Open MPI "Hello, World!" is not compiling - c++

Here is a simple MPI "Hello, World!" program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int size, rank;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
printf("SIZE = %d RANK = %d\n",size,rank);
However, it doesn't seem to compile:
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
MPI::Datatype::Free() /var/tmp//ccE6aG2w.o
MPI::Win::Free() /var/tmp//ccE6aG2w.o
MPI::Comm::Comm() /var/tmp//ccE6aG2w.o
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to main
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I've googled a lot, viewed mailing lists, thousands of them. They say libmpi_cxx is not linking. But it's in the compiler flags.
Here is --showme data:
mpic++ --showme:compile
-I/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/include -I/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/include/openmpi
mpic++ --showme:link
-R/opt/mx/lib -R/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/lib -L/usr/openmpi/ompi-1.5/lib -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -lnsl -lrt -lm -ldl -lsocket -lmpi_cxx
My compiler is g++.

Just place the mpi.h header file above all header files
sometimes that causes problem to compile
I am not sure how u execute your code.
mpic++ your_code_file.c
mpirun -np <no. of Processors> ./a.out

A few notes:
Note that Open MPI 1.5 is ancient. Please upgrade to the latest version in the Open MPI 1.6.x series (which is currently 1.6.3, but note that the web site is currently undergoing a planned year-end maintenance and won't be back up until later today, Thursday, December 28, 2012).
I'm curious: why are you compiling a C program with mpic++? You only need to use mpicc -- the C MPI wrapper compiler. That would definitely avoid your issue. However, if you are using this small C hello world program as a simple example and your actual target is to compile a C++ MPI program, then mpic++ is the correct wrapper to try (even with a simple C program). If that's the case, then you have some kind of incompatibility / misconfiguration between your C++ compiler and the C++ compiler that Open MPI was compiled/installed with.
Looking at your mpic++ --showme output, it looks like you have some kind of package distribution of Open MPI -- -R is not put in the flags by default, for example. Where did you get this Open MPI installation? It's quite possible that it is not (fully) compatible with your g++ installation (e.g., if it was compiled with a different version of g++).
That being said, your mpic++ --showme output is also weird in that it lists -lmpi_cxx at the end of the line. It should be to the left of -lmpi, not to the right of it. I'm not show how your installation got borked like that, but that is another possible cause.
So to sum up, my answer is:
Please try upgrading Open MPI and see if the problem goes away.
Double check that your installation of Open MPI is compatible with your system.

It is a also much easer and more flexible to compile openmpi and mpi programs in a "Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers" IDE.


GCC linker error (cudaMemGetInfo) while using GPU Ocelot

I'm using GPU Ocelot in order to build CUDA programs since I don't have access to an NVIDIA GPU. I'm compiling the sample code using nvcc and linking using g++. I'm doing this since I need to link a C++ program against a static library built using nvcc.
Here are the commands I'm using:
$ nvcc -c
$ g++ -o cudaMemCheck cudaMemCheck.o -locelot
This results in the following error:
cudaMemCheck.o: In function `main':
tmpxft_00006ca0_00000000-1_cudaMemCheck.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x2e): undefined reference to `cudaMemGetInfo'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I have the following code in
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
size_t free, total;
cudaMemGetInfo(&free, &total);
fprintf(stdout, "free = %zu | total = %zu\n", free, total);
return 0;
Oddly enough, this method of compiling and linking seems to work if I link with nvcc. The program I'm linking the CUDA library against is an MPI program that uses the mpic++ wrapper for compilation, so I'm not sure I can use nvcc for linking.
Also I want to note that using g++ to link source files that use other functions in the CUDA Runtime (e.g. cudaMalloc) seems to work just fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As you can see for yourself here, the Ocelot developers never added cudaMemGetInfo to their runtime implementation. cudaMemGetInfo was a relatively new addition to the runtime API (appeared in CUDA 4 IIRC), and Ocelot was most actively developed against CUDA 2 and CUDA 3.
You only two choices are to not use it, or add your own implementation (it could be an empty stub if you like) and link that.

