 of these, I doubt memory is going to be that tight.
I am sure the other stl implementations are very similar. I would absorb the minor cost of vector storage and use them in your project.