Django shell: Command to load test fixture data? - django

Is there an easy way to load fixture data that I usually use in automated test runs in the interactive Django shell?
It might be awkward to have a mixture of model data that come from the database and others that come from a fixture. In my case, I have some read-only tables and wand to experiment with some data that I can discard afterwards.
I can probably load the fixture files like described here, but that's a bit cumbersome for repeated use...

ilardm's answer points in the right direction, specifically what you want is:
from import call_command
call_command('loaddata', 'fixture_name.json')
Edit: But the correct way to include fixtures in test cases is like this:
class TestThis(TestCase):
fixtures = ['myfixture.json']
def setUp(self):
# Ready to test

I expect ./ loaddata fixture_name.json is what you want.

Perhaps this link: might help.


Can't use assertTemplateUsed with unitest.TestCase

Please help, i'm fairly new to Django and not sure what's the best way to proceed with my unit-tests.
So, i have a large django app, and it has dozens of views-methods, and the postgresql schemas get pretty complex. I've read that if I use "from django.test import TestCase" then the test database is flushed after running each unit-test. I wanted to prevent from flushing the db in between unit-tests within the same class, so i started using "from unittest import TestCase". That did the trick and the db is preserved in between unit-tests, but now the statement
self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'samplepage.html') gives me errors AttributeError: 'TestViews' object has no attribute 'assertTemplateUsed'.
What can I do? Is there an alternative to 'assertTemplateUsed' that can be used with unittest.TestCase? Many thanks in advance!

How to load fixtures for a LiveServerTestCase

I am attempting to write test cases in Django using Selenium. I want to use existent fixtures so my test database (SQLite3) has test data for every test.
I have some model test cases (just using the TestCase class) as follows;
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test import LiveServerTestCases
from missions.models import Mission, MissionDataRecord
class MissionModelTests(TestCase):
fixtures = ['myproject_common/fixtures/auth_initial_load.json', 'worklog/fixtures/worklogs_initial_load',
def test_object_name_is_mission_title(self):
mission = Mission.objects.get(id=1)
self.assertEqual(mission.title, str(mission))
def test_object_name_is_mission_title_again(self):
mission = Mission.objects.get(id=1)
self.assertEqual(mission.title, str(mission))
This works as expected when run like this (I get two test passes). However, for Selenium testing I need to use LiveServerTestCase instead of TestCase.
The simple example above is a model test, but for illustrative purposes of the issue I'm facing with Selenium, if I simply replace "TestCase" with "LiveServerTestCase" the first test passes, but the second test fails, with the error
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: Problem installing fixture
'[...]/fixtures/auth_initial_load.json': Could not load
auth.User(pk=1): UNIQUE constraint failed: auth_user.username
This error occurs in the _fixture_setup of /django/test/ This seems to suggests that my fixtures (specifically the auth_initial_load fixture) is attempting to load again ON TOP of existing data. However, from django docs reading this should not be taking place, because each test should run in its own transaction (which I believe means the fixtures are loaded for each transaction).
What is going on here, and more importantly, how can I use LiveServerTestCase with my existing fixtures (similar to how I am using TestCase currently)? In reality I need to use StaticLiveServerTestCase, but Im guessing the code will be the same.
It turns out the way I was loading fixtures correctly after all. The issue was with my fixtures themselves, using hard coded primary (and foreign) keys. In my case two users were being created before the fixtures were loaded, so when fixtures tried to load with the same primary key, a UNIQUE constraint violation occurred. The solution was to re-generate my fixtures using the --natural-primary and --natural-foreign flags as suggested in this SO answer.

