Sorting an array of valid and invalid numbers in c++ for an embedded system - c++

I am writing a program in C++ that will be used with Windows Embedded Compact 7. I have heard that it is best not to dynamically allocate arrays when writing embedded code. I will be keeping track of between 0 and 50 objects, so I am initially allocating 50 objects.
Object objectList[50];
int activeObjectIndex[50];
static const int INVALID_INDEX = -1;
int activeObjectCount=0;
activeObjectCount tells me how many objects I am actually using, and activeObjectIndex tells me which objects I am using. If the 0th, 7th, and 10th objects were being used I would want activeObjectIndex = [0,7,10,-1,-1,-1,...,-1]; and activeObjectCount=3;
As different objects become active or inactive I would like activeObjectIndex list to remain ordered.
Currently I am just sorting the activeObjectIndex at the end of each loop that the values might change in.
First, is there a better way to keep track of objects (that may or may not be active) in an embedded system than what I am doing? If not, is there an algorithm I can use to keep the objects sorted each time I add or remove and active object? Or should I just periodically do a bubble sort or something to keep them in order?

You have a hard question, where the answer requires quite a bit of knowledge about your system. Without that knowledge, no answer I can give would be complete. However, 15 years of embedded design has taught me the following:
You are correct, you generally don't want to allocate objects during runtime. Preallocate all the objects, and move them to active/inactive queues.
Keeping things sorted is generally hard. Perhaps you don't need to. You don't mention it, but I'll bet you really just need to keep your Objects in "used" and "free" pools, and you're using the index to quickly find/delete Objects.
I propose the following solution. Change your object to the following:
class Object {
Object *mNext, *mPrevious;
Object() : mNext(this), mPrevious(this) { /* etc. */ }
void insertAfterInList(Object *p2) {
mNext->mPrev = p2;
p2->mNext = mNext;
mNext = p2;
p2->mPrev = this;
void removeFromList() {
mPrev->mNext = mNext;
mNext->mPrev = mPrev;
mNext = mPrev = this;
Object* getNext() {
return mNext;
bool hasObjects() {
return mNext != this;
And use your Objects:
#define NUM_OBJECTS (50)
Object gObjects[NUM_OBJECTS], gFree, gUsed;
void InitObjects() {
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OBJECTS; ++i) {
Object* GetNewObject() {
Object obj = mFree->getNext();
return obj;
void ReleaseObject(Object *obj) {
Edited to fix a small glitch. Should work now, although not tested. :)

The overhead of a std::vector is very small. The problem you can have is that dynamic resizing will allocate more memory than needed. However, as you have 50 elements, this shouldn't be a problem at all. Give it a try, and change it only if you see a strong impact.
If you cannot/do not want to remove unused objects from a std::vector, you can maybe add a boolean to your Object that indicates if it is active? This won't require more memory than using activeObjectIndex (maybe even less depending on alignment issues).
To sort the data with a boolean (not active at the end), write a function :
bool compare(const Object & a, const Object & b) {
if( && ! return true;
else return false;
std::sort(objectList,objectList + 50, &compare); // if you use an array
std::sort(objectList.begin(),objectList.end(), &compare); // if you use std::vector
If you want to sort using activeObjectIndex it will be more complicated.
If you want to use a structure that is always ordered, use std::set. However it will require more memory (but for 50 elements, it won't be an issue).
Ideally, implement the following function :
bool operator<(const Object & a, const Object & b) {
if( && ! return true;
else return false;
This will allow to use directly std::sort(objectList.begin(), objectList.end()) or declare an std::set that will stay sorted.

One way to keep track of active / inactive is to have the active Objects be on a doubly linked list. When an object goes from inactive to active then add to the list, and active to inactive remove from the list. You can add these to Object
Object * next, * prev;
so this does not require memory allocation.

If no dynamic memory allocation is allowed, I would use simple c-array or std::array and an index, which points into last+1 object. Objects are always kept in sorted order.
Addition is done by inserting new object into correct position of sorted list. To find insert position lower_bound or find_if can be used. For 50 element, second probably will be faster. Removal is similar.

