How to use waitformultipleobject in C++ - c++

I am trying to write a code that will wait for client connections. As soon as it gets connected to a client, it should start reading a file and send it.
I need to have notifications for the socket handles, that is if connection gets lost from client side it will notify me so that I can try to reconnect.

If a connection is lost, it is up to the client side to reconnect. Servers do not connect or reconnect to clients.
If your server is simply dispensing a file, all you need to do is to accept connections and pass them to a handler that will invoke TransmitFile() at some point and clean up.

I am assuming the parts about waiting for client connections and sending a file are just for clarification and you already got that working. If not, there are lots of tutorials on sockets and file I/O out there.
In your case, detecting whether or not a client is still connected should be simple. Since your server is sending a file as soon as the connection is made, the client will start reading from the socket as soon as it is open. The read-function blocks, as long as the connection is open and no data was received. If the connection is closed, it will return having read 0 bytes. At that point you know, that the connection was terminated and you can try to reconnect.
If you are not permanently reading from the socket but keeping it open for future communication, you should look into the select-function, which allows monitoring one or more sockets and notifies you, as soon as one of them has an update (for example new data available or connection closed)


Set TCP client socket to non-blocking: Server vs client

I have a question regarding non-blocking sockets in TCP connections.
I have implemented two c++ classes, one for the tcp server and one for the client. The server has two sockets file descriptors, one for the server and one for the client. The client has one socket file descriptor.
My server runs asynchronously and my client runs at a fixed rate. Therefore I would like to have a non-blocking socket for sending data from the client to the server, s.t. the client can send data at a fixed rate without stalling and the server asynchronously reads all data that has been buffered meanwhile.
So my question is: Does it make a difference, if I set the client socket to non-blocking in the client or the server class? (using fcntl(this->newsockfd_, F_SETFL, fcntl(this->newsockfd_, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK), where this->newsockfd_ is the client's socket file descriptor in both classes)
I tried this in my programm and it seemed like setting the client socket to non-blocking in the client-class didn't do the trick, but setting it in the server-class did. However, I don't understand why this should make a difference.
If your socket is set to non blocking mode, you will get just that. It will never block. But that does not mean that your api calls will succeed.
There are buffers that are being used behind the scenes and if they are full, which would mean in blocking mode that the socket would block, you will get a return code EWOULDBLOCK, which means that your sent has failed. This means that you basically have to wait for the buffers to empty and then try again.
Your idea of sending at an even rate despite of the server rate to receive, is impossible. You cannot have a client sending at a fixed rate. The whole idea of TCP is that there is a constant negotiation between client and server and the speed will be heavily depending on the network conditions. Congestion and the like.
Moving to non blocking sockets creates some problems of its own. You have to detect that the send fails, you have to check if the socket becomes writeable again, you have to store the bytes that you tried to send, and reattempt a send as soon as the socket becomes writable again.
There is a lot of difference on both client and server between working with blocking and non blocking sockets. non blocking sockets are in my opinion more difficult to be dealt with. You need the select api, with a timeout very likely to detect all the possible socket states. In case of blocking sockets, you can just use a socket in a thread, and if the socket blocks, it is just the thread that will block as well. If your gui is on a different thread, the GUI will be responsive.
Since your client is only sending data the non-blocking setting will not effect it. According to the excellent guide on socket programming, only calls to accept() and recv() are effected by the non-blocking setting. Since only your server is calling these you are seeing the change on your server code. If your client received data then the non-blocking setting would effect it and you would have to use select() to check if there is data and read from it accordingly.

