NullPointerException in Grails unit tests because of null Params and Session - unit-testing

When migrating from Grails 2.0.0 to 2.1.2 some of our tests started failing with NullPointerException (the same behavior is observed with Grails 2.0.3)
Here are snippets of code enough to reproduce the issue.
The controller:
class TestController {
def test() {
render(template: "/test")
The unit test:
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import grails.test.mixin.*
import org.junit.*
import grails.test.mixin.web.GroovyPageUnitTestMixin
class TestControllerTests {
void test_paramsAndSession_Null() {
def result = response.text
print result
assert render(template: "/test") == result
The template _test.gsp:
Params and session test.
With Grails 2.0.0 the application and the test work fine.
With Grails 2.1.2 the application still works fine, but the test starts failing with NullPointerException:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'id1' on null object
at TestController.test(TestController.groovy:4)
at TestControllerTests.test_paramsAndSession_Null(TestControllerTests.groovy:12)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'id2' on null object
at TestController.test(TestController.groovy:4)
at TestControllerTests.test_paramsAndSession_Null(TestControllerTests.groovy:12)
(The second exception appears when fix (1) below is applied)
What is the reason for that?
I see I can fix the test making the following changes:
params.id1 -> params?.id1 (1)
session.id2 -> session?.id2
But this does not look like a valid solution (changing my application for unit tests to work).
Please help me understand whether I am doing something wrong or there is a bug in Grails.
UPDATE: I've submitted a bug


Grails Spock unit test requires to mock transaction manager

In Grails 3.1.12, I want to unit test a service:
class PlanService {
List<Plan> getPlans(Map params) {
def currentUser = (User)springSecurityService.getCurrentUser()
return Plan.findAllByCompany(currentUser.employer, params)
Like this:
#Mock([Plan, User, Company])
class PlanServiceSpec extends Specification {
void "Retrieve plan from the current user"() {
// create and save entities here
when: "the plans are retrieved"
def params = null
def plans = service.getPlans(params)
then: "the result should only include plans associated to the current user's company"
plans.size() == 2
Running the test from the console:
grails> test-app my.PlanServiceSpec -unit
Fails with:
my.FundingPlanServiceSpec > Retrieve plan from the current user FAILED
java.lang.IllegalStateException at PlanServiceSpec.groovy:48
and in the test report (HTML):
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactionManager was specified.
Using #Transactional or #Rollback requires a valid configured transaction manager.
If you are running in a unit test ensure the test has been properly configured
and that you run the test suite not an individual test method.
Now if I comment out the #Transactional annotation in the service, the test passes, but that's not the intended implementation. I am able to work around the problem by mocking the transaction manager:
service.transactionManager = Mock(PlatformTransactionManager) {
getTransaction(_) >> Mock(TransactionStatus)
But this seems very awkward, if not wrong.
Is there some incantation I forgot to invoke?
EDIT: looks similar to an old bug, but it's been closed more than a year.
Have you tried what a comments says that fixes the problem? If not, try to annotate the test class with:
and then:
service.transactionManager = getTransactionManager()
Was getting the same error in grails 3.3.2 when trying to test transactional service.
adding DataTest interface solved the issue for me.
class HelloServiceSpec extends Specification implements ServiceUnitTest<HelloService>, DataTest {

Unit test fails

I am new in Grails, I want to write unit tests for services using Spock. However I have the following issue.
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class BService {
boolean createB(){
return true
For this class I wrote the following test:
class BServiceTest extends Specification {
def "test createB"(){
def service = new BService()
def boolean temp
temp = service.createB()
temp == true
The error I am getting when I run this test is the following:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactionManager was specified. Using #Transactional or #Rollback requires a valid configured transaction manager. If you are running in a unit test ensure the test has been properly configured and that you run the test suite not an individual test method.
and it shows in GrailsTransactionTemplate.groovy:60
I would really appreciatie if anyone can give me a hint.
Add a #TestFor(BService) annotation to your unit test and use the instance of the service that it automatically provides. See for more information on testing.
Thank you ataylor for your reply. However I did a mistake, so I am now ansewring my own question.
First of all, the name conversion is wrong. When I create a service in grails there is automatically set a unit-test for this, so in that case I would have:
class BServiceSpec extends Specification {
def setup() {
User u = new User(1)
def cleanup() {
def "test something"(){
In this case when I write a unit test, it runs.
The test that I had before was a functional test where I could not pass objects from the domain, so I had an error of the transactional manager.

Grails integration test - redirect action returns null

This is a small integration Junit that I'm having difficulty with. I've re-written this several different ways and the current way is straight out of the Grails manual - but it still returns null. I don't see the error; I thought it might be a spelling error but I've checked all those. I've tried redirectUrl and redirectedUrl - still returns null.
Controller snippet:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
def saveReportError() {
void "test save error report"() {
assertEquals '/reportSiteErrors/reportError', controller.response.redirectUrl
I recommend to implement the test as a unit test like this.
import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
import spock.lang.Specification
class SimpleControllerSpec extends Specification {
void 'test index'() {
response.redirectedUrl == '/simple/hello'
Using a unit test has the advantage of speed.

grails unit test - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method finish() on null object