C++ runtime errors in CodeBlocks when printing strings with cout <<

I recently started using CodeBlocks and began encountering odd runtime errors which I have traced back to printing strings using cout <<. For example, even the following..
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::string str;
str = "Hi!";
std::cout << str << std::endl;
return 0;
results in an error. It will compile fine (using Borland) but when I run it I get a pop up window saying 'test.exe has stopped working' and in the console I get the message:
Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005) execution time : 1.526 s
Press any key to continue.
It compiles and runs fine in MS Visual C++ and with G++ in Ubuntu.. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
My one-off comment ended up helping solve the problem so here it is packaged up as an answer for future users:
This guy had a similar issue and it ended up being a linker issue which he
fixed. The fix is the last post in the thread, although reading the
whole thread could be useful for you.
Long Story short: Borland compiler is a bit dated and annoying to use. Ended up being a linker issue within borland. Better off using a different compiler like GCC/G++ or Visual Studio compiler.
This answer is here to elaborate on the root cause of the issue.
The reason for your crashing program is because the wrong runtime library is being linked. Specifically, your example is compiled as a single threaded object file(the default) but the linking step is using the multithreaded cw32mt.lib runtime -- the "mt" suffix at the end means multithreaded.
The solution is to make sure the runtime your program is compiled to use matches with the runtime you're linking against. A few ways to do this.
Important bcc32 compile switches:
-tW Windows GUI program. WinMain() is expected
-tWC Windows Console program. main() is expected. default.
-tWR Use dynamically linked runtime. Absence implies static runtime linkage.
-tWM Use multithreaded runtime. Absence implies single thread.
Compiling your example program as single threaded like this works:
bcc32 -oexample.obj -c example.cpp
ilink32 -ap example.obj c0x32, example.exe,, cw32.lib import32.lib,,
or you can compile it as multithreaded like this(note the -tWM switch matching up with cw32mt.lib):
bcc32 -tWM -oexample.obj -c example.cpp
ilink32 -ap example.obj c0x32, example.exe,, cw32mt.lib import32.lib,,
A third approach that is easier and less error prone is to not call the linker yourself. Instead, let the compiler drive the linker indirectly(similar to gcc):
bcc32 -tWM -oexample.obj -c example.cpp
bcc32 -tWM example.obj -eexample.exe
For your simple example, it can even be shortened to:
bcc32 -eexample.exe example.cpp
Lastly, you can pass the -tW switch multiple times. For example, this command compiles your example as a console program with multithread support and dynamic runtime linkage:
bcc32 -tWM -tWR -tWC -eexample.exe example.cpp
The produced example.exe executable is much smaller and its import table has an entry for CC3250MT.DLL confirming that the borland runtime is dynamically linked.
We should not assume that a non-functioning program is caused by nonconformity to the standard or a bug in the tool we're using without first investigating user error as a potential cause (even though in this case it's tempting to do so). In the OP's case, the code::block IDE didn't have the right commands setup for the toolchain being used.

Boost program will not working on Linux

I have this program which uses Boost::Asio for sockets. I pretty much altered some code from the Boost examples. The program compiles and runs just like it should on Windows in VS. However, when I compile the program on Linux and run it, I get a Segmentation fault.
I posted the code here
The command I use to compile it is this:
c++ -I/appl/htopopt/Linux_x86_64/NTL-5.4.2/include
mpqs.cpp mpqs_polynomial.cpp mpqs_host.cpp -o mpqs_host
-L/appl/htopopt/Linux_x86_64/NTL-5.4.2/lib -lntl
-L/appl/htopopt/Linux_x86_64/gmp-4.2.1/lib -lgmp -lm
-L/appl/htopopt/Linux_x86_64/boost_1_43_0/lib -lboost_system
-lboost_thread -static -lpthread
By commenting out code, I have found out that I get the Segmentation fault due to the following line:
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
Can anyone provide any assistance, as to what may be the problem (and the solution)?
Edit: I tried changing the program to a minimal example, using no other libraries or headers, just boost/asio.hpp:
#define DEBUG 0
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
return 0;
I also removed other library inclusions and linking on compilation, however this minimal example still gives me a segmentation fault.
From the GCC online documentation of the -static option:
On systems that support dynamic linking, this prevents linking with the shared libraries.
Boost can support static-only linkage but only if it was configured that way when the OS Package maintainer built it. Are you absolutely certain you should be using this flag? If not, try recompiling without the flag and see if that doesn't take care of the problem.

