CoCos2D Intersection of non-rectangular sprites - cocos2d-iphone

I have a sprite with a triangle shape and I want to know when this triangle intersects with another object (a CCSPrite). I have been using CGRectIntersectsRect but it is not accurate because it take the bounding box of the the two sprites and not the actual shape.
I think one way is to define several points around the actual triangle and check intersection between those points with another sprite. I am just wondering if there is an easier way to do this.

You can use box2d to detect collisions accurately. It can be useful if you have many different complicated shapes. Or you can just check intersections of shape's edges.
If there is many objects to detect collisions with, I offer to use box2d. It has good internal optimizations to be able to work with large amount of objects. In this case you will just have to create physical body equal to the your sprite's shape before adding object to your game layer.


How to check if two rectangles, one is rotated, intersect in SFML

I have a rotated Rectangle inside a closed tile map of rectangles.
What would be the best way to check if the player (which is the rotated rectangle) is intersecting with one of the rectangles of the tile map?
Picture from inside the game to better show what the map looks like:
If it matters, the Player's type is sf::Shape and the map's data is inside an int array.
SFML does not provide collision detection, it only has method to check if two axis-aligned rectangles intersect. If you need something more complex, you will have to implement if yourself.
If you don't need precision detection, you can test Sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(...) with the rectangle of the map.
If you want ideal collision detection, you have more then one option:
Pixel perfect Collision. First check if bounding box intersect the map tile and them check all non-transparent pixels for collision. Not very fast but easy to implement and may be suitable for your case.
Mathematical methods, there are more that one, but take a look at Separating Axis Theorem. If your are only limited to rectangles (or/and circles and convex polygons), it will work best.
For anyone still having this issue:
You should look into the getTransform() and getInverseTransform() functions of sf::Transformable ( Getting the inverse transforms of the player and a specific wall allows you to use a simple AABB collision algorithm (like SFML already implemented it in getGlobalBounds().intersects(...)). You basicly look at the local coordinate system of the player and how the wall is positioned to it, all translations, rotations and scaling ignored.

Detect ball/circle in OpenCV (C++)

I am trying to detect a ball in an filtered image.
In this image I've already removed the stuff that can't be part of the object.
Of course I tried the HoughCircle function, but I did not get the expected output.
Either it didn't find the ball or there were too many circles detected.
The problem is that the ball isn't completly round.
I had the idea that it could work, if I identify single objects, calculate their center and check whether the radius is about the same in different directions.
But it would be nice if it detect the ball also if he isn't completely visible.
And with that method I can't detect semi-circles or something like that.
EDIT: These images are from a video stream (real time).
What other method could I try?
Looks like you've used difference imaging or something similar to obtain the images you have..? Instead of looking for circles, look for a more generic loop. Suggestions:
Separate all connected components.
For every connected component -
Walk around the contour and collect all contour pixels in a list
Suggestion 1: Use least squares to fit an ellipse to the contour points
Suggestion 2: Study the curvature of every contour pixel and check if it fits a circle or ellipse. This check may be done by computing a histogram of edge orientations for the contour pixels, or by checking the gradients of orienations from contour pixel to contour pixel. In the second case, for a circle or ellipse, the gradients should be almost uniform (ask me if this isn't very clear).
Apply constraints on perimeter, area, lengths of major and minor axes, etc. of the ellipse or loop. Collect these properties as features.
You can either use hard-coded heuristics/thresholds to classify a set of features as ball/non-ball, or use a machine learning algorithm. I would first keep it simple and simply use thresholds obtained after studying some images.
Hope this helps.

How to find where to cast a ray to avoid collision in Bullet?

