Using Beautiful Soup4 can I get the <a> embedded text? - python-2.7

I am using Beautiful Soup4 with Python and now any way i have come upto the below. So now in what way I can get the values Dog,Cat, Horse and also the Ids. Please help!
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc)
# [<a class="Animal" href="" id="link1">Dog</a>,
# <a class="Animal" href="" id="link2">Cat</a>,
# <a class="Animal" href="" id="link3">Horse</a>]

for a in soup.find_all('a'):
id = a.get('id')
value = a.string # This is a NavigableString
unicode_value = unicode(value)


get picture from dynamic content python

I'm trying to get the href of the picture from an url without using selenium
page = urllib2.urlopen('')
except httplib.IncompleteRead, e:
page = e.partial
response = BeautifulSoup(page)
print response
var = response.find("div", {"id":"il_m"}).find('p')
but i got None as a result.What should I do to ge the href ?
You can also get the link from an anchor tag with a download attribute:
In [2]: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
In [3]: import urllib2
In [4]: r = urllib2.urlopen('')
In [5]: soup = BeautifulSoup(r,"html.parser")
In [6]: print(soup.select_one("p a[download]")["href"])
You should also take note of the text Images may be subject to copyright.. on the page.
You're not targeting the right p tag:
First of all, you want to extract the href from <a> node and not <p>
The first <p> child element that is found is this one <p class="il_r" id="url_domain" </p>
What you could do is to target the 5th <p> element's <a> which is the image. One way of doing this is var = response.find("div", id = "il_m").find_all('p')[4].find('a')

want to get all the java script file from html using bs4

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import HTMLParser
import urllib
url = raw_input('enter - ')
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
for tag in scripts:
Script = tag["src"]
print Script
print "No source"
using this code I m not getting all the java script from html document.
I have checked your code and it seems that you are getting all the javascript. At least you check for all the tags. Of course some of the javascript may be directly embedded into the html and thereby won't have a src attribute. Merely the actual javascript between the <script>...</script> tags. You can get the javscript between these embedded tags using tag.contents in your loop.
Furthermore, I would advise to specify a parser. By default bs4 uses html.parser. Other parsers may perform better/differently. Check out:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
r = urllib2.urlopen('<your url>').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(r, 'html.parser')
for s in soup.findAll('script'):
print s.get('src')

Why can't I extract the subheading of a page using BeautifulSoup?

I am trying to extract the name and subheading of this page (for example). I have no problem extracting the name, but it's unsuccessful for the subheading. Using inspect element in Chrome, I identified that the subheading text "Canada Census, 1901" is embedded as follows:
<div class="person-info">
<div class="title ng-binding">Helen Brad in household of Geo Wilcock</div>
<div class="subhead ng-scope ng-binding" data-ng-if="!recordPersonCentric">Canada Census, 1901</div>
So I coded my script as follows:
import urllib2
import re
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
def get_FamSearch():
link = ""
openLink = urllib2.urlopen(link)
Soup_FamSearch = BeautifulSoup(openLink, "html")
NameParentTag = Soup_FamSearch.find("tr", class_="result-item highlight-person")
if NameParentTag:
Name = NameParentTag.find("td", class_="result-value-bold").get_text(strip=True)
name_decode = Name.encode("ascii", "ignore")
print name_decode
SubheadTag = Soup_FamSearch.find("div", class_="subhead ng-scope ng-binding")
if SubheadTag:
print SubheadTag.get_text(strip=True)
This is the results, without able to locate and extract the subheading:
Helen Brad
[Finished in 2.2s]
The page you are getting via urllib2 doesn't contain the div with subhead class. The actual heading is constructed asynchronously with the help of javascript being executed on the browser-side.
The data you need is presented differently, here's what works for me:
print Soup_FamSearch.find('dt', text='Title').find_next_sibling('dd').text.strip()
Canada Census, 1901

Using beautifulsoup to extract data from html content - HTML Parsing

The contents of my script using beautifulsoup library is as follows:
<meta content="Free" itemprop="price" />
<div class="content" itemprop="datePublished">November 4, 2013</div>
I would want to pull the words Free and November 4, 2013 from that output. Will using a Regex help or does beautifulsoup has any such attributes that will pull out this directly? Here is the code I used below:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
import re
pageFile = urllib.urlopen("")
pageHtml =
soup = BeautifulSoup("".join(pageHtml))
item = soup.find("meta", {"itemprop":"price"})
print item
items = soup.find("div",{"itemprop":"datePublished"})
print items
Ok got it! Just access the values by the following method(for the above case):
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
pageFile = urllib.urlopen("")
pageHtml =
soup = BeautifulSoup("".join(pageHtml))
item = soup.find("meta", {"itemprop":"price"}) # meta content="Free" itemprop="price"
print item['content']
items = soup.find("div",{"itemprop":"datePublished"})
print items.string
No need to add regex. Just a read up through the documentation would help.

How to use lxml to get a message from a website?

At is not about the weather:
Tokyo: 25°C
I want to use Django 1.1 and lxml to get information at the website. I want to get information that is of "25" only.
HTML structure as follows:
<p id="resultWeather">
I'm a student. I'm doing a small project with my friends. Please explain to me easily understand. Thank you very much!
BeautifulSoup is more suitable for html parsing than lxml.
something like this can be helpful:
def get_weather():
import urllib
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
data = urllib.urlopen('').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
return soup.find('p', {'id': 'resultWeather'}).findAll('b')[-1].string
get page contents with urllib, parse it with BeautifulSoup, find P with id=resultWeather, find last B in our P and get it's content