C++ error: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime' and 'clock_settime'

I am pretty new to Ubuntu, but I can't seem to get this to work. It works fine on my school computers and I don't know what I am not doing. I have checked usr/include and time.h is there just fine. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
timespec time1, time2;
int temp;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &time1);
//do stuff here
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &time2);
return 0;
I am using CodeBlocks as my IDE to build and run as well. Any help would be great, thank you.
Add -lrt to the end of g++ command line. This links in the "Real Time" shared library.
c++ -Wall filefork.cpp -lrt -O2
For gcc version 4.6.1, -lrt must be after filefork.cpp otherwise you get a link error.
Some older gcc version doesn't care about the position.
Since glibc version 2.17, the library linking -lrt is no longer required.
The clock_* are now part of the main C library. You can see the change history of glibc 2.17 where this change was done explains the reason for this change:
+* The `clock_*' suite of functions (declared in <time.h>) is now available
+ directly in the main C library. Previously it was necessary to link with
+ -lrt to use these functions. This change has the effect that a
+ single-threaded program that uses a function such as `clock_gettime' (and
+ is not linked with -lrt) will no longer implicitly load the pthreads
+ library at runtime and so will not suffer the overheads associated with
+ multi-thread support in other code such as the C++ runtime library.
If you decide to upgrade glibc, then you can check the compatibility tracker of glibc if you are concerned whether there would be any issues using the newer glibc.
To check the glibc version installed on the system, run the command:
ldd --version
(Of course, if you are using old glibc (<2.17) then you will still need -lrt.)
I encountered the same error. My linker command did have the rt library included -lrt which is correct and it was working for a while. After re-installing Kubuntu it stopped working.
A separate forum thread suggested the -lrt needed to come after the project object files.
Moving the -lrt to the end of the command fixed this problem for me although I don't know the details of why.

