Juno CDT plugin failing to run a C++ application - c++

I have a simple mixed C/C++ application (OpenGL example) which I have successfully built using Eclipse CDT in Juno (MinGW toolchain).
I can run this application fine by hand from a Win7 command console, but it seems to rarely work when running from Eclipse's "Run as" menu. Whether it works or not seems down to seemingly unrelated changes in the code, and I get nothing of interest on the Eclipse run console (just a <terminated> status) even when no code near the start of the application has changed.
I'd like to and it sometimes I can work around this for now, but would be good to get this working if anyone has any ideas - it seems an essential stepping stone to get the debug environment working in Eclipse.
EDIT Side thought - eclipse seems awfully thin on debug diagnostics when something like this fails. If there is any way to turn on more debug I'd welcome the knowledge =)

Resolved - the issue is down to the path being given to the application, or more specifically the OS launcher (so it can find the DLLs it needs).
Even through the default "run" config claims to inherit the parent environment, it doesn't seem to get the same environment as the Win7 command console. I had to manually edit the "Run as" config in Eclipse to have a custom PATH environment variable containing the directories I needed (MinGW/bin, and a directory containing some custom DLLs).
Cheers, Iso


Debugging fails with QtCreator on OSX

I have OSX Yosemite 10.10.5, QtCreator 4.1.0, Qt 5.7.0 and Xcode 7.2.1.
If I write any native C++ program in QtCreator (console, gui - anything) I am unable to debug that program from QtCreator. Breakpoints get ignored, the program executes without pause and runs to completion no matter what I try.
I have tried the Xcode's LLDb, system GDB and Homebrew GDB as debuggers. the versions of GDB fail to start. Homebrew GDB has been codesigned.
This all used to (a few year back) just work beautifully and I am at a loss as to what might have changed.
Curiously, if I generate an exception inside the program - like accessing through a null pointer, the debugger shows me where this happens in just the way I would expect so, presumably, the debugger is running but simply treating me with complete disdain.
I know there are many versions of this question but none seem to address the problem adequately or offer workable solutions, or they apply to much older versions of the products.
Any suggestions?
This version of qtCreator (4.1.0) saw the return of the warning about having the build directory at the same level as the project directory. In Windows, this is done automatically. My mac installation does not get it right. (I may have messed a while back - cannot remember).
So - if the build directory is inside the project directory, debugging fails. Move the build directory up to the same level as the project directory and everything seems to work fine.
You can set the default build directory in the preferences/Build & Run dialogue. The path should start with ../
You will need to think about the folder structure before setting up the project unless you want build folders appearing in awkward places. So, a project folder structure like this is OK:
But one like this is not:
If this was already obvious to you, great. I have been messing with this for ages.
Many thanks to those who replied and anyone else who took the time to read the question. What helped e find it was the suggestion by #AlexanderVX that his setup was the same as mine but his worked. The only bit of my setup he could not see in the screenshots was the start of the build path. So that was the clue.

Can't run C++ in NetBeans: "No Shell Found" error

I'm trying to learn C++ using NetBeans but even though I have CYGWIN and everything set up in my PATH, I keep getting an error that says: "No shell found. Cannot proceed. Please install either CYGWIN or Msys."
I don't know what Msys is but since the error says "or" I assume that if I have CYGWIN that I don't need to have Msys.
I'm trying to run the basic "Hello World!" tutorial but this error from what I've seen isn't covered. I'm getting aggravated because I have a project I need to have done in a few weeks.
If anyone has any answers for me, that would be great. I can supply screenshots if you need them.
Cygwin alone is not enough, first of all you have to check if you installed C++/gcc/gdb packages in your Cygwin.
From Cygwin/Net beans docs:
Open the Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel) and double-click the System program.
Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
In the System Variables panel of the Environment Variables dialog, select the Path variable and click Edit.
Add the path to the cygwin-directory\bin directory to the Path variable, and click OK. By default, cygwin-directory is C:\cygwin. Directory names must be separated with a semicolon.
Click OK in the Environment Variables dialog and the System Properties dialog.
If it fails you could try to Re-Install Netbeans from/within an cygwin/bash instance start the netbeans from a cygwin/bash instance.
Netbeans should automatically detect gdb/g++
PS: I'd prefer to use a good Gnu/Linux distro
I had the same problem with 8.1.
Adjusting the %PATH%-variable - in my case adding C:\msys64\usr\bin - solved it (as wdavilaneto's slightly verbose answer suggested).
This is not an answer but it adds to this question, I know that isn't very objective but in this case there may be a problem with Netbeans. I have 7.3 so this could be the reason. I am getting the same error but it used to work just fine, then one day it just stopped working and couldn't find the Shell. I have everything you need to make C/C++ work for Netbeans and it was working, for a while too!
It is rather old, but I've had the same issue a moment ago. It "Solved itself" by Creating a new "welcome sample" project and then made it run, then went back to my original project and made it run again. For me, it solved the problem. Probably it is related to an issue with Netbeans as Cian said.
Btw, I'm with Netbeans 8.1.
Make sure the shell is in your path! Depending whether you have Cygwin, Mingw32, Mingw32, TDM Mingw... it will be somewhere here:
c:\<installation path>\usr/bin
Hmh, I have 2 C compilers one for 64bit and one for 32bit set in NetBeans. When I had 32bit compiler without 64bit one then compiling went fine but when I have installed 64bit then NetBeans has started to do some problems, firstly everything went fine but then I started to get this problem to. For me fix is to switch from 64bit compiler back to 32bit compiler, then compile my program and then go back to 64bit compiler and now I can compile it with 64bit compile... Not sure why is this fixing it.
I have this problem with Netbeans 10.
Computer is Windows 10 x64.
Resolved by following the answer given by TNT.
Problem was when start building my project the said "no shell" (the topic of this posting) dialog box popped up. Since there was no command prompt, the build tools cannot run - process cannot spawn.
Solution was to give the correct path (environment variable). Since I am using MSYS, Since I am using MSYS, adding
to my PATH made it work.

Configuring Eclipse for MinGW

I am using Eclipse Juno with MinGW (latest version) on my Win7-Laptop.
My example code is successfully built within the IDE, but I can neither run nor debug it!
When I choose Run as=>Local C/C++-Application, I get
Launch failed. Binary not found.
However, there IS an exe-file as a result of the build process!
When I call cmd.exe, navigate to the source directory and call this built exe (a.out.exe), it works without problems!
I guess this is due to wrong/missing configuration of eclipse, but I couldn't find useful info on that so far.
This thread mentions environment variables. I added MinGW and Msys to my PATH variable (that's why I can compile) but I can't run my software in eclipse!
So, what can be done to enable debugging?
I have made a little tutorial.
how to set all for Eclipse have a look it's here https://stackoverflow.com/a/12169583/1322642
Hope it can help you a little bit.

Eclipse CDT Console output not showing up in debug with path and not showing up in run without path