You should not worry about having the list sorted, as writing a method to search in a list of indices what are the ones active would be O(N), and, in your particular case, amortized to O(1), as your array seems to be small enough for this little extra verification.
You could maintain the index of the last element checked, until it reaches the limit:
unsigned int next(const unsigned int& last) {
for (unsigned int i = last + 1; i < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
if (activeObjectIndex[i] != -1) {
return i;
return -1;
However, if you really want to have a side index, you can simply double the size of the array, creating a double linked list to the elements:
activeObjectIndex[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE * 3] = {-1};
activeObjectIndex[i] = "element id";
activeObjectIndex[i + 1] = "position of the previous element";
activeObjectIndex[i + 2] = "position of the next element";


How can I correctly push back a series of objects in a vector in C++?

The scope of the program is to create a Container object which stores in a vector Class objects. Then I want to print, starting from a precise Class object of the vector all its predecessors.
class Class{
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
Class c;
if (i > 0) {
void setName(const int& n);
void setNext( vector<Class>& vec, const int& pos);
Class* getNext();
string getName();
void printAllNext(){ //print all next Class objects including himself
cout << _name <<endl;
if (_next != nullptr) {
Class* _next;
string _name;
class Container{
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
Class c;
if (i > 0) {
void printFromVec(const int& n){//print all objects of _vec starting from n;
vector<Class> _vec;
int main() {
Container c;
The problem is that all _next pointers of Class objects are undefined or random.
I think the problem is with this part of code:
class Container{
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
Class c;
if (i > 0) {
Debugging I noticed that pointers of already created objects change their values.
What is the problem? How can I make it work?
Although there is really error in the code (likely wrong copypaste), the problem is really following: std::vector maintains inside dynamically allocated array of objects. It starts with certain initial size. When you push to vector, it fills entries of array. When all entries are filled but you attempt pushing more elements, vector allocates bigger chunk of memory and moves or copies (whichever you element data type supports) objects to a new memory location. That's why address of object changes.
Now some words on what to do.
Solution 1. Use std::list instead of std::vector. std::list is double linked list, and element, once added to list, will be part of list item and will not change its address, there is no reallocation.
Solution 2. Use vector of shared pointers. In this case you will need to allocate each object dynamically and put address into shared pointer object, you can do both at once by using function std::make_shared(). Then you push shared pointer to vector, and store std::weak_ptr as pointer to previous/next one.
Solution 3. If you know maximum number of elements in vector you may ever have, you can leave all as is, but do one extra thing before pushing very first time - call reserve() on vector with max number of elements as parameters. Vector will allocate array of that size and keep it until it is filled and more space needed. But since you allocated maximum possible size you expect to ever have, reallocation should never happen, and so addresses of objects will remain same.
Choose whichever solution you think fits most for your needs.
#ivan.ukr Offered a number of solutions for keeping the pointers stable. However, I believe that is the wrong problem to solve.
Why do we need stable pointers? So that Class objects can point to the previous object in a container.
Why do we need the pointers to previous? So we can iterate backwards.
That’s the real problem: iterating backwards from a point in the container. The _next pointer is an incomplete solution to the real problem which is iteration.
If you want to iterate a vector, use iterators. You can read about them on the cppreference page for std::vector. I don’t want to write the code for you but I’ll give you some hints.
To get an iterator referring to the ith element, use auto iter = _vec.begin() + i;.
To print the object that this iterator refers to, use iter->print() (you’ll have to rename printAllNext to print and have it just print this object).
To move an iterator backwards, use --iter.
To check if an iterator refers to the first element, use iter == _vec.begin().
You could improve this further by using reverse iterators but I’ll leave that up to you.

How to create an auxiliary data structure to keep track of heap indices in a minheap for the decrease_key operation in c++