GCC debugger stack trace displays wrong file name and line number

I am trying to port a fairly large C++ project to using g++ 4.0 on Mac OS X. My project compiles without errors, but I can't get GDB to work properly. When I look at the stack by typing "bt" on the GDB command line, all file names and line numbers displayed are wrong.
For example, according to the GDB stack trace, my main() function is supposed to be in stdexcept from the Mac OS X SDK, which does not make any sense.
What could cause GDB to malfunction so badly? I've already checked for #line and #file statements in my code and made sure that the code only has unix line endings. I've also cleaned and rebuilt the project. I've also tried debugging a Hello World project and that one did not have the same problem.
Could the problem have to do with one of the third party libraries I am linking and the way those are compiled? Or is it something completely different?
Here are two exemplary calls to gcc and ld as executed by Xcode. AFAIK all cpp-files in my project are compiled and linked with the same parameters.
/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x c++
-arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -O0 -fpermissive -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -DNO_BASS_SOUND -D_DEBUG -DXCODE -D__WXMAC__ -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
-mfix-and-continue -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -gdwarf-2 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXDEBUG__ -D__WXMAC__ -c "/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
Mac/TSDLGameBase.cpp" -o
/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch i386
-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
-L/opt/local/lib "-F/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
-filelist "/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 /opt/local/lib/libboost_program_options-mt.a
-L/usr/local/lib -framework IOKit -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework System -framework QuickTime -framework OpenGL -framework AGL -lwx_macd_richtext-2.8 -lwx_macd_aui-2.8 -lwx_macd_xrc-2.8 -lwx_macd_qa-2.8 -lwx_macd_html-2.8 -lwx_macd_adv-2.8 -lwx_macd_core-2.8 -lwx_base_carbond_xml-2.8 -lwx_base_carbond_net-2.8 -lwx_base_carbond-2.8 -framework SDL -framework Cocoa -o "/Users/adriangrigore/Documents/Gemsweeper
Mac/build/Debug/Gemsweeper Mac"
Please note that I have already asked a similar question regarding the Xcode debugger here, but I am reposting since I just learned that this is in fact not Xcode's fault, but a problem with GCC / ld / GDB.
Edit: My project makes use of the following third-party libraries: SDL, Boost, wxWidgets. I am not sure if this matters for this problem, but I just wanted to mention it just in case it does.
I've tried compiling an Xcode SDL project template and did not experience the same problem, so it must be due to something special in my project.
Second Edit: As I just found out, I made a mistake while searching files with the string "This is an automatically generated". I just found several dozen files with the same string, all belonging to FreeImage, one of the third party libraries I am using. So, the problem seems to be related to FreeImage, but I am not still not sure how to proceed.
I got those symptoms, when my gdb version didn't match my g++ version.
Try to get the newest gdb.
Your cpp files certainly have debug symbols in them (the -gdwarf-2 option).
Do you use a separate dSYM file for the debug symbols? Or are they inside the object files. I would first try to use DWARF in dSYM files and see if that helps (or vice versa)
The third party libraries appear to be release builds though (unless you renamed them yourself of course) e.g. I know for sure boost uses the -d monniker in the library names to denote debug libraries (e.g. libboost_filesystem-mt-d.a).
Now, this shouldn't really pose a problem, it should just mean you can't step into the calls made to third party libraries. (at least not make any sense of it when you do ;) But since you have problems, it might be worth a try to link with debug versions of those libraries...
Are you compiling with optimization on? I've found that O2 or higher messes with the symbols quite a bit, making gdb and core files pretty much useless.
Also, be sure you are compiling with the -g option.
Can it be that you are using SDL? SDL redefines main so your main will be named SDL_main and that the SDL parts might be heavy optimized so down there you'll have problem getting good gdb output.
...just a thought
Read this
For a test, you could check if addr2line gives you expected values. If so, this would indicate that there's nothing wrong with the ELF generated by your compile/link parameters and casts all suspicion on GDB. If not, then suspicion is still on both the tools and the ELF file.
I've tried compiling an XCode SDL
project template and did not
experience the same problem, so it
must be due to something special in my
Correct. Your project settings are the thing that is different.
You will need to disable the debug optimizations in the Xcode project settings for the debug build. Xcode unfortunately makes GDB jump to weird lines (out of order) when you would expect it to move sequentially.
Go to your project settings. Set the following
1) Instruction Scheduling = None
2) Optimization Level = None [-O0]
3) ZERO_LINK = None
Your problems should go after after doing this.
Here is the project settings screen that you need to change the settings on:
From your flags the debug information should be in the object files.
Does your project settings build the executable in one location then move the final executable to another location when completed? If this is the case then gdb may not be finding the objectects files and thus not correctly retrieving the debug information from the object files.
Just a guess.
I encountered this several years ago when transitioning from the Codewarrior compilers to Xcode. I believe the way to get around this is to put the flag "-fno-inline-functions" in Other C Flags (for Dev only).
This problem was more pronounced on the PowerPC architecture for us.
What about if you remove the "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" and "-mfix-and-continue" flags?
I've never had the "fix and continue" feature work properly for me.
WxWidgets do also define their own main if you use their IMPLEMENT_APP() macro
From here
As in all programs there must be a "main" function. Under wxWidgets main is implemented using this macro, which creates an application instance and starts the program.
See my answer here
I have now downloaded and compiled the FreeImage sources and yes, the file b44ExpLogTable.cpp is compiled into libfreeimage.a. The problem looks like the script just collects all .cpp files without skipping the one with a main in. That script generates a file named Makefile.srcs but one is already supplied. (running it on my Leopard failed, some problem with sh - it worked if I changed sh to bash)
Before you have changed anything this gives an a.out
c++ libfreeimage.a
The file Makefile.srcs has already been created so you should be able to remove the file b44ExpLogTable.cpp from it. Then do
make -f Makefile.osx clean
make -f Makefile.osx
When this is done the above c++ libfreeimage.a should give the following error
Undefined symbols:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.5.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I have a new thing you can try.
Just before your own main you can write
#ifdef main
# error main is defined
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
this should give an error if you have some header that redefines main.
If you define an own you might get an warning where a previous definition was made
#define main foo
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
You can also try to undef just before your main
#undef main
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {