How to create Flip Page View on android? - flip

How can I create flip page view on android like iOS with .pdf file

You can try FlexPaper, it supports Android and iOS


Airdrop custom document type to SwiftUI DocumentGroup app

I am trying to get a simple SwiftUI iOS custom document app work with Airdrop. The app successfully opens a document when opened from Files or a Mail attachment. However when sending a document of the custom type by Airdrop from my mac, when the app is selected from the Airdrop notification, the app launches but only displays the file browser and the file does not seem to be copied over. No DocumentGroup view is displayed.
If I select Files from the Airdrop menu I can save the file.
I tried this with Apples sample code for DocumentBased apps, and it exhibits exactly the same behavior on my iPhone (iOS 16.0.2). Either this is a bug, or there is some extra secret sauce needed to get a SwiftUI Document app to receive files by Airdrop.
My custom type conforms to public.content, which I understand is required for Airdrop support.
Has anyone managed to get Airdrop reception working with a SwiftUI document app ?
I faced the same issue.
What I found out so far:
Documents which are received via Airdrop are placed in your "Inbox" folder. This directory is located here:
let docUrl = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
You can add an UIApplicationDelegate and UISceneDelegate to your swiftui application. Here you get a trigger when new files are received via Airdrop.
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>)
This function is normally trigged when you open your app with a URL in your browser.
I'm waiting for a integrated solution in the DocumentGroup.

Ionic 2 - Open external pdf inside my app

I have some pdf file links on my app, and I wanna the user be able to open/read then inside my app. Is it possible? Is there any easy way to do that? Thanks!
Until now, I'm using regular link, like this:
<a href="{{conta.link_conta}}" *ngIf="conta.link_conta">
But in that case, it opens on the external browser (chrome for android, in my test). I would like to open it inside my own app, kinda like facebook, instagram, twitter and some other apps do
Didn't try it, but can't you use InAppBrowser plugin
Set the target as '_self',

Deep Linking in Foundation For Apps

I am new to Foundation for Apps and am trying to get deep linking to work with the zf-tabs directive. Basically, I have a view with tabs and I am trying to use $state.go in my controller to navigate to the view and activate a particular tab. I have gotten the URL to write correctly with the hash but the tab doesn't activate. I see a lot of discussion on how to do this in the other foundation frameworks but there is zero info on this for Foundation For Apps.

Using Zurb Foundation - On iPad, html tag restricted to 768

I'm currently using Zurb Foundation 4 for a website and have had no problems with it until now.
The website i'm working on is displaying correctly on iPhone, Androids etc however on an iPad, the html tag is being restricted to a max of 768px with the content still acting responsively as it hits the edge of the iPad screen.
Is this value set in Zurb somewhere as it's currently breaking the site.
I fixed this by using modernizr to detect what device i was using. It's a weird situation as the client only wanted an iphone site but wanted the site coded to work fine independently on iPad and desktop.

Django : Auto Generate Adobe Illustrator Image Previews

If a user uploads a .AI file, how can I auto-generate a image preview of the file inside? Mac OS X 10.8 does it with a "spacebar" preview but I'd love to be able to do it in my web-based django project.
I don't need to create an AI file, I just need to create a preview of a previously made file.
Thanks for your help!
The reason Mac OS 10.8 can generate a preview is because Illustrator saves a PDF with the file by default. This website may help.