how to detect tcp client connect to server in c++

I have a tcp client/server, and I want to detect connection loss in client side; because my client have multiple interfaces and at a time I connected to server with one of them, I want to know how to detect connection loss in client side so that I could connect my tcp client with another interface to the server and if all of them are down I store my data in text files. I googled it and I already seen keep alive but it's not what I want.
if it is important my project is in linux and code is in c++.
Try to read from the socket. When the socket closes, the read will fail, giving you simple detection. You can do this in a dedicated detection thread so that your main thread doesn't block.
TCP connections are designed to be error correcting and not time critical. This error correction includes network timeouts.
Reads and Write will not fail until the socket is actually closed, which may not be for a very long time.
The only way for a client to decide if a connection has timed-out is for the client to detect that it hasn't received any messages for a specified time, and manually close the socket.
That's what Keep Alive messages are for.
The best way that I found is to check buffer, if buffer is empty it means that your TCP client send the packet to the TCP server successfully and you can send the next packet; for checking the buffer you can use SIOCOUTQ; its very easy to use and show you how much data you have in your buffer.

How can I create a simple server with only 2 clients in C++?

I need to create a server that allow ONE at time client connected.
The rule is that just one client can be connected and if the other one try to connect, can read a messagge like this "another client is connected, do you want disconnect it?".
Then if type yes the client will be disconnected.
My problem is about this step. How can I disconnect a client and connect the other one?
Can someone help me?
Thank you.
First build the abstract server structure. So you write a program which accepts TCP connections in one thread and pass them to a worker thread, which can read and send messages.
You should keep one Singleton containing a reference (or pointer, your choice) to the Worker with the currently connected client (or null, if there is noone connected).
To keep it simple, the acceptor thread should create a new Worker thread everytime it accepts a connection, and the Worker thread is terminated, when the connection breaks up.
Now you have to think about a protocol. For this simple task, 5 messages should be enough. Maybe every message ends with an endl, so you can use methods like readline if there is somthing like this in C++.
First, the CONNECT message. The server should return OK (second message), if noone is connected to it, and ERROR (third message), if there is already one connected.
The fourth message is CONNECTWITHDISCONNECT, it connects the client to the server and disconnects any other client. The newly connected client should receive a OK message from the server, and the disconnected one should receive DISCONNECT (fifth message).
Now, you could use the disconnect message also with the client, so one can disconnect, without requiring another to connect.
The client should send a CONNECT first, if it receives ERROR then, it can ask the user to disconnect the other client, and if the user wants to, the client sends CONNECTWITHDISCONNECT.
Another option (if you don't want to deal with multiple threads or multiple processes) is to use select() or poll() to handle multiple sockets at the same time within a single thread. In particular, you can select()-for-read on your accepting socket, and select() will return with that socket marked as ready-for-read whenever another client is trying to connect. Once you have accept()'d the client, you can pass the client's connection socket (as was returned by accept()) to select()'s read-sockets-set so that you will also be notified whenever the client's socket has bytes ready for you to read. And so on.

C++ socket concurrent server

I'm writing a concurrent server that's supposed to have a communication channel and a data channel.
The client initially connects to the communication channel to authenticate, upon successful authentication, the client is then connected to the data channel to access data.
My program is already doing that, and I'm using threads. My only issue is that if I try to connect another client, I get a "cannot bind : address already in use" error.
I have it this way:
Client connects to port 4567 (and enters his login info). A thread is spawned to handle the client (repeated for each client that connects). In the thread created, I have a function (let's call it FUNC_A) that checks the client's login info (don't worry about how the check is done), if successful, the thread starts the data server (listening on 8976), then sends an OK to the client, once received the client attempts to connect to the data server.
Once a client connects to the data server, from inside FUNC_A the client is accepted and another thread is spawned to handle the client's connection to the data server (hopefully everything is clear).
Now, all that is working fine. However, if I try to connect with second client when it gets to PART B I get a "cannot bind error: address already in use". I've tried so many different ways, I've even tried spawning a thread to start the data server and accept the client and then start another thread to handle that connection. Still no luck.
Please give me a suggestion as to what I'm doing wrong, how do I go about doing this or what's the best way to implement it.
Thank you
Your problem lies in the following: "...the thread starts the data server(listening on 8976)..."
If I understand you correctly, every time a client connects, you're trying to start listening on port 8976. The problem is, however, that there can be only one socket listening on a given port. When you try to start listening on the same port again, you get that error.
Therefore, you have two options:
Have the server listen on whatever port is free (just specify 0 when binding), and send the port number to the client, so that the client can connect to it.
Start the server only once, at the beginning, and have it accept client connections.
The second option, however, has a big problem: how are you going to tell one client from another? Therefore, I recommend going with the first option.
Some food for thought: what you're describing is pretty much exactly how FTP works. And FTP servers use the first option. Not coincidentally, perhaps? ;-)

