Im working on my game project with OGL 3.2 and I was using GL_REPEAT in the texture parameters to set up my terrain very fast by defining ST coordinates more than (1;1). But now, when I've added a skybox, an edges between skybox textures looks very scratchy and I don't want them to be. I can remove them by using GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE parameter, but terrain texture renders wrong without GL_REPEAT parameter. So I must choose between GL_REPEAT and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. If I switch it to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE I can't use GL_REPEAT advantage and have to divide my terrain to smaller chunks and give texture to each one by one, which is (in my opinion) very inefficient, especially when I want huge sized map.
Is there any way to use both advantages of GL_REPEAT and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE or maybe there is some more awesome way to solve this which I don't know?

You can use both at once. The texture wrapping mode is stored on a per-texture basis, so use GL_REPEAT for your ground texture and GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE for your sky texture.
Set it for each texture immediately after (or immediately before, just as long as the texture is bound) uploading the texture image.


How fast is it to change the texture filters in OpenGL at runtime?

I'm at this point where I would like to render a texture twice but with different filters.
It seems like a very bad idea to store the texture twice with different filters, that would take up way too much V-RAM. So I came up with the idea to just change the filters on the go, but how fast is it?
I'm thinking of doing it like this:
// First render call
RenderObject( ... );
RenderObject( ... );
So the final question is: How fast is it to update the texture parameters at runtime?
So I came up with the idea to just change the filters on the go, but how fast is it?
To the GPU it's merely a single register which value changes. So it's quite cheap. But the way you wrote it doesn't make much sense.
Since filtering parameters are part of the texture object, you set them after glBindTexture of the texture object in question.
If you want to use just the same texture with different filtering parameters you don't have to re-bind it inbetween.
Also since OpenGL-3.3 there's a class of data-less object (data-less objects can't be shared) called samplers. Samplers collect texture sampling parameters (like filtering), while textures provide the data. So if you want to switch filteing parameters often, or you have a common mode of sampling parameters for a large set of texture you can do this using a single sampler serving multiple textures.
This depends highly on the implementation of GL you are using. Like anything performance-related, just test and see if it's fast enough for your specific application on your target hardware.
Relatively recent versions of GL include a feature called Samplers which are object you can create with various texture parameters. You can create a number of different samplers and then swap these out as needed rather than reconfiguring an existing texture. This also allows you to use two different texture sampling states for the same texture if necessary. This should be faster in general, but again, just test and see what works best in your specific circumstance.

Tiling a background in OpenGL

I'm sure this is a relatively simple question, it's just one thing I've always had trouble wrapping my mind around.
I have a 512x512 background I'd like to tile "infinitely." I've searched around and can't seem to find a whole lot, so I figured I'd come here. Anyway, here it is:
So, there you have it. I have a ship sprite that can move anywhere on a 2D plane, and this is a top-down game. How would I render this background so that it covers every pixel of an arbitrarily sized window?
With GL_REPEAT texture clamping/wrapping mode, texture coordinates outside the range [0,1] will wrap around, repeating the texture. So you can draw a screen filling quad, but use larger texture coordinates. For example using the texture coordinates (0,0) to (10,10) will repeat the texture 10 times in each direction. Repeating mode is enabled for the currently bound 2D texture with

How to disable blur effect on textures with OpenGL?

I am using Texture-Mapped fonts in my OpenGL program.
I have drawn very basic fonts in a bitmap (each letter is 5x7 pixels, white on black background).
When displayed on a quad that makes more than a few pixels large, OpenGL is making some work to make the image smooth.
Is there an easy way to temporarily get rid of that blur effect ?

OpenGL Mipmapping: how does OpenGL decide on map level?

I am having trouble implementing mipmapping in OpenGL. I am using OpenFrameworks and have modified the ofTexture class to support the creation and rendering of mipmaps.
The following code is the original texture creation code from the class (slightly modified for clarity):
glBindTexture(texData.textureTarget, (GLuint)texData.textureID);
glTexSubImage2D(texData.textureTarget, 0, 0, 0, w, h, texData.glType, texData.pixelType, data);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
This is my version with mipmap support:
glBindTexture(texData.textureTarget, (GLuint)texData.textureID);
gluBuild2DMipmaps(texData.textureTarget, texData.glTypeInternal, w, h, texData.glType, texData.pixelType, data);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
The code does not generate errors (gluBuild2DMipmaps returns '0') and the textures are rendered without problems. However, I do not see any difference.
The scene I render consists of "flat, square tiles" at z=0. It's basically a 2D scene. I zoom in and out by using "glScale()" before drawing the tiles. When I zoom out, the pixels of the tile textures start to "dance", indicating (as far as I can tell) unfiltered texture look-up. See: at 25s.
My question is: since I do not move the camera position, but only use scaling of the whole scene, does this mean OpenGL can not decide on the appropriate mipmap level and uses the full texture size (level 0)?
Mipmapping will compensate for scene scale in addition to perspective distance. The vertex shader outputs (which the driver will still create even if you aren't using your own shader) specify the screenspace coordinates of each vertex and the texture coordinates of those vertices. The GPU will decide which mip level to use based on the texel-to-pixel ratio of the fragments that will be generated.
Are you setting GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR when you render your tiles as well? It only matters when you render things, not when you create/load the texture. Your bracketing glEnable/glDisable calls may need to be moved too, depending on what state you are actually passing in there.
You should probably switch to automatic mipmap generation if you're targeting OpenGL >= 1.4.
You could try changing GL_TEXTURE_MIN/MAX_LOD to force a particular mip level.

opengl texture lod bias adjusting via opengl function call?

how is it possible to change the lod bias via an opengl function call? i dont like the default settings, changes the miplevels too early and makes the nearby ground look ugly.
i couldnt find any codes to do this, every topic was about some external programs that does the job...
Edit: This is my texture settings:
More details here:
and there:
Ok, I see. First GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER can only take two possible values:
So use GL_LINEAR for the best result.
Then for GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, with GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST you are using no texture interpolation, only mipmaping (you take the nearest mipmap that suits the best, but inside this mipmap you take the nearest texel only, without interpolation between this texel and his neighbours).
So use GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR for doing this weighted average between the texels.
With GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR you can have even more rendering quality since it will use a linear interpolation between the result of the texture fetch for two mipmaps (mipmap N and N+1) instead of just taking the result of the texture fetch for mipmap N, like previously.
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR is also known as trilinear filtering.