Django TestCase with fixtures causes IntegrityError due to duplicate keys

I'm having trouble moving away from django_nose.FastFixtureTestCase to django.test.TestCase (or even the more conservative django.test.TransactionTestCase). I'm using Django 1.7.11 and I'm testing against Postgres 9.2.
I have a Testcase class that loads three fixtures files. The class contains two tests. If I run each test individually as a single run (manage test test_file:TestClass.test_name), they each work. If I run them together, (manage test test_file:TestClass), I get
IntegrityError: Problem installing fixture '<path>/data.json': Could not load <app>.<Model>(pk=1): duplicate key value violates unique constraint "<app_model_field>_49810fc21046d2e2_uniq"
To me it looks like the db isn't actually getting flushed or rolled back between tests since it only happens when I run the tests in a single run.
I've stepped through the Django code and it looks like they are getting flushed or rolled back -- depending on whether I'm trying TestCase or TransactionTestCase.
(I'm moving away from FastFixtureTestCase because of
What else should I be looking at? This seems like it should be a simple matter and is right within what django.test.TestCase and Django.test.TransactionTestCase are designed for.
The test class more or less looks like this:
class MyTest(django.test.TransactionTestCase): # or django.test.TestCase
fixtures = ['data1.json', 'data2.json', 'data3.json']
def test1(self):
return # I simplified it to just this for now.
def test2(self):
return # I simplified it to just this for now.
I've managed to reproduce this a couple of times with a single test, so I suspect something in the fixture loading code.
One of my basic assumptions was that my db was clean for every TestCase. Tracing into the django core code I found instances where an object (in one case django.contrib.auth.User) already existed.
I temporarily overrode _fixture_setup() to assert the db was clean prior to loading fixtures. The assertion failed.
I was able to narrow the problem down to code that was in a TestCase.setUpClass() instead of TestCase.setUp(), and so the object was leaking out of the test and conflicting with other TestCase fixtures.
What I don't understand completely is I thought that the db was dropped and recreated between TestCases -- but perhaps that is not correct.
Update: Recent version of Django includes setUpTestData() that should be used instead of setUpClass()

Keep table data during Django tests

I have some tables containing a lot of data (imported from geonames using django-cities: that I want to preserve in tests (since loading them via fixtures will be very slow)… how can I keep those tables and their data during tests?
I think I have to write a custom TestRunner, but I have no idea about where to start :P
It's possible, here is a way :
1) Define your own test runner look here to see how.
2) For your custom test runner look in the default test runner, you can just copy and past the code and just comment this line : connection.creation.destroy_test_db(old_name, verbosity) which is responsible for destroying the test database, and i think you should put the connection.creation.create_test_db(..) line in a try except something like this maybe:
# Create the database the first time.
connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity, autoclobber=not interactive)
except ..: # Look at the error that this will raise when create a database that already exist
# Test database already created.
3) Bound TEST_RUNNER in to your test runner.
4) Now run your test like this: ./ test

Django: Loaddata command after syncdb fails

I'm trying to use fixtures as a DB-agnostic way to get the data into my database, but this is much harder than it should be. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong...
Specifically, when I do a syncdb followed by a migrate followed by a loaddata I run into trouble, since syncdb already creates data that loaddata tries to read from the dump. This leads to double entries and hence a crashing script.
This seems to be the same problem as described here:
But it's weird to me that this seems to be an ignored issue. Are fixtures not meant to actually put real (live) data in?
If so: is there any Django-format that is meant for this? Or is everyone just dumping data as SQL? And, if so, how would one migrate development data in SQLite to a production database?
syncdb will also load data from fixtures if you have the fixtures named correctly and in the correct location. See this link for more info.
If you do not want the data to load on every syncdb then you will need to change the name of the fixture.
fixtures are an OK way to load your data, I have used it on a number of projects. On some projects when I have a ton of data I sometimes write a special load script that will take the data from my data source and load up my new django models, the custom script is a little more work, but gives you more flexibility.
I tend to stay away from using sql to load if I can, since SQL is usually DB specific, if you have to worry about loading on different database versions, stay away if you can.
"In general, using a fixture is a cleaner method since it’s database-agnostic, but initial SQL is also quite a bit more flexible."
OP here; this is what I came up with so far:
# some_app/management/commands/
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db.models import get_models
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = 'Deletes all objects'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
for model in get_models():
And then just run delete_all_objects between after syncdb & migrate and before loaddata. I'm not sure I like it, I'm very surprised it's necessary, but it works.