I'm trying to get Eclipse CDT (64 bit eclipse) working on Windows 7 with GCC. When I first got GDB working (that was a challenge in itself), running the program in debug mode was the only way I got output. Running it normally didn't give any console output. After hours of googling, I figured out that if I added C:/cygwin/bin to my environment path in eclipse, I could get output when running the program normally. Then I ran it in debug mode and there was no output. I tested this a couple of times to make sure it was the addition of the path causing the problem. This is the program I was running,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
return 0;
So how can I get both normal and debug modes working, and why did I have to include that path in the first place (it's already in my cygwin path and why does CDT need it?) ? Also, why is it that if I add a path to my Run configurations it will also be added to my Debug configurations?
From wiki eclipse:
In Eclipse CDT on Windows, standard output of the program being run or debugged is fully buffered, because it is not connected to a Windows console, but to a pipe. See bug 173732 for more details. Either add flush calls after every printf or add the following lines at the start of the main function:
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
I don't think I can answer everything but I use exactly the same set-up as you and I've had to deal with quite a few issues like this (I'm wondering if you had trouble how to juggle using the 32-bit/64-bit JVM and Internet browsing)!
The cygwin/bin path must be specified because that is where gcc, gdb and all the other cygwin tools and dlls are located (I'll assume you're using cygwin flavour of gcc rather than MinGW flavour). I believe you must specify it in the Windows environment (using a win32 file path) because Eclipse is running using the Windows JVM and therefore deals with win32 paths. Consequently, it doesn't matter that cygwin/bin is added to the PATH variable in the cygwin environment. CDT is looking for cygwin using Eclipse, and Eclipse needs to find cygwin1.dll from Windows.
I might be totally wrong, but if I had to guess I would say that you need to make absolutely sure you have properly set the PATH environment variable correctly for both configurations.
One thing to note is that in Eclipse there is no difference between a configuration shown in the Debug Configurations window and one with the same name in the Run Configurations window. The only difference between the two windows is that one will run the program without using a debugger and has tabs for setting debug settings. Therefore it's no surprise that changing settings in one will also affect the other.
As you may know, for many projects the build system is set up to produce two (sometimes more) sets of binaries: one with debugging info/symbols (DEBUG) and one without (RELEASE). In this case, you normally have two configurations in Eclipse: one to run the DEBUG binary and one to run the RELEASE binary. Both of these will show up in both the Debug Configurations window and in the Run Configurations window. The point is that you can run DEBUG either with or without gdb, but RELEASE cannot be used by gdb.
That said, I'm not sure why adding the correct path to the run configuration would stop the DEBUG binary from outputting to the console. I suspect something else is going on here, perhaps a mismatch of debug info and debugger.
To (hopefully) answer your question as to how to get both configurations working, go the whole-hog and just add C:\cygwin\bin; to the Windows PATH environment variable. I'm guessing that will allow both to work. I'll assume you know how to do that but please post a comment if not.
The other thing to try would be to compile and run the program from a cygwin shell. If it works there it's probably a safe bet that your PATH environment variable is not set correctly when using eclipse.
Hope that helps!
Adding the Path was correct before gdb 7.3. Now when I add the path I can no longer use breakpoints as it cannot find the dll files as they are no longer part of the path. To fix this you can easily add the entire path from the environment by following these instructions.
left click the project
enter the RUN/DEBUG settings for the project
select the executable
click edit
select Environment Tab
click Select...
scroll down to Path (Case sensitive)
check mark Path
press OK
press OK
press OK
You can see the dll problem as it appears in the gdb console
error,msg="During startup program exited with code 0xc00000be."
error,msg="During startup program exited with code 0x00000135."
and you may get an error window pop up saying it could not clear the breakpoint
You need to set up linker
I am using MinGW.
Follow below steps.
Goto Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings (Tab) > MinGW C++ Linker (Option) > Add Command (g++ -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++) (default command is only g++)
Don't debug or run C or C++ applications from inside Eclipse if they target Cygwin. TK link to "you're gonna have a bad time" meme.
There are problems with Cygwin stdout/stderr that don't show up if you run the programs from the normal Cygwin console (where you would be running bash), but they do show up in pretty much every other way you can run them.
The normal way that programs run other programs in Linux and other posix-supporting environments is to reroute the i/o to a pty. Cygwin can't support pty's 100% in Windows.
Some of the problems can be ameliorated by the setvbuf calls in #infoartenovo's answer.
A flip side of this problem is that applications written to use Windows' Console API don't work well in ptys.
We are all collateral damage in an unwinnable war.

Eclipse Project Run problem

I tried to create a C++ project in Eclipse Helios, it works fine for some simple "Hello World" projects (a single file etc..). However, now I have a little bigger project with several files, the project can still be built without any problems. Actually, when I get into the release folder, the makefile, object files, the actual binary executable are all there. And I could run the binary through the termainl. If I click the "Run/Debug" in Eclipse for this project, it always says "Launch Failed. Binary not found".
How could run the program in Eclipse? I would like to explore its debug features. In addition, I'm running eclipse in CentOS linux and I believe the basic g++, gdb setting etc.. should be all right, otherwise the daemon hello world won't work.
Warning: I have a very old version of eclipse and the CDT so the current procedure could have changed considerably.
In the C/C++ Project view, expand your project then expand the Binaries node. In there you should have a list of the built executables. Right-click on it and select the item Run As.. > Local C/C++ Application. This should automatically create a new run configuration which you can access from the green arrow icon and the little bug icon in your tool bar. Click on these to run normally or to run in debug mode.
If you want to tweak how programs are launched, goto to the Run configuration menu item of the green arrow icon. Select the configuration that you previously created or make a new one. You can then tweak the various launch settings like the executable to run, the arguments you want to pass, the required environment variables, etc.
Note that there's also a separate Debug configuration that can be accessed from the little bug icon in your toolbar. Within that dialog there's a Debugger tab which contains all the controls necessary to set up your debugger. Just randomly screw around with the controls until you find something that works for you.
I just had the same error, and here is what I did - proper binary parser must be selected so Eclipse can recognize the executable:
Select the project, then right click.
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Binary Parsers, PE Windows Parser
(or you can select Cygwin parser if you use Cygwin compiler, on Linux I use Elf parser).
That worked for me at least for Cross compiler (both on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04)