Infragistics UltraWinGrid Columns orientation - infragistics

This is question is relating to Infragistics UltraWinGrid Columns.
I am working with Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v10.3
As you can see in the image, columns are on top and spanning left to right.
Can I show the same data with columns on the left spanning from top to bottom?
Where is the setting?

Are you talking about Cardview layout mode?
(Image taken from the samples installed)
This layout could be activated setting the
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].CardView = True;
other properties involved in the appearance of the view are


Chartjs: customise legend based on background color

I am creating a bar chart using charts. The current work is below:
The colour represents continents. Notice that the default legend is blue showing undefined. I want to have the legends showing each colour and its represented continent. That is, to be able to display legends of the bar's background and customise their label.
How can I achieve that?
Really appreciate your help! Thanks
Instead of putting all your data in a single dataset you will need to make a different dataset for each continent and then set the label of that dataset to the continent

Apply different different data colors to different charts in power bi theme creation

I am using PowerBi February release.
I am trying to create custom theme (.json file). I want to have different data colors for different charts and not the global/common data colors for all charts.
Suppose for line chart colors are "red,green,blue" then for pie chart colors are different, lets say "yellow,grey,purple".
Can you please suggest how to create a theme based on above requirement.
Thanks in advance
Currently, this is not possible to create a custom theme that pre-assigns each color to a bar or piece of a pie chart. You can for KPI and some of the other visuals, but not pie or bar (aka stacked column chart)
The current workaround is very easy though. Follow these steps:
1) As suggested by this blog, create a custom theme with your desired colors. Using this online tool, I was able to make a minimum theme file from your requirements:
"dataColors":["#ff5624", "#21ff13", "#0009db", "#fff780", "#d3d3d3", "#7d00b6"]
2) Save this as yourtheme.json and import the file in the Ribbon using Themes->Switch Theme->Import Theme
3) Then you would need to go to the bar chart and pie visual and assign the colors individually:
For the Pie Chart - click the paint roller found in the visualizations pane and expand Data Colors. Then assign the color to the values for each pie piece. (see image for the colors from your theme.)
For bar chart (aka stacked column chart) click the paint roller found in the visualizations pane and expand Data Colors. Then set the Show All setting to On. Then assign the color to the values for each bar.
The image below is a power bi report with bar and pie charts colored with the colors from your imported theme file.

Displaying labels for grouped datasets in ChartJS clustered column graph

Not sure how to even define this question, so bear with me!
First, I want to display multiple unrelated datasets, side by side.
Second, for each dataset, I'd like to have column-based lables (default for each column), then an overall "grouped" label for the dataset.
I can "fake" the appearance of this chart by entering a "zero" column entry, creating the gap between the "datasets" I have (even though in ChartJS is just one dataset).
The text line one is default behaviour with ChartJS to display the column label. However getting a "grouped" label to appear is beating me! What I've ended up doing is generating the chart label-less, then doing some funky HTML hacks to get the labels back with the grouped text I need. This approach is not scalable.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Doesn't have to be ChartJS powered.

Ribbon Combobox Spacing and Alignment

I have two comboboxes, one beneath the other, on my ribbon with different lengths of texts. This makes the spacing uneven and I would like to correct that and hopefully allow more space between the two as well. Are there any easy ways to this or is it a limitation of MFC?
Current situation:
Ideal situation:
I was able to accomplish what you want by setting two properties for the panel:
Center Column Vertical = true
Justify Columns = true
The ribbon displayed correctly as you wanted when I tested it in Visual Studio. However, it did not display correctly initially. After starting the application, I had to change the style to any other style before the change would take effect. I think that's because of the tight coupling of the Workspace settings in the registry.

Infragistics UltraGrid rows displayed from bottom to top

I need to display rows in UltraGrid starting from bottom and going towards the top rather then normally where they are displayed from the top to the bottom.
Is there a setting of a property that needs to be set to achieve this display? I can't seem to find it.
Example of required layout
This functionality isn't built into the WinGrid control and you should log a new product idea on the NetAdvantage for Windows Forms product idea page for this if you are looking for this functionality.
You may be able to do something like this using a creation filter to move the existing rows if there are not enough rows to fill the grid. If you do pursue this you would still need to sort the rows so that they are already in the correct order first and they you would move the existing rows down when they don't fill the entire grid. There are more details on creation filters in the help.