Scala Play2 Error on Web Service call - web-services

I'm getting an error on compile with the following code.
I'm trying to call a Web Service.
def authenticate(username: String, password: String): String = {
val request: Future[Response] =
.post( Map("username" -> Seq(username), "password" -> Seq(password) ) )
request map { response =>
} recover {
case t: TimeoutException =>
case e =>
I'm seeing the following compiler error:
type mismatch; found : scala.concurrent.Future[play.api.mvc.SimpleResult[String]] required: String

The value being returned from your authenticate function is val request = ... which is of type Future[Response] but the function expects a String which as the compiler says is a type mismatch error. Changing the return type of the function to Future[Response] or converting request to a String before returning it should fix it.

Like say Brian, you're currently returning a Future[String], when you method said that you want to return a String.
The request return a Future because it's an asynchronous call.
So, you have two alternatives:
Change your method definition to return a Future[String], and manage this future in another method (with .map())
Force the request to get this result immediately, in a synchronous way. It's not a very good deal, but sometimes it's the simplest solution.
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
val response: String = Await.result(req, Duration.Inf)


Why Finch using EndPoint to represent Router, Request Parameter and Request Body

In finch, we can define router, request parameters, request body like this.
case class Test(name: String, age: Int)
val router: Endpoint[Test] = post("hello") { Ok(Test("name", 30)) }
val requestBody: Endpoint[Test] =[Test]
val requestParameters: Endpoint[Test] = Endpoint.derive[Test].fromParams
The benefit is that we can compose EndPoint together. For example, I can define:
The request path is hello and Parameter should have name and age. (router :: requestParameters)
However, I can still run an invalid endpoint which doesnt include any request path successfully (There is actually no compilation error)
Await.ready(Http.serve(":3000", requestParameters.toService))
The result is returning 404 not found page. Even though I expect that the error should report earlier like compilation error. I wonder that is this a design drawback or it is actually finch trying to fix ?
Many thanks in advance
First of all, thanks a lot for asking this!
Let me give you some insight on how Finch's endpoints work. If you speak category theory, an Endpoint is an Applicative embedding StateT represented as something close to Input => Option[(Input, A)].
Simply speaking, an endpoint takes an Input that wraps an HTTP request and also captures the current path (eg: /foo/bar/baz). When endpoint is applied on to a given request and either matches it (returning Some) or falls over (returning None). When matched, it changes the state of the Input, usually removing the first path segment from it (eg: removing foo from /foo/bar/baz) so the next endpoint is the chain can work with a new Input (and new path).
Once endpoint is matched, Finch checks if there is something else left in the Input that wasn't matched. If something is left, the match considered unsuccessful and your service returns 404.
scala> val e = "foo" :: "bar"
e: io.finch.Endpoint[shapeless.HNil] = foo/bar
scala> e(Input(Request("/foo/bar/baz"))).get._1.path
res1: Seq[String] = List(baz)
When it comes to endpoints matching/extracting query-string params, no path segments are being touched there and the state is passed to the next endpoint unchanged. So when an endpoint param("foo") is applied, the path is not affected. That simply means, the only way to serve a query-string endpoint (note: an endpoint that only extract query-string params) is to send it a request with empty path /.
scala> val s = param("foo").toService
s: com.twitter.finagle.Service[com.twitter.finagle.http.Request,com.twitter.finagle.http.Response] = <function1>
scala> s(Request("/", "foo" -> "bar")).get
res4: com.twitter.finagle.http.Response = Response("HTTP/1.1 Status(200)")
scala> s(Request("/bar", "foo" -> "bar")).get
res5: com.twitter.finagle.http.Response = Response("HTTP/1.1 Status(404)")

Query parameters for GET requests using Akka HTTP (formally known as Spray)

One of the features of Akka HTTP (formally known as Spray) is its ability to automagically marshal and unmarshal data back and forth from json into case classes, etc. I've had success at getting this to work well.
At the moment, I am trying to make an HTTP client that performs a GET request with query parameters. The code currently looks like this:
val httpResponse: Future[HttpResponse] =
uri = s"""http://${config.getString("http.serverHost")}:${config.getInt("http.port")}/""" +
s"query?seq=${seq}" +
s"&max-mismatches=${maxMismatches}" +
Well, that's not so pretty. It would be nice if I could just pass in a case class containing the query parameters, and have Akka HTTP automagically generate the query parameters, kind of like it does for json. (Also, the server side of Akka HTTP has a somewhat elegant way of parsing GET query parameters, so one would think that it would also have a somewhat elegant way to generate them.)
I'd like to do something like the following:
val httpResponse: Future[HttpResponse] =
uri = s"""http://${config.getString("http.serverHost")}:${config.getInt("http.port")}/query""",
entity = QueryParams(seq = seq, maxMismatches = maxMismatches, pamPolicy = pamPolicy)))
Only, the above doesn't actually work.
Is what I want doable somehow with Akka HTTP? Or do I just need to do things the old-fashioned way? I.e, generate the query parameters explicitly, as I do in the first code block above.
(I know that if I were to change this from a GET to a POST, I could probably to get it to work more like I would like it to work, since then I could get the contents of the POST request automagically converted from a case class to json, but I don't really wish to do that here.)
You can leverage the Uri class to do what you want. It offers multiple ways to get a set of params into the query string using the withQuery method. For example, you could do something like this:
val params = Map("foo" -> "bar", "hello" -> "world")
HttpRequest(Uri(hostAndPath).withQuery(("foo" -> "bar"), ("hello" -> "world")))
Obviously this could be done by altering the extending the capability of Akka HTTP, but for what you need (just a tidier way to build the query string), you could do it with some scala fun:
type QueryParams = Map[String, String]
object QueryParams {
def apply(tuples: (String, String)*): QueryParams = Map(tuples:_*)
implicit class QueryParamExtensions(q: QueryParams) {
def toQueryString = "?"{
case (key,value) => s"$key=$value" //Need to do URL escaping here?
implicit class StringQueryExtensions(url: String) {
def withParams(q: QueryParams) =
url + q.toQueryString
val params = QueryParams(
"abc" -> "def",
"xyz" -> "qrs"
params.toQueryString // gives ?abc=def&xyz=qrs
"".withParams(params) // gives

How to get result from WS call in play framework/scala?

I have a big trouble with getting value from WS.url call.
val x =WS.url("
secret=XX&response="+captcha).get().map {
response =>response.body}
When i try
Console.println("X: "+x)
I don't have expected value but:
X: scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#e17c7c
BUT, when i try to print value println(response.body) inside map function it works fine.
I also tried playframework tutorial but the same results.
So, how can I assign result of GET call into some variable?
Please don't assemble your own query string, use the withQueryString method.
There are two solutions to your problem: blocking and non-blocking. Blocking will mean that your request's thread will idle until the HTTP call completes. Non-blocking is preferred and you can provide Play with a Future to complete the request with. All you have to do is instead of Action use Action.async in your controller.
val captchaResponse: Future[String] =
.withQueryString("secret" -> "XX", "response" -> "captcha")
// Non-blocking solution: {
body =>
Console.println("X: " + body)
// Blocking solution:
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val x = Await.result(captchaResponse, 3.seconds)

Return untranslated results from a Play!2 WS call (in Scala)

I'm writing a play Controller that should call another web service and return its result verbatim -- same response code, same headers, same body. But it seems like the Controller is written such that I have to specify an explicit return code. I've tried getting the ahcResponse, but that doesn't seem to provide an obvious solution.
Here's what I have now:
def route(name: String, command: String) = Action {
Async {
WS.url("someurl").get().map {
response => Ok(response.body))
However, this always returns an "OK" status, and if it gets an error, it will pull the error HTML into the body as text.
How do I forward the results of a WS call back to my caller?
You could forward the response code and body in the following way:
.map(response =>
response.status match {
// in case you want to do something special for ok
// otherwise, pattern matching is not necessary
case OK => Ok(response.body)
case x => new Status(x)(response.body)
.recover {
case ex: Throwable =>
InternalServerError("some exception...")

Scala testing mocking implicit parameters?

I'm having a bit of a tough time trying to understand how to write tests in Scala when implicit parameters are involved.
I have the following (short version) of my code and test:
Implementation (Scala 2.10, Spray and Akka):
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
import com.acme.ResultJsonFormat._
case class PerRequestIndexingActor(ctx: RequestContext) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = LoggingReceive {
case AddToIndexRequestCompleted(result) =>
object ResultJsonFormat extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val resultFormat = jsonFormat2(Result)
case class Result(code: Int, message: String)
Test (Using ScalaTest and Mockito):
"Per Request Indexing Actor" should {
"send the HTTP Response when AddToIndexRequestCompleted message is received" in {
val request = mock[RequestContext]
val result = mock[Result]
val perRequestIndexingActor = TestActorRef(Props(new PerRequestIndexingActor(request)))
perRequestIndexingActor ! AddToIndexRequestCompleted(result)
This line, verify(request).complete(result) uses an implicit Marshaller to turn Result into JSON.
I can bring a marshaller in to scope by adding implicit val marshaller: Marshaller[Result] = mock[Marshaller[Result]] but when I run the test a different instance of Marshaller is used, so the verification fails.
Even explicitly passing the mock Marshaller to complete fails.
So, can any one advise how to create a mock object for an implicit parameter and make sure that instance is the one used?
This is a perfect situation to use a Matcher from Mockito for the marshaller arg. You should not need to mock out the implicit marshaller. All you really want to do is verify that complete was called with a result matching what you expected and also some instance of the marshaller. First, if you haven't already done it, bring the Mockito matchers into scope with an import like so:
import org.mockito.Matchers._
Then, if you wanted reference matching on the result, you could verify like so:
Or, if you wanted equals matching on result you could do:
The trick with matchers is that once you use one for one arg, you have to use them for all args, so that's why we have to use one for result too.