Can I specify a Store on a Ember js model? - ember.js

I am trying to use multiple stores in Ember because I have namespaced models on the api side.
App.Gl.Account = DS.Model.extend //Needs to route to /gl/accounts
App.Company = DS.Model.extend //Routes to /companies
My first thought was to define a namespace
App.Gl = Ember.Namespace.create({});
//and a store
App.Gl.Store = DS.Store.extend({adapter:DS.RESTAdapter({namespace:'gl'})});
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({adapter:DS.RESTAdapter})
problem is the model is automatically binded to the App.Store.
Any other suggestions on how to accomplish namespaced models would be helpful. I dont even need them namespaced on the client js side, as long as there is an easy way to specify the namespace for each individual model

You should never have more than one store in an Ember application.
Instead, you can register adapters for specific types:
App.Store.registerAdapter('App.Post', DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
// implement adapter; in this case
url: "/gl"
You will probably want to use the RESTAdapter as a starting point, unless you have specific needs and are willing to get down and dirty with the (still evolving) adapter API.

In newer versions of ember (I'm running 1.5.0-beta.1+canary.13995621, and 1.4 also seems to lack the registerAdapter method) the api has changed a bit, the registerAdapter method is gone.
Now if you would like a non default adpter for a model you can define a App.<ModelName>Adapter and that will automatically be used for that model.
So if you have a Post model and you would like to define the namespace for that model, I think that would be:
App.PostAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
namespace: 'gl'

There's no longer a registerAdapter method.
For Ember 2:
Model-specific adapters can be created by putting your adapter class in an app/adapters/ + model-name + .js file of the application.
Source: DS.Adapter Class


Fetch new data from API in jQuery plugin's callback

I am new to ember, so please treat me like a fool. What I'm trying to do first is to understand the concept.
In my application I heavily rely on few jQuery plugins they fetch new portion of data in their callbacks, that's how these plugins are designed, but I am not sure how can I trigger them to fetch a new portion of data from API passing to API updated query parameters after plugin has been rendered.
I have wrapped the plugin in a component, in component's template I send data to it as (I use emblem.js syntax here)
= plotly-chart chartData=model
In model I have
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
// time: DS.attr(),
ch1: DS.attr(),
ch2: DS.attr(),
ch3: DS.attr(),
temperature: DS.attr(),
And then in component itself I fetch data
dataPoints:'chartData', function(item){
return item.getProperties('ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'temperature');
and make some manipulations with data, which isn't so important for the question itself.
Ah, and I have a route graph/ which later calls that component
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
queryParams: {
start_timestamp: {
refreshModel: true
end_timestamp: {
refreshModel: true
model(params) {
return this.get('store').query('data-point', params);
So as you see I have tried to fetch new properties via query params, finally it works great if I just update the url in browser, but now can I trigger new call to API and fetch new data and get this new data in a component itself?
Also I'm struggling to understand what role controllers play in all of these. It is mentioned that controllers will be deprecated soon, but still used here
My code seems to work without controllers, so this is really confusing.
Also I suspect maybe I should use services for what I'm trying to achieve, but not sure how.
Ember experts, could you please point me into a right direction? The most important thing is how to fetch new portion of data from API with updated query parameters (query parameters to API itself, not nessesarely the ember application, but I suspect in ember-data it is the same thing? or not %) %) %)).
Really I should use services for that, shouldn't I? Pass arguments into a service and query a store there. Would that be a correct pattern?
Then query parameters in url are not the same as querying the store and is an independent thing. Am I right?
but how can I trigger new call to API and fetch new data and get this new data in a component itself?
If you change your queryParam values in a controller using an action (combined with your current route setup) it will adjust your route and re-call your API, as the values are bound together to make this particular use case simple :-) You're about 98% of the way there ... :-)
Re controllers going away, they won't for a long time as the replacement hasn't been worked out yet. You could do some of this in a service if you want to, but there is no need as you are almost done.
Thanks, that make sense though. I just worried I'm doing it wrong.
By they way finally I found a way to access store from the controller Access store from component but:
1. I was unable to take out the data from that variable, probably it's me being stupid.
2. I double it's the right way to access store directly in a component and better to use services for that or rely on “Data Down Actions Up” (DDAU) paradigm?
Finally I was able to fetch new portion of a data calling a controller's action from within the controller, but then the next problem raised - the data was updated, but the JS code did not know about that because I feed the jQuery plugin with this data and it did not pick up changes automatically. I think I might be doing it a wrong way there %)
But finally I get it working by adding an Ember's observer to that variable and in observer calling a redraw function (for chart in this particular place).
#acorncom Thanks!

Ember.JS - 'TypeError: internalModel.getRecord is not a function' when trying to reverse a collection of records