Say we have an object at point A. It wants to find out if it can move to point B. It has limited velocity so it can only move step by step. It casts a ray at direction it is moving to. Ray collides with an object and we detect it. How to get a way to pass our ray safely (avoiding collision)?
btw, is there a way to make such thing work in case of object cast, will it be as/nearly fast as with simple ray cast?
Is there a way to find optimal in some vay path?
What you're asking about is actually a pathfinding question; more specifically, it's the "any-angle pathfinding problem."
If you can limit the edges of obstacles to a grid, then a popular solution is to just use A* on that grid, then apply path-smoothing. However, there is a (rather recent) algorithm that is both simpler to implement/understand and gives better results than path-smoothing. It's called Theta*.
There is a nice article explaining Theta* (from which I stole the above image) here
If you can't restrict your obstacles to a grid, you'll have to generate a navigation mesh for your map:
There are many ways of doing this, of varying complexity; see for example here, here, or here. A quick google search also turns up plenty of libraries available to do this for you, such as this one or this one.
One approach could be to use a rope, or several ropes, where a rope is made of a few points connected linearly. You can initialize the points in random places in space, but the first point is the initial position of A, and the last point is the final position of A.
Initially, the rope will be a very bad route. In order to optimize, move the points along an energy gradient. In your case the energy function is very simple, i.e. the total length of the rope.
This is not a new idea but is used in computer vision to detect boundaries of objects, although the energy functions are much more complicated. Yet, have look at "snakes" to give you an idea how to move each point given its two neighbors:
In your case, however, simply deriving a direction for each point from the force exerted by its neighbors will be just fine.
Your problem is a constrained problem where you consider collision. I would really go with #paddy's idea here to use a convex hull, or even just a sphere for each object. In the latter case, don't move a point into a place where its distance to B is less than the radius of A plus the radius of B plus a fudge factor considering that you don't have an infinite number of points.
A valid solution requires that the longest distance between any neighbors is smaller than a threshold, otherwise, the connecting line between two points will intersect with the obstacle.
How about a simple approach to begin with....
If this is just one object, you could compute the convex hull of all the vertices of the obstacle, plus the start and end points. You would then examine the two directions to get from A to B by traversing the hull clockwise and anti-clockwise. Choose the shortest path.
It's a little more complex because the shape you are moving is not just a point. You can't just blindly move its centre or it will collide. It gets more complicated still as it moves past a vertex, because you have to graze an edge of your object against the vertex of the obstacle.
But hopefully that gives you an idea to ponder over, that's not conceptually difficult to understand.
I have made this image to tell my idea for reaching the object to point B.
Objects in the image :-
The dark blue dot represents the object. The red lines are obstacles. The grey dot and line are the area which can be reached. The purple arrow is the direction of the point B. The grey line of the object is the field of visibility.
Understanding the image :-
The object will have a certain field of visibility. This is a 2d situation so i have assumed the field of visibility to be 180deg. (for human field of visibility refer ) The object will measure distance by using the idea of SONAR. With the help of SONAR the object can find out the area where it can reach. Using BACKTRACKING, the object can find out the way to the object. If there is no way to go, the object must change its field of visibility
One way to look at this is as a shadow casting problem. Make A the "light source" and then decide whether each point in the scene is in or out of shadow. Those not in shadow are accessible by rays from A. The other areas are not. If you find B is in shadow, then you need only locate the nearest point in the scene that is in light.
If you discretize this problem into "pixels," then the above approach has very well-known solutions in the huge computer graphics literature on shadow rendering. For example, you can use a Shadow Map to paint each pixel with a boolean flag that indicates whether it's in shadow or not. Finding the nearest lit pixel is just a simple search of growing concentric circles around B. Both of these operations can be made extremely fast by exploiting GPU hardware.
One other note: You can treat a general object path finding problem as a point path problem. The secret is to "grow" the obstacles by an appropriate amount using Minkowski Differences. See for example this work on robot path planning.

How to make a correct 2d mesh-to-circle collision detection

I'm trying to do a mesh-to-circle collision system for my game. I've seen some examples where you iterate over all the verts of the mesh and check if they are inside the circle. But the problem is that sometimes the vertices are not inside the circle, but the lines that this vertices form are. In this cases, the collision check evaluates to false when it should evaluate to true. How can I make a good collision detection of this type? (in c/c++)
If you want you could calculate the distance from the line to the center of the circle. But I think it will be too costly. If the distance is lower than the radio you could have a collision. You will need to check if this part of the line is between the points.
Distance line to point
Actually, a quick google lets you know that this is a duplicate of a question already on stack overflow: Circle line-segment collision detection algorithm?
Just iterate over all the edges. And don't worry about the vertices: if a vertex is inside the circle, some edge is bound to cross it (unless the entire grid is inside the circle, which I'm guessing isn't likely).

Techniques for generating a 2D game world

I want to make a 2D game in C++ using the Irrlicht engine. In this game, you will control a tiny ship in a cave of some sort. This cave will be created automatically (the game will have random levels) and will look like this:
Suppose I already have the the points of the polygon of the inside of the cave (the white part). How should I render this shape on the screen and use it for collision detection? From what I've read around different sites, I should use a triangulation algorithm to make meshes of the walls of the cave (the black part) using the polygon of the inside of the cave (the white part). Then, I can also use these meshes for collision detection. Is this really the best way to do it? Do you know if Irrlicht has some built-in functions that can help me achieve this?
Any advice will be apreciated.
Describing how to get an arbitrary polygonal shape to render using a given 3D engine is quite a lengthy process. Suffice to say that pretty much all 3D rendering is done in terms of triangles, and if you didn't use a tool to generate a model that is already composed of triangles, you'll need to generate triangles from whatever data you have there. Triangulating either the black space or the white space is probably the best way to do it, yes. Then you can build up a mesh or vertex list from that, and render those triangles that way. The triangles in the list then also double up for collision detection purposes.
I doubt Irrlicht has anything for triangulation as it's quite specific to your game design and not a general approach most people would take. (Typically they would have a tool which permits generation of the game geometry and the navigation geometry side by side.) It looks like it might be quite tricky given the shapes you have there.
One option is to use the map (image mask) directly to test for collision.
For example,
if map_points[sprite.x sprite.y] is black then
collision detected
assuming that your objects are images and they aren't real polygons.
In case you use real polygons you can have a "points sample" for every object shape,
and check the sample for collisions.
To check whether a point is inside or outside your polygon, you can simply count crossings. You know (0,0) is outside your polygon. Now draw a line from there to your test point (X,Y). If this line crosses an odd number of polygon edges (e.g. 1), it's inside the polygon . If the line crosses an even number of edges (e.g. 0 or 2), the point (X,Y) is outside the polygon. It's useful to run this algorithm on paper once to convince yourself.