I think this is probably a trivial problem to solve but I have been struggling with this for past few days.
I have the following vector: v = [7,3,16,4,2,1]. I was able to implement with some help from google simple minheap algorithm to get the smallest element in each iteration. After extraction of the minimum element, I need to decrease the values of some of the elements and then bubble them up.
The issue I am having is that I want find the elements whose value has to be reduced in the heap in constant time, then reduce that value and then bubble it up.
After the heapify operation, the heap_vector v_h looks like this: v_h = [1,2,7,4,3,16]. When I remove the min element 1, then the heap vector becomes, [2,3,7,4,16]. But before we do the swap and bubble up, say I want to change the values of 7 to 4, 16 to 4 and 4 to 3.5 . But I am not sure where they will be in the heap. The indices of values of the elements that have to be decreased will be given with respect to the original vector v. I figured out that I need to have an auxiliary data structure that can keep track of the heap indices in relation to the original order of the elements (the heap index vector should look like h_iv = [2,4,5,3,1,0] after all the elements have been inserted into the minheap. And whenever an element is deleted from the minheap, the heap_index should be -1. I created a vector to try to update the heap indices whenever there is a change but I am unable to do it.
I am pasting my work here and also at
Some of the work I had tried is commented out. I am unable to map the heap indices when there is a swap in the bubble up or bubble down operations. I will be very grateful to anyone who can lead me in a direction to solve my problem. Please also let me know if I have to rethink some of my logic.
The .hpp file
#ifndef minheap_hpp
#define minheap_hpp
#include <stdio.h>
// #include "helper.h"
#include <vector>
class minheap
std::vector<int> vect;
std::vector<int> heap_index;
void bubble_down(int index);
void bubble_up(int index);
void Heapify();
minheap(const std::vector<int>& input_vector);
void insert(int value);
int get_min();
void delete_min();
void print_heap_vector();
#endif /* minheap_hpp */
The .cpp file
#include "minheap.hpp"
minheap::minheap(const std::vector<int>& input_vector) : vect(input_vector)
void minheap::Heapify()
int length = static_cast<int>(vect.size());
// auto start = 0;
// for (auto i = 0; i < vect.size(); i++){
// heap_index.push_back(start);
// start++;
// }
for(int i=length/2-1; i>=0; --i)
void minheap::bubble_down(int index)
int length = static_cast<int>(vect.size());
int leftChildIndex = 2*index + 1;
int rightChildIndex = 2*index + 2;
if(leftChildIndex >= length){
int minIndex = index;
if(vect[index] > vect[leftChildIndex])
minIndex = leftChildIndex;
if((rightChildIndex < length) && (vect[minIndex] > vect[rightChildIndex]))
minIndex = rightChildIndex;
if(minIndex != index)
std::swap(vect[index], vect[minIndex]);
// std::cout << "swap " << index << " - " << minIndex << "\n";
// auto a = heap_index[heap_index[index]];
// auto b = heap_index[heap_index[minIndex]];
// heap_index[a] = b;
// heap_index[b] = a;
// print_vector(heap_index);
void minheap::bubble_up(int index)
if(index == 0)
int par_index = (index-1)/2;
if(vect[par_index] > vect[index])
std::swap(vect[index], vect[par_index]);
void minheap::insert(int value)
int length = static_cast<int>(vect.size());
int minheap::get_min()
return vect[0];
void minheap::delete_min()
int length = static_cast<int>(vect.size());
if(length == 0)
vect[0] = vect[length-1];
void minheap::print_heap_vector(){
// print_vector(vect);
and the main file
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include "minheap.hpp"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
std::vector<int> vec {7, 3, 16, 4, 2, 1};
minheap mh(vec);
// mh.print_heap_vector();
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
auto a = mh.get_min();
// mh.print_heap_vector();
std::cout << a << "\n";
// std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
"I want to change the values of 7 to 4, 16 to 4 and 4 to 3.5 . But I am not sure where they will be in the heap. The indices of values of the elements that have to be decreased will be given with respect to the original vector v. ... Please also let me know if I have to rethink some of my logic."
Rather than manipulate the values inside the heap, I would suggest keeping the values that need changing inside a vector (possibly v itself). The heap could be based on elements that are a struct (or class) that holds an index into the corresponding position in the vector with the values, rather than hold the (changing) value itself.
The struct (or class) would implement an operator< function that compares the values retrieved from the two vector locations for the respective index values. So, instead of storing the comparison value in the heap elements and comparing a < b, you would store index positions i and j and so on and compare v[i] < v[j] for the purpose of heap ordering.
In this way, the positions of the numerical values you need to update will never change from their original positions. The position information will never go stale (as I understand it from your description).
Of course, when you make changes to those stored values in the vector, that could easily invalidate any ordering that might have existed in the heap itself. As I understand your description, that much was necessarily true in any case. Therefore, depending on how you change the values, you might need to do a fresh make_heap to restore proper heap ordering. (That isn't clear, since it depends on whether your intended changes violate heap assumptions, but it would be a safe thing to assume unless there are strong assurances otherwise.)
I think the rest is pretty straight forward. You can still operate the heap as you intended before. For ease you might even give the struct (or class) a lookup function to return the current value at it's corresponding position in the vector, if you need that (rather than the index) as you pop out minimum values.
p.s. Here is a variation on the same idea.
In the original version above, one would likely need to also store a pointer to the location of the vector that held the vector of values, possibly as a shared static pointer of that struct (or class) so that all the members could dereference the pointer to that vector in combination with the index values to look up the particular member associated with that element.
If you prefer, instead of storing that shared vector pointer and an index in each member, each struct (or class) instance could more simply store a pointer (or iterator) directly to the corresponding value's location. If the values are integers, the heap element struct's member value could be int pointer. While each pointer might be larger than an index value, this does have the advantage that it eliminates any assumption about the data structure that holds the compared values and it is even simpler/faster to dereference vs. lookup with an index into the vector. (Both are constant time.)
One caution: In this alternate approach, the pointer values would be invalidated if you were to cause the vector's storage positions to change, e.g. by pushing in new values and expanding it in a way that forces it to reallocate it's space. I'm assuming you only need to change values, not expand the number of values after you've begun to use the heap. But if you did need to do that, that would be one reason to prefer index values, since they remain valid after expanding the vector (unlike pointers).
p.p.s. This technique is also valuable when the objects that you want to compare in the heap are large. Rather than have the heap perform many copy operations on large objects as it reorders the positions of the heap elements, by storing only pointers (or index values) the copying is much more efficient. In fact, this makes it possible to use heaps on objects that you might not want to copy at all.
Here is a quick idea of one version of the comparison function (with some class context now added).
class YourHeapElementClassName
// constructor
explicit YourHeapElementClassName(theTypeOfYourComparableValueOrObject & val)
: m_valPointer(&val)
bool operator<(const YourHeapElementClassName & other) const
return *m_valPointer < *(other.m_valPointer);
theTypeOfYourComparableValueOrObject * m_valPointer;
}; // YourHeapElementClassName
// and later instead of making a heap of int or double,
// you make a heap of YourHeapElementClassName objects
// that you initialize so each points to a value in v
// by using the constructor above with each v member.
// If you (probably) don't need to change the v values
// through these heap objects, the member value could be
// a pointer to a const value and the constructor could
// have a const reference argument for the original value.
If you had need to do this with different types of values or objects, the pointer approach could be implemented with a template that generalizes on the type of value or object and holds a pointer to that general type.

How to manage an array of pointers to a struct

I have the following struct:
struct Item
Item* nextPtr;
int intKey;
int intValueLength;
Based of such a struct I need to maintain several linked lists, which means I need to keep track of one head pointer for each one. I have thought about using an array (HEADS) which will contain a head pointer for each list. The number of lists is variable and will be calculated at run time so I am defining the array dynamically as follows:
int t = 10;
Item* HEADS = new Item[t];
Firstly, I need to initialize each head pointer to NULL because the linked lists are empty when the program runs. How do I do this initialization?
for (int i = 0; i <= t - 1; i++)
// Initialize each element of HEADS to NULL.
And, of course, I will also need to update each element of HEADS with the proper pointer to a linked list (when inserting and deleting items) and also to get the value of each head pointer to display the elements of each list.
I have seen other posts similar to this one in the forum but I am still confused, that is why I am asking my specific situation.
Is this a good approach?
I will very much appreciate your advice.
Jorge Maldonado
In C++ the common way to write the initialization for loop would be
for (int i = 0; i < t ; i++)
Or you could write
for (int i = 0 ; i < t ; HEADS[i++] = NULL);
which is slightly more compact.
As to the question of whether an array of pointers is a good idea or not - if you're going to have a variable number of lists, perhaps you should use a linked list of pointers to other linked lists.
I do wonder about your data structure, though. In it you have a pointer to the next element in the list, a key value, and a the length of the value, but you don't appear to have a reference to a value - unless the "key" is really the value, in which case you have mixed terminology - that is, you refer to something in one place as a "key" and in another as a "value. Perhaps you need a pointer to a "value"? But I don't know what you're trying to do here so I just thought I'd note that issue.
Best of luck.
Good approach? That's a very, very dependent on things. Good for a student starting to learn C, maybe. Good for a real C++ programmer? Absolutely not. If you really want to create a linked-list, you should make a class that encompasses each element of these, and dynamically add elements. This is how std::list, for example, works. (std::list is doubly-linked list, and way more complicated).
Here's a sample class of how this should look like (off the top of my head; haven't compiled it, but should work):
struct LinkedList
Item* list;
int size = 0;
LinkedList() //constructor of this class/struct, it's the function that will be called once you create an object of LinkedList
list = nullptr; //don't use NULL, it's deprecated (this is for C++11, or change it back to NULL if you insist on using C++98)
addItem(const int& key)
Item item; //construct a new item
item.intKey = key; //fill the value in the item
Item* newList = new Item[size+1]; //create the new list with one more element
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) //copy the old list to the new list
newList[i] = list[i]; //copy element by element
list[size] = item; //fill in the new item
if(size > 0)
list[size - 1].nextPtr = &list[size]; //assign "next pointer" for previous element
size = size+1; //increase the size of the list
if(list != nullptr)
delete[] list;
Now this is better, but it's still far from optimal. However, this is how C++ should be used. You create objects and deal with them. What you did above is more like C, not C++.
To my code, you have to call:
LinkedList myList;
There are many things to do here to make this optimal. I'll mention a few:
In my code, every time you add an item, a new array is allocated. This is bad! std::vector solves this problem by allocating a bigger size than needed (for example, you add 1 item, it reserves 10, but uses only 1, and doesn't tell you that). Once you need more than 10, say 11, it reserves 20, maybe. This optimizes performance.
Try to read my code and understand it. You'll learn so much. Ask questions; I'll try to answer. And my recommendation is: get a C++ book, and start reading.

Which container should I use for random access, cheap addition and removal (without de/allocation), with a known maximum size?

I need the lighter container that must store till 128 unsigned int.
It must add, edit and remove each element accessing it quickly, without allocating new memory every time (I already know it will be max 128).
Such as:
add int 40 at index 4 (1/128 item used)
add int 36 at index 90 (2/128 item used)
edit to value 42 the element at index 4
add int 36 at index 54 (3/128 item used)
remove element with index 90 (2/128 item used)
remove element with index 4 (1/128 item used)
... and so on. So every time I can iterate trought only the real number of elements added to the container, not all and check if NULL or not.
During this process, as I said, it must not allocating/reallocating new memory, since I'm using an app that manage "audio" data and this means a glitch every time I touch the memory.
Which container would be the right candidate?
It sounds like a "indexes" queue.
As I understand the question, you have two operations
Insert/replace element value at cell index
Delete element at cell index
and one predicate
Is cell index currently occupied?
This is an array and a bitmap. When you insert/replace, you stick the value in the array cell and set the bitmap bit. When you delete, you clear the bitmap bit. When you ask, you query the bitmap bit.
You can just use std::vector<int> and do vector.reserve(128); to keep the vector from allocating memory. This doesn't allow you to keep track of particular indices though.
If you need to keep track of an 'index' you could use std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>. This doesn't allow random access though.
If you only need cheap setting and erasing values, just use an array. You
can keep track of what cells are used by marking them in another array (or bitmap). Or by just defining one value (e.g. 0 or -1) as an "unused" value.
Of course, if you need to iterate over all used cells, you need to scan the whole array. But that's a tradeoff you need to make: either do more work during adding and erasing, or do more work during a search. (Note that an .insert() in the middle of a vector<> will move data around.)
In any case, 128 elements is so few, that a scan through the whole array will be negligible work. And frankly, I think anything more complex than a vector will be total overkill. :)
unsigned data[128] = {0}; // initialize
unsigned used[128] = {0};
data[index] = newvalue; used[index] = 1; // set value
data[index] = used[index] = 0; // unset value
// check if a cell is used and do something
if (used[index]) { do something } else { do something else }
I'd suggest a tandem of vectors, one to hold the active indices, the other to hold the data:
class Container
std::vector<size_t> indices;
std::vector<int> data;
size_t index_worldToData(size_t worldIndex) const
auto it = std::lower_bound(begin(indices), end(indices), worldIndex);
return it - begin(indices);
int& operator[] (size_t worldIndex)
return data[index_worldToData(worldIndex)];
void addElement(size_t worldIndex, int element)
auto dataIndex = index_worldToData(worldIndex);
indices.insert(it, worldIndex);
data.insert(begin(data) + dataIndex, element);
void removeElement(size_t worldIndex)
auto dataIndex = index_worldToData(worldIndex);
indices.erase(begin(indices) + dataIndex);
data.erase(begin(indices) + dataIndex);
class iterator
Container *cnt;
size_t dataIndex;
int& operator* () const { return[dataIndex]; }
iterator& operator++ () { ++dataIndex; }
iterator begin() { return iterator{ this, 0 }; }
iterator end() { return iterator{ this, indices.size() }; }
(Disclaimer: code not touched by compiler, preconditions checks omitted)
This one has logarithmic time element access, linear time insertion and removal, and allows iterating over non-empty elements.
You could use a doubly-linked list and an array of node pointers.
Preallocate 128 list nodes and keep them on freelist.
Create a empty itemlist.
Allocate an array of 128 node pointers called items
To insert at i: Pop the head node from freelist, add it to
itemlist, set items[i] to point at it.
To access/change a value, use items[i]->value
To delete at i, remove the node pointed to by items[i], reinsert it in 'freelist'
To iterate, just walk itemlist
Everything is O(1) except iteration, which is O(Nactive_items). Only caveat is that iteration is not in index order.
Freelist can be singly-linked, or even an array of nodes, as all you need is pop and push.
class Container {
set<size_t> indices;
unsigned int buffer[128];
void set_elem(const size_t index, const unsigned int element) {
buffer[index] = element;
// and so on -- iterate over the indices if necessary
There are multiple approaches that you can use, I will cite them in order of effort expended.
The most affordable solution is to use the Boost non-standard containers, of particular interest is flat_map. Essentially, a flat_map offers the interface of a map over the storage provided by a dynamic array.
You can call its reserve member at the start to avoid memory allocation afterward.
A slightly more involved solution is to code your own memory allocator.
The interface of an allocator is relatively easy to deal with, so that coding an allocator is quite simple. Create a pool-allocator which will never release any element, warm it up (allocate 128 elements) and you are ready to go: it can be plugged in any collection to make it memory-allocation-free.
Of particular interest, here, is of course std::map.
Finally, there is the do-it-yourself road. Much more involved, quite obviously: the number of operations supported by standard containers is just... huge.
Still, if you have the time or can live with only a subset of those operations, then this road has one undeniable advantage: you can tailor the container specifically to your needs.
Of particular interest here is the idea of having a std::vector<boost::optional<int>> of 128 elements... except that since this representation is quite space inefficient, we use the Data-Oriented Design to instead make it two vectors: std::vector<int> and std::vector<bool>, which is much more compact, or even...
struct Container {
size_t const Size = 128;
int array[Size];
std::bitset<Size> marker;
which is both compact and allocation-free.
Now, iterating requires iterating the bitset for present elements, which might seem wasteful at first, but said bitset is only 16 bytes long so it's a breeze! (because at such scale memory locality trumps big-O complexity)
Why not use std::map<int, int>, it provides random access and is sparse.
If a vector (pre-reserved) is not handy enough, look into Boost.Container for various “flat” varieties of indexed collections. This will store everything in a vector and not need memory manipulation, but adds a layer on top to make it a set or map, indexable by which elements are present and able to tell which are not.

How to implement a compact linked list with array?

Here is the question of exercise CLRS 10.3-4 I am trying to solve
It is often desirable to keep all elements of a doubly linked list compact in storage,
using, for example, the first m index locations in the multiple-array representation.
(This is the case in a paged, virtual-memory computing environment.) Explain how to implement the procedures ALLOCATE OBJECT and FREE OBJECT so that the representation is compact. Assume that there are no pointers to elements of the linked list outside the list itself. (Hint: Use the array implementation of a stack.)
Here is my soln so far
int free;
int allocate()
if(free == n+1)
return 0;
int tmp = free;
free = next[free];
return tmp;
int deallocate(int pos)
next[pos] = next[next[pos]];
prev[pos] = prev[next[pos]];
key[pos] = key[next[pos]];
int tmp = free;
free = pos;
next[free] = tmp;
Now , The problem is , If this is the case , We don't need linked list. If deletion is O(n) we can implement it using normal array. Secondly I have not used the array implementation of stack too . So where is the catch? How should I start?
You don't have to shrink the list right away. Simply leave a hole and link that hole to your free list. Once you've allocated the memory, it's yours. So let's say your page size is 1K. Your initial allocated list size would then be 1K, even if the list is empty. Now you can add and remove items very effectively.
Then introduce another method to pack your list, i.e. remove all holes. Keep in mind that after calling the pack-method, all 'references' become invalid.