I am not being able to run unit test in grails. I have a TransactionController(available at github as well) with method transactionAnalytics which I want to test as below,
package eccount
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONObject
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
import grails.converters.JSON
class TransactionController {
def transactionService
def transactionAnalytics = {
searchRequest = searchRequest ?: new SearchRequest(requestParams: new HashMap<String, String>())
def responseBytes = transactionService.getSearchResponse(searchRequest)
def jsonResponse
if (responseBytes)
jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseBytes)
jsonResponse = new JSONObject()
render jsonResponse as JSON
Corresponding Tests for TransactionController#transactionAnalytics (also available at github)is as below,
package eccount
import org.junit.*
import grails.test.mixin.*
class TransactionControllerTests {
def INDEX_NAME = "gccount"
void testTransactionAnalytics(){
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>()
//println params.get("indexName")
//controller.params = params
controller.params.indexName = "gccount"
def jsonResponse = controller.response.json
println jsonResponse
When I run the method of the Controller, I get following exception
prayag#prayag:/backup/gccount$ grails test-app TransactionController.transactionAnalytics
| Environment set to test.....
| Running 1 unit test...
| Failure: Test mechanism
| java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method finish() on null object
at org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier$2.notifyListener(
at org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier$
at org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier.fireTestRunFinished(
at _GrailsTest_groovy$_run_closure4.doCall(_GrailsTest_groovy:290)
at _GrailsTest_groovy$_run_closure2.doCall(_GrailsTest_groovy:248)
at _GrailsTest_groovy$_run_closure1_closure21.doCall(_GrailsTest_groovy:195)
at _GrailsTest_groovy$_run_closure1.doCall(_GrailsTest_groovy:184)
at TestApp$_run_closure1.doCall(TestApp.groovy:82)
| Completed 0 unit test, 1 failed in 2723ms
| Packaging Grails application.....
[scalaPlugin] Compiling Scala sources from plugins to /home/prayag/.grails/2.1.1/projects/cashless/plugin-classes
[scalaPlugin] Compiling Scala sources to /backup/gccount/target/classes
| Compiling 2 source files
Configuring Spring Security Core ...
... finished configuring Spring Security Core
sandbox user created
role created
stall created with a user
| Tests FAILED - view reports in /backup/gccount/target/test-reports
Again, there's no reports left at file:///backup/gccount/target/test-reports.
Anyways, who is actually null here?
9 Testing - Reference Documentation
grails test-app TransactionController.testTransactionAnalytics
you forgot the "test" in front of the method name...
and yes... it seems, you don't have to write it in the classname, but in the methodname you have to...
Grails Goodness: Invoking a Single Test Method seems posting wrong information because following code wouldn't work.
$ grails test-app TransactionController.transactionAnalytics
The correct one would be with initialized transactionService
$ grails test-app TransactionControllerTests.testTransactionAnalytics
$ grails test-app TransactionController.testTransactionAnalytics

Grails 2.1 Unit Testing Command Object mockForConstraintsTests not working?

I have used manually written as well as Grails generated Unit tests for this command object:
package myapp
class SearchCommand {
String basisBuild
String buildToSearch
static constraints = {
basisBuild(blank: false)
After having my hand written unit test fail I used Grails:
create-unit-test myapp.SearchCommand
I filled in the Unit Test, and made an assertion that should pass per documentation on mocked constraints:
package myapp
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import grails.test.mixin.*
import org.junit.*
class SearchCommandTests {
void setUp() {
void tearDown() {
// Tear down logic here
void testSomething() {
SearchCommand commandUnderTest = new SearchCommand()
commandUnderTest.validate(basisBuild: "")
assertEquals "blank", commandUnderTest.errors['basisBuild']
Why am I getting this failure?
grails> test-app
| Running 9 unit tests... 9 of 9
| Failure: testSomething(
| java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<blank> but was:<null>
I believe I found the grails supported way to unit test Command objects in grails 2.0. You need to use mockCommandObject provided by the ControllerUnitTestMixin.
Credit to Erik
Using validate() appropriately and mockForConstraintsTest should work if the patch mentioned in the existing Grails bug is in place (Thanks to #codelark for bringing that up). In order to test the command object from a Web App standpoint (using controller) the below information would be helpful.
Test Command Object Using Controller action:-
A command object is only deemed as such when it is used as a parameter in one of the action method inside a controller. Refer Command Objects (Warning NOTE).
Use SearchCommand in an action method, you should be able to assertEquals.
void testSomething() {
YourController controller = mockController(YourController) //Or instantiate
SearchCommand commandUnderTest = new SearchCommand ()
//Note the usage here. validate() does not take parameters
commandUnderTest.basisBuild = ''
//Call your action
assert response.text == 'Returned'
assertEquals "blank", commandUnderTest.errors['basisBuild']
YourController's action:-
def searchCommandAction(SearchCommand sc){
render "Returned"
With out the patch from the grails bug we see the below error in #Grails 2.1.4, 2.2.0 & 2.2.1
I get an error when I only correct the validation and use mockForConstraintTests without using controller action:
You are using the validate method incorrectly. You never set the field on the class, so the field is null, not blank. Try changing your test as follows:
void testSomething() {
SearchCommand commandUnderTest = new SearchCommand()
commandUnderTest.basisBuild = ""
assertFalse commandUnderTest.validate()
assertEquals 'blank', commandUnderTest.errors['basisBuild']
Edit: There is also a grails bug when testing command classes that use the #Validatable annotation. There are some workarounds in the bug commentary.