--Using Ember Data 2.7.1--
I am trying to reverse the order of a collection of records without first turning them into an array using toArray(). This collection of objects comes from the promise returned by'history-item').
I want to do this the ember way instead of making them plain javascript. I am getting a TypeError: internalModel.getRecord coming from record-array.js. For some reason when it is trying to do objectAtContent(), the content it is looking seems to not have a type. Through the stack trace I can see that the object I am dealing with is [Class], class being the history-item model. A few stack calls before the objectAtContent(), the object being dealt with switches from that history-item model to some other Class object that has no type attribute.
I am able to use Ember Inspector to see my data correctly, and if I just displayed the original collection of records on my template, it shows properly.
Has anyone run into this?
Some thoughts and considerations:
-Is there anything special about how findAll() works with its promise that doesn't allow for reversal since it is reloading in the background? I do want it to keep reloading live data.
-I am using ember-cli-mirage to mock my db and endpoints and I've follow the instructions to the letter I think. I am using an unconfigured JSONAPISerializer for mirage and and a unconfigured JSONAPIAdapter for ember. Could it have anything to do with metadata that is being sent from the back? Could it have something to with the models or records not being set up? Is there something special I have to do?
Route Segment that defines model and tries to reverse it:
[note: I know it may not be convention to prep the data (ordering) in the route but I just put it in here for ease of description. I usually do it outside in the controller or component]
return this.get('store').findAll('history-item').then(function(items){
return items.reverseObjects();
History list model declaration:
export default DS.Model.extend({
question: DS.attr('string'),
answer: DS.attr('string')
Ember-Cli-Mirage config.js end points:
this.get('/history-items', (schema) => {
return schema.historyItems.all();
Ember-Cli-Mirage fixture for history-items:
export default [
{id: 1, question: "1is this working?", answer: "Of course!"}
TypeError: internalModel.getRecord coming from record-array.js
This issue also happens when I try to create a save a record. The save is successful but when the model gets reloaded (and tries to reverse), it fails with the same error. It doesn't matter if I the fixture or not.
var newHistoryItem ='history-item', {
question: question,
answer: answer
The result returned from store.findAll and store.query is an AdapterPopulatedRecordArray (live array), mutation methods like addObject,addObjects,removeObject,removeObjects,
unshiftObject,unshiftObjects,pushObject,pushObjects,reverseObjects,setObjects,shiftObject,clear,popObject,removeAt,removeObject,removeObjects,insertAt should not be used.
Have a look at corresponding discussion and
Proposed PR to throw error and suggestions to use toArray() to copy array instead of mutating.
I think using toArray is fine, no need to reinvent the wheel. Even Ember's enumerable/array methods are implemented using toArray under the hood.
I like keeping transforms on controllers/components, so Routes are only concerned with [URL -> data] logic. I think here I would keep the model hook returning the server data, and use a computed property on the controller:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
reversedItems: Ember.computed('model.[]', function() {
return this.get('model').toArray().reverse();
You could also use the reverse helper from Ember Composable Helpers and do it in the template:
{{#each (reverse model) as |item|}}

Ember Data override find method

I need to override the find() method in ember-data to make it compatible with my app. Its not a huge modification that I have to do, but I don't know where to start.
So far when I try to do this :'enquiry'); Ember-Data is trying to fetch information from http://localhost/enquiries instead of http://localhost/enquiry. My problem is that I don't need to get the plural of my url..
I thought also using the jquery method but, I would rather using Ember-Data for this. How can I do that ?
Another question : After this is working, is Ember-Data generate dynamically the model in the app ? Because I have a lot field in my JSON and I can't write them down manually...
Can I do something like this :
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: '-active-model'
App.Enquiry = DS.Model.extend();
Thanks for your help !
This page will show you exactly how to use a custom adapter in your application. And this page will show you how to override a method in your subclass.
I didn't see your response on the Ember forum yesterday, but in my opinion, you'd still be better off writing your own adapter. It seems like you're going to do more work trying to modify the REST adapter than if you just created your own.
But if you still want to extend the rest adapter, here is how:
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
find: () {
As for your second question, no, Ember-Data will not pick up the fields automatically. I'm pretty sure it'll throw an error if you include fields in your JSON that are not declared in the corresponding model. This is by design. If you don't know your fields at development-time, how can you use them in templates or controllers?

ember-data adapter to read from cloudant RESTful API

The cloudant RESTful API is fairly simple but doesn't match the way ember-data expects things to be. How can I customize or create an Adapter that deals with these issues...
In my specific case I only want to load records from one of several secondary indexes (ie. MapReduce fnctions).
The URL for this is below, where [name] and [view] would change depending on user selection or the route I am in.
Looking at the ember-data source there doesn't seem to be an easy way of defining URLs like this. I took a look at findQuery and it expects to send any variables through as url params not as part of the actual URL itself.
Am I missing something? Is there an obvious way of dealing with this?
Then the data comes back in a completely different format, is there a way to tell ember what this format is?
I had similar problem where URL's are dynamic. I ended up creating my own adapater by extending DS.RESTAdapter and overriding the default buildURL method. For example:
App.MyAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
buildURL: function(record, suffix) {
var username, db_name, name, view;
// Do your magic and fill the variables
return 'https://'+username+''+db_name+'/_design/'+name+'/_view/'+view;
I ended up also defining my own find, findAll, findQuery, createRecord, updateRecord, deleteRecord etc. methods as I had to pass more variables to buildURL method.
If returning data is in different format then you can also write your own serializer by extending DS.JSONSerializer and define your own extraction methods extract, extractMany etc.
You should evaluate how well your API follows the data format required by ember/data RESTAdapter. If it is very different then it's maybe better to use some other component for communication like ember-model, ember-restless, emu etc, as ember-data is not very flexible (see this blog post). You can also write your own ajax queries directly from routes model hooks without using ember-data or other components at all. It is not very hard to do that.

Ember Data Multiple Stores

So I'm just starting to learn ember js. In the case of the application rest api I have namespaced models.
example: App.GlAccount = DS.Model.extend({})
the route I need it to follow is /gl/account
I thought I could fix this by creating another store like
App.GlStore = DS.Store.create({adapter:DS.RestAdapter({namespace:'gl'})}
The problem is the model uses App.Store...Anyway to tell a model to use a different store?
Based on your example it doesn't sounds like you actually need to have multiple data stores. The following should be all you need:
App.GlAccount = DS.Model.extend({});
url: 'gl/account'
If your needs are more complex, it is possible to have per-type adapters for your data store. See this gist for details: