How to print a float value of 6 digit precision in C++? - c++

By default I'm getting 4 digit precision and when I use setprecision(6) the last digits of the variable come in random like 1/3=0.333369.

float has about 7 decimal digits of precision, due to its use of 24 binary digits to store the digits of the number. As far as output is concerned, setprecision(6) does everything you could ask for.
It's likely you are losing precision, for example by subtracting two numbers with similar values and printing the result. The quick solution is to change the computations to use double or long double. But to make any guarantees about the precision of a floating-point result, you need to understand how FP works and analyze how your formula is getting computed.
See What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.


strtof() function misplacing decimal place

I have a string "1613894376.500012077" and I want to use strtof in order to convert to floating point 1613894376.500012077. The problem is when I use strtof I get the following result with the decimal misplaced 1.61389e+09. Please help me determine how to use strof properly.
A typical float is 32-bit and can only represent exactly about 232 different values. "1613894376.500012077" is not one of those.
"1.61389e+09" is the same value as "1613890000.0" and represents a close value that float can represent.
The 2 closest floats are:
1613894400.0 // slightly closer to 1613894376.500012077
Print with more precision to see more digits.
The decimal point is not misplaced. The notation “1.61389e+09” means 1.61389•109, which is 1,613,890,000., which has the decimal point in the correct place.
The actual result of strtof in your computer is probably 1,613,894,400. This is the closest value to 1613894376.500012077 that the IEEE-754 binary32 (“single”) format can represent, and that is the format commonly used for float. When you print it with %g, the default is to use just six significant digits. To see it with more precision, print it with %.999g.
The number 1613894376.500012077 is equivalent (the same number up to the precision of the machine as 1.61389e+09.) The e+09 suffix means that the decimal point is located nine decimal digits right the place it has been placed (or that the number is multiplied by 10 to the ninth power). This is a common notation in computer science called scientific notation.

Why the digits after decimal are all zero?

I want to perform some calculations and I want the result correct up to some decimal places, say 12.
So I wrote a sample:
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
double d, k, h;
k = 999999/(2*PI);
h = 999999;
d = PI*k*k*h;
printf("%.12f\n", d);
But it gives the output:
I even used setprecision(), but same answer rather in exponential form.
Used long double also, but in vain.
Now is there any way other than storing the integer part and the fractional part separately in long long int types?
If so, what can be done to get the answer precisely?
A double has only about 16 decimal digits of precision. Everything after the decimal point would be nonsense. (In fact, the last digit or two left of the point may not agree with an infinite-precision calculation.)
Long double is not standardized, AFAIK. It may be that on your system it is the same as double, or no more precise. That would slightly surprise me, but it doesn't violate anything.
You need to read Double-Precision concepts again; more carefully.
The double has increased precision by using 64 bits.
Stuff before the decimal is more important than that after it.
So, when you have a large integer part, it will truncate the lower precision -- this is being described to you in various answers here as rounding off.
To increase precision, you'll need to use some library or change your language.
Check this other question: Best coding language for dealing with large numbers (50000+ digits)
Yet, I'll ask you to re-check your intent once more.
Do you really need 12 decimal places for numbers that have really high values
(over 10 digits in the integer part like in your example)?
Maybe you won't really have large integer parts
(in which case such code should work fine).
But if you are tracking a value like 10000000000.123456789,
I am really interested in exactly which application you are working on (astronomy?).
If the integer part of your values is some way under 10000, you should be fine here.
IF you must demonstrate the ability of a specific formula to work accurately within constrained error limits, the way to go is fixing the processing of your formula such that the least error is introduced.
If you want to do say, (x * y) / z
it would be prudent to try something like max(x,y)/z * min(x,y)
rather than, the original form which may overflow after (x * y), loosing precision if that did not fit in the 16 decimals of double
If you had just 2 digit precision,
. 2-digit regular-precision
`42 * 7 290 297
(42 * 7)/2 290/2 294/2
Result ==> 145 147
But ==> 42/2 = 21
21 * 7 = 147
This is probably the intent of your contest.
The double-precision binary format used by most computers can only hold about 16 digits, after that you'll get rounding. See
Floating point values have a limit range of digits. Just because your "PI" value has six times as many digits as a double will support doesn't alter the way the hardware works.
A typical (IEEE754) double will produce approximately 15-16 decimal places. Whether that's 0.12345678901235, 1234567.8901235, 12345678901235 or 12345678901235000000000, or some other variation.
In other words, yes, if you calculate your calculation EXACTLY, you'll get lots of decimal places, because pi never ends. On a computer, you get about 15-16 digits, no matter what input values you use - all that changes is where in that sequence the decimal place sits. To get more, you need "big number support", such as the Gnu Multiprcession (GMP) library.
You're looking for std::fixed. That tells the ostream not to use exponential form.
cout << setprecision(12) << std::fixed << d << endl;

double and accuracy

Using long double I get 18/19 = 0.947368421052631578..., and 947368421052631578 is the repeating decimal. Using double I get 0.947368421052631526... However, the former is correct. Why such an incorrect result?
Thanks for help.
A double typically provides 16(±1) decimal digits. Your example shows this:
4 8 12 16
v v v v
0.947368421052631578 long double
0.947368421052631526 double
The answers agree to 16 digits. This is what should be expected. Also note that there's no guarantee in the C Standard that a long double has more precision than a double.
You're trying to represent every decimal number with a finite amount of bits. Some things just aren't expressible exactly in floating point. Expecting exact answers with floats is your first problem. Take a look at What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Here's a summary from some lecture notes:
As mentioned earlier, computers cannot represent real numbers precisely since there are only a finite number of bits for storing a real number. Therefore, any number that has infinite number of digits such as 1/3, the square root of 2 and PI cannot be represented completely. Moreover, even a number of finite number of digits cannot be represented precisely because of the way of encoding real numbers.
A double which is usually implemented with IEEE 754 will be accurate to between 15 and 17 decimal digits. Anything past that can't be trusted, even if you can make the compiler display it.

Setprecision() for a float number in C++?

In C++,
What are the random digits that are displayed after giving setprecision() for a floating point number?
Note: After setting the fixed flag.
float f1=3.14;
cout < < fixed<<setprecision(10)<<f1<<endl;
we get random numbers for the remaining 7 digits? But it is not the same case in double.
Two things to be aware of:
floats are stored in binary.
float has a maximum of 24 significant bits. This is equivalent to 7.22 significant digits.
So, to your computer, there's no such number as 3.14. The closest you can get using float is 3.1400001049041748046875.
double has 53 significant bits (~15.95 significant digits), so you get a more accurate approximation, 3.140000000000000124344978758017532527446746826171875. The "noise" digits don't show up with setprecision(10), but would with setprecision(17) or higher.
They're not really "random" -- they're the (best available) decimal representation of that binary fraction (will be exact only for fractions whose denominator is a power of two, e.g., 3.125 would display exactly).
Of course that changes depending on the number of bits available to represent the binary fraction that best approaches the decimal one you originally entered as a literal, i.e., single vs double precision floats.
Not really a C++ specific issue (applies to all languages using binary floats, typically to exploit the machine's underlying HW, i.e., most languages). For a very bare-bone tutorial, I recommend reading this.

Inconsistencies with double data type in C++

This may be something really simple that I'm just missing, however I am having trouble using the double data type. It states here that a double in C++ is accurate to ~15 digits. Yet in the code:
double n = pow(2,1000);
cout << fixed << setprecision(0) << n << endl;
n stores the exact value of 2^1000, something that is 302 decimal digits long according to WolframAlpha. Yet, when I attempt to compute 100!, with the function:
double factorial(int number)
double product = 1.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++){product*=i;}
return product;
Inaccuracies begin to appear at the 16th digit. Can someone please explain this behaviour, as well as provide me with some kind of solution.
You will need eventually to read the basics in What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic. The most common standard for floating-point hardware is generally IEEE 754; the current version is from 2008, but most CPUs do not implement the new decimal arithmetic featured in the 2008 edition.
However, a floating point number (double or float) stores an approximation to the value, using a fixed-size mantissa (fractional part) and an exponent (power of 2). The dynamic range of the exponents is such that the values that can be represented range from about 10-300 to 10+300 in decimal, with about 16 significant (decimal) digits of accuracy. People persistently try to print more digits than can be stored, and get interesting and machine-dependent (and library-dependent) results when they do.
So, what you are seeing is intrinsic to the nature of floating-point arithmetic on computers using fixed-precision values. If you need greater precision, you need to use one of the arbitrary-precision libraries - there are many of them available.
The double actually stores an exponent to be applied to 2 in it's internal representation. So of course it can store 2^1000 accurately. But try adding 1 to that.
IEEE 754 gives an algorithm for storing floating point data. Computers have a finite number of bits to store an infinite number of numbers, and thus introduces error when storing digits.
In this form of representation, there is less room for precision the larger the represented number gets (larger == absolute distance from zero). Probably at that point you are seeing the loss of precision, and as you get even larger numbers, it will have even larger loss of precision.