using mingw and g++ compiler - c++

I’m trying to run my c++ files off the prompt, but nothing is showing, e.g.
C:\C++\mingw>g++ hello.cpp -o hello.exe
It seems to be bug free but nothing displays, in this case a simple hello to the terminal.
My code is a straightforward
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello \n" << endl;
return 0;

Of course, the simplest answer "Just run hello.exe" is correct. Here's some additional logic behind:
If you're used to interpreted languages, such as Python or Lua, you might have noticed that you execute them by supplying source file to the executable, as such:
However, this works because each time you run python command, it reads the source file given, and then interprets it and executes appropriate machine instructions based on the file contents - it interprets the file.
C++, on the other hand, is a compiled language. The execution of g++, which is a compiler, generates said machine code for your platform, and stops there. Next time you don't need the compiler to run your program; every instruction is encoded as the machine code in the .exe file. That's why you can share your .exe file with your friend if he doesn't have a compiler, but he won't be able to execute python script without python environment installed.

g++ hello.cpp -o hello.exe // This command only produce the exe file
The executive file doesn't run automatically. You should run it by yourself.


Compile C/C++ with gVim 8.1 in Windows 10 (MinGW)

Since everything is 32-bit, I used :set makeprg=mingw32-make, and then tried compiling via :!make, which gave the following error message:
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
shell returned 1
I tried the basic "Goodbye World" stuff:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Goodbye World";
return 0;
What am I doing wrong? Other than being a noob.
:!make doesn't run 'makeprg'. It runs make. Since you are specifically trying to run mingw32-make.exe, presumably you don't have an executable named make.exe. (See :help :!)
:make runs 'makeprg'. (See :help :make, :help 'makeprg')
my goal is to see the "Goodbye World" either in console or terminal or any observable way. Would this require additional tinkering to the _vimrc file?
You would rather want to do it by tinkering with your makefile. Any arguments to :make will be passed to 'makeprg'. If you defined targets clean (to remove the Make artefacts) or run (to execute the product of your Make), you will be able to write :mak clean or :mak run in Vim to run those targets. Obviously, you can create your own commands and/or mappings to make those :make commands faster.
Note (and I completely overlooked this myself, silly me) that when you run a simple code, such as the one above, that does not need extensive file managements and Makefiles, all you need to go is :!gcc % for C and :!g++ % for C++. I believe (and I may be wrong, but this is a simple observation) that in Vim, :! indicates the following commands are to be executed in the system Command Prompt, and gcc/g++ is the command to invoke the GNU Compiler for C and C++ respectively. Finally, % is used to indicate the current filename, with all extensions intact. This is extremely useful in cases of keymapping, as I have done via the following:
nnoremap <F5> :!g++ %<CR>|"Press Func.5 to Compile via GNU Comp.

Can not run make command in Dev-cpp application

I have a very simple example named HelloWorld and located in folder "C:/HelloWorld" in Dev-Cpp as follows:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << "Hello World";
return 0;
Of course, if I press F11 (Compile and run) then the program executes normally.
But I want to execute this program in an another way: use make command!!!
I have known that the syntax to run make command : make -f [make file name]. In Dev-Cpp, this command is make -f "". So I jump into HelloWorld folder and type as follows:
The console displays many errors relating to included headers.
How can I run make command without any errors? Thanks in advance.
not so easy with make :)
at first if you use msvc or DevCpp try to find "Export makefile"
at second you need to configure your compilator(s).
at third you need to show what contains.
All right. There are something wrong with my make command.
The problem is I had installed two versions of gcc in my computer. The HelloWorld example is compiled and built with the latest GCC version.
However, the make command I had type is belonged to the older GCC version. As a result, it leads to many errors.
In order to run make command correctly, I must to use the right make command that is defined in Dev-Cpp (below picture): mingw32-make.exe

Can't execute compiled C++ exe file

I am having trouble executing my C++ code. I have written a basic "Hello World" program, and compiled it using the g++ make command. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello World" << endl;
return 0;
I am on Windows 10, using Emacs for code editing, and CygWin for compilation. I saved this file as hello.cpp. I then navigated to the directory in CygWin. Then I did the command make hello. This created hello.exe. Then, I attempted to execute the file using ./hello.exe. I also tried ./hello which also didn't work. When I type one of these commands and hit Enter, it just on the next line, not doing anything. I can type in this blank line, but it won't do anything. Does anyone know a way to make my code execute properly. Thank you.
EDIT: I tried running this at, an online C++ compiler, and it worked fine.
Your program probably is working but the console window is closing before you can see anything.
Try adding an input at the end of the program so it will wait.
int a;
cin >> a;
Your code is most likely executing, but not outputting anything. That's because it's failing. Try checking the return value after it has run with echo $?. If it's not 0 then it has crashed. Also run it in gdb and see if it fails. The reason why it's failing is most likely a windows/cygwin clash - it's not your code.

No such file or directory "ruby/config.h" when trying to compile C++ into Ruby using SWIG

I'm trying to get a basic example running using SWIG to convert a C++ file into Ruby. I have Ruby 2.0.0p451 (64 bit version) installed and I've also installed the 64-bit DevKit. I'm running Windows 7 and trying to use swigwin-2.0.12. Finally, I am using the GCC C++ compiler supplied by Mingw-builds for the 64-bit version of Windows.
I have the basic C++ hello world program as shown below.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
At the command prompt, I use the command:
swig -module -c++ -ruby hello_world.cpp
This completes fine and produces a file titled hello_world_wrap.cxx. However, when I receive an error when I try to compile the .cxx file using the command:
g++ -fPIC -c hello_world_wrap.cxx -IC:\Ruby200-x64\include\ruby-2.0.0
The error I am receiving is:
All the research I've done has pointed me to an installation of the incorrect DevKit, but I don't think this is my issue. I've made sure to download the 64-bit version of Ruby and the DevKit. I've checked the folder specified in the error, and there is no config.h file. I'm not sure why the config.h file does not exist or why ruby.h is trying to load it.
Any thoughts?
Check that C:\Ruby200-x64\include\ruby-2.0.0\ruby\config.h exists. If not, find it and fix the path.
Check if there is a ruby.h in the same folder. If there is then just use -IC:\Ruby200-x64\include\ruby-2.0.0\ruby\x64-mingw instead. Otherwise try adding a second -I, for this extra path. I agree with you this is a little strange (not so much the former, but definitely if you have to have two -I). The script at!topic/comp.lang.ruby/RpjuvXpFI30 suggests that this might be normal, I.e. you need one -I for platform-independent headers and one for platform-dependent.

What is a 'shebang' line?

Currently I'm trying to start programming on my new Mac. I installed TextWrangler, and chose C++ as my language of choice; since I have some prior knowledge of it, from when I used Windows.
So, I wrote the ever so common "Hello World" program. Although, when I tried to run it, I got an error:
"This file doesn’t appear to contain a valid ‘shebang’ line (application error code: 13304)"
I tried searching the error code to find out how to fix this, but I couldn't find anything.. I have no idea what a 'shebang' line is... Can someone help me out?
You need to compile it with a compiler first. I assume you tried to run the source file like ./source but C++ doesn't work this way.
With some compilers however, you can provide a shebang-line as the first line of the source file (the #! is known as shebang or crunchbang, hence the name), like so:
So that the shell knows what application is used to run that sort of file, and when you attempt to run the source file by itself, the compiler will compile and run it for you. That's a compiler-dependent feature though, so I recommend just plain compiling with G++ or whatever Macs use to get an executable, then run that.
While I wouldn't recommend it for regular C++ development, I'm using a simple shell script wrapper for small C++ utilities. Here is a Hello World example:
#if 0 // -- build and run wrapper script for C++ ------------------------------
TMP=$(mktemp -d)
c++ -o ${TMP}/a.out ${0} && ${TMP}/a.out ${#:1} ; RV=${?}
rm -rf ${TMP}
exit ${RV}
#endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl;
return 0;
It does appear that you are trying to run the source file directly, however you will need to compile using a C++ compiler, such as that included in the gcc (GNU Compiler Collection) which contains the C++ compiler g++ for the Mac. It is not included with the Mac, you have to download it first:
from : "To install the gcc compiler, download the xcode package from You’ll need to register for an Apple Developer Connection account. Once you’ve registered, login and click Download Software and then Developer Tools. Find the Download link next to Xcode Tools (version) – CD Image and click it!"
Once it's installed, if you are going for a quick Hello World, then, from a terminal window in the directory of your source file, you can execute the command g++ HelloWorld.cpp -o HelloWorld. Then you should be able to run it as ./HelloWorld.
Also, if you're coming from a Visual Studio world, you might want to give Mono and MonoDevelop a try. Mono is a free implementation of C# (and other languages), and MonoDevelop is an IDE which is very similar to Visual Studio. MonoDevelop supports C# and other .NET languages, including Visual Basic .NET, as well as C/C++ development. I have not used it extensively, but it does seem to be very similar to VS, so you won't have to learn new everything all in a day. I also have used KDevelop, which I liked a lot while I was using it, although that's been a while now. It has a lot of support for GNU-style development in C/C++, and was very powerful as I recall.
Good luck with your endeavors!
shebang is
not sure why your program is not running. you will need to compile and link to make an executable.
What I find confusing (/interesting) is C++ program giving "Shebang line" error. Shebang line is a way for the Unix like operating system to specify which program should be used to interpret the rest of the file. The shebang line usually points to the path of the interpreter. C++ is a compiled language and does not have interpreter for it.
To get the real technical details of how shebang lines work, do a man execve and get that man page online here - man execve.
If you're on a mac then doing something like this on the commandline:
g++ -o program program.cpp
Will compile and link your program into an executable called program. Then you can run it like:
The reason you got the 'shebang' error is probably because you tried to run the cpp file like:
And the shell tries to find an interpreter to run the code in the file. Because this is C++ there is no relevant interpreter but if your file contains Python or Bash then having a line like this
at the 1st line in your source file will tell the shell to use the python interpreter
The lines that start with a pattern like this: #!/.../.../.. is called a shebang line. In other words, a shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!).In Unix-like operating systems, when a text file with a shebang is used as if it is an executable, the program loader mechanism parses the rest of the file's initial line as an interpreter directive. The loader executes the specified interpreter program, passing to it as an argument the path that was initially used when attempting to run the script, so that the program may use the file as input data.