What is the best way to implement a heartbeat in C++ to check for socket connectivity?

Hey gang. I have just written a client and server in C++ using sys/socket. I need to handle a situation where the client is still active but the server is down. One suggested way to do this is to use a heartbeat to periodically assert connectivity. And if there is none to try to reconnect every X seconds for Y period of time, and then to time out.
Is this "heartbeat" the best way to check for connectivity?
The socket I am using might have information on it, is there a way to check that there is a connection without messing with the buffer?
If you're using TCP sockets over an IP network, you can use the TCP protocol's keepalive feature, which will periodically check the socket to make sure the other end is still there. (This also has the advantage of keeping the forwarding record for your socket valid in any NAT routers between your client and your server.)
Here's a TCP keepalive overview which outlines some of the reasons you might want to use TCP keepalive; this Linux-specific HOWTO describes how to configure your socket to use TCP keepalive at runtime.
It looks like you can enable TCP keepalive in Windows sockets by setting SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS using the WSAIoctl() function.
If you're using UDP sockets over IP you'll need to build your own heartbeat into your protocol.
Yes, this heartbeat is the best way. You'll have to build it into the protocol the server and client use to communicate.
The simplest solution is to have the client send data periodically and the server close the connection if it hasn't received any data from the client in a particular period of time. This works perfectly for query/response protocols where the client sends queries and the server sends responses.
For example, you can use the following scheme:
The server responds to every query. If the server does not receive a query for two minutes, it closes the connection.
The client sends queries and keeps the connection open after each one.
If the client has not send a query for one minute, it sends an "are you there" query. The server responds with "yes I am". This resets the server's two minutes timer and confirms to the client that the connection is still available.
It may be simpler to just have the client close the connection if it hasn't needed to send a query for the past minute. Since all operations are initiated by the client, it can always just open a new connection if it needs to perform a new operation. That reduces it to just this:
The server closes the connection if it hasn't received a query in two minutes.
The client closes the connection if it hasn't needed to send a query in one minute.
However, this doesn't assure the client that the server is present and ready to accept a query at all times. If you need this capability, you will have to implement an "are you there" "yes I am" query/response into your protocol.
If the other side has gone away (i.e. the process has died, the machine has gone down, etc.), attempting to receive data from the socket should result in an error. However if the other side is merely hung, the socket will remain open. In this case, having a heartbeat is useful. Make sure that whatever protocol you are using (on top of TCP) supports some kind of "do-nothing" request or packet - each side can use this to keep track of the last time they received something from the other side, and can then close the connection if too much time elapses between packets.
Note that this is assuming you're using TCP/IP. If you're using UDP, then that's a whole other kettle of fish, since it's connectionless.
Ok, I don't know what your program does or anything, so maybe this isn't feasible, but I suggest that you avoid trying to always keep the socket open. It should only be open when you are using it, and should be closed when you are not.
If you are between reads and writes waiting on user input, close the socket. Design your client/server protocol (assuming you're doing this by hand and not using any standard protocols like http and/or SOAP) to handle this.
Sockets will error if the connection is dropped; write your program such that you don't lose any information in the case of such an error during a write to the socket and that you don't gain any information in the case of an error during a read from the socket. Transactionality and atomicity should be rolled into your client/server protocol (again, assuming you're designing it yourself).
maybe this will help you, TCP Keepalive HOWTO
or this